Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Did you know The Tabernacle built by Moses and The Temple in Solomon’s day are a prophecy of the END OF TIME?

Paul said The Law or Torah is a shadow of things to come (Hebrews 10:1). The Temple, including everything in it, foretells the future. One third of The Law is about The Temple. The Law is your schoolmaster or teacher (Galatians 3:24). You will get excited learning about the wonderful purpose of this schoolmaster, along with God’s Temple and its prophetical meanings.

When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit of The Tree of Good and Evil, God removed them from The Garden. They were expelled from God’s Rest or Paradise. When they lost access to The Tree of Life – Salvation was lost.

Adam and Eve’s sin or offense did not transgress God’s Law since at that time The Law was not legally in force. They, however, broke The Ten Commandments in Spirit by dishonoring God, The Father. They, in Spirit, transgressed The Fifth Commandment. Since The Law was not in force legally until Mt. Sinai, no sin was imputed (Romans 5:13). That is why Paul called Adam and Eve’s sin an offense. They offended (injured) God, Their Father. They lacked Faith.


Adam and Eve’s offense brought death to them and their posterity. Cain and Able and all humanity lost access to God, and all the riches God would have bestowed upon everyone had Adam and Eve chosen The Tree of Life instead. God’s Rest, or Paradise, was truly lost.

Many do not realize Adam and Eve had complete liberty and freedom in The Garden of Eden. They could do whatever they chose to do. God’s Rest in Paradise had no laws, restrictions or even any conditions. They truly had total liberty to do whatsoever they wanted.

Even when God told Adam and Eve not to eat The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, there was no legal law against it. Adam and Eve had complete freedom of choice to do anything they wanted. Adam and Eve were totally free to do anything just as God The Father could. God told them not to eat The Tree of Good and Evil because they and their children would die or lose Salvation. God never instituted a legal law for them not to eat The Tree of Knowledge. God totally left the choice up to Adam and Eve. They had absolute liberty without adhering to laws or any legal requirements.

God was giving humanity (through Adam and Eve) the right of free choice to live any way they chose. He merely warned them what would happen if they made the wrong choice. They made the wrong decision and all humanity had to suffer because of that wrong choice.

No one could say God did not give humanity a free choice. Under Christ, you still have free choice or liberty just as Adam and Eve had. Once Jesus ended the curse of The Law, you, as a Christian, have no condemnation. Christians are dead to The Law (Romans 7:1-7). You have total liberty through Christ (Galatians 5:1).


Jesus said He came to Restore what was lost (Matthew 18:11). When Adam and Eve were removed from The Garden, besides losing Salvation, they lost God’s Rest or Paradise. They, also, lost the liberty to be totally free (Romans 8:21). Christ came to Restore all that was lost, which includes liberty and total freedom.


Once Adam and Eve lost Paradise, they were told A Seed would come from their progeny who would defeat Satan, and Restore The Garden and God’s Rest. Until then, the earth and everyone on it are under Satan’s rulership. Until Christ defeats all of God’s enemies, which includes death, Satan is in control of the world. Everyone lives in Satan’s world or system on this earth, which he rules and does his best to deceive. What was God’s Plan to Restore Paradise lost?


God instituted five Covenants so humanity could receive Salvation: (1) Adam and Eve were given a life or death choice. They could have eaten from The Tree of Life, but they chose death by eating The Tree of Good and Evil. (2) Melchisedec, as The High Priest of God, made a covenant with Abraham through The Promised Seed that God’s Rest would be Restored. (3) This agreement was made because of a sin. Israel, as a nation, sinned by building a golden calf to worship. This is The Genesis of The Old Covenant or administration of death (II Corinthians 3:1-7). This Covenant was an agreement based upon The Law (a legal contract), which in turn is based upon statutes and judgments with blessings of human existence and curses, or penalties in God’s Court of Law – The Temple (Deuteronomy 28-30). This Covenant was designed to bring Israel to Repentance or to The Messiah, The Christ, or back to Melchisedec (Galatians 3 & 4). This Covenant was known as The Schoolmaster to bring them to Christ (Galatians 3 & 4). (This is the focus of this Chapter.) (4) The New Covenant came and Restored The Melchisedec Priesthood, based upon Faith and not human works to fulfill The Abrahamic Covenant of Salvation or The Restoration of Paradise (Hebrews). (5) This Covenant will occur in God’s Kingdom when God makes all things new and continues paradise for all of Adam and Eve’s children, which has yet to occur (Revelation 21 & 22).


The Third Covenant (The Old Covenant) made and ratified with Israel was an intermediate agreement with God because Israel had sinned. This system based upon The Letter of The Law or Torah bound The Nation of Israel under Moses as a way to come to Christ, The Messiah (Galatians 3 and 4). God made This Law a legal requirement in a court of law. It was made for a carnal society to know right from wrong. It was only a shadow of True Righteousness.

Since Israel sinned and was carnal, God devised a Covenant but only for carnal people with a bondage of works as shadows. In fact, the entire Letter of The Law was only a shadow – not the real thing! The Law and everything in it was a Schoolmaster as a method to teach them about Christ. It was only through Christ, The Promised Seed, who would restore liberty to humanity.

Israel totally misunderstood what God wanted this Covenant, based upon the total keeping of The Letter of The Law, to do. They believed in doing literally everything in The Law. They thought The Law would be their Righteousness (Deuteronomy 6:25). Instead, God wanted The Law to reveal to them they couldn’t be Righteous (Romans 5:20). The Law was righteous, but Israel couldn’t keep it because of the weakness of their flesh. The Law was to be a Schoolmaster (Galatians 3) to bring them to Christ and Repentance. It was truly to be a Schoolmaster. The Law was a teacher to show them how sinful they really were. Israel was always carnal and unrepentant, and had to be reminded over and over again.


The Law with the sacrifices was a shadow of things to come (Hebrews 10:1). The Sabbath, Holy Days, meal offerings, new moons were shadows of how Jesus would restore Israel and bring the whole world to God’s Rest or Paradise (Colossians 2:16-17). In John 5:46, Jesus told The Pharisees if they had understood what Moses wrote, they would have known Moses was writing about Christ, The Messiah. Moses wrote The Law, which was a shadow of all that Jesus would do to Restore Salvation in The Garden (Revelation 21 and 22).


What was the shadow of The Law? What did The Law do to reveal The Messiah? Most of The Law is history. Chapters Genesis to Deuteronomy give the history from the creation of the universe to the time Israel became a nation and was about to enter God’s Promised Land with Joshua as their leader. Even this history had shadows or revealed Christ.

Scripturally, Adam was a type of Jesus (Romans 5). Abraham was a type of God, The Father, with his willingness to sacrifice His Son, Isaac. The sacrifices, with The Lamb as Christ, and all the other offerings as the peace offering, literally pictures God’s Rest, or The Garden of Eden – Restored (Revelation 21 and 22). Yes, The Temple, itself, was a shadow of Christ bringing humanity to The Real Mercy Seat in The Holy of Holies (Hebrews 9:9). The entire Law was a true shadow of things to come hopefully to bring Israel to Repentance and a change of heart. But, they failed and they never did repent. A veil was over their eyes blinding them to understand God’s real Purpose of The Law. The Law was only a Schoolmaster to try to teach them by doing homework so they could pass their test, which was to Repent (I Timothy 1:7-10). The Temple, which covers one third of The Law, was the largest part of the shadow of The Law. Without The Temple you cannot keep The Law (James 2:10).


In The Torah or The Law, much of it covers The Temple and its furnishings. Since the entire Law was a Schoolmaster, The Temple was to be a Schoolmaster as well. It was to be the exact figure of The True Temple in Heaven (Hebrews 9:9). The Law told Israel how to be Righteous and a witness of God to the world. If Israel obeyed, they would be accepted by God even though they were still carnal. This Law was given to Israel because they were unrighteous (I Timothy 1:7-10). Truly, keeping The Letter of The Law could never change their human nature. They were still carnal. The Law was only a schoolmaster to teach them how carnal they were (Romans 5:20), so they could change and come to Christ. The Torah or The Law pictured Jesus, The Christ, and so did The Temple. The Law was only a shadow. Christ was The Rock (God’s Glory) or The Shekinah (I Corinthians 10:4).

When Israel sinned, they came to The Temple and made sacrifices for their sins. The Temple, being a place to worship God, was also God’s Courthouse to try the sinner, whether guilty or not. It was to continually remind them they were sinners (Romans 5:20), and to try to bring them to Christ.


Now, for a surprise: One Temple was a physical temple and the other a

Spiritual Temple. Only Spirit is real. Remember, The Temple in Israel was only a shadow (figure), not real, but merely a type of The Temple in Heaven (Hebrews 9:9). Just as The Law was only a shadow and could not make anyone righteous neither was the physical Temple able to make one worthy to enter The Holy of Holies – only Christ could. All of The Law, including The Temple, could only bring one to Jesus or truly Restore God’s Rest in Paradise. This Temple and The Law were really only shadows or a type as a duality. Read Hebrews 9. You can prove this point. You will see the Real Temple, in Heaven, defines the real meaning of the earthly Temple, which was only a shadow of the real. Revelation uncovers the true meaning of the earthly Temple.


Hebrews 3:1-6 speaks about two houses, or temples. In John 14:1-2, Christ told His Disciples not to trouble your heart for “in my Father’s House are many mansions” [or fabulous palaces of abode]. Then Jesus continued, “I go to PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU!” How wonderful. Christians are to live in palaces and mansions. Of these two houses – one is God’s real house and the other is merely a shadow.

Moses was faithful in all his house (Verse 2). Why? Moses was faithful in his house (Israel’s Temple), for a testimony or witness of those things, which were to be spoken (Hebrews 3:35). The Law and the physical Temple only looked like what will be real in the future through Christ. Notice, Jesus warned about this temple, which was only a shadow.

During The Passover (John 2:13), Jesus went to The Temple, and found the people selling animals for sacrifices in The Temple. They created a business of God’s physical house on earth. He was furious and drove the moneychangers and animals out. Christ said not to make a business out of My Father’s House. Then, He made an astonishing statement. Christ said: “Destroy this temple, and in three days, I will raise it up” (John 2:19-21). He was referring to His Body or a Spiritual Temple. The physical temple and The Letter of The Law were only shadows and not able to make the worshippers Spiritual. The physical temple continually reminded them they were still carnal. Jesus spoke of both a physical temple and a Spiritual Temple. This was the physical temple of Moses.


Hebrews 3:6 speaks of Christ over His Own House. Whose house are we! Christians are to hold fast with confidence to the end. God’s Spiritual House or Temple in Heaven, are Christians growing Spiritually with God’s Law written in your hearts and minds or a real change of your nature to be Holy, as God. This is God’s Spiritual Temple. That is why no physical Law is necessary when you become Spirit. God’s Holy Law is now in your heart. How was the physical Temple a Schoolmaster under Moses?


To learn how this Temple is to be built, read Exodus 25:26, 27 and 28. Paul said The Temple being built on earth must be an exact duplicate or a precise figure of the one in Heaven (Hebrews 9:9). Always keep in mind, this temple on earth was only a Schoolmaster or a teacher to bring them to Christ. The one in Heaven is real where Jesus shares His Father’s Throne and intercedes for Christian’s sins as Melchisedec, The High Priest. Jesus said the temple in heaven is a Spiritual One (John 2:19-21). What does the physical temple as a Schoolmaster foreshadow?

The Chapters in The Bible were created by men and are not in the original scrolls. Many times a subject is mistakenly cut off when a new chapter was begun before the subject was completed. With that in mind, Hebrews 10:1 is a summary, which really belongs with the subject in Hebrews 9.

Hebrews 10:1 states The Law given to Moses with the Sacrifices were a shadow of things to come. The Torah, or The First Five Books of The Bible were written to be a shadow or type of what would happen in the future. As Paul said, “The Law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ” (Galatians 3:24). This Law was to be a Schoolmaster or teacher to make you aware you needed Jesus (Romans 5:20). The Law could never make you perfect or Righteous. And yet, Christians’ goal is to become perfect (Matthew 5:48).

Hebrews 9 – a major part of The Law, reveals The Temple was a figure or type of Christ as well. You will see that without The Temple as part of The Law, you never really understand the shadow or prophecy, which The Law was to reveal. That is why one cannot keep or observe The Sabbath and Holy Days without The Temple. The shadow or prophecy of things to come would not be complete. One could not come to Christ without The Temple. Keeping just one part of The Law profits nothing. That is why keeping a part of The Law is a sin. It is like a Schoolmaster teaching only part of the subject.

The Law, without The Temple, gives you the history of the world, along with what Righteousness is and what sin is. The Law also reveals God’s Plan of Salvation and the need for Jesus, The Christ. But, without understanding the prophecy or the figure, which The Temple portrays with specific details about God’s Plan, which cannot be understood without it. The Temple brings you to God or The Holy of Holies. In fact, this earthly Temple explains the entire meaning of The Book of Revelation. The Temple on earth, first and foremost, pictured God’s Real Temple in heaven. Moses was admonished to copy The Temple of God, and build it exactly as it was in heaven (Hebrews 9:9). It was to be a figure or type of the heavenly.

Since The Temple was also a shadow of The Law, just what did it foreshadow? How was The Temple a Schoolmaster to bring you to Christ? Revelation opens up. It reveals how to come to Jesus and God, The Father.


What was the weakness based upon The Law or The Old Covenant? What was wrong with The Old Covenant based upon all the works or Devine Ordinances of The Law? Simply, Hebrews 10:1, The Law with those sacrifices could never make them perfect. Christianity, however, demands perfection (Matthew 5:48). This Old Covenant based upon The Law could not make them true worshippers. It changed no one. It was only a shadow or prophecy about Christ. What did this Temple on earth foreshadow?

In The New Covenant, God would write His Laws in your hearts and minds (Hebrews 8:10). How is God going to do that? Does prophecy tell you? What this prophecy foreshadows will, indeed, reveal how God will make you perfect? The earthly Temple discloses the process. It is a figure of The True or Real Temple in Heaven, which descends as a Bride when God’s Kingdom comes to The New Earth (Revelation 21:10 and Revelation 19:7). The Book of Revelation prophesies what the real Temple in Heaven discloses about The Earthly Temple, which was only a shadow. The Book of Revelation is Christ’s Will or testimony to enter The Holy of Holies (Revelation 19).


Read the description of The Temple Moses was to build. Hebrews 9 depicts The Temple and what is in The Temple. You are about to discover that The Temple foreshadows The Lake of Fire, The Two Witnesses, The True Church, the place of safety during The Great Tribulation, and ultimately, who will be The Bride of Christ. All this and more is foreshadowed in The Temple with its divine services or ordinances. The Book of Revelation reveals it all! It is the testimony or Will of Christ, Your Savior (Hebrews 9:15-22).


To understand The Temple, which Moses was ordered to build on earth, you need to picture it in your mind first. After that, you need to go through each part of The Temple to understand its prophetic shadows.

The Temple itself was relatively small in comparison to the entire temple area. The Temple, built by Solomon, was on one of the mountains in the southeastern corner of Jerusalem. Across from its Eastern Gate was a bridge going over to Mt. Olivet or The Mount of Olives where Christ died.

The Temple itself was located in the rear part of The Temple area facing The Eastern Gate. Jesus will return upon The Mount of Olives facing this gate. The Temple has two compartments, one in its back half (part), called The Holy of Holies where The Mercy Seat was, and the front half (part), which was divided by a veil and had The Seven Golden Candlesticks on the table with the shewbread.

Another veil in the front of this chamber, called The Holy Place, with its entrance that led to some steps going down to what is known as The Court area. Going down these steps there were two pillars on each side. The pillar on the right was called Jachin and the one on the left was called Boaz. These pillars did not support any part of The Temple, but each merely stood on the left and the right.

In front of the steps is an altar. This was the sacrificial altar for the animal sacrifices. Between the altar and The Temple was the basin to purify oneself. This symbolizes baptism.

The court area was divided by its front court, which was for The Nation of Israel or The Twelve Tribes. The second court was for all circumcised Gentiles or strangers. In both courts, the men were on one side and the women on the other.

Surrounding this court area and The Temple was a high wall with four gates. It had an East Gate, West Gate, North Gate and South Gate. This was the entire Temple area.


Paul describes The Temple, The Holy of Holies and The Holy Place with its major pieces (Hebrews 9). You will discover each section in its appropriate place – with the court area as a shadow, or a teacher or schoolmaster to reveal future prophecy concerning Christ and His Church. Jesus, Himself, gives you the answer to their meanings. In fact, the entire end time is uncovered or revealed in The Book of Revelation. Jesus is The Revelator!

The first Covenant, which included The Temple on earth, had ordinances of divine service (Hebrews 9:1). In the Greek, the word “ordinances,” conveys the meaning of “works, which had legal rights.” Everything done in The Temple by The Priests with each temple piece carrying a legal meaning by God as a divine or Godly service even though it was only a worldly (type of) sanctuary. Paul, first, describes The Holy Place where the candlestick was kept.

Paul states this Holy Place had a candlestick, a table and the shewbread called the sanctuary or Holy Place (Hebrews 9:22).

A veil divided The Holy Place from The Holy of Holies (Verse 3). The Holy of Holies contained The Golden Censer, The Ark of The Covenant, The Golden Pot with manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and The Tables of The Covenant, or The Ten Commandments in stone (Verse 4).

Only The High Priest could go into The Holy of Holies, once a year, because The Holy Spirit was signifying the way into The Holiest of all was not possible (Hebrews 9:7-11). This First Tabernacle was merely a shadow of the real Temple in Heaven. No one legally had access to God, The Father, because they were still carnal. They, therefore, could not be forgiven for their sins and receive mercy.

Paul said all these divine services in this Temple were only a figure or a type of the real Temple in Heaven. All the sacrifices, gifts, etc. could not make those worshipping in The Temple perfect. These services couldn’t change one’s conscience or heart to have God’s Laws written in their hearts and minds. One could be keeping the entire Letter of The Law, which was only a shadow, but attempting to keep them could not make them Holy or Perfect as God (Matthew 5:48). This Temple and the entire Letter of The Law had a different purpose. It was designed to convert carnal people into repentant Christians (I Timothy 1:7-10).

Paul states only Jesus, The Christ, was A High Priest in a greater and more perfect Temple than the earthly (Hebrews 9:11). You are ready now to prove how this earthly Temple was a Schoolmaster to bring you to Christ!


John, The Apostle, was on The Isle of Patmos and in a vision a loud voice told him to write a letter (The Book of Revelation) to The Seven Churches in Asia. The Seven Churches were: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. This Book of Revelation was written exclusively to these Seven Churches. Why? Because this Revelation was coming directly from Jesus, The Christ (Revelation 1:1).

Revelation 1:19 relates The Purpose of The Book of Revelation and why it was written. The Book of Revelation was written to tell The Seven Churches such things which shall be in the future. This is prophecy and Jesus, Himself, is The Revelator. These Seven Churches, as Christ’s Witness, have the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 19:10). What is His Testimony? Christ’s Testimony is The Spirit of Prophecy. This prophecy is Christ’s Will. The Book of Revelation is written specifically to The Seven Churches because they are to be The Witnesses of this prophecy until God’s Kingdom comes to this earth. These Seven Churches continue to exist as Christ’s Church – The Seven Candlesticks – until the entire prophecy of Revelation is completed. Christ, Himself, reveals what is going to happen to His Seven Churches until The Return of Christ.

What could this prophecy reveal? Jesus will come with the clouds and every eye shall see him (Revelation 1:7). This Book covers the events of the actual Return of The True Messiah and the establishment of God’s Kingdom. All events pertaining to Christ’s Return and God’s Kingdom are foretold by this prophecy. Let Christ reveal The Truth to all His Witnesses – The Seven Churches of Revelation 2 and 3.


Every Christian denomination or group claims to be The True Church of God. Catholics claim one must become a Catholic or go to hell. The Orthodox and Protestant Churches make the same claim – only they regard themselves as The True Churches. All others – Evangelicals, Independents and even sects say the same. All churches believe they are The True Church and one must believe their doctrine or their faith to be a member in their church. The Jews claim Christ has not come yet and only they are God’s chosen people. All this is complete confusion! Who is right? Where is The True Church of God? Who are the elect or Called-Out Ones?


Study the shadows to see if you can distinguish The True Church. Paul starts describing what was in The Temple. The Holy Place or sanctuary contains the candlestick, the table and the shewbread (Hebrews 9:2). What do these items foreshadow? The word “Sanctuary” in Greek is “hagios:” “a sacred thing” or “a Holy thing.” The candlestick, table and shewbread are all sacred or Holy and undefiled. What is this candlestick in prophecy?

Jesus states in His right hand, He held Seven Golden Candlesticks (Revelation 1:20). These Seven Golden Candlesticks are the candlesticks in The Holy Place in The Temple. The Jews call these Seven Candlesticks – The Menorah. What are they? To The Jews, this candlestick is highly prized and included in most of their religious services. These candlesticks provide light – a witness.

Christ reveals these Seven Candlesticks are The Seven Churches (Verse 20). They are to be witnesses of Christ (Acts 1). Revelation 1:12-13 states John saw Jesus, Himself, in the middle of these Seven Candlesticks. Christ states The Menorah in The Holy Place represents The Seven Churches in Asia. These Seven Churches are The True Churches of God; God’s Church does not exist as one candlestick or one church but seven candlesticks or seven churches. These Seven Churches in Asia represent The True Churches of God. They are The Menorah or candlestick in The Holy Place. Jesus only regards these seven as His, since He is in their midst. Jesus is not in the middle of any other Seven Candlesticks – only these seven. That is why Revelation is written to them about Christ’s Return since these seven are being told their future in prophecy. Jesus is revealing how His Churches are to be true witnesses to be able to Inherit from His Will.


Some Christian groups believe these Seven Churches are The Seven Eras of God’s Church from Christ’s death until His Return. What an error! There is no Biblical proof to think they are eras. One can never understand The Book of Revelation and its prophecy under such delusion. Read Revelation 2 and 3 where each of these Seven Churches exists from the time John wrote about them until The Return of Christ. Each and every one of these Seven Churches exist until The Return of Jesus in the clouds. They are not church eras but include the whole Church of God throughout history until The Return of Christ. These Seven Churches represent The True Church of God! The physical Temple Holy Place validates where you find the candlestick with The Seven Lamps –The Menorah! Christ is in their midst.


All Christian Churches, as well as those in The Jewish Faith, claim they are God’s True Chosen Ones or The Church of God. Acts 7:38 calls Israel, those of Jewish Faith, The Church in The Wilderness. How can this be? Who is The True Church?

All those of the Jewish and Christian faiths separate one from the other based upon Doctrine or Creed. It merely means a specific church’s teachings differentiating one group from another group. Is this true? Is The True Church of God different because of doctrine? What does Christ, The Head of The Church, have to say about this?


So far, you have proven Biblically that God’s True Church consists of The Seven Churches stated in Revelation 2 and 3. Did they all hold to the same teaching, doctrine or creed? Amazingly, not at all! Each of The Seven True Churches of God were either slightly or grossly different in belief, one from another. Doctrine was not what constituted them as a True Church of God. Something else does.


In The Greek, the English word, “church,” is “ecclesia.” It means the “called-out ones.” Called-out for what?

In its Greek root, “ecclesia” carries the meaning of a “general public assembly.” What is the purpose of the assembly since it merely refers to the general public? The Greek for “church” is not an exclusive club. It is all-inclusive. Its purpose is not to be private but a public assembly. But, for what purpose? The Apostle Paul said this general public assembly can have the learned as well as unlearned congregating in it (I Corinthians 14:12). They just are naturally all at different levels of Faith or belief (Romans 14).

The Church is not a matter of doctrine or different faiths, but an invitation to a calling for a purpose.

In Matthew 24:1-5 Jesus answered the question regarding the destruction of Herod’s Temple and His Return. Christ prophesies the future:

Christ said, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Verse 4). Why? Many shall come in Christ’s name or The Church of God. What will they say? They will say Jesus is The Christ. Those are exactly the words Peter said to Jesus in Matthew 16. Christ said only God could reveal it to a person. One can be called and know Jesus is The Christ, The Anointed Messiah and still deceive others. It is not a matter of doctrine, but a calling because Jesus is The Christ. You are invited to The Church when you know Jesus, is The Christ – The Anointed High Priest, Melchisedec, who died for your sins. You are invited to The Wedding Feast. To know Jesus, The Christ, is all that is required to be in The Church of God! One merely needs to Repent and be Baptized for one’s sins. It is not a matter of doctrine or creed. It is your entrance ticket – from that point you must grow Spiritually.

There is a warning that many in The Church will be deceived by the preaching they hear (Verse 5). Prove from Christ’s own words in Revelation 2 and 3 that each of The Churches of God had a diverse set of doctrines or beliefs. Remember, Christ walked in the midst of all these Seven Churches as True Churches of God.


Ephesus was the first of The Seven Churches, but this church has something wrong with it (Revelation 2:1-7). Jesus states He has a two-edged sword and only speaks The Word of God (Revelation 1:16) (Matthew 4:4). What was wrong with this Christian Church? They lost their first love (Verse 4). What was this love?

The Apostle Paul calls a meeting of all The Elders of The Ephesian Church, and states they are to be the overseers (episcopae) of the flock (Acts 20:17). The Elder’s responsibility is to feed them The Truth of God and Christ (Acts 20:28).

Paul said after He leaves, other men will arise speaking perverse false things about God and His Son (Acts 20:29). Not only will false teachers come into The Church, but within the group of Bishops, there will be false preachers. As prophesized, The Ephesian Church lost their first love. They needed The Book of Revelation.

John said the early Ephesian Church tried those Apostles to see if they were Jews or the original Jewish Apostles, but they were not (Revelation 20:2). Paul said the same in II Corinthians 11:13. These were false apostles who were making a business out of The Church (II Corinthian 11:4-11). They were preaching a false Jesus, not The True Christ. That is the first love they lost. These apostles were of Satan, but The Church was a True Christian Church even though they followed a false Christ!

Now, Christ’s startling statement concerning His True Church, which followed a false Christ. Revelation 2:5 clearly prophesies this Ephesian Church is not an era, but exists all the way to The Return of Jesus. Your Savior makes an amazing announcement by His Angel who stated when The Christ Returns, this Ephesian Church is still in existence, and He, Jesus, will then remove them as a candlestick.

Not only is this Church not following every Word of God (Matthew 4:4), but rejects the two-edged sword coming out of Jesus’ mouth. The Ephesian Church, which is Christian or The True Church doesn’t even believe in The Real Jesus at His Return! Their doctrinal belief completely rejects The True Christ, and Jesus tells you they are His True Church of God! Wow!

How about the next church, Smyrna? This church goes through tribulation, but only for ten days (Revelation 2:10). Why? Revelation 2:9, explains they too accept false Jews, false apostles, and are of Satan’s church. That’s why. But notice, Revelation 2:11, Jesus promises this church will not go into The Lake of Fire. Smyrna, as The Ephesian Church, exists all the way to God’s Kingdom. Amazing. No era, but an ongoing True Church of God till God’s Kingdom comes.

The third Church, Pergamos, is warned by The Angel, that Jesus is telling them to stick to what Christ preaches as the sharp two-edged sword coming out of His mouth (Matthew 4:4). What false doctrine is being taught in This Christian Church of God? First, they make a business out of The Church of God. They follow the doctrine of Balaam (Revelation 2:14). Read Numbers 22 through 31. You will see God’s Prophets make a business or profit from God’s Truth. What do they teach? They teach fornication or idolatry for money. They, also, teach pagan myths about The Nicolaitenes, which Christ hates; including easter rabbits having eggs, Christmas, The Son’s birth during the solstice of winter. Paganism was in this true Church of God. They are teaching wrong doctrines and yet they are still Christians as a candlestick.

Pergamos will still be existing at The Return of Christ (Revelation 2:16). This is no church era.

The fourth Church, Thyatira is warned that Jesus is a flaming fire (Revelation 2:18). Why? They teach the doctrine of Jezebel who claims to be a prophetess (Revelation 2:20). Jezebel teaches and supports Baal, the god of fertility or sex (Read II Kings 9-21). Jezebel followed the pagan prophets. Wow! This church, Christ’s candlestick, preaches pagan, idolatrous religion. This Christian Church of God will go into The Great Tribulation to Repent (Revelation 2:22). This church still exists at The Return of Christ as one of The True Churches of God (Revelation 2:25).

The fifth church is The Sardis Church and is called a dead church, but nevertheless, it is Christ’s candlestick and a Christian Church (Revelation 3:3). This Church makes one feel good because they think they have the only Truth about God. They are The Only True Church of God. Jesus states when He Returns, this Sardis Church exists, and He will come upon this Church as a thief in the night (Five unwise virgins) (Matthew 24:43). Again, Sardis is not a church era, but is a Church that exists at Christ’s Return.

The Philadelphia Church, of all the seven, keeps The Truth of Christ as Jesus reveals it to them, and because they are faithful, they do not have to go through The Tribulation (Revelation 3:10). This Church continues to grow and continues to seek New Truth. Also, since they don’t follow Satan’s teaching (Revelation 3:9), they will go to a place of safety during The Tribulation (Revelation 12). This Church also exists at The Return of Christ (Revelation 3:11).

The Seventh Church is Laodicea outlined in Revelation 3:14-21. This Church is neither cold nor hot, only lukewarm. Why? If they were atheists (not believing in God), they would not be held responsible because they would be only ignorant. If they were true witnesses of Christ (not merely attending church, giving money and keeping days), but would instead expound Christ’s nature by doing good works as Jesus told them, then they would be hot!

What does Jesus say of this True Christian Church of God? Christ said He counsels them to buy gold or go into The Lake of Fire – hell, to truly repent (Revelation 3:18). There you have it. The Laodicean candlestick – God’s Church, will exist when Jesus Returns for His Bride (Revelation 3:20).

What a group of Churches! The only common faith or belief or doctrine is they all believe Jesus is The Savior who paid for everyone’s sins. This is truly a general public assembly or Called-Out Ones. Read their real history in the parable of the SOWER and the SEED (Matthews 13:24-30). This is Christ’s true parable of The True Churches of God with their history. Then, Revelation 2 and 3 gives you God’s True Christian Churches from the fall of The Temple in 70 A.D. until God’s Kingdom comes.

Doctrine is not what makes True Christians – Christian. All The Churches of God do not have the same faith. That is why Paul said, “What is not of faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). The Parable of The Ten Talents reveals all are at different levels of Spiritual growth or doctrinal understanding (Matthew 25). Nevertheless, all are Christians, regardless of the seven types of Churches you may attend or are affiliated with. But, Jesus issues a warning to all those who are not true Witnesses of Christ in The Parable of The Ten Virgins. Only half are wise and continue to grow in God’s Holy Spirit or continued Truth until The Return of Christ (Matthew 25:1-13). Be sure you will be invited to The Wedding Feast. Continue to grow and be considered the Called-Out Ones who are faithful (Matthews 25:13)! You may be invited to The Wedding as The True Church of God but “MANY are CALLED [ecclesia], but few are chosen” (Matthews 22:14). That is why Revelation 18:4 is a warning to God’s Seven Churches, “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!”


At the very birth of Christ, Satan started to infiltrate The Church of God. Through Herod, at Jesus’ birth, Satan attempted to kill Christ (Revelation 12). From that point on, Satan infiltrated The Churches of God. He even tried to sift The Apostle Peter as wheat.

By the time The Thessalonian Church was established, Satan began his deception of the falling away. Once The Temple ended in 70 A.D., The Church was scattered. Some went to Pella. In time, by the end of the first century, Christ accepted The Seven Churches in Asia as His Candlesticks. All of them, in some way, were deceived by Satan except The Philidalphians. They only had a little strength or truth. But all are The True Churches of God until the very Return of Christ. The Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Evangelicals, Independents and those of The Jewish Faith are God’s Called-Out Ones (Revelation 12).

In the parable of the sower and the seed, Jesus said, “Let the TARES and the WHEAT grow together until the end.” By 325 A.D., at The Council of Nicea, The Roman Empire, under Constantine, took over The Christian Church with 250 bishops present. In Daniel, The Roman Empire is “The Fourth Beast,” which Christ at His Return destroys. God and Christ allowed His Church to be taken over by Satan. The tares and wheat are now together. They are all in Babylon. The rest of Revelation explains how God separates the two, so Christ’s Bride and Guests can be invited to The Wedding Feast. “Many are CALLED but few CHOSEN” (Matthew 22:14).

All of The Seven Churches are Christian and are the shadow or The Schoolmaster in The Temple as The Menorah in The Holy Place.


Hebrews 9:2 reveals the table where The Shewbread was placed, as well as, The Seven Candlesticks. In Luke 22:15-16, Jesus desired to eat that Passover with His Disciples. Then He said He would eat this Passover meal with them in The Kingdom.

The Shewbread with The Church is The Wedding Feast, which completes The Marriage Ceremony between Christ and His Bride. Remember, only a few are chosen as His Bride, with only a few Guests. The rest of The Temple and Courtyard for both The Israelites and The Gentiles is a shadow of events revealed in The Book of Revelation.


From this point on, Revelation 5 to Revelation 22 deals with prophecy where Jesus reveals what God, The Father and The Christ must do to correct The Seven Churches so they can come out of Babylon (Revelation 18:4).

In Revelation 5:9 the heavenly host sings a new song, which declares, The Lamb – Christ, is worthy to open the seals of The Book of Revelation. What does The Book reveal? It is His Testimony or Will. It prophesies the future of The Seven Churches – Jesus’ death so He could Redeem you to God by His Blood. Why did Christ Redeem you? Jesus has Redeemed Christians to be Kings and Priests, and you will reign on the earth. This is The Millennium (Revelation 5:10).

There it is: The Seven Christian Churches who have been infiltrated by Satan’s false teachings are to become Priests and Kings in God’s Kingdom. However, this only happens if all Christians and Israelites come out of the false teachings of Babylon. Chapter 6, ‘Babylon and The Two Grails’ explains in depth specific details.

After Jesus cleanses His Churches, just before His Millennial Reign, Satan is cast into prison for one thousand years, and many voices proclaim, “They [saved of the seven churches] lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years” (Revelation 20:4). The second death will not have any power over them.

These Kings or Priests are those of The Seven Churches who reign with Christ for one thousand years. These are The Chosen or The Saints who become The Bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7-8).

Now, you are ready to trace The Schoolmaster in the earthly Temple to discover how Jesus cleanses His Bride and Wedding Guests to come to The Wedding. Remember, many from The Seven Churches are called but only a few chosen (Matthew 22:14). The rest of Revelation depicts how those who are chosen to attend must have a proper wedding garment to be a part of The Groom’s Wedding. The early Temple will give you the answer.


Revelation 12 summarizes Church history until Christ comes and establishes God’s Kingdom. Read it all carefully.

Revelation 12:6 shows the woman – God’s Church – during the time of world trouble known as The Great Tribulation, taking The Church into a place of safety where God supplies all her needs. This Great Tribulation lasts for three and a half years or 1,260 days.

Satan and his demon angels had a war in heaven with God and His Angels. Satan and his demon angels were defeated and cast to the earth. Because Satan knows his time is short, he determines to make war with the remnant of God’s Church who keep God’s Commandments and the testimony or prophecy from The True Christ (Revelation 12:17). The Church is in The Wilderness.


The first twelve chapters in Revelation present many questions about the history of The True Church (Seven Candlesticks). Prophetically to understand The Book of Revelation, you need to know the answers to these questions:

(1) What is the wilderness?

(2) What is the place of safety?

(3) What part of The Church goes into safety?

(4) What part of The Church is persecuted and martyred by Satan?

Once you find the Biblical answer to these questions, you will know who will be able to attend The Wedding Feast, and who will not be allowed to attend – “many are called but few chosen.”

Those in The Book of Life are those attending The Marriage Feast of The Lamb. The Book of Life is a Marriage Registry.

The Temple, as part of The Law, is a shadow, and The Temple with The Holy Days are also a shadow, which will lead everyone eventually to Christ in the last days. The Last Days begin with The Birth of Jesus and will be explained in Chapter 4, ‘Who Is The Beast?’


From The Holy Place in The Temple (Seven Candlesticks), going East as one goes through the veil, are two pillars. Each of these two pillars has a name. The pillar on the right is called Jachin, and on the left is called Boaz (I Kings 7:21-22). Who or what are these two pillars? These two pillars do not support The Temple at all. They are two columns standing in front of The Holy Place and The Holy of Holies. What do they represent as shadows?

Revelation 3:12 prophecies if The Philadelphia Church overcomes to the end they will be a pillar in The Temple in New Jerusalem. Remember, the two pillars in Solomon’s Temple are Christians who overcome till the end. Just who does The Book of Revelation say they are?


So much has been written and preached about the Two Witnesses being two humans. Some say one is a young man and the other an elder. When you allow The Bible to interpret, amazingly, you will find out they are not two people at all. Some, among Christians, are bold enough to believe they, themselves, will be one of The Two Witnesses.

Revelation 11 describes these Two Witnesses, so let The Bible unravel the mystery for you.

John was told to measure God’s Temple (Revelation 11:1-2). Then, John was told not to measure The Court of The Gentiles because for three and a half years The Gentiles will control God’s Temple. This is the time period when the anti-Christ will be in The Temple claiming to be God. This is the time of The Great Tribulation.

The importance of This Temple is that The Court of Israel is to be measured because Christ knows the exact number of Israelites who will occupy The Court of Israel. Remember, in John 14:1, Jesus said, He was going to God, The Father to prepare a place for you [Christians] in God’s House, The Temple. Revelation uncovers the process or order that Christians will or will not be in The Father’s House. The Two Witnesses tell who will be in that Temple.

On the same subject, John reveals in Revelation 11:3 that his Two Witnesses will prophecy (The Book of Revelation) for three and a half years or during The Great Tribulation. Who are these Two Witnesses?

Revelation 11:4 states these Two Witnesses are two olive trees and two candlesticks who are standing before God on the earth. Now you have the definition!

(1) They are two olive trees.

(2) They are two Candlesticks.

(3) They stand before God’s Throne.

Does The Bible define these three points, which reveals who these Two Witnesses are? Yes, it does!

An angel awoke Zechariah and showed him a candlestick all of gold with a bowl on top which had seven lamps (Zechariah 4:1-4). This is an Old Testament prophecy – The Menorah in The Holy Place representing The Seven Churches in Revelation 2 and 3.

There are two olive trees by this seven-lamp candlestick (Verse 3). Then, Zechariah asked what are these olive trees and candlesticks (verse 4)? Who or what are these two olive trees by The Menorah or The Candlestick? (Zechariah 4:11-14)

These two olive trees empty themselves into The Candlestick (Verse 12). Then the angel states clearly these two olive trees are God’s two anointed ones who stand before God. Now, you have solved a part of the mystery.

These olive trees represent God’s Holy Spirit providing the fuel for The Candlestick – The Seven Churches to have a light and be witnesses during the three and a half years of Tribulation. Can you prove who these two olive trees are? Yes, you can.

Remember, Jesus was not going to have The Court of The Gentiles measured (Revelation 11:1-2). Who is The Revelator of these two olive trees? Who are The Two Witnesses? The Apostle to The Gentiles – The Apostle Paul clearly tells you who the two olive trees are.

In Romans 11:1 Paul said God will not throw Israel – His people away. For a short time The Nation of Israel is blinded by The Law because they do not understand The Law was only a shadow or a stepping stone to bring them to Christ. The Law’s Purpose was not to make them Righteous. The Law is just a shadow pointing to Christ who only can make you Righteous (Hebrews 10:1) (Colossian 1:27). The Letter is not a point of sin but a shadow or type of what is real or The Truth.

Ultimately, all Israel will be Saved (Romans 11:26). The blindness of Israel will last until The Gentile Rule on the earth ends. Only a remnant of Israel (during The Gentile Rule) will be Saved (Romans 11:25). Why? So The Gentile world can be Saved (Romans 11:15). Now, who are “The Two Olive Trees?”

Romans 11:16-24 simply reveals The Two Olive Trees are The Israelites and The Gentiles. This is God’s Purpose to be ALL AND IN ALL (I Corinthians 15). This all fits perfectly with the story of Revelation.

God, through His people Israel and the converted Gentiles (The Seven Candlesticks) are The Two Witnesses. Jesus already revealed Candlesticks represent Churches not two people (Revelation 1:20). The two Candlesticks are not two humans but two Churches – The Church in The Wilderness (Israel) and The Church of God (Gentiles) who witness during The Great Tribulation and finally, are martyred and resurrected (The Return of Christ) (Revelation 11:7-12). Where are they killed? In The Great City of Babylon – the whore, where Christ was crucified (Revelation 11:8). Can you know how many will be killed? Yes.

Revelation 7:1-17 prophecies that of Israel only 144,000 from The Tribes of Israel do the witnessing and the innumerable multitude from The Gentiles are The Witnesses. Revelation 7:14 states these one hundred and forty-four thousand (144,000) Israelites and an innumerable Gentile multitude come out of The Great Tribulation. Plain as day! The Two Witnesses are the 144,000 of Israel and the innumerable multitude from The Gentiles. They are The Two Olive Trees. The Apostle Paul proved it (Romans 11). The natural olive tree represents Israel, God’s Church in The Wilderness, and the wild olive tree represents The Gentiles converted to the natural tree as Christians.


The reward of The Church of Philadelphia, if they overcome, is to be of these Two Pillars (Revelation 3:12). They will be invited to The Wedding in New Jerusalem.


Remember, Jachin and Boaz are the two pillars before God’s Throne and The Candlestick with The Seven Lamps.

Jachin in Hebrew is in “the male gender.” Boaz is in “the female gender.” Why? Boaz is of The Church (The Gentile Church), through Ruth, The Moabites. Ruth was Gentile, and she was grafted into the natural olive tree – Boaz of Israel. Boaz is female because it is The Church or woman in Revelation 12. Israel is Jachin or The Remnant of Israel who is Saved to be the 144,000 of Israel. Israel is male because The Inheritance must pass through the male line. You now have the true story of The Two Witnesses and The Schoolmaster leading you to Christ in The Temple.


When one descends the steps from The Temple, you find the sacrificial altar. Why is the altar located right in front of The Temple? Remember, between The Temple and altar was the basin to cleanse or baptize. First, you must be Repentant or your human nature must die.

Hebrews 9:2 Paul said for you to be able to be accepted of God, all things are by Law purged by blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Christ gave that sacrifice for sinners but what about the rest of the unconverted world? Remember, The Law, which includes The Temple, is only a shadow.

In The Law, God requires animal sacrifice by The Priest for his sins and the sins of the people (Hebrews 9:9-10). These animal sacrifices did not make The Priest or the people perfect. That is why they offered clean animals only as a sacrifice. Why only clean animals? Clean animals can be trained and are far more docile than the unclean animals, but they still were animals. For example, lions and tigers are wild. Lambs are able to be led. That is the difference. This is why God gave a Law about clean and unclean animals?

Peter, who was given the keys to The Kingdom, reveals the difference. After Peter had the vision concerning clean and unclean animals, Cornelius, The Gentile (who was without God), was converted. God revealed the meaning of the shadow in The Law and why God instituted clean and unclean animals. Peter now said there was no difference between clean and unclean animals (Acts 10:28). God revealed the clean animals were Israel, and the unclean animals were The Gentiles, who were without God. Now, both were clean, but only if they repented and accepted Christ. Both were still not perfect and still had carnal natures, but now both, The Israelites and The Gentiles, were teachable.

Psalms 95:1-11 covers the answers so you understand the place of safety, the wilderness, as well as, those who go through The Great Tribulation – including The Lake of Fire!

What is the place of safety? The Rock is your Salvation. In the Hebrew, the word “rock,” signifies “a place of safety” or “fortress of protection.”

Some Christians, fallaciously, believe Petra (a rock city) in South Jordan is the place of safety. This is false. Read Psalms 94:22. It clearly interprets the place of safety. “But The Lord is my refuge [place of safety] and my God is THE ROCK [not Petra] – God is my refuge.” This is the place of safety for some Christians during The Great Tribulation. Christ will protect you (I Corinthians 10:4).

Now, what is the wilderness where Christ protects you? David states harden not your heart as Israel did and wouldn’t enter God’s Rest, but had to spend forty years in the wilderness being tested of God (Psalms 95:8). That is why Stephen called Israel The Church in The Wilderness (Acts 7:38). Of a truth, Israel is the pillar (Jachin) in The Temple, and must be tried and tested in the wilderness just like the pillar of Boaz – The Seven Churches of Revelations 2 and 3. Both must have their trial of Faith in The Wilderness to come out of Babylon (Revelation 18:4).

The woman – The Church flees from Satan into the wilderness just as Israel had done (Revelation 12:14). It is in the wilderness and not God’s Rest where The Church is safe. This part of The Church is kept safe during The Great Tribulation by Christ, Our Rock or place of safety. How? As Satan pursues the spiritually growing Christians (five wise virgins), Christ causes natural disasters to occur around them to keep them safe (Revelation 12:15-16). These are The Seven Trumpets. God protects His worthy Christians by natural disasters and wars as a shield to keep them safe (Revelation 11). No one will be after Christians if the enemy is running for their lives.

The wilderness is the world under Satan’s control with all its wars, famines, diseases and its struggle for the fittest to survive. It is the time of worldwide trouble. John 16:20-21 speaks of The Church just before Christ Returns. Christ prayed to The Father even though Spiritually growing Christians are in the world (wilderness), they are not of it (John 17:11-15). They have come out of Babylon – The Wilderness.

Now, what happens to those in The Seven Churches of God who will not be coming out of Babylon. Hebrews 4:10-11 states those resting (safe) in Christ will cease from their works. But notice what happens to the Christians who do not come out of Babylon. Those who do not in faith believe in Christ as their place of safety, they will not enter into God’s Rest or safety, but will receive His Wrath! (Psalms 95:11)

Back to the sacrificial altar and its meaning. Since God protects the faithful Christians in safety, Satan is angry (Revelation 12:17). Satan goes to make war with the remnant of God’s Church who keep His Ten Commandments and the prophesy of Christ. What happens to them? These Christians do keep The Commandments and will be Saved but what do they lack?

The unfaithful part of The Seven Churches go into The Great Tribulation to gain total Faith in Christ which they lacked, and only then will live by every Word (Logos) of God (Revelation 7:14-15). Israel also lacked Faith (Matthew 4:4). These are the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude who are Gentiles who witness The True Christ during The Tribulation. These are The Two Candlesticks or Two Witnesses of God who are martyred (Revelation 11:7-11). Then at Christ’s Return at The Seventh Trump, they are in The First Resurrection – The Spring Barley Harvest.

Pick up the story in Revelation 14:1, where you see the 144,000 with Jesus on Mt. Zion. A voice cries out to the dead, “wait, you, too, will also be resurrected” (Revelation 14:13-20). There are two more Harvests, The Wheat Harvest and The Grape Harvest (Verses 14 to 20). For more insight read Chapter 7, ‘The Mystery Harvest.’

Those in The Grape Harvest, Revelation 14:18 states this angel comes out of the altar, not just The Temple, why? Because this angel takes fire from the altar and starts the seven last plagues and finalizes with The Lake of Fire or hell. There you have it. The altar is a shadow of God’s Wrath, since God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). All those who haven’t come out of Babylon or false teaching (The Seven Churches and Israel) will be brought to complete repentance by God’s Wrath and The Lake of Fire. Not all will be invited to The Wedding Feast in New Jerusalem. Many called (The Churches) but few chosen. THE TEMPLE IS TRULY THE MAJOR SHADOW OR SCHOOLMASTER, WHICH WILL EVENTUALLY BRING YOU TO CHRIST AND THE WEDDING FEAST. May the readings be blessed in the Lord and all other's whom read His Spirit of Truths in the Holy Spirit may rise up inside of each person whom studies it out for oneself and looks deeply within as each one takes it to Jesus whom is the author and the refiners fire of the Lord God. catcmo2006

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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