Thursday, October 12, 2006

Praying To The Father

Praying To The Father :Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. We come humbly before You with praise and thanksgiving, we thank You for this day, For this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. In the name of Jesus we rebuke any and all demonic forces that will try to come up against us.
In the name of Jesus we rebuke and cancel any plot,
thought, or desire where the enemy may be trying to defeat us because we know that the enemy does not have any power and the victory has already been won. We Bind all forms of sickness and oppression, in the name of Jesus. 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Father
we ask that You will touch those that are
not feeling well. We ask that You will touch those that are in the
hospitals. Father we ask that You will perform miracles and healing
in the lives of Your people.
We ask that You will comfort Your people and make a way
for them. We thank you that everything is going to be alright. We give You thanks Lord that You always show up right on time. Father continue to use us for Your service to help those that are with out and those that are less fortunate. We ask that you will let Your willbe done, in the name of Jesus Christ. We thank You inadvance for Your miracle working power, for healing, restoration,for being an on time God, thank You for Your protection, and we thank you for Your loving kindness. We ask that You will remember all the the folk's in this land whom are speaking out against your people in whom are christian believer's who totally believe in you Father God and are obedient unto you only, that have attitudes and styles of life that are very Godless in teachings practices,music industry, Goverement officals state, local,nation that they are in the occult practices in which only results in the ways that they live before you that have professed godliness in practices that have shaped themselves in godless immoral values in this nation and pagan values before you and your people to be God fearing and to recognize that they are very accountable before you for each decisions and their acts (Prv.9:10,11),That they themselves in movies, T.V. Stars to be having a heavy hand upon them that will draw them in having such a saving encounter upon all of those lives in california, new york and elsewhere where in this world that they are on those types of worldly entertainment and to be born again, they be presented with the gospel and have a loving christian witness strengthened and encouraged, with that viel lifted from there eyes in being granted wisdom, knowledge,and total understanding of your most precious words the sword of your spirit precious Father and have a complete filling of whom you are in them and they seek your will as they see one's own inadequacy, and pray and be totally convicted in those paths that they had chosen and turn it around before you. Then that they have heeded thier conscience, confess thier sins, and repent them before you and that they read the Bible and attend prayer meetings and Bible studies. And above all, that they be given Godly counsel, and be God- fearing advisors of your Sword of your Bible in truths of whom you are in them and that they have God- fearing spouses and thier homes be God- fearing and be faithful honest and are practing members of their local church.( Prov.28:13,Jas.4:8), ( Jas.1:5, Rom.10:14, 1Tim.2:4,Eph.1:17-23), (Prov.3:5-8,Lk.11:9-13), ( Ps.51:17,Jhn.8:9),( Ps.119:11,Col.3:2), Rom.13:1-7). (Prov.24:6, Matt.2:15,16), ( Heb.10:25).That they only desire humility and meekness and be willing to serve and cooperate in that be presented with restoring sanctity of life, familes values in being morally sound in our nation in totally reversing those trends of humanism in our nation to, that they be shielded from the occult practices in New Age, cults of santanic, false religions, and all secret societies in this nation. Is.1:29,2:6). Simply stated in your precious Holy Words ( 2 Chron.7:14) which says unto us ..." If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. That's such a beauitful promise Father coming from your most sincere heart unto us today and every times we read it, and knowing this is just what you'll do for us without a doubt. Through that cross that heaven came down upon us and by it lord that all of this earth could sing your praises through everything we go through in the saving cross of your great love for us your people and that your alive forever and ever. You rule and reign in this earth and in that we have hope in seeking, knowing, knocking at your door which is opened unto all of your apples of your eyes in knowing and believing that your heavenly provisions are established unto us in making those ways come forth because you are a God that bring restorations unto us in our desire and devotions only unto you. Praises are being lifted unto you as we bow our hearts unto you as you redeem us in our praises unto you. Our allegiance is only unto you Father God as we take a stand in the Biblical standards of which you have put in our hearts, homes that only represent you in our lives, as we give our praise,hoor, unto your glory that shines in our lives in each respected homes in our lands of where we reside daily no matter where we are or no matter how far that it stretches unto the skies in unto the heavens as it explodes in the heavens as we worship and as we do we do we rest in the shadows of your wings as you are our King, and the faithfulness and justices, mercy, grace thats just lifts you even higher unto us as you are our strength that abounds in us as your people that dearly dearly loves you as you loves us in this hour that keeps us close in those wings of that divine love and hope that we cherrish so much. For we believe in you and have such a knowing trust that you Lord are above and true one that we have desired and knowing that we might live in you in alway's believing in our own eyes in our hearts just how you see us in that saving grace that abounds so far and in depth that we can only see deep within our heart that your precense in us so very deeply Hallelujah Halleujah unto our Kings of kings, Lord of of all in your loving presence is awesome and excellent that incomparable unto anything that this world has offered anyone ,Lord here is our praise and worship with our sincere hearts ,;ord you are powerful, plentiful, which radiates in us in that amazing love that glorious just shines before us today and everyday that we come before you Your grace is truly plentiful for us and we thank you from each one of thats before you in this place. Only you staisfies us in your comfort in your everlasting in your faithfulness and in your truths No one Father simply because your fountain comes down upon us as your are our shelter, rock, victorious warrior comforter and satisfies in your redeemed one and our very own redeemer whom reigns upon the throne.We declare that we truly belong unto you Jesus for we are ever so watching for your return on that day in which we'll be singing as you stand your gorund as you defeated satan as we al will be singing and praising you in the heaven. What a mighty day that will be for those whom are your bride and in standing with you in lifitng our hearts in shouting for joy in what you've have done before us in that day. Blesed be the glory of our High God and have established our feet in his rock in him is our shielded us in his strongtower in our times of trouble and in that hour of need. There is only you in our desires that is inside of you Father in knowing you are our portion in all things that represents you and we can not only ask for those things it just not in us to do them because it's not of you and in your word. Thank you for being our helpr in all times of need and trials, tribulations that we have come through in abiding in you Jesus. You are a friend that are truly mindful of us, and you do hear us in it's amazing in being in your amzing love that has transformed us in glorifying our friend of God that carries us through in all that comes our way glory glory unto our Jehovah God ;The Beginning of our Friendship
How did God begin this friendship with us? Our friendships usually begin through some sort of casual interaction. Meeting someone at school, sitting next to that sister in the alto section, or having something in common with the brother on the basketball court may lead to a new relationship, sitting with a person whom You Lord hath brought us in learning and coming unto you in that divine appoitment as your love endures us forever. . However, God’s decision to develop a relationship with man required infinitely more than casual contact. Psalms 8:4 and Hebrews 2: 5-6 reads, “What is man that thou art mindful of him, the Son of Man that you care for him?”

The psalmist’s question emphasizes the transcendent nature of God. In other words, God is holy and mighty —while we are common.

So why is God concerned about the affairs of men? But the psalmist goes on to explain why God is uniquely concerned about men:

You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under His feet. (Hebrews 2:7-8, Psalms 8:5-6)
This prophetic passage points us directly to the Person of Jesus Christ. God the Father prepared a body for the Son. The Son took on flesh and became the Second Adam: the man Jesus Christ. Jesus lived this life as a man and was crowned with glory, honor and power (Romans 1:4, Heb. 10: 5-6, Psalms 8:5-6, John 1:14, I Pet. 3:22). As a result, God’s concern for mankind is unique because God himself has become a man! If God became an angel, He would be concerned with angels, but He did not become an angel. He decided to begin an intimate relationship with mankind although we were made a little lower than the angels. He decided to begin this friendship with us long before we were ever mindful of Him.

Forever you are with us in having such a deep personal realtionship as your love has directed in your sword unto us today.You are with us in your faithfulness and through eternity and endures forever as praises rises up in your beautiful glory from our hearts unto your Father God in abiding in your strength which is our strong tower that never ever goes away as we say these things unto your ears of your words in our scripture in knowing everything is in you is made perfect and it will last forever until we are brought before you in our hopes in standing before you on judgement day that we'll hear these words coming unto our ears... " His lord said unto him, Well done, [thou] good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. ( Matt.25:21) or (Jesus will say unto us ), "Well done, good and faithful servant; Come on in " Amen ! !!! Whooo hoo how exciting Jesus it just thrills my own heart to be able to hear those words coming from you at that time, You are soooo worthy and you are my God for you are wonderful to all of us in this place. Father this is what we ask in Jesus'name Amen . and Amen ! For we have journey to that ever lasting home in looking toward the heavens above in His security ! Finally set Free !!! Hallelujah ! To be spending all eternity with Jesus Christ is where I'm going to spend in my own heart and I'll alway's be after what He wants of me unto His authority that never ceases I'm sure you are as well.catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.


1 Thessalonians 5:11 (24 kb) Encouragement :
1 Thessalonians 3:11Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you.
King James Version (KJV) And for their increase in grace.

Prayer is religious worship, and all religious worship is due unto God only. Prayer is to be offered to God as our Father. Prayer is not only to be offered in the name of Christ, but offered up to Christ himself, as our Lord and our Saviour. Let us acknowledge God in all our ways, and he will direct our paths. Mutual love is required of all Christians. And love is of God, and is fulfilling the gospel as well as the law. We need the Spirit's influences in order to our growth in grace;

and the way to obtain them, is prayer. Holiness is required of all who would go to heaven; and we must act so that we do not contradict the profession we make of holiness. The Lord Jesus will certainly come in his glory; his saints will come with him. Then the excellence as well as the necessity of holiness will appear; and without this no hearts shall be established at that day, nor shall any avoid condemnation. Hebrews 3:13King James Version (KJV)
But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

The Hebrews are urged to go forward in the doctrine of Christ, and the consequences of apostacy, or turning back, are described.

Days of temptation are often days of provocation. But to provoke God, when he is letting us see that we entirely depend and live upon him, is a provocation indeed. The hardening of the heart is the spring of all other sins. The sins of others, especially of our relations, should be warnings to us. All sin, especially sin committed by God's professing, privileged people, not only provokes God, but it grieves him. God is loth to destroy any in, or for their sin; he waits long to be

gracious to them. But sin, long persisted in, will make God's wrath discover itself in destroying the impenitent; there is no resting under the wrath of God. to ?Take heed: to ? all who would get safe to heaven must look about them; if once we allow ourselves to distrust God, we may soon desert him. Let those that think they stand, take heed lest they fall. Since to-morrow is not ours, we must make the best improvement of this day. And there are none, even the strongest of the flock, who do not

need help of other Christians. Neither are there any so low and despised, but the care of their standing in the faith, and of their safety, belongs to all. Sin has so many ways and colours, that we need more eyes than ours own. Sin appears fair, but is vile; it appears pleasant, but is destructive; it promises much, but performs nothing. The deceitfulness of sin hardens the soul; one sin allowed makes way for another; and every act of sin confirms the habit. Let every one beware of sin.

(Heb 3:14-19) "Smart People"

"Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved" (Matthew 24:12,13). "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:22).

Are you smart? I recently read a survey of where the smart people live basing "smart" on the percentage of population who had at least a four year college degree. On this basis Seattle was determined to be the smartest city with San Francisco coming in second.*

We can be bamboozled by this and other worldly criteria for what constitutes "smartness". With all due respect to the amount of college education one has it is a very poor determinant of smartness, let alone wisdom! Some of the smartest people I have known, let alone the wisest, never went to college or even finished high school.

I believe all earnest followers of Christ should memorize and hide the first daily verse deep in their hearts. Jesus is speaking of conditions that will characterize the end times prior to His return. An increase in wickedness will cause the love of most to grow cold. I find that a very interesting cause and effect relationship.

Why is this? I believe it speaks of the very deceptive nature of wickedness or lawlessness. For many years moral standards have been eroding and so many in the professing church are blinded to it. The incremental erosion slowly hacks away at our moral sensitivities and many scarcely notice. This is especially true here in America because of the accompanying prosperity. Sodom was also prosperous. (See Genesis 13:9-11.)

Our second daily verse speaks so accurately in summarizing the human condition, "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:22). It is in a context concerning the human response to God, from His perspective.

Modern man claims to be so wise. We are surely the most educated age in history based on years of schooling. Modern man feels intellectually superior and so very enlightened. By and large the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible are scoffed at or ignored. Modern man has no use for them in this "enlightened" age. But the Bible says, "they became fools."

Today I encourage you to keep a sharp sense of spiritual discernment. I note two dangers in my life on this matter. I can become so disgusted with the slide into godlessness that I lose my focus on God and the joy and peace that is my inheritance as a child of God as I go through this very temporary earthly journey. I get focused on the problems, which are a natural consequence of man's rejection of God, and become cynical and negative.

Or I may become so accustomed to the incremental slide into moral depravity and decadence that I no longer even notice. Consider the content and language in many TV programs that many Christians likely watch! The slide continues and with caution I suggest you see this webpage*2 concerning an upcoming special on NBC with Madonna. It is disgusting.

May God give us spiritual discernment so we don't just "go with the flow." I want to be one that "stands firm to the end". Don't you?

Be encouraged today,

Stephen C. Weber

Daily prayer: Father, help me to keep the godly perspective presented in Your Word regarding sinfulness and righteousness. There is no true sophistication in sinful behavior, for it is abhorrent and unacceptable in Your sight. Though the world might dress it up, classify it with a new trendy name, sin is still sin and it brings about disastrous consequences. May my heart always be drawn to righteousness. May those things which are true, honest, lovely, and praiseworthy occupy my thoughts and be visible in my interaction with others. I seek the wisdom imparted through the inspirational writing of Your holy Word. May it always be the filter I use to screen the wisdom of this age.

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

The Black Hole

Black Holes and BeyondEinstein's general theory of relativity describes gravity as a curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of matter. If the curvature is fairly weak, Newton's laws of gravity can explain most of what is observed. For example, the regular motions of the planets. Very massive or dense objects generate much stronger gravity. The most compact objects imaginable are predicted by General Relativity to have such sstrong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape their grip.

Scientists today call such an object a black hole. Why black? Though the history of the term is interesting, the main reason is that no light can escape from inside a black hole: it has, in effect, disappeared from the visible universe. WOW! Such a concept or is it in a spiritual sense? Can mankind be in a bottomless pit of one's own mind to evil is good and good is evil? How churches and does it go down in this pit too? What are the attributes that shows up with the human race? What are the ways of humananity of mankind think or act during this kind of thinking and one's own way of going about the way of everyday life? Will it hurt mankind in a general way ? What's the outcome of people lives that lives these ways? What's the mindset of those people? Can it be changed for the betterment of God and the life that one chooses to be ables to make those changes useful in God and in the christian ways of living? What does the word of God have to say about such a topic as this ? I know the believer's knows those answers to those questions in studing God's Holy Word and have had some wonderful counsel by the word of God and Godly pastors, teachers, whom has guided us in the way to live and pray for those types of people that can't be hindered by those old patterens of living and how they have lived one's own life in the past and is saved and looking forward in having hope in the true living God. There are battles in which one can overcome it all in seeing steps of which people have taken to live the holy life in which one strives for in knowing God protects them daily. In their hope in seeing the Jesus Christ as He comes and takes us to those heaven when that shofar sounds unto us when it's time here on earth is finished. These are some thoughts that I've had and wanted to study it out and in hoping you would too! I know that I might leave out other scriptures to refer to but I had to study what I read myself and wanted you to be able to study it to along with me.

I want to see just what this is in everyone's own personal life in the " Black Hole " as it is written unto us as gaining fortitude in those lives being turn around in being turned around in knowing that His authority and His glory that shines forth in our lives as changes us and our hearts that does indeed comes forth in renewed thinking, that abandons us more unto Jesus Christ that reflects us to be more like him than the worldly clamor that clouds us and is taken us away from the world than ever before. I'm just a saved person in doing my best in studing God's words and putting them to practice in how I want to achive all things when it concerns my precious Jesus in going about His business in this world and home town in the central area of which I live in Him daily. If it offends you then Pray about first, and study it for oneself, and if I have done it wrong or have said to you not liking it then help me to put in God's perpective in helping me to gain more understanding in the Word of God. we gain more insights by doing my best before the Lord Jesus Christ and to stay out of my human denial about it all. I'm not afraid of change because Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is helping me through it all.This may seem like I'm taking things out of context in some scriptures but I'm looking at them in ways that I've used to help me grow in Him and not to go back to what I've came out of in my own life and are leaving it all at Jesus Christ feet in complete surrender to it all. I don't want anything to slow me down, hold me back that had caused those sins to have a hold on me that had literally wrapped themselves to very tightly around me and my old life that I once knew.Not do I ever want them to come back and trip me up ! All I'm going aftr is to run in the Lord Jesus Christ which is very deep inside of my being in running in His patience in a race that our God has set down before me. It's alway's centered in His unique plans that he has already set for all mankind. I've had many types of hang-up, hurts, and very bad habits that have held me back for many,many years. And in having them they in one way or another had tripped me -up very badly to say the least, especially through all kinds of wide ranges of emotions that I've had to allow Him to change my own life. But most of all not to ever hang-on to old baggages to allow them to be fed on a continuing basis.

Jesus Christ helped me find the "Willingness" and "Forgivness" to go beyond those black holes in my life.It has given me "Freedom" and being set free in the Lord God. That's what Jesus Christ had went to the cross for me and everyone else whom comes unto him in His saving grace and mercy. He gives different people to keep on encouraging one another with that Godly support like we've never had before. I don't ignore my past at all but it helps me to see just what it netted me in my own life in order to gain more insights that deters me to head on to heaven more abundantly in Jesus Christ like never before in that joy, security,hope like nothing that has been offered to me living in this world. This world belong's to God only ! I don't ever care to have those false systems of belief's in me at all! You and I deserve to have it much better in Him and in what God's word has to teach us daily and have changed lives that abounds much, much more than any of us can take in at any given moment that only the Holy Spirit will guide us all inside of all that believe's in Him. In each bible version has helped me to see things that has happened to me in the means of growing in the Lord but I still will alway's use the king james version that I've had grown - up with first, I have always had a very hard time understanding it. But some people just don't like them at all but the way I've found by seing it differently as I grew the more it made sense to me in order for me and my life that has brought about those changes and have turned it around in growing in Jesus Christ. So, I went back to the (KJV) To see what it says in working out more of those changes and above all keeping it in prayer unto the Lord in seeking Him alway's. Change will be constant ! I'm heading toward being in heaven to be with Jesus Christ when He opens up those skies to be taking us home to be with him forever. I don't want to miss it ! These are my thought's, desires, and I have been saved, baptised, and have had a personal spiritual esperiences that I've seen and witnessed as He had showed himself to me upon many visitations that has been a wonderful life changing in my own life and I'm going home that's my whole aim that I'm striving for and personally I don't ever want any kind of hinderances stopping it either ! I thank the Lord Jesus Christ in bringing about all that has happened to my life then and now such a blessing like I've never ever had before in all of them years of searching out the world. That was a vast differences in my personal life in coming to see just a small glimps of what is to come for us all. I can't never put it unto words but knowing him in a personal way is all I need in me in loving him more and more and giving Him all my praises and glory unto the Lamb of God. But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. ( 1 Peter 2:9,10 ) KJV.

If you would open up your bibles and turn with me in (Rev.20:1,2,3) . LETS SEE WHAT GOD has to say about such a topic as the "Black Hole" in in our lives living in this world and to come out of it and have a saving encounter in the Lord Jesus Christ that changes mankind in this world.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
Here it's sharing with us about the end times in a vision by a figure that has laid it's restraints on satan himself. God's alight power, will keep the devil from deceiving mankind as he has hitherto done. He ver wants power and instruments to break the power of satan. Jesus Christ shuts his power, and seals by His own authority. The church shall have a time of peace and prosperity, but all of her trials are not yet over. ( Rev. 20:4-6).

Times Of Trouble ( Isaiah 24:1-6) Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.

2And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.

3The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word.

4The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.

5The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.

6Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

(Isaiah 24:1-22) 19The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.

20The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

21And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

22And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

We people of the world whom yet remains in this world are in "Denial" about one's own sins and about their circumstances and it's effecting them terribly in hurting families, friends, nation, our whole planet. This is very sobering to realize it that a thought on this is what we do as a nation, world has even a greater impact on us. Our countries is suffering those wide range of effects of alcoholism, addictions of many kinds, killings, murders, robbing, gambling, infidelity, prostitution, homosexuality,business world in the corporate world in commerical,industrial f irm,theatatrical,music,manufacturing,trade business,labor unions,people in firms that ownes it as a compny,associates,administrative units, armed forces,and it's high influences, goverment rather it be local, state, washington, new york, overseas high ranking people. Even by the people we live by in our towns, cities, country living in how they live their lives in any given moment it changes us and themselves.People are in "Denial" about their circumstances! Isaiah says here : " They would get what they deserved - traps and snares, destruction and total collapse. We, too, " get what's coming to us " when we ourselves totally ignore those warning signs and to continue on in self destruction in what we have done in one's own dependendencies and complusions. To deny it is to invite our own disaster into our life. God will punish those whom flatly out right ignore him, and He will comfort those who put one's total trust in Him and comfort them in coming back unto him in that saving grace and mercy in seeing that we was totally wrong before and in doing so in having established that relationship between the person and the Lord God We need to have some honesty. Ignoring the problem just don't go away people,the opposite happens - it gets worse by the minute, seconds, hours, then we have no kind of hope until we have Jesus Christ whom rules and reigns in this world, and having such a relationship like we've never had before! There's a reason right there ! God is alway's faithful and true! And he keeps his word and His covenant unto those whom stand to dare to believe it and holds to it. He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.

9And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. ( Isaiah 25:7-9) KJV.

We have to take notices of all of the 6 woes in the word of God in Isaiah, It brings danger and warnings, for us to be full aware in what's going on with us and in this world, and to alway's proceed with great amount of caution before us, that ought to tell us right then and there in which of that "Black Hole" is coming forth upon us ! It's waving that "red flag" saying stop right their notice what I'm trying to say to you right now ! It's a moral condition in it's worldly lusts, pleasures and flat out loving the grand ole' life that your living in today !It's dulling your spirits, you want more and more, material gains,homes, cars, jewerly,expensive clothes, re-modeling homes,boats, homes in other countries that are lavish, and means to get it, even though you can't afford it,buying the lotto tickets,gambling, thinking your gonna make it now, richness it's better than being poor,your staggering in this world you're headed for distruction! That's human glory rather it being - God's glory ! The word says:

7But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

8For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.

9Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

10For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

11For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

12To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.

13But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.Isaiah 28:7-13
14Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.

15Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:

16Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.

17Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

18And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

19From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

20For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.

21For the LORD shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.

22Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.Isaiah 28:14-22

Believers are to dedicate themselves to God.

The apostle having closed the part of his epistle wherein he argues and proves various doctrines which are practically applied, here urges important duties from gospel principles. He entreated the Romans, as his brethren in Christ, by the mercies of God, to present their bodies as a living sacrifice to Him. This is a powerful appeal. We receive from the Lord every day the fruits of his mercy. Let us render ourselves; all we are, all we have, all we can do: and after all, what return is it for such very rich receivings? It is acceptable to God: a reasonable service, which we are able and ready to give a reason for, and which we understand. Conversion and sanctification are the renewing of the mind; a change, not of the substance, but of the qualities of the soul. The progress of sanctification, dying to sin more and more, and living to righteousness more and more, is the carrying on this renewing work, till it is perfected in glory. The great enemy to this renewal is,

conformity to this world. Take heed of forming plans for happiness, as though it lay in the things of this world, which soon pass away. Do not fall in with the customs of those who walk in the lusts of the flesh, and mind earthly things. The work of the Holy Ghost first begins in the understanding, and is carried on to the will, affections, and conversation, till there is a change of the whole man into the likeness of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. Thus, to be godly, is to give up ourselves to God. (Ro 12:3-8).

This is what will happen if we don't turn to the Lord of Host:
14Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.

15Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: 18And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.

19From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report. 20For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.

21For the LORD shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.

22Now therefore be ye not mockers, lest your bands be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.Isaiah 30:1-11; Isaiah 30:15; Isaiah 28:14-22 (King James Version)

That's spiritual destruction, physcial destruction which come upon all those whom don't turn unto God in one's own life ! It's his words not mine own.Justice will prevail upon them by the hand of Jesus Christ whom don't acknowledge him at all. This will happen upon the earth, and he won't go back upon his words! Those types of people are like a child whom resenting him on his corrective measures of advicethey are acting like todlers, being reminding them such elementary of biblical truths from God from right and wrong.
Yet they can excape if they turn from wickedness which bring destruction in the creed of God the Almighty one.

17When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the LORD will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them.18I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.
(Isaiah 41:17,18 )KJV

We will not be needy or deprived any longer for our thirst will be filled and have many blessing from Jesus Christ our savior whom reigns upon His throne and joy that's unspeakable before Him. In our Messiah's kingdom simply because he is our mighty King ! What a day of rejoicing that will be and final call for our final journey home to be with our precious Alpha and Omega the Lamb of God. Where his mighty justice will prevail unto all mankind.


Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

The House Behind The Weeds...

House Behind The Weeds

          Just two little boys....
          Walking down a dusty lane...
          They came upon this old white house...
          With broken windowpanes.

          The paint was faded; the shine was gone....
          The grass had grown so high...
          Still they made their little feet...
          Go see what was inside.

          They opened up the squeaky door...
          And then it came to light....
          This must have been an old church house...
          Once upon a time.

          Dirty, dusty wooden pews....
          A pulpit that still stood...
          A bible lay upon it....
          Though the pages weren't too good.

          An offering plate and song books too...
          Were lying on the floor....
          They must have left this old church fast...
          The day they closed these doors.

          And over in the corner...
          A piano was still there...
          It must have played a pretty tune...
          But I guess nobody cared.

          So little Bill looked up at Tommy...
          And Tommy looked at Bill....
          "Why don't we clean this old church up?
          And get these old pews filled?"

          They took a rag and wiped the dust...
          To try and make things shine....
          And then they took the offering plate...
          And put in it their last dime.

          They took a broom and swept the floor...
          And picked up broken glass....
          They got it all so nice and neat...
          And then they mowed the grass.

          They lifted up the old church sign...
          And stood it by a tree...
          Right down by that old dirt road....
          Where everyone could see.

          They ran back home, to find Daddy gone...
          But their Momma was inside....
          Just to find her hurt again....
          Where Daddy had made her cry.

          "Don't cry Momma, wipe those tears,"
          Little Bill and Tommy smiled....
          "Cause we have a big surprise for you....
          Just down the road a mile."

          Hand in hand they tugged at her...
          Until they made her run....
          "What is it Bill, Oh Tommy,
          Just what have you two kids done?"

          And then they came upon the house...
          Once hidden by the weeds...
          And there it stood, a country church...
          Just like it used to be.

          "But what is it, Mother? What's with your tears?
          We thought this would bring you joy."
          "Yes, but hush kids now and listen close...
          My two sweet precious boys."

          They both got quiet and stood real still....
          For the words they heard so true....
          Was Daddy praying in the church...?
          With his head bowed on the pew.

          "Forgive me Lord! Forgive me Lord!
          Though I'm not worthy of Your love...
          But shine down on this sinner man...
          Sweet Salvation from above."

          "For I've been out in the world, You know....
          Living my life all wrong....
          Until I came upon this church;
          The place where I belong."

          "I never noticed it before...
          All those times I passed it up....
          I guess I wasn't looking, Lord....
          Or maybe I was drunk."

          "Bless oh Lord, yes, bless oh Lord...
          The one who made me see....
          This little church that used to hide...
          Behind all those tall weeds."

          And then he raised his head and stood....
          With his hands high in the air....
          To find two, dirty, tear-faced boys...
          With Momma standing there.

          They ran up to him, hugged him tight...
          As their tears fell on the floor....
          "Don't worry kids, I'm not the Dad,
          The one you've known before."

          Things are different for us now...
          So keep on those pretty smiles...
          And let's go gather people in.
          To walk down these church aisles."

          Then Bill looked up at Tommy...
          And Tommy looked at Bill...
          "Come on brother; let's get to work....
          To get these old pews filled?"

          "For we need no special blessing...
          For cleaning up this church....
          'Cause, God gave us back our Daddy...
          And that's more than gold is worth."

          Sunday morning, pews all filled....
          And smiles on every face...
          Especially two little country boys...
          The ones who found this place.

          Though it was hid back in the weeds....
          And so far out of sight...
          Nothing's ever hard to find...
          If you're walking toward God's light.

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Praying For Everyone In This Place

Dear Precious Heavenly Father; You are our "Yahweh - Tisdkenu ( The Lord is our Righteousness ) how we come before You in our praises and thanksgiving before you whom will one day come before in establishing a new kingdom of justice and righteousness and ruler of all the earth. As we bow before you this day in an humble way for we rejoicing in your awesomeness and to great and marvelous for words for this is another day that you have made before us. We cover ourselves by your blood of whom you are as our Jesus Christ whom is our mighty, mighty powerful God. and we claim your divine authority and protection over our minds, body, souls as you wash us by your blood scubbing us through and through for by your heavenly light you have made us and are cleansing us each and everyone whom is in this place in being fruitful as we receive your purification and fellowship in being united in one accord which comes in those many blessings and that flow of your righteousness that has our purifications , boldness, peace, quietness, and above all one's everlasting assurance in our awesome joy in the holy spirit. in this place of holiness that we become spotless and set- apart in your sanctified as a holy people before you this day and forever more as each day passes before us on a continual basis as your blood is applied unto each of us today. Thank You Father in your holy divine covenant which is shed for many in our remission of our sins which comes in redemption only by your blood, forgivness of my sins for I believe in you and in that wonderful cross of calvery in our undeserved gift that you have given me as a believer in your richness that comes in grace and mercy in my life. In us needing your cleansing power in removing our conscience has been forgiven and removed from acting like an accuser is now put into service to strengthen us and sanctify us as your servants before You and the world as we are in the world in being consecrated before you, and through the veil that is your flesh that has been broken down in my life that has been brought down and died so in coming in that has now been cleansed in drawing closer unto you with a true heart in my full assurance of my faith, as I am now cleansed in my own heart as my iniquities is like a wind taking them all away before you precious Father God, in us having such a fantasical Holy blodness that moves us unto all other areas in full faith and assurances in great faith which totally leads us by your Holy Sirit and all inspirations in my christian life today.
In thename of Jesus we rebuke any and all demonic forces that try to
come up against us.
In the name of Jesus we rebuke and cancel any plot,thought, or desire where the enemy may be trying to defeat us becausewe know that the enemy does not have any power and the victory has
already been won. We Bind all forms of sickness and oppression, in that mighty, mighty Name of Jesus, we lift -up each and every single person whom has asked for prayer in this place. Rather it may be emotions, minds, body, sickness, diseases, finaces, poverty,mindconfusion, lack, income, selfishness, anxiety spirit of fear,jealousy, bondage, whoredom, lying spirit, perversion, slumber, and infirmities. I command you satan not to cross that bloodline of Jesus Christ because I bind and sever every cord at all forms of roots and comand them to dry up permenantly and go awayand crush it of any strong man, any prince and principality and every evil spirit that comes against me that is nothing but darkness of this world. I put Jesus Christ bloodline over my home, areas of violence in our neighboorhoods,business,church,family members,children, pastors, missionaries,armed forces,p.c. family,vehicles,schools,colleges,jails, prisions, any companies,people standing against God and between each one of you and I cut- off any communications, and totally confuse your entire camp, render you inactive, and totally cast you out , in Jesus Christ'Name. For we know our Most High Lamb of God sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven. And he's far above any ruler, person in authority or pwer, leader in this world, or world to come because all things have been put under the feet of Jesus Christ, because our Father God had given him those rights as it is His only begotton Son. And the benefit of the church, and the member of the united body they are His body of saints whom are filled in Him in that wonderful everlasting precence which is filled in glory, divine love for all eternity which is to come unto them in the very near future. Foe our precious, precious Father has broken down hostilty that comes between us and has given us peace and have been reconciled by any means of death and seperation in what Jesus Christ has done for us whom are His electd one. We delcare peace, promises, blessings and God special favor, power in each ones privielge in serving Jesus Christ our Lamb of God in spreading His Good New's unto this world. Even though we didn't seserve any of it it's available unto us by Him in His grace and mercy in all provisions that only He provides us with and by His holy angles whom serves the Almighty God in the heavenly realm so we move fearlessly into God's Holy Presence and are asured and not being in any dispear of what we see and hear because it's been spken us by our God in whom we trust and adore in our heart, mind, body, soul in one's suffering we feel hnored and encouraged in reaching our home in glory when He comes for us in that final hour that we know is our home eternally and forever. Amen and Amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Jesus Done For mankind

This is what Jesus Christ has done for ALL mankind "His Blood" is the veil in "Sinew" what it does it gives us power or strength as a wave that supplies us unto Him that has been beaten unto Jesus Christ as a slaughtered person which had deeply taken our place in this world so don't have to bear what he had went through as a person whom had NO! sin whatsoever in His own life ! There's one thing about it. You can go refer to your reasons, and you can confine yourself to reason. Don't try to reason it. You say, "Now, let me see. Maybe I'd do this, and..." Don't reason it. Believe it. God doesn't come by reason. It's all, all unreasonable; no man can figure God out. You never did and they never will. You don't know God by reason.
You know God by simple childlike faith, to accept His Word. You say It's the Truth and believe It. That's how you know God is by faith, not by reason. Your reason power within yourself, but faith comes from God. Faith is something that's born in you, something that God gives you. "And it's the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not reasoned." Hallelujah. That's where it comes from, through there, through the unadulterated power of the Lord Jesus Christ that makes a creature a new person, baptizes him anew in the Holy Spirit; washes him, hangs him up, and seals him into the Kingdom of God. Then he stands knowing where he's at. All the devils in hell couldn't shake him away from it.

They say that religion runs you crazy. It does not. You're not in your right mind till you find Jesus Christ, for He's the only Author of Life, Who can give you your right mind.

Then we have boldness to enter into the holiest by the Blood of Jesus Christ. (Amen).
By a new and living way which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh. What does the flesh do? The flesh only veils the blood. The blood is the way of life unto us all and it's that life stream that keeps our bodies together and it holds our skin and all of our flesh tissues which is called "Skinew" it holds everything in it's own places within our body. Our bodies are our "tabernacle" that we human being's dwell in as mankind of this whole earth. This is the essence of Jesus Christ whom had a veil that shielded God from mankind, was the blood "skinew" and his earthly skin of Jesus Christ The Very Son Of God is whom Jesus Christ. This unadulterated living birth of His, who God the Father whom did overshadow the Virgin Birth and whom did created in her blood, that tinly living cell in His own being the creation. And in there, His skin kept it from man. But one fine day the sin of man crept in his own heart with a spear, and His blood ran out of him and unto the opened ground. It was truly freely given unto all mankind unto all the world. And it's been revealed through His Words today for All the world to behold and soak in for All humankind to behold deeply within themselves. Through it that blood came forth, and His spirit, we are born into the Kingdom of God, New creatures in Jesus Christ. And God takes the dead, still body laying in the grave, and it rises -up for our justification, setting at that right hand of His beloved Father God, whom is truly making intercessions for our behalf tonight, midday, those late evening hours when we pray unto Him. We All deal with one's prayers in those very sins that we each carry deep within us as human beings whom lives upon the earth, that is unconfessed sins. ( Psalms 66:18) And squarely looking in that acknowledgement that We can't pray with the holy spirit ( Romans 8:26) Die to your own imaginations, desires and all of that which is burdened you for how You think that You should pray. ( Proverbs 3:5,6;28:26).Ask God to bear to bear postive witness with You are going to have; His is a remarkable God and will do something that's very consistant with His own character, and then thank Him for doing so. ( Ephesians 5:18). Praise God in faith for the remarkable prayer time you are having in Him as well. Deal agressively with the very enemy ! Come against him with All the powerful name of Jesus Christ, and the Sword of the Spirit ( James 4:7). Wait silently with expectancy ! Then in obedience and Faith utter what God brings unto Your mind, believing in His word, ( John 10:3,5,27),( Johm 18:37). Peace will flood your our soul and you are at rest ( John14:27). Trusting God with All of your heart's results ( Proverbs 3:5,6) . Confidence and assurance follow (Isaiah 30:15). Agreement with God's Word , He just don't violate His scriptures for anyone's convenience, so the message Must be checked out with the Bible ( 2 Peter 1:19). Confirmation: GOD ALWAY'S confirms His words to You, especially in guidance for action ( 2 Cor.13:1). The Lordship of Jesus Christ: Satan may use the word "god" for he is the "god of this world" ( 2 Cor.4:4), but he will Not call Jesus Christ "Lord" ( 1Cor.12:3). Clarity: Jesus Christ speaks clearly and in line with his Word , so that You know it is He ( 2Cor.1:20). Alway's have Your Bible with You in the event God wants to give You His confirmation or direction ( Psalms 119:105). When God ceases to bring things to Your mind for which to pray,praise Him for what He alone is doing. Remind Yourself that " To God" alone is the glory ! ( Romans 11:36). Now what kind of people whould be, cowardly be backing down , afraid to say No to the Boss whom has made us All that You or I being born again, afraid to be testifying unto Him, in that state of drunkedness? " We have boldness ( hallelujah !) to be entering into the Holiest of Holy by the blood of Jesus Christ . So, if your"sick-n- tired" of truly fighting with yourself then why don't you honestly try [Jesus Christ], he will turn your whole life around and it won't be so dull and hardened, mindless of how life is, like your really mad at the world, wanting to kick and scream at anyone whom comes close to you. That's what is called "Dysfunctional" and all that truly pertains to all of those wound-up, that's walled-up in those damned emotions that are bottled up inside of you, everything is running rampet and it's very overwhelming, you can't pay attention, can't pay the bills and it's so overwhelming to where your feel like you have to completely run away from your loved one whom truly cares about you and try to help you in supporting you and cares very deeply about the person in whom you are and often times enough it's the parent whom mourns just as you do right now,and you end-up hiding like a lion chasting you to where You feel that it's prey in today's times. Life just isn't fair! But we have to keep after it in helping [self] to be an overcomer of what those trials, tribulations eventually comes to having that grand prize of being a winner! Yes, it takes time and a whole lot of effort on our part living in the world of which we often times enough call it a [rat race], love, hope, desires in yourslef, trusting in what you believe in a new found life in [Jesus Christ], and lay it all at his cross of what is troubling you until you have found His peace overflowing in you like a river. Pray and read his scriptures for it's a life saving book and adhere to what he's sharing in it and see just what the Lord is speaking unto you at that very moment unto you.Keep a personal diary of what he's share with you as your growing-up in the Lord God. It will pentatrate you and saturate you in moving in him.We often times stumble and fall but he's right beside you helping you to go down that right paths and where to take them in following his directions. Get with a church body of believer's and be a family. Allow them to be your accountability people, they will guide you into much deeper truths in living in the lord and having a very deep relationship with him in your very own life. He'll be with You through all eternity. We just can't loose when we are in the family of God. catcmo2006 Clic here to see the picture (ani-btn-pla-13.gif) Clic here to see the picture (ani-btn-pla-01-1.gif) Clic here to see the picture (ani-btn-pla-17.gif) Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

How To Overcome Worldiness

How To Overcome Worldiness : -------------------------------
How To Overcome Worldiness In the scriptures it shares with us just how to come out of the world that's not physcial but spiritual for us to look upon in a persons own life. All we need to deeply look at is the eternal "Love Of God" We ought to make it a habitual practice in our daily living for (God)has already written to those who truly born again already exhit His character and does reflect the habit of love . Someone whom profess to be a (Christian) but only those who actually displays love like thier Heavenly Father actuallypossess His divine nature in ones own life are truly born again. The law of God is love; and all would have been perfectly happy, had all obeyed it. The provision of the gospel, for the forgiveness of sin, and the salvation of sinners, consistently with God's glory and justice, shows that God is love. Mystery and darkness rest upon many things yet. God has so shown

himself to be love, that we cannot come short of eternal happiness, unless through unbelief and impenitence, although strict justice would condemn us to hopeless misery, because we break our Creator's laws. None of our words or thoughts can do justice to the free, astonishing love of a holy God towards sinners, who could not profit or harm him, whom he might justly crush in a moment, and whose deserving of his vengeance was shown in the method by which they were saved, though he could by his

almighty Word have created other worlds, with more perfect beings, if he had seen fit. Search we the whole universe for love in its most glorious displays? It is to be found in the person and the cross of Christ. Does love exist between God and sinners? Here was the origin, not that we loved God, but that he freely loved us. His love could not be designed to be fruitless upon us, and when its proper end and issue are gained and produced, it may be said to be perfected. So faith is perfected by

its works. Thus it will appear that God dwells in us by his new-creating Spirit. A loving Christian is a perfect Christian; set him to any good duty, and he is perfect to it, he is expert at it. Love oils the wheels of his affections, and sets him on that which is helpful to his brethren. A man that goes about a business with ill will, always does it badly. That God dwells in us and we in him, were words too high for mortals to use, had not God put them before us. But how may it be known

whether the testimony to this does proceed from the Holy Ghost? Those who are truly persuaded that they are the sons of God, cannot but call him Abba, Father. From love to him, they hate sin, and whatever disagrees with his will, and they have a sound and hearty desire to do his will. Such testimony is the testimony of the Holy Ghost Scriptures: Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. ( 1 John 4:7,8) KJV.

The basis for "Loyalty" to God, and it should be a better example in a believer's own life unto God. Scripture: 25Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

26Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.

27By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.

Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, concerning things to come. Things present are not the best things; no man knoweth love or hatred by having them or wanting them. Jacob lived by faith, and he died by faith, and in faith. Though the grace of faith is of use always through our whole lives, it is especially so when we come to die. Faith has a great work to do at last, to help the believer to die to the Lord, so as to honour him, by patience, hope, and joy. Joseph was tried by temptations to

sin, by persecution for keeping his integrity; and he was tried by honours and power in the court of Pharaoh, yet his faith carried him through. It is a great mercy to be free from wicked laws and edicts; but when we are not so, we must use all lawful means for our security. In this faith of Moses' parents there was a mixture of unbelief, but God was pleased to overlook it. Faith gives strength against the sinful, slavish fear of men; it sets God before the soul, shows the vanity of the

creature, and that all must give way to the will and power of God. The pleasures of sin are, and will be, but short; they must end either in speedy repentance or in speedy ruin. The pleasures of this world are for the most part the pleasures of sin; they are always so when we cannot enjoy them without deserting God and his people. Suffering is to be chosen rather than sin; there being more evil in the least sin, than there can be in the greatest suffering. God's people are, and always have

been, a reproached people. Christ accounts himself reproached in their reproaches; and thus they become greater riches than the treasures of the richest empire in the world. Moses made his choice when ripe for judgment and enjoyment, able to know what he did, and why he did it. It is needful for persons to be seriously religious; to despise the world, when most capable of relishing and enjoying it. Believers may and ought to have respect to the recompence of reward. By faith we may be fully

sure of God's providence, and of his gracious and powerful presence with us. Such a sight of God will enable believers to keep on to the end, whatever they may meet in the way. It is not owing to our own righteousness, or best performances, that we are saved from the wrath of God; but to the blood of Christ, and his imputed righteousness. True faith makes sin bitter to the soul, even while it receives the pardon and atonement. All our spiritual privileges on earth, should quicken us in our way

to heaven. The Lord will make even Babylon fall before the faith of his people, and when he has some great thing to do for them, he raises up great and strong faith in them. A true believer is desirous, not only to be in covenant with God, but in communion with the people of God; and is willing to fare as they fare. By her works Rahab declared herself to be just. That she was not justified by her works appears plainly; because the work she did was faulty in the manner, and not perfectly good,

therefore it could not be answerable to the perfect justice or righteousness of God. (Heb 11:32-38)

The word "Temptation" can mean "an attack with intent to destroy" and refers to severe divine "judgement" The pattern in the plan of God is to rescue the godly before His judgement falls on the wicked. Scripture:

9The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

2 Peter 2:9 (King James Version)

Though the way of error is a hurtful way, many are always ready to walk therein. Let us take care we give no occasion to the enemy to blaspheme the holy name whereby we are called, or to speak evil of the way of salvation by Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. These seducers used feigned words, they deceived the hearts of their followers. Such are condemned already, and the wrath of God abides upon them. God's usual method of proceeding is shown by examples. Angels

were cast down from all their glory and dignity, for their disobedience. If creatures sin, even in heaven, they must suffer in hell. Sin is the work of darkness, and darkness is the wages of sin. See how God dealt with the old world. The number of offenders no more procures favour, than their quality. If the sin be universal, the punishment shall likewise extend to all. If in a fruitful soil the people abound in sin, God can at once turn a fruitful land into barrenness, and a well-watered

country into ashes. No plans or politics can keep off judgments from a sinful people. He who keeps fire and water from hurting his people, Isa 43:2, can make either destroy his enemies; they are never safe. When God sends destruction on the ungodly, he commands deliverance for the righteous. In bad company we cannot but get either guilt or grief. Let the sins of others be troubles to us. Yet it is possible for the children of the Lord, living among the

most profane, to retain their integrity; there being more power in the grace of Christ, and his dwelling in them, than in the temptations of Satan, or the example of the wicked, with all their terrors or allurements. In our intentions and inclinations to commit sin, we meet with strange hinderances, if we mark them When we intend mischief, God sends many stops to hinder us, as if to say, Take heed what you do. His wisdom and power will surely effect the purposes of his love, and the engagements

of his truth; while wicked men often escape suffering here, because they are kept to the day of judgment, to be punished with the devil and his angels. (2Pe 2:10-16)

Here Is God's Answer: "Conformed" refers to assuming an outward _expression that does not reflect what really is inside, a kind of of masquerade or act. and this must stop if it's already going on in a person own life ! World, ("Age") means system of beliefs, values or "spirit of the age" at any time occured in the world in which perrtains in someones thinking, and one's own moral atmosphers of values that's from the our wordly system of today times which is controlled by satan.

2And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:2 (King James Version)

The apostle having closed the part of his epistle wherein he argues and proves various doctrines which are practically applied, here urges important duties from gospel principles. He entreated the Romans, as his brethren in Christ, by the mercies of God, to present their bodies as a living sacrifice to Him. This is a powerful appeal. We receive from the Lord every day the fruits of his mercy. Let us render ourselves; all we are, all we have, all we can do: and after all, what return

is it for such very rich receivings? It is acceptable to God: a reasonable service, which we are able and ready to give a reason for, and which we understand. Conversion and sanctification are the renewing of the mind; a change, not of the substance, but of the qualities of the soul. The progress of sanctification, dying to sin more and more, and living to righteousness more and more, is the carrying on this renewing work, till it is perfected in glory. The great enemy to this renewal is,

conformity to this world. Take heed of forming plans for happiness, as though it lay in the things of this world, which soon pass away. Do not fall in with the customs of those who walk in the lusts of the flesh, and mind earthly things. The work of the Holy Ghost first begins in the understanding, and is carried on to the will, affections, and conversation, till there is a change of the whole man into the likeness of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. Thus, to be godly, is to

give up ourselves to God. (Ro 12:3-8)

Earthly Materials means : Mammon ,treasures,especially money. People just can't have a devotion with Jesus Christ and money at the same time it's not compatable at all. It's commonly held in some dumb notion that it's earthly riches signified divine blessing . Rich people were therefore reguarded as God's favorites, while not condemning them per se , Jesus Christ has denounced both of love and mammon. On the law of love of money.

Worldly-mindedness is a common and fatal symptom of hypocrisy, for by no sin can Satan have a surer and faster hold of the soul, under the cloak of a profession of religion. Something the soul will have, which it looks upon as the best thing; in which it has pleasure and confidence above other things. Christ counsels to make our best things the joys and glories of the other world, those things not seen which are eternal, and to place our happiness in them. There are treasures in

heaven. It is our wisdom to give all diligence to make our title to eternal life sure through Jesus Christ, and to look on all things here below, as not worthy to be compared with it, and to be content with nothing short of it. It is happiness above and beyond the changes and chances of time, an inheritance incorruptible. The worldly man is wrong in his first principle; therefore all his reasonings and actions therefrom must be wrong. It is equally to be applied to false religion; that which is

deemed light is thick darkness. This is an awful, but a common case; we should therefore carefully examine our leading principles by the word of God, with earnest prayer for the teaching of his Spirit. A man may do some service to two masters, but he can devote himself to the service of no more than one. God requires the whole heart, and will not share it with the world. When two masters oppose each other, no man can serve both. He who holds to the world and loves it, must despise God; he who

loves God, must give up the friendship of the world. (Mt 6:25-34)

Self- denial was a common thread in Jesus Christ teaching unto us all, and it confronts the person's wils, Jesus Christ show just how important of "submitting" our own will's unto Him. Jesus has prior claims on our lives that alway's supersedes our personal conveniences or desires. Clinging to selfish ambitions and all of those worldly desires will destroy us! Paradoxically, " giving up" one's life in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the Only way of finding ultimate meaning with a fulfilled purpose in our lives. This teaching truly opposes our own natural inclinations and can only be truly accepted by faith in God. By submitting our will unto God, then we will begin to fully experience the true meaning of life that God has for each and everyone of us. Scripture:23And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

24For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

25For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?

It is an unspeakable comfort that our Lord Jesus is God's Anointed; this signifies that he was both appointed to be the Messiah, and qualified for it. Jesus discourses concerning his own sufferings and death. And so far must his disciples be from thinking how to prevent his sufferings, that they must prepare for their own. We often meet with crosses in the way of duty; and though we must not pull them upon our own heads, yet, when they are laid for us, we must take them up, and carry

them after Christ. It is well or ill with us, according as it is well or ill with our souls. The body cannot be happy, if the soul be miserable in the other world; but the soul may be happy, though the body is greatly afflicted and oppressed in this world. We must never be ashamed of Christ and his gospel. (Lu 9:28-36)

God's exceedingly great precious promises : That we will have that abundances , eternal promises in having eternal life ! That's what we have in being partakers of the children of God in this present age that we all are living in today and forever.That's the most exciting new's that anyone can recieve and hear as we see and partake in living in this world as it shows chaos, heart-breaking events, lives of those whom are partakers in this worldly system of things that won't be handing down God's promise unto them. Even our loved one won't have this coming unto them if they don't completely surrender one's own life unto God and live for ever eternally in His kingdom. This is what has me in tears all of the time praying for all of my family rather it be on my own side of the family or my husbnds side of the family, and friends that I've known through the years and up-to date as well. I surely don't want them to miss out in what Jesus Christ has in store for them all , especially having a place of thier final resting place that's so much greater to have an eternal life in heaven. Scripture:
4Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

2 Peter 1:4 (King James Version)

Faith unites the weak believer to Christ, as really as it does the strong one, and purifies the heart of one as truly as of another; and every sincere believer is by his faith justified in the sight of God. Faith worketh godliness, and produces effects which no other grace in the soul can do. In Christ all fulness dwells, and pardon, peace, grace, and knowledge, and new principles, are thus given through the Holy Spirit. The promises to those who are partakers of a Divine nature,

will cause us to inquire whether we are really renewed in the spirit of our minds; let us turn all these promises into prayers for the transforming and purifying grace of the Holy Spirit. The believer must add knowledge to his virtue, increasing acquaintance with the whole truth and will of God. We must add temperance to knowledge; moderation about worldly things; and add to temperance, patience, or cheerful submission to the will of God. Tribulation worketh patience, whereby we bear all

calamities and crosses with silence and submission. To patience we must add godliness: this includes the holy affections and dispositions found in the true worshipper of God; with tender affection to all fellow Christians, who are children of the same Father, servants of the same Master, members of the same family, travellers to the same country, heirs of the same inheritance. Wherefore let Christians labour to attain assurance of their calling, and of their election, by believing and

well-doing; and thus carefully to endeavour, is a firm argument of the grace and mercy of God, upholding them so that they shall not utterly fall. Those who are diligent in the work of religion, shall have a triumphant entrance into that everlasting kingdom where Christ reigns, and they shall reign with him for ever and ever; and it is in the practice of every good work that we are to expect entrance to heaven. (2Pe 1:12-15)

Time: Period, time, era, age. Sleep: Spiritual apathy and lethargy and unresponsiveness to the things of God. When we turn our life over to God, then we are given an new idenity, we become the children of God. People whom live in Jesus Christ whom are in the light are awake - there own eyes are then opened . They are not in the darkness of this world or in denial of whats taken place in it or knowing, discerning the spiritual things of what God has givien them by the Holy Spirit that enlightens them. They see truths about themselves in that Godly directions of His counself that only He can give unto His children. We shed ourselves of sins that's in our life and all of those evil deeds and then become decent and true life in everything we do by living the Godly ways as believer's of the true and Living Jesus Christ that has given us another chance to life our lives before Him daily with thanksgiving, praises, unto Him.Scripture: 11And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

Romans 13:11-14 (King James Version)

Four things are here taught, as a Christian's directory for his day's work. When to awake; Now; and to awake out of the sleep of carnal security, sloth, and negligence; out of the sleep of spiritual death, and out of the sleep of spiritual deadness. Considering the time; a busy time; a perilous time. Also the salvation nigh at hand. Let us mind our way, and mend our pace, we are nearer our journey's end. Also to make ourselves ready. The night is far spent, the day is at hand;

therefore it is time to dress ourselves. Observe what we must put off; clothes worn in the night. Cast off the sinful works of darkness. Observe what we must put on; how we should dress our souls. Put on the armour of light. A Christian must reckon himself undressed, if unarmed. The graces of the Spirit are this armour, to secure the soul from Satan's temptations, and the assaults of this present evil world. Put on Christ; that includes all. Put on righteousness of Christ, for justification.

Put on the Spirit and grace of Christ, for sanctification. The Lord Jesus Christ must be put on as Lord to rule you as Jesus to save you; and in both, as Christ anointed and appointed by the Father to this ruling, saving work. And how to walk. When we are up and ready, we are not to sit still, but to appear abroad; let us walk. Christianity teaches us how to walk so as to please God, who ever sees us. Walk honestly as in the day; avoiding the works of darkness. Where there are riot and

drunkenness, there usually are chambering and wantonness, and strife and envy. Solomon puts these all together, Pr 23:29 to 35. See what provision to make. Our great care must be to provide for our souls: but must we take no care about our bodies? Yes; but two things are forbidden. Perplexing ourselves with anxious, encumbering care; and indulging ourselves in irregular desires. Natural wants are to be answered, but evil appetites must be checked and

denied. To ask meat for our necessities, is our duty, we are taught to pray for daily bread; but to ask meat for our lusts, is provoking God, Ps 78:18.

Whom "will You" serve? I'm here to challenging You to serve the Lord Jesus Christ . He is the one true God and to reject Him is being foolish ! Remember how our ancestors lived and served by living in the world and what had become of them in our families, and in the Bible. They served a god that has sent them wondering aimlessly in the desert and in the land of "Egypt" and they certainly was very unwise , and living as heathens in worshipping Gods of the world in those very lives.I pray that You will make a very wise decision to follow after Jesus Christ ! Scripture: 14Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.

15And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

16And the people answered and said, God forbid that we should forsake the LORD, to serve other gods;

17For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed:

18And the LORD drave out from before us all the people, even the Amorites which dwelt in the land: therefore will we also serve the LORD; for he is our God.

Joshua 24:14-18 (King James Version)

We must never think our work for God done, till our life is done. If he lengthen out our days beyond what we expected, like those of Joshua, it is because he has some further service for us to do. He who aims at the same mind which was in Christ Jesus, will glory in bearing the last testimony to his Saviour's goodness, and in telling to all around, the obligations with which the unmerited goodness of God has bound him. The assembly came together in a solemn religious manner. Joshua

spake to them in God's name, and as from him. His sermon consists of doctrine and application. The doctrinal part is a history of the great things God had done for his people, and for their fathers before them. The application of this history of God's mercies to them, is an exhortation to fear and serve God, in gratitude for his favour, and that it might be continued. (Jos 24:15-28)

WILL YOU BE READY ? What about the coming days of total destruction that's coming upon the earth. Will You be Ready and preparded in going home to be with Jesus Christ and be living through all eternity with him? Scripture: 34And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

35For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Luke 21:34-36 (King James Version)

Christ tells his disciples to observe the signs of the times, which they might judge by. He charges them to look upon the ruin of the Jewish nation as near. Yet this race and family of Abraham shall not be rooted out; it shall survive as a nation, and be found as prophesied, when the Son of man shall be revealed. He cautions them against being secure and sensual. This command is given to all Christ's disciples, Take heed to yourselves, that ye be not overpowered by temptations, nor

betrayed by your own corruptions. We cannot be safe, if we are carnally secure. Our danger is, lest the day of death and of judgment should come upon us when we are not prepared. Lest, when we are called to meet our Lord, that be the furthest from our thoughts, which ought to be nearest our hearts. For so it will come upon the most of men, who dwell upon the earth, and mind earthly things only, and have no converse with heaven. It will be a terror and a destruction to them. Here see what should

be our aim, that we may be accounted worthy to escape all those things; that when the judgements of God are abroad, we may not be in the common calamity, or it may not be that to us which it is to others. Do you ask how you may be found worthy to stand before Christ at that day? Those who never yet sought Christ, let them now go unto him; those who never yet were humbled for their sins, let them now begin; those who have already begun, let them go forward and be kept humbled. Watch therefore,

and pray always. Watch against sin; watch in every duty, and make the most of every opportunity to do good. Pray always: those shall be accounted worthy to live a life of praise in the other world, who live a life of prayer in this world. May we begin, employ, and conclude each day attending to Christ's word, obeying his precepts, and following his example, that whenever he comes we may be found watching.
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

What Can You Do To Grow Spiritually?

What Can You Do To Grow Spiritually?Life is certainly very rough! We Must constantly struggle against sin inherited from our mortal body. We all live with all realties of pain, sickness, and death. We constantly live in a world that's constantly decaying. Even if we turn our life unto Jesus Christ our Lord God, what is there to look forward to ? The Apostle Peter gives us all an idea in the word of God.

3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

4To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

5Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

6Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

7That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

8Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:1 Peter 1:3-8 (King James Version)

He's refinning us by the Holy Ghost power and it heats -up in order for us to be seperated from worthless and impure dross from the beauitful gold. The dross would be skimmed off until the refiner could see his image in the liquid gold. God uses the firery trials and tribulations in our life to purify and beautify our faith so that one day he will be able to see us with much clarity in this that caused Jesus Christ to be ables to see his image in us.This truth great offers great comfort to those of us whom struggle to make sense of a past marked by suffering. We can be comforted and confident that God will seperate something that very pricfrom dross of our experiences. During our most painful trials, we may fail to see( God) Jesus Christ is truly with us. Yet the Apostle Paul suggests that, strange as it may seem at the time, surrendering unto Jesus Christ in those very difficult times of trials, tribulations can be a joyful experience. If we do trust that Jesus Christ will use all of our trials, tribulations to futher the process of healing in our life, even through we are in those very tough times can become a celebration.

It's often times very difficult to wait on (God), particularly when he seems so very slow in bringing about our healing. We at times say:" Why doesn't God return for us now?" Why does he allow suffering and all of these frustrations? The answer is is very simple yet profoundly full of love: God is full of patience, he wants all to come to him and discover the only true way of salvation and life. As we wait, we can trust him for a good purpose. Scriptures: 3Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

7But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The purified minds of Christians are to be stirred up, that they may be active and lively in the work of holiness. There will be scoffers in the last days, under the gospel, men who make light of sin, and mock at salvation by Jesus Christ. One very principal article of our faith refers to what only has a promise to rest upon, and scoffers will attack it till our Lord is come. They will not believe that he will come. Because they see no changes, therefore they fear not God,

Ps 55:19. What he never has done, they fancy he never can do, or never will do. (2Pe 3:5-10)

GOD'S PROMISES :We are often reminded in the scriptures of the precious gift of forgivness and a new life thy have received through faith in Jesus Christ. It's a gift because No One can claim to be worthy of the salvation God offers through Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 2:8,9). Truly God is Good ! Experincing God's kindness and peace depends on truly knowing Him. Sometimes we expect peace to come before we make a healthy choices, but we are reminded what the Apostle Paul that grace comes when we concencrate on getting to know God. We can then take steps to improve our minds with God through prayer and meditate on His word. The most comforting is a by product of faith, is the simple awareness that we can posses everything we need to live a full and meaningful life. How do we all experience this provision? By participating in God's nature through faith and going through practice into all that he has designed us to be. The past of whom we are,the future is securely in God's hands, and today designed us to be, and full of oportunities to grow in understanding of love, forgivness, truth, and grace! Just as parents provide for thier children's needs, so God supplies all that we need, including the ability to rise above our circumstances and tempations. He keeps fire and water from hurting his people (Isa.43:2) KJV.
2When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

We whom believe in Jesus Christ is firmly grounded anchored and deeply rooted and driven by God's dyamic,unlimited love, and in his words which is the very soil that we need daily in our lives, especially going through firery trials, tribulations that life brings unto us. So that we are very confident that (He's) able to do much,much more for and through us than we ever possably imagine that he can do for us and bamk on Him do it in our behalf. Esoecially when life is the roughest and then very hopeless , but yet remain very hopeful that he can take us beyond it all in having his restoration in being grounded in his love.
Scripture: 14For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

15Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,

16That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

17That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

18May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

19And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Ephesians 3:14-19 (King James Version)

We don't ever cease for "Praying" for you that comes from our hearts, because God's glorious power is at work within us and his strength and has given us his patience to endure it. It's God's ultimate authority to restore us and to think very postive in in You coming unto him through His own plan of salvation, love, grace, mercy in your own life in all hopes in restoration of which He'll provide in our praying for you even if we don't live to see it happen.

9For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

10That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

11Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

12Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

13Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

14In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

I'm sending unto You God's Gospel for the hearing person whom will listen to and ahear what God is saying unto them today ! Because it ill bring unto you a new life in Jesus Christ through His Word and deed. And for us to live it fully unto Him daily, in sharing our story of one's own delieverence is to live it. There's nothing but God's own power that attain one's own witness in what he has accomplished in one's own life that bring about changes, actions that has been seen ,even having those around us in our daily living whom can and will testify unto it as they see us walking in those kinds of changes that's been brought about by the hand of God. No one can comes against at all when it's been brought by God and it will be legtimate and the evidence will be in the persons life, and it been very transformed in ways that beyond comprehension unto the person themselves.When we can trust God and fully allow him to bring about change is the best ways to share with others just what he's done in us and through us like never before.. what a powerful witness that is in a person's own life. Scriptures:

11These things command and teach.

12Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

13Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

14Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.

15Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.

16Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.1 Timothy 4:11-16 (King James Version)

We often times have a hard time of growing in the full maturity in having child-like behaviors instead of growing -up to the fullness of "Spiritual " maturity in being an adult. It takes a very long time for the maturity to grow inside of a person, and having any form of progress showing in one's own life in growing in Jesus Christ. If it isn't growing in a person then we ought to pray and ask the Lord God in seeking Him to find out why that is and then to listen for God's answers to get those results out of the word of God. That's is called " Spiritual lethargy" Yet we are postive in the fact that those are very strong and very hard words to swallow and it very direct to take in one's own life. We do know just how hard the past is and was,and how hard they have worked to grow from it.We often times need to be re-directed to follow those paths that God has deeply chosen for us to follow in setting it right in our lives. Yes, it very challenging for us to turn it around ! But we must presever in maintaing toward our spiritual growth and to confront it when necessary when our loved one gives it unto us in settting us on those straight paths unto God simply because they truly undeniably loves us and deeply cares about us. Scriptures:

9But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.

10For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

11And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end:

12That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Hebrews 6:9-12 (King James Version)

We Must Not only, do No hurt to any, but do good we can to all. To those whom are the elect of God,holy and beloved, ought to be lowly and very compassionate towards all. While living in this world where there is so very much corruption in our hearts, quarrels will sometimes arise. But it is our duty to forgive one another, imitating the forgivness through hich we are saved. Let the pease of God rule in your hearts; it is of his working in all whom are his. Thanksgiving to God, helps make us agrreable to all men. The Gospel is the word of Jesus Christ. Many have the word, but it dwells very deeply in them poorly; it has No power over them. The soul prospers, when we are full of the scriptures and of the grace of Jesus Christ. But when we sing psalms, we must be affected with what we sing. Whatever we are employed about, lets do everything in the name of the LordJesus Christ, and in believing dependence on him. Those who do all in Jesus Christ's name, will never want matter of thanksgiving to God, even the Father. Scripture: 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16 (King James Version)

Here we see and acknowledge that the Apostle Timothy was told by the Apostle Paul to work hard to recieve God's approval by diligently studing the word of God, to fully discover God's will for him in both attitudes and actions. Hey we just can't know what it has to say unless we study it diligently and know just what it truly says unto us daily. Then to really discover what God wants us to live in the wicked world. Then by following His instructions with prayer in rebuilding our lives unto God, for other's in helping us along our journey in the word of God by other believer's whom have the same set of goals in living this life today. Scripture:
16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Colossians 3:16 (King James Version)

The wicked will perish, but God's people shall be exalted:

God sometimes grants prosperity to wicked men in displeasure; yet they flourish but for a moment. Let us seek for ourselves the salvation and grace of the gospel, that being daily anointed by the Holy Spirit, we may behold and share the Redeemer's glory. It is from his grace, by his word and Spirit, that believers receive all the virtue that keeps them alive, and makes them fruitful. Other trees, when old, leave off bearing, but in God's trees the strength of grace does not fail with

the strength of nature. The last days of the saints are sometimes their best days, and their last work their best work: perseverance is sure evidence of sincerity. And may every sabbath, while it shows forth the Divine faithfulness, find our souls resting more and more upon the Lord our righteousness. Scripture: 12The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.Psalm 92:12 (King James Version)

It is the duty of the ministers of the gospel to use great plainness, or clearness, of speech. The Old Testament believers had only cloudy and passing glimpses of that glorious Saviour, and unbelievers looked no further than to the outward institution. But the great precepts of the gospel, believe, love, obey, are truths stated as clearly as possible. And the whole doctrine of Christ crucified, is made as plain as human language can make it. Those who lived under the law, had a veil

upon their hearts. This veil is taken away by the doctrines of the Bible about Christ. When any person is converted to God, then the veil of ignorance is taken away. The condition of those who enjoy and believe the gospel is happy, for the heart is set at liberty to run the ways of God's commandments. They have light, and with open face they behold the glory of the Lord. Christians should prize and improve these privileges. We should not rest contented without knowing the transforming power of

the gospel, by the working of the Spirit, bringing us to seek to be like the temper and tendency of the glorious gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and into union with Him. We behold Christ, as in the glass of his word; and as the reflection from a mirror causes the face to shine, the faces of Christians shine also.

Scripture:18But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.2 Corinthians 3:18 (King James Version)

PRAYER FOR ALL : Dear Precious Heavenly Father; You are our "Yahweh - Tisdkenu ( The Lord is our Righteousness how we come before You in our praises and thanksgiving before you whom will one day come before in establishing a new kingdom of justice and righteousness and ruler of all the earth. As we bow before you this day in an humble way for we rejoicing in your awesomeness and to great and marvelous for words for this is another day that you have made before us. We cover ourselves by your blood of whom you are as our Jesus Christ whom is our mighty, mighty powerful God. and we claim your divine authority and protection over our minds, body, souls as you wash us by your blood scubbing us through and through for by your heavenly light you have made us and are cleansing us each and everyone whom is in this place in being fruitful as we receive your purification and fellowship in being united in one accord which comes in those many blessings and that flow of your righteousness that has our purifications , boldness, peace, quietness, and above all one's everlasting assurance in our awesome joy in the holy spirit. in this place of holiness that we become spotless and set- apart in your sanctified as a holy people before you this day and forever more as each day passes before us on a continual basis as your blood is applied unto each of us today. Thank You Father in your holy divine covenant which is shed for many in our remission of our sins which comes in redemption only by your blood, forgivness of my sins for I believe in you and in that wonderful cross of calvery in our undeserved gift that you have given me as a believer in your richness that comes in grace and mercy in my life. In us needing your cleansing power in removing our conscience has been forgiven and removed from acting like an accuser is now put into service to strengthen us and sanctify us as your servants before You and the world as we are in the world in being consecrated before you, and through the veil that is your flesh that has been broken down in my life that has been brought down and died so in coming in that has now been cleansed in drawing closer unto you with a true heart in my full assurance of my faith, as I am now cleansed in my own heart as my iniquities is like a wind taking them all away before you precious Father God, in us having such a fantasical Holy boldness that moves us unto all other areas in full faith and assurances in great faith which totally leads us by your Holy Sirit and all inspirations in my christian life today.
In the name of Jesus we rebuke any and all demonic forces that try to
come up against us.
In the name of Jesus we rebuke and cancel any plot,thought, or desire where the enemy may be trying to defeat us because we know that the enemy does not have any power and the victory has
already been won. We Bind all forms of sickness and oppression, in that mighty, mighty Name of Jesus, we lift -up each and every single person whom has asked for prayer in this place. Rather it may be emotions, minds, body, sickness, diseases, finaces, poverty,mindconfusion, lack, income, selfishness, anxiety spirit of fear,jealousy, bondage, whoredom, lying spirit, perversion, slumber, and infirmities. I command you satan not to cross that bloodline of Jesus Christ because I bind and sever every cord at all forms of roots and comand them to dry up permenantly and go awayand crush it of any strong man, any prince and principality and every evil spirit that comes against me that is nothing but darkness of this world. I put Jesus Christ bloodline over my home,Isreal, areas of violence in our neighboorhoods,business,church,family members,children, pastors, missionaries,armed forces,goverment officals that don't know to come unto that salvation of God and to live accordingly unto Him in His scriptures,p.c. family,vehicles,schools,colleges,jails, prisions, any companies,people standing against God and between each one of you and I cut- off any communications, and totally confuse your entire camp, render you inactive, and totally cast you out , in Jesus Christ'Name. For we know our Most High Lamb of God sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven. And he's far above any ruler, person in authority or power, leader in this world, or world to come because all things have been put under the feet of Jesus Christ, because our Father God had given him those rights as it is His only begotton Son. And the benefit of the church, and the member of the united body they are His body of saints whom are filled in Him in that wonderful everlasting precence which is filled in glory, divine love for all eternity which is to come unto them in the very near future. Foe our precious, precious Father has broken down hostilty that comes between us and has given us peace and have been reconciled by any means of death and seperation in what Jesus Christ has done for us whom are His electd one. We delcare peace, promises, blessings and God special favor, power in each ones privielge in serving Jesus Christ our Lamb of God in spreading His Good New's unto this world. Even though we didn't seserve any of it it's available unto us by Him in His grace and mercy in all provisions that only He provides us with and by His holy angles whom serves the Almighty God in the heavenly realm so we move fearlessly into God's Holy Presence and are assured and not being in any dispear of what we see and hear because it's been spken us by our God in whom we trust and adore in our heart, mind, body, soul in one's suffering we feel hnored and encouraged in reaching our home in glory when He comes for us in that final hour that we know is our home eternally and forever. Amen and Amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.