Thursday, October 12, 2006

Praying To The Father

Praying To The Father :Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. We come humbly before You with praise and thanksgiving, we thank You for this day, For this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. In the name of Jesus we rebuke any and all demonic forces that will try to come up against us.
In the name of Jesus we rebuke and cancel any plot,
thought, or desire where the enemy may be trying to defeat us because we know that the enemy does not have any power and the victory has already been won. We Bind all forms of sickness and oppression, in the name of Jesus. 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Father
we ask that You will touch those that are
not feeling well. We ask that You will touch those that are in the
hospitals. Father we ask that You will perform miracles and healing
in the lives of Your people.
We ask that You will comfort Your people and make a way
for them. We thank you that everything is going to be alright. We give You thanks Lord that You always show up right on time. Father continue to use us for Your service to help those that are with out and those that are less fortunate. We ask that you will let Your willbe done, in the name of Jesus Christ. We thank You inadvance for Your miracle working power, for healing, restoration,for being an on time God, thank You for Your protection, and we thank you for Your loving kindness. We ask that You will remember all the the folk's in this land whom are speaking out against your people in whom are christian believer's who totally believe in you Father God and are obedient unto you only, that have attitudes and styles of life that are very Godless in teachings practices,music industry, Goverement officals state, local,nation that they are in the occult practices in which only results in the ways that they live before you that have professed godliness in practices that have shaped themselves in godless immoral values in this nation and pagan values before you and your people to be God fearing and to recognize that they are very accountable before you for each decisions and their acts (Prv.9:10,11),That they themselves in movies, T.V. Stars to be having a heavy hand upon them that will draw them in having such a saving encounter upon all of those lives in california, new york and elsewhere where in this world that they are on those types of worldly entertainment and to be born again, they be presented with the gospel and have a loving christian witness strengthened and encouraged, with that viel lifted from there eyes in being granted wisdom, knowledge,and total understanding of your most precious words the sword of your spirit precious Father and have a complete filling of whom you are in them and they seek your will as they see one's own inadequacy, and pray and be totally convicted in those paths that they had chosen and turn it around before you. Then that they have heeded thier conscience, confess thier sins, and repent them before you and that they read the Bible and attend prayer meetings and Bible studies. And above all, that they be given Godly counsel, and be God- fearing advisors of your Sword of your Bible in truths of whom you are in them and that they have God- fearing spouses and thier homes be God- fearing and be faithful honest and are practing members of their local church.( Prov.28:13,Jas.4:8), ( Jas.1:5, Rom.10:14, 1Tim.2:4,Eph.1:17-23), (Prov.3:5-8,Lk.11:9-13), ( Ps.51:17,Jhn.8:9),( Ps.119:11,Col.3:2), Rom.13:1-7). (Prov.24:6, Matt.2:15,16), ( Heb.10:25).That they only desire humility and meekness and be willing to serve and cooperate in that be presented with restoring sanctity of life, familes values in being morally sound in our nation in totally reversing those trends of humanism in our nation to, that they be shielded from the occult practices in New Age, cults of santanic, false religions, and all secret societies in this nation. Is.1:29,2:6). Simply stated in your precious Holy Words ( 2 Chron.7:14) which says unto us ..." If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. That's such a beauitful promise Father coming from your most sincere heart unto us today and every times we read it, and knowing this is just what you'll do for us without a doubt. Through that cross that heaven came down upon us and by it lord that all of this earth could sing your praises through everything we go through in the saving cross of your great love for us your people and that your alive forever and ever. You rule and reign in this earth and in that we have hope in seeking, knowing, knocking at your door which is opened unto all of your apples of your eyes in knowing and believing that your heavenly provisions are established unto us in making those ways come forth because you are a God that bring restorations unto us in our desire and devotions only unto you. Praises are being lifted unto you as we bow our hearts unto you as you redeem us in our praises unto you. Our allegiance is only unto you Father God as we take a stand in the Biblical standards of which you have put in our hearts, homes that only represent you in our lives, as we give our praise,hoor, unto your glory that shines in our lives in each respected homes in our lands of where we reside daily no matter where we are or no matter how far that it stretches unto the skies in unto the heavens as it explodes in the heavens as we worship and as we do we do we rest in the shadows of your wings as you are our King, and the faithfulness and justices, mercy, grace thats just lifts you even higher unto us as you are our strength that abounds in us as your people that dearly dearly loves you as you loves us in this hour that keeps us close in those wings of that divine love and hope that we cherrish so much. For we believe in you and have such a knowing trust that you Lord are above and true one that we have desired and knowing that we might live in you in alway's believing in our own eyes in our hearts just how you see us in that saving grace that abounds so far and in depth that we can only see deep within our heart that your precense in us so very deeply Hallelujah Halleujah unto our Kings of kings, Lord of of all in your loving presence is awesome and excellent that incomparable unto anything that this world has offered anyone ,Lord here is our praise and worship with our sincere hearts ,;ord you are powerful, plentiful, which radiates in us in that amazing love that glorious just shines before us today and everyday that we come before you Your grace is truly plentiful for us and we thank you from each one of thats before you in this place. Only you staisfies us in your comfort in your everlasting in your faithfulness and in your truths No one Father simply because your fountain comes down upon us as your are our shelter, rock, victorious warrior comforter and satisfies in your redeemed one and our very own redeemer whom reigns upon the throne.We declare that we truly belong unto you Jesus for we are ever so watching for your return on that day in which we'll be singing as you stand your gorund as you defeated satan as we al will be singing and praising you in the heaven. What a mighty day that will be for those whom are your bride and in standing with you in lifitng our hearts in shouting for joy in what you've have done before us in that day. Blesed be the glory of our High God and have established our feet in his rock in him is our shielded us in his strongtower in our times of trouble and in that hour of need. There is only you in our desires that is inside of you Father in knowing you are our portion in all things that represents you and we can not only ask for those things it just not in us to do them because it's not of you and in your word. Thank you for being our helpr in all times of need and trials, tribulations that we have come through in abiding in you Jesus. You are a friend that are truly mindful of us, and you do hear us in it's amazing in being in your amzing love that has transformed us in glorifying our friend of God that carries us through in all that comes our way glory glory unto our Jehovah God ;The Beginning of our Friendship
How did God begin this friendship with us? Our friendships usually begin through some sort of casual interaction. Meeting someone at school, sitting next to that sister in the alto section, or having something in common with the brother on the basketball court may lead to a new relationship, sitting with a person whom You Lord hath brought us in learning and coming unto you in that divine appoitment as your love endures us forever. . However, God’s decision to develop a relationship with man required infinitely more than casual contact. Psalms 8:4 and Hebrews 2: 5-6 reads, “What is man that thou art mindful of him, the Son of Man that you care for him?”

The psalmist’s question emphasizes the transcendent nature of God. In other words, God is holy and mighty —while we are common.

So why is God concerned about the affairs of men? But the psalmist goes on to explain why God is uniquely concerned about men:

You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under His feet. (Hebrews 2:7-8, Psalms 8:5-6)
This prophetic passage points us directly to the Person of Jesus Christ. God the Father prepared a body for the Son. The Son took on flesh and became the Second Adam: the man Jesus Christ. Jesus lived this life as a man and was crowned with glory, honor and power (Romans 1:4, Heb. 10: 5-6, Psalms 8:5-6, John 1:14, I Pet. 3:22). As a result, God’s concern for mankind is unique because God himself has become a man! If God became an angel, He would be concerned with angels, but He did not become an angel. He decided to begin an intimate relationship with mankind although we were made a little lower than the angels. He decided to begin this friendship with us long before we were ever mindful of Him.

Forever you are with us in having such a deep personal realtionship as your love has directed in your sword unto us today.You are with us in your faithfulness and through eternity and endures forever as praises rises up in your beautiful glory from our hearts unto your Father God in abiding in your strength which is our strong tower that never ever goes away as we say these things unto your ears of your words in our scripture in knowing everything is in you is made perfect and it will last forever until we are brought before you in our hopes in standing before you on judgement day that we'll hear these words coming unto our ears... " His lord said unto him, Well done, [thou] good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. ( Matt.25:21) or (Jesus will say unto us ), "Well done, good and faithful servant; Come on in " Amen ! !!! Whooo hoo how exciting Jesus it just thrills my own heart to be able to hear those words coming from you at that time, You are soooo worthy and you are my God for you are wonderful to all of us in this place. Father this is what we ask in Jesus'name Amen . and Amen ! For we have journey to that ever lasting home in looking toward the heavens above in His security ! Finally set Free !!! Hallelujah ! To be spending all eternity with Jesus Christ is where I'm going to spend in my own heart and I'll alway's be after what He wants of me unto His authority that never ceases I'm sure you are as well.catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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