Friday, June 29, 2007



"And you, O Bethlehem of Ephrath, least among the clans of Judah, from you One shall come forth to rule Israel for Me -- ONE Whose origin is from of old, from ancient times." [Micah (Michah) 5. 2 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

According to the prophet Micah, the Messiah was to be born in the city of Bethlehem. He was t! o be King of the Jews, Whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting indicating He existed before He came to earth in a human body. "Before the sun was, His Name "Yinnon" (a name of Messiah Jesus) had been prepared and all nations will be blessed in His merits." [Psalm (Tehillym) 72. 17 Tanakh, Kethuvim] This statement also implies pre-existence. From this passage on Yinnon the word "Shiloh" or "Sheloi" comes to which many Jewish scholars admit as referring to Messiah.

"Shiloh" means the exact image and reflection of GOD. "In Him dwells all the FULLNESS of the GodHead BODILY." [Colossians 2. 9] "Sheloi" is an acrostic meaning "His Name shall be continued as long as the sun."

"Thus says the LORD GOD: 'Remove the turban and take off the crown! Nothing shall remain the same! Exalt the humble, and disgrace the exalted. Ruin, an utter ruin I will make it overthrown! It shall be no longer, until HE COMES TO WHOM IT RIGHTF! ULLY BEL ONGS; and I will give it to Him.'" [Ezekiel (Yehezke-El) 21. 26 - 27 Tanakh, Nevi'im] "The scepter (a symbol of kingship) shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between His feet; until SHILOH comes, so that tribute shall come to Him and the homage of peoples be His." [Genesis (Bereshith) 49. 10 Tanakh, Torah] "In that time, tribute shall be brought to the LORD of Hosts from a people far and remote, from a people thrust forth and away - a nation of gibber and chatter, whose land is cut off by streams - at the place where the Name of the LORD of Hosts abides, at Mount Zion." [Isaiah 18. 7 Tanakh, Nevi'im]

Yes, to Yinnon, Shiloh, Lawgiver, Messiah, Saviour, Redeemer, Almighty GOD, King Jesus "all kings shall bow down to Him and all nations shall serve Him." [Psalm (Tehillym) 72. 11 Tanakh, Kethuvim] How can one help but serve the LORD JESUS in fear, and rejoice with trembling; all those who put their trust in Him are eternally most blessed.

Sha'alu (Pray) for the shalom (Peace) of Jerusalem and all of Israel!

Be submissive to a superior, affable to a suppliant, and receive all men with cheerfulness. Then, give your problems to the LORD GOD and find rest in HIM.

The Lord is faithfull, the Lord will increase us more and more. Praise the Lord for raising up a team of faithfull, disciples, committed, anointed helpers, financial supporters for this ministry.

catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

From Here To Eternity

And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. Luke 22:43 The BottomLine:

Every description which the evangelists give of the state of mind in which our Lord entered upon this conflict, proves the tremendous nature of the assault, and the perfect foreknowledge of its terrors possessed by the meek and lowly Jesus.When Christ was in his agony, there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. It was a part of his humiliation that he was thus strengthened by a ministering spirit.Being in agony, he prayed more earnestly. Prayer, though never out of season, is in a special manner seasonable when we are in an agony. In this agony his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down. This showed the travail of his soul. We should pray also to be enabled to resist unto the shedding of our blood, striving against sin, if ever called to it. When next you dwell in imagination upon the delights of some favourite sin, think of its effects as you behold them here! See its fearful !, effects in the garden of Gethsemane, and desire, by the help of God, deeply to hate and to forsake that enemy, to ransom sinners from whom the Redeemer prayed, agonized, and bled. (Lu 22:47-53)

"There we saw the giants" (Num. 13:33)

Yes, they saw the giants, but Caleb and Joshua saw God! Those who
doubt say, "We be not able to go up." Those who believe say, "Let us go
up at once and possess it, for we are well able."

Giants stand for great difficulties; and giants are stalking
everywhere. They are in our families, in our churches, in our social
life, in our own hearts; and we must overcome them or they will eat us
up, as these men of old said of the giants of Canaan.

The men of faith said, "They are bread for us; we will eat them up."
In other words, "We will be stronger by overcoming them than if there
had been no giants to overcome."

Now the fact is, unless we have the overcoming faith we shall be
eaten up, consumed by the giants in our path. Let us have the spirit of
faith that these men of faith had, and see God, and He will take care
of the difficulties. --Selected

It is when we are in the way of duty that we find giants. It was
when Israel was going forward that the, giants appeared. When they
turned back into the wilderness they found none.

There is a prevalent idea that the power of God in a human life
should lift us above all trials and conflicts. The fact is, the power
of God always brings a conflict and a struggle. One would have thought
that on his great missionary journey to Rome, Paul would have been
carried by some mighty providence above the power of storms and
tempests and enemies. But, on the contrary, it was one long, hard fight
with persecuting Jews, with wild tempests, with venomous vipers and all
the powers of earth and hell, and at last he was saved, as it seemed,
by the narrowest margin, and had to swim ashore at Malta on a piece of
wreckage and barely escape a watery grave.

Was that like a God of infinite power? Yes, just like Him. And so
Paul tells us that when he took the Lord Jesus Christ as the life of
his body, a severe conflict immediately came; indeed, a conflict that
never ended, a pressure that was persistent, but out of which he always
emerged victorious through the strength of Jesus Christ.

The language in which he describes this is most graphic. "We are
troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but not in
despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed,
always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be manifested in our body."

What a ceaseless, strenuous struggle! It is impossible to express in
English the forcible language of the original. There are five pictures
in succession. In the first, the idea is crowding enemies pressing in
from every side, and yet not crushing him because the police of heaven
cleared the way just wide enough for him to get through.

The second picture is that of one whose way seems utterly closed and
yet he has pressed through; there is light enough to show him the next
step. The Revised Version translates it, "Perplexed but not unto

The third figure is that of an enemy in hot pursuit while the divine
Defender still stands by, and he is not left alone, "Pursued but not abandoned."

The fourth figure is still more vivid and dramatic. The enemy has
overtaken him, has struck him, has knocked him down. But it is not a
fatal blow; he is able to rise again. It might be translated,
"Overthrown but not overcome."

Once more the figure advances, and now it seems to be even death
itself, "Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus."
But he does not die, for "the life also of Jesus" now comes to his aid
and he lives in the life of another until his life work is done.

The reason so many fail ... is
because they expect to have it all without a struggle, and when the
conflict comes and the battle wages long, they become discouraged and
surrender. God has nothing worth having that is easy. There are no
cheap goods in the heavenly market. Our redemption cost all that God
had to give, and everything worth having is expensive. Hard places are
the very school of faith and character, and if we are to rise over mere
human strength and prove the power of life divine in these mortal
bodies, it must be through a process of conflict that may well be
called the birth travail of a new life. It is the old figure of the
bush that burned, but was not consumed.

No, dear suffering child of God, you cannot fail if only you dare to believe, to stand fast and refuse to be overcome.

catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Morning and Evening Devotions

Morning Verse
"Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him." 1Thessalonians 4:14

Let us not imagine that the soul sleeps in insensibility. "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise," is the whisper of Christ to every dying saint. They "sleep in Jesus," but their souls are before the throne of God, praising Him day and night in His temple, singing hallelujahs to Him who washed them from their sins in His blood. The body sleeps in its lonely bed of earth, beneath the coverlet of grass. But what is this sleep? The idea connected with sleep is "rest," and that is the thought which the Spirit of God would convey to us. Sleep makes each night a Sabbath for the day. Sleep shuts fast the door of the soul, and bids all intruders tarry for a while, that the life within may enter its summer garden of ease. The toil-worn believer quietly sleeps, as does the weary child when it slumbers on its mother's breast. Oh! happy they who die in the Lord; they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them. Their quiet repose shall never be broken until God shall rouse them to give them their full reward. Guarded by angel watchers, curtained by eternal mysteries, they sleep on, the heritors of glory, till the fulness of time shall bring the fulness of redemption. What an awaking shall be theirs! They were laid in their last resting place, weary and worn, but such they shall not rise. They went to their rest with the furrowed brow, and the wasted features, but they wake up in beauty and glory. The shrivelled seed, so destitute of form and comeliness, rises from the dust a beauteous flower. The winter of the grave gives way to the spring of redemption and the summer of glory. Blessed is death, since it, through the divine power, disrobes us of this work-day garment, to clothe us with the wedding garment of incorruption. Blessed are those who "sleep in Jesus."
The Bottom Line:

Here is comfort for the relations and friends of those who die in the Lord. Grief for the death of friends is lawful; we may weep for our own loss, though it may be their gain. Christianity does not forbid, and grace does not do away, our natural affections. Yet we must not be excessive in our sorrows; this is too much like those who have no hope of a better life. Death is an unknown thing, and we know little about the state after death; yet the doctrines of the resurrection and the second coming of Christ, are a remedy against the fear of death, and undue sorrow for the death of our Christian friends; and of these doctrines we have full assurance. It will be some happiness that all the saints shall meet, and remain together for ever; but the principal happiness of heaven is to be with the Lord, to see him, live with him, and enjoy him for ever. We should support one another in times sorrow; not deaden one another's spirits, or weaken one another's hands. And this may be done by the many lessons to be learned from the resurrection of the dead, and the second coming of Christ. What! comfort a man by telling him he is going to appear before the judgment-seat of God! Who can feel comfort from those words? That man alone with whose spirit the Spirit of God bears witness that his sins are blotted out, and the thoughts of whose heart are purified by the Holy Spirit, so that he can love God, and worthily magnify his name. We are not in a safe state unless it is thus with us, or we are desiring to be so.

Evening Verse
"Howbeit, in the business of the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him, to try him, that He might know all that was in his heart." 2Chronicles 32:31

Hezekiah was growing so inwardly great, and priding himself so much upon the favour of God, that self-righteousness crept in, and through his carnal security, the grace of God was for a time, in its more active operations, withdrawn. Here is quite enough to account with the Babylonians; for if the grace of God should leave the best Christian, there is enough of sin in his heart to make him the worst of transgressors. If left to yourselves, you who are warmest for Christ would cool down like Laodicea into sickening lukewarmness: you who are sound in the faith would be white with the leprosy of false doctrine; you who now walk before the Lord in excellency and integrity would reel to and fro, and stagger with a drunkenness of evil passion. Like the moon, we borrow our light; bright as we are when grace shines on us, we are darkness itself when the Sun of Righteousness withdraws Himself. Therefore let us cry to God never to leave us. "Lord, take not thy Holy Spirit from us! Withdraw not from us Thine indwelling grace! Hast Thou not said, 'I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day'? Lord, keep us everywhere. Keep us when in the valley, that we murmur not against Thy humbling hand; keep us when on the mountain, that we wax not giddy through being lifted up; keep us in youth, when our passions are strong; keep us in old age, when becoming conceited of our wisdom, we may therefore prove greater fools than the young and giddy; keep us when we come to die, lest, at the very last, we should deny Thee! Keep us living, keep us dying, keep us labouring, keep us suffering, keep us fighting, keep us resting, keep us everywhere, for everywhere we need Thee, O our God!"

The Bottom Line:

God left Hezekiah to himself, that, by this trial and his weakness in it, what was in his heart might be known; that he was not so perfect in grace as he thought he was. It is good for us to know ourselves, and our own weakness and sinfulness, that we may not be conceited, or self-confident, but may always live in dependence upon Divine grace. We know not the corruption of our own hearts, nor what we shall do if God leaves us to ourselves. His sin was, that his heart was lifted up.

What need have great men, and good men, and useful men, to study their own infirmities and follies, and their obligations to free grace, that they may never think highly of themselves; but beg earnestly of God, that he will always keep them humble! Hezekiah made a bad return to God for his favours, by making even those favours the food and fuel of his pride. Let us shun the occasions of sin: let us avoid the company, the amusements, the books, yea, the very sights that may administer to sin.

Let us commit ourselves continually to God's care and protection; and beg of him never to leave us nor forsake us. Blessed be God, death will soon end the believer's conflict; then pride and every sin will be abolished. He will no more be tempted to withhold the praise which belongs to the God of his salvation.

catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.