Thursday, December 07, 2006



~ Bobby Conner

Eagles View Ministries

November 29, 2006

"Get ready! We are about to behold the Lord's majesty and might in such a way that will shock us."

While waiting upon the Lord one day, I was ushered into a powerful
prophetic encounter. I was surrounded by numerous magnificent Heavenly
messengers, which quickly escorted me upward into the Heavenly realm in
front of a massive door.

I was stunned with its strength and beauty. This outstanding door was
compelling and alluring in the noblest fashion. Intuitively, I was
that behind this door were divine treasures and wisdom beyond my
to grasp.

Written across the entrance in bold letters of living fire were two
words, "Spirit" and "Truth." The colors contained in these flames were
beautiful beyond description. I was overwhelmed with the pull I sensed
within my soul. I longed to behold what was beyond the door.


My heart pounded so hard, that each beat shook my body. I knew I was
standing at a moment of great opportunity and that something amazing
about to be revealed.

I was simultaneously experiencing two opposite feelings--anticipation
and overwhelming expectation, along with holy fear and awe. The
hosts who escorted me, radiated might and tremendous power, however,
they were also exceptionally gentle and gracious. Their presence
comforted and reassured me.

In this place of awe, I couldn't muster the courage to ask, "Who has
key to such a significant door?" Even though I did not speak, one of
Heavenly hosts answered in a reassuring tone, "The only key to this
is your deep desire to walk in Truth."

When he said the word "Truth," I trembled knowing that this was much
more than mere head knowledge. He was speaking about Divine Truth.

The tone of his voice increased my deep desire to enter the room. He
continued, "To the truly hungry, this door is always open and
accessible." A deep sense of assurance and hope washed over me.

Jesus' promise in Matthew 5:6 rang in my heart. I could hardly wait for
the angel's next statement. Again his powerful yet reassuring voice
instructed me, "Extend your hand and touch the door." I touched the
handle and was stunned when the door quickly swung open.

We can be confident the Spirit of Truth is willing to aid us on our
quest for Light and Truth. In 2 Samuel 22:29, we discover this
tremendous promise, "For You art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will
lighten my darkness."

The Spirit of God will release the much-needed revelatory light if we
are willing to seek Him while He may be found (see Jeremiah 29:12).

We are in a season of revealed Truth. You have been given blessed and
highly favored eyes and ears, which are able to comprehend this
important truth. Matthew 13:16, "But blessed are your eyes, for they
see: and your ears, for they hear."


Following angelic instructions, I stepped inside. I was more than
surprised. I had expected to be blinded by brilliant, blazing, Heavenly
light, yet the room appeared almost completely dark. A small,
candle cast the faint light.

I intuitively knew that there was much more than what I could see with
my natural eyes. In spite of the dim atmosphere, this room contained
objects of immense worth--wisdom and knowledge on a level not yet
discovered by mankind.

Knowing this only intensified my desire to discover them. I was greatly
encouraged by the promise in Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to
conceal a matter and the honor of kings to search it out." It was my
desire to search out this matter.

God has given great, powerful promises to those who are spiritually
hungry and thirsty. God promises to pour out His Spirit like floods of
water in Isaiah 44:3-4, "For I will pour water on him who is thirsty,
and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your
and My blessing on your offspring; They will spring up among the grass
like willows by the watercourses."

Our heart's cry must be that of Psalm 42:1-2, " As the deer pants for
the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God," and Psalm 63:1, "O
God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My
flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water."
We too must hunger and thirst for God. Ask now for an intensified
for Him.


"The holy reverential fear of the Lord was so strong, that I was afraid
to breathe."

My heart was overcome with divine hunger. I longed for the light! I
I would need a great deal more light to reveal the hidden treasures. It
is in His light that we will see light.

The candle was in a beautiful candleholder fashioned from what appeared
to be the purest gold. Although the flickering flame was small, it was
the outstanding brilliance of the candlestick that drew my attention.

It was strong, yet graceful, and incredibly beautiful beyond
description. It appeared to be made of pure gold. Suddenly, I was aware
of the Lord's presence. It seemed the more I focused upon the
candlestick's beauty, the more the room filled with His presence.

The whole atmosphere of the room was alive with Christ's presence, and
desired to see Him more than any treasure hidden there. It is in Him
that all the wisdom and treasures of God dwell. Colossians 2:3, "In
are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

My heart trembled with awe and anticipation at His presence. It was as
if even the air became electrified with expectation. The awareness of
Christ Jesus and His Majesty was breathtaking; it was wonderful and

Even the Heavenly messengers were awed and astonished by the Lord's
presence. Words cannot express the level of awe and reverence these
angels have for the Lord. Their reaction only amplified the holy fear
that gripped my heart.

Get ready! We are about to behold the Lord's majesty and might in such
way that will shock us. A totally different type of respect is coming
these days for Christ the King. We too, will fall on our faces like
on the isle of Patmos when he encountered the risen Redeemer (see
Revelation 1:10-18).

The holy reverential fear of the Lord was so strong, that I was afraid
to breathe. I was torn between two desires--I wanted to fall back into
the shadows and hide, yet at the same time, I wanted the room to
continue to flood with His holy presence.

I wanted to hide because of the contamination of my heart. In His
presence, I was keenly aware of the weakness and wickedness of my
In this moment, I was conscious of the overwhelming grace of God toward
us. Despite the fact that our sins are dreadful, through Christ's blood
we become as white as snow (see Isaiah 1:18).



In Hebrews 12:3, we are instructed to "Consider Him...", Christ the
Redeemer. For without Him, we can accomplish nothing. It is the quest
and goal to lift Him ever higher for all to see, because He alone is
together lovely. As we lift Him up, He draws all men unto Himself.

While our glance can rest upon these great heroes of faith and their
awesome accomplishments for the Kingdom of God, our gaze must remain
constantly affixed to the King of kings. Yes, in all things we must
consider Him. All our thoughts must lead to Him. So, no matter what the
theme or text we are studying, we are really considering Jesus.

I love to study Hebrews 11, uncovering the great exploits of the men
women of outstanding faith. These people truly helped to advance God's
Kingdom. Our spirits are lifted higher as we reflect upon the great
victories of the impressive roll call of faith's heroes, and our
expectation is heightened as we ponder these people. We do well to look
deep into the life and ministry of these precious saints of old, but
expect God to do even more in our day.

We must never forget that the greatest days of the Church are ahead of
us, and we are to accomplish greater deeds than these spoken of in
Hebrews. The Kingdom of God is about advancing and expansion. He has a
mighty plan and awesome purpose for each of us. Never settle for less
than what God has promised to release for you.

However, our greatest quest is to behold the Lord in His glory, yet the
main message is still to "Consider Him." The writer of the book of
Hebrews is quick to point us to Christ, stating at the conclusion of
this tremendous passage, that our main focus must look past these great
victorious champions and look to the Lord.

As we consider Jesus, we discover that truly, He is "altogether
as stated in Song of Solomon. Great grace and anointing is upon the
study of the Song of Songs in our day. The Holy Spirit has released
light upon the beauty of the Lord in this awe-inspiring passage of

"His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of fine gold. His
countenance is like Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. His mouth is most
sweet. Yes, He is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my
friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!" (Song of Solomon 5:15–16.)

Jesus alone is the fairest of ten thousand. He is the bright and
Star. He is the beautiful lily of the valley. Oh, how can we help but
consider Him!

If we will take the time to study the book of Colossians, we will
discover much about the person, the power, and the position of Christ
Jesus. In Colossians 1:15, we are told that Jesus is the image of the
invisible God and the firstborn of all creation. It is in Him that the
fullness of the Godhead dwells.

Colossians 2:9-10 states, "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the
Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all
principality and power."

In Colossians 1:16-17, we discover that all things were created by Him
and through Him, and that it is in Him all things continue to exist!
Truly, God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him a name above every
name. How can we not consider Him?



Today when we observe God's mighty power demonstrated through a person,
we too must remember that behind it all is the Lord of Glory. We should
never forget that it is God who works in us, both to will and to do of
His good pleasure (see Philippians 2:13).

This is an overwhelming thought that we can live our life so that it
brings God pleasure. This must be the highest goal. We discover in Luke
12:32, that one of the things that brings Father God good pleasure is
giving us the Kingdom--releasing to us divine authority.

As we keep this in mind, our appreciation for God's power moving in the
life of others is heightened. It is wonderful to know that God chooses
ordinary people and gives them an astounding anointing in order for
to accomplish the task He has assigned (see 1 Corinthians 1:26).

The Scriptures declare concerning believers "...we have this treasure
jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not
from us" (2 Corinthians 4:7). Truly God uses the ordinary to do
extraordinary things so that when all is said and done, He alone
receives the glory due His name.

In the very near future, we will see meetings where great displays of
God's Spirit will accomplish overwhelming things, and no one will go
away speaking about the guest minister, but rather the whole focus will
be upon the Lord of Glory.

I am convinced that God would do many more miracles if He would get the
glory for them. This is something we must be very careful about--that
are always quick to give the glory to God for all that is accomplished
in any of our ministry meetings.

In a powerful prophetic visitation, I was told that the highest form of
treason and the deepest betrayal was to take the gifts that God has
released to win others to Christ, and use these gifts and anointings to
draw people to ourselves.

The Holy Spirit is on a mission--a mission to continually glorify the
Lamb of God. He is drawing us to consider Jesus in all things; to fix
our eyes on Him, knowing that as we look to Jesus, we will become like

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of
the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to
just as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

As we seek to behold Jesus in all His beauty, we will be changed to
become more and more like Him. God desires to use us to become radical
reflections of His glory, thus shining bright in a sin-darkened world.
We must choose to allow the impartation of His life to become a
sweet-smelling fragrance in our lives.

May it be stated of us, like the early disciples, that it is evident we
have been with Jesus. May the testimony of our lives be like that of
Paul, "For me to live is Christ..." May we never fail nor tire of
lifting up the Son of God in order that He may continue to draw all men
unto Himself.



Now let's return to the room with the candle. In the King's presence, I
longed to more clearly see His countenance as in Proverbs 16:15, "In
light of the King's face is life...." Knowing that Jesus sought to
reveal many things to me, I asked for strength to stand. Suddenly, I
felt His reassuring peace comforting my heart.

My voice trembled as I found the courage to ask, "Lord what is this
small candle?" He replied in the gentlest confirming tone, "That is
spirit being awakened by My words."

At His statement, my heart filled with the promise found in Proverbs
20:27, "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the
inward parts of his being." While I was thinking about this verse, He
said, "Yes, it is true; I long to give more revelation to My people."

We are in the season of Truth--truly God will release His insights if
seek Him. In Psalm 18:28, we read these encouraging words, "For you
light my candle; the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness."

At the mere sound of His voice, the flame began to vibrate. It grew
stronger and stronger. I was amazed that the sound of His voice caused
the flame to increase in power. As the room grew brighter and brighter,
so did my heart. It seemed to expand with each deposit.

As the desire to see more increased in me, the Lord continued to speak
concerning His Kingdom. With each word from His lips, the room
in light and brilliance. I was sadly and keenly aware of how little I
knew concerning the King and His Kingdom.


Worthy is the Lamb to receive all glory and honor. Here are some
Scriptures that pertain to this light. Psalm 36:9, "For with You is the
fountain of life: in Your light shall we see light." Truly it is in His
Light that we see Light.

Again, in Psalm 18:28, "For You light my lamp, The Lord my God
my darkness." My heart began to cry out for more wisdom and
understanding. We must have fresh revelation to accomplish what God is
setting before our generation.

In the prophetic promise found in Isaiah 58:6-11, we discover awesome
promises of light and health and overflowing provisions if we fully
follow God's plans.

"Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of
wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go
and that you break every yoke? Is it not to deal your bread to the
hungry, and that you bring the poor that are cast out to your house?

When you see the naked, that you cover him; and that you hide not
yourself from your own flesh? Then shall your light break forth as the
morning, and your health shall spring forth speedily; and your
righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your
rearward." (Isaiah 58:6-8)

As the Lord spoke again, the small flame's radiance greatly increased.
At the sound of His voice, the entire room seemed to quiver and
tremble--not in fear, but rather in anticipation and expectation. In
Psalm 29:3-9 we discover this truth--"The mountains shake at His

Christ continued to speak, affirming, "The more you respond to My
revelation, the brighter your candle burns." Even the instructions
caused the flame to become noticeably brighter. With more light, came
more desire for light. The brighter the light, the deeper my hunger
for more. "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men" John

In this incredible atmosphere, I felt something deep within me
arising--it was an excruciating hunger on a level I had never dreamed
possible, and the desire was like nothing I had ever experienced
It was a hunger for His Word and for understanding. My heart cried out
Psalm 43:3, "O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me."

Abruptly and deeper than before, I was painfully aware of how little I
truly knew about His Majesty. It is one thing to know Scripture in our
head, and a completely different thing to understanding Divine Truth in
our heart.

A profound hunger arose within me. A deep love leaped within my heart.
cried out in desperation for more understanding. "Open my eyes to
wonderful things from Your word. Open my ears to hear; open my eyes to
see." As we walk in His light, we see light. As He awakens our heart,
realize our desperate need for Him.

The cry of our heart is found in Ephesians 1:17-18, "Open the eyes of
heart flooding it with revelatory truth giving me understanding of all
you are saying to me."

With each deposit of truth, my hunger increased and the room became
brighter. The shadows had been driven out, and the room was radiant
the Glory of Christ.

Then I saw this room completely filled with awesome treasures of
knowledge and wisdom, understanding and counsel, but--they must be
accessed through the door of Spirit and Truth. These were not treasures
such as gold and jewels, but true riches--the counsel of God and the
wisdom of the Word of God.

The mind of man cannot receive these treasures; they must come through
the revelation of the Spirit of Truth (see 1 Corinthians 2:9-14).



Each of us has been entrusted with a candle; we must respond to the
Spirit and permit Him to enlarge our flame. The candle is set aflame by
Heaven's fire.

In Job 29:3, we discover an awesome promise of walking in victory even
in dangerously dark days, "When His candle shined upon my head, and
by His light I walked through darkness."

God's plan is for believers to walk courageously in the light, not
stumble in the darkness. In Genesis 1:3, we discover God's heart. God
said, "Let there be light: and there was light."

1 John 1:5 tells us, "God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all."
are called to be children of Light. We are to walk in the Light as He
in the Light, knowing that in Him is no darkness at all (See John

As followers of Christ, each of us are called and commissioned to be
children of the light. This is only accomplished as our walk is
by the Word of God. God's Word is the true lamp to our feet and a
light to our path (see Psalm 119:105).

By believing and obeying, this much needed light releases true wisdom
for our walk (see Psalm 119:130). Thus we are equipped to walk boldly
and filled with divine confidence knowing that God has more power to
direct us than the devil does to deceive us.

The Word of God must be in our heart not just our head; we must be
of the Word and not just those who are content to hear. We are warned
that this leads us into the deepest deception (see James 1:22).


In a prophetic encounter, the Spirit of God spoke these very
words to me, "The people of God are about to believe what they know."
This is extremely exciting news. We know quite a bit in our head, but
seem to obey little in our heart. Now is the time to hear and heed the
spoken Word, as well as study the written Word.

Let's cry out in holy hunger for a brighter flame from the Lord.



~ Bobbie Connor


The Spirit of God is encouraging each of us to advance, to walk with
clean hands and a pure heart; drawing us ever closer to our Lord in
season of no compromise--to move in power, and to take the Kingdom for
the King!

Our day is a day of swift shift; a spiritually radical revolution is at
the door. Expect God to display His mighty deeds in doing new things
(Isaiah 48:6).


The cry of no hesitation has gone forth. We are to arise, walk in
dominion power, and lay a hold of the promises of God. This is not a
time to be weak and waffling, but rather a time to be extremely bold

We are commanded to be confident, brave, and very courageous (Joshua
1:7); the Spirit of God is calling forth the "dreaded champions."

Listen, with your whole heart, the voice of the Lord is speaking; He
delights to give you the Kingdom (Luke 12:32). Take courage! God has
promised victory! You are called to be the head and not the tail. The
Holy Spirit who lives within you is greater than the spirit that is at
work in the world (1 John 4:4).

You are created for victory; now is the time to shake yourself up, and
declare the proclamation found in Micah 3:8, "Truly I am full of power
by the Spirit of the Lord!"

We are in the harvest of the end of the ages--when the seeds of both
good and evil are coming to full fruit (Matthew 13:30). The Kingdom of
Heaven suffers violence and violent persons take it by force (Matthew

God is calling for us to arise and take a strong stand against the
of darkness (Jude 1-4). We are to take the land.

This victory will be accomplished by individuals as well as the
corporate church. The end-time church will be a people of God's obvious
power (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). It is time to see a true demonstration of
the power of God's Spirit.

The cry has come up before the throne of God, "Oh Lord, rend the
and come down!" (Isaiah 64:1). All across the earth, hungry desperate
saints cry, "Sirs, we wish to see Jesus" (John 12:21).


Join with the plea of Psalm 90:16-17, and pray that the Lord will let
His works appear. The church should be hungry and desperate to see the
works of the Lord. I am weary of seeing the plans and purposes of man;
long to see the mighty acts of God. The Spirit of Truth is calling for
us to come into the presence of the Lord.

No one will have an excuse. The way is clear, and any one of us can
advance higher. The invitation is extended, "Come up here" (Revelation
4:1-3), and as we answer the call to enter the door that is standing
open in Heaven, we can see more clearly and hear more distinctly. This
in turn equips us to advance ever deeper in the anointing, and make the
most of our divine call.


Paul, the apostle, instructed us to walk purposefully toward one true
goal (Philippians 3:12-16). This is not a time to wander around the
mountain of defeat and unbelief; we are to lay hold of the promises of
God, take Him at His word, and stand firm in faith.

God released to me this very encouraging statement: "This will be the
season that My people begin to believe what they know. My Word will
from the head, to the heart, and to the hands." Rather than just being
content to sit and hear, we will become activators of the Word.

God has destined us to walk in victory, not defeat. We are called to be
victors, not victims. Never forget, God has promised that no weapon
formed against you can prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

The body of Christ stands poised at the very verge of the greatest move
of God in the history of mankind. Each of us should expect swift and
radical change. We do not have any more time for another trip around
mountain; we must enter into the promises of God today.

No matter how confused and confounded we have been in the past, this is
the day we can find the exit sign and end the wilderness wanderings. We
can begin to walk in our purpose: seeking first the Kingdom of God. We
must make it our aim to please Him (2 Corinthians 5:9).


Paul prayed that we would "walk worthy of the Lord," be fruitful, and
increase in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord (Colossians 1:9-12).

Our highest goal must be to advance the KING in His Kingdom. Our prayer
each day must be "on earth as it is in Heaven." There must come a swift
synchronization between our walk and Heaven's will. Just as Christ
say, "I only do that which I see My Father doing," we must have clear
focus too.

It is imperative that we maintain a deep walk in the Word of God--this
will bring about the freedom we need to draw near to the Lord. We must
approach His holy hill with hearts and hands that are pure (Psalm

Each day we must seek to draw ever nearer to Christ, seeking to yield,
ever deeper, our will to His will. It is as we face Him in faith--open
and trusting--that we are changed into His likeness (2 Corinthians


The blood of Christ sets mankind free from all bondage. Because our
chains are gone, we must walk in freedom. In the days to come, we will
see a radical return to the message of the redemptive blood of Christ,
knowing that we are not redeemed with silver and gold, but with the
precious blood of Christ. Jesus said that you shall know the truth and
the truth shall make you free (John 8:32).

Spend time daily meditating upon the Word of God. Let it get deep
your soul--only then will you experience its transforming effects of
soul revival, wisdom, joy, and insight (Psalm 19:7-14).

Knowing the truth in our hearts sets us free. The question must be
asked, "Why are so many believers living in different levels of bondage
and defeat?" One of the greatest reasons is that we have left our first
love (Revelation 2:4). We must repent and return quickly and completely
to Christ.


Our prayer must be, "Lord, restore my passion for Jesus." The blood of
Christ has provided us with overwhelming victory--we do not have to
continue living in defeat, however, it will require our persistent
dedication to overcome the strongholds.

If we will dedicate ourselves again and resolve to obey Him, this can
change. We can start walking in lifelong victory. The pure in heart
see the Lord (Matthew 5:8).

The great and precious old song states:

"Trust and obey, for there is no other way

to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."

This is one of the most important aspects of the Christian walk:
learning how to quickly obey the voice of the Spirit of God (John
10:3-4). Never run from God, but to Him. God longs to help us, not hurt

God has promised to never leave us, but to live in us and always be
us; and because He is always with us, we are assured of the
victory (Hebrews 13:5).


The word "obey" is one of the strongest words in the English language
can hear. True faith is always evidenced by obedience, which is why the
word in the New Testament that is usually translated "faith" also means

True faithfulness with our life is evidenced by obedience to His voice,
and to one of the main mandates that the Lord gave to us in Matthew
6:33-34, "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness; and all
these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious for
tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself."

Many Christians seem to be as mixed-up as a termite in a yo-yo. This
confusion is most certainly fostered by the foe of our soul, as we know
that God is not the author of confusion.

I am sad to say that many saints have spent too much of their lives in
disorientation and defeat, because they have not obeyed the Word of
It is as we seek first the desire of the King, and the advancing of His
Kingdom, that we have clear guidance.

One source of confusion is that many are walking in the light of their
own sparks, not in the revealed light of God's Word. They have made
vital decisions based on their own desires, and other earthly,
matters, rather than seeking first the purposes of the Kingdom.

If they had based all of their decisions on seeking the purposes of His
Kingdom first, everything else would have been added to them. If our
lives had been based on this, we would have nothing to be anxious
knowing who our source and protector is.

There is no greater freedom, no greater peace, than that which is the
result of living our lives dedicated to the Lord in all things. And we
are being given another chance to do this now.

Do not let this year pass like the others. You are created to be the
leading--"thinking head," and not the following--"ignorant tail." God's
plan is for you to be above and not below. Now is the time to walk in


Out my back door, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North
Carolina, is a huge apple orchard covering several hundred acres. It is
a joy to watch the trees bud, bloom, and bear delicious fruit. All this
is the result of one single man with a big dream:

Johnny Appleseed. He came through our region--Moravian Falls, North
Carolina, more than two hundred years ago, using the apple to preach
gospel. He used to say that you could count the seeds in an apple, but
you could not count the apples in a seed.

This whole region of the state is now covered in apple trees that
supposedly originate from this evangelist. Our goal must be to bear
spiritual fruit that will remain. It is a true principle we will always
reap what we have sown.

What way is the Lord leading each of us to sow seeds that will provide
harvest? Johnny Appleseed did not miss his opportunities to sow; don't
miss yours.

Just as we are promised in a number of places, in both the Old and New
Testaments (the Scriptures cannot be broken, but are one), every
Christian's life should have such an overflow that it is a major
blessing to all who are in need.

That's what Paul prayed for in II Corinthians 9:6-8, "Now this I say,
who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows
bountifully shall also reap bountifully.

Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or
under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to
make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in
everything; you may have abundance for every good deed..."


Part of our promised land is to have such abundance (to have so much
more than we ourselves need), that we give much of it away, and it
blesses and touches everyone around us. This is not just in money or
material things, but in faith, hope, love, healing, etc.

Our giving begins with material things though, because we cannot be
trusted with the true riches of the Kingdom, if we do not learn how to
handle the earthly ones (Luke 16:11).

His Kingdom is not of this world, and neither are the true blessings
the Promised Land) that we are seeking. They are something we are to
walk in and demonstrate in this life, but they are not of this world.

Many are not able to hear such words of discipline, considering them to
be "negative prophecies," but they are Biblical prophecies. The times
will not even be very difficult for those who have built their houses
the rock (by hearing and obeying the words of the Lord).

This coming year is going to be very difficult for all who are not
abiding in the Kingdom. The fear barometer is going to be rising a few
more degrees because the earth is going to be groaning and travailing,
and the lawless are going to become even more ruthless.

People who are giving themselves over to darkness are going to be
falling into increasing darkness. However, the glory of the Lord, which
is coming upon His people, will be so much greater that 2006 will be
known as "The Year of the Holy Spirit."

The Holy Spirit is going to be moving in a very dramatic way this year.
Those who are in harmony with Him will be having the greatest year of
their lives.

We really are coming to the time of the fulfillment of Isaiah 60:1-5,
"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has
risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep
darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory
will appear upon you. And nations will come to your light, and kings to
the brightness of your rising.

Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together, they
come to you. Your sons will come from afar, and your daughters will be
carried in the arms. Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart
will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be
to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you."

We see here that at the very time the "deep darkness" is coming upon
people, the glory of the Lord is coming upon His people. If we are
building our lives on the Kingdom which cannot be shaken, we will have
nothing to fear from the things that are now coming upon the world.
Rather, it will be a time for great rejoicing--the time when the glory
of the Lord appears upon His people.

We must always keep in mind that this is the greatest treasure, the
greatest possession we could ever have--the Lord with us. We are going
to be experiencing the glory of the Lord this year in an increasing
in preparation for the glorious victories to come.


Bobby Conner




I enjoyed this e-mail that had come in my e-mail's today that just opened up my spirit even more unto the Lord as this precious gentleman had described unto us in this place what will taking place in our not so long awaited future. Let's be on our kness in petioning our precious Jesus in urshing the Holy Spirit unto us as He shares with us in our hearts and above all in one's own obedience unto the King of King's and Lord of Host whom reigns forever and ever. Catcmo2006


Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

My Best Christmas Story

In My rememberence as a very young child, I had lived with a foster
family that had gone through a bad divorce over him being in infidelity with another woman whom worked near where he worked at the time. Well needless to say my mother had left that man and had gotton us a place to live and she had made it a home for us.She worked alot oand I went to a sitter's home to go back and forth to school until it was time for her to pick me up and had nothing to worry about during
those young tender years. That first christmas before had she used to
do alot of quilt making,crocheted, embroidery,sewing up garments for
people and tidy their clothes that needed fixing to make extra money
for us so we could have a nice christmas that was filled with christmas cooking in our home. She made all the trimmings and all that goes with it . Plus she made home made cakes, pies, breads, candy and our home was always filled with love. We had gone to sunday morning church serrvices and at one time I was old enough to sing with the kids choir that had made the evening paper that day which we had went to the evening serices in the bringing good tidings and good cheer.
She had always made my dresses, shirts, pants, shorts and I loved
them because it had been made by my mother. Those where the best
christmas I've ever had while she was alive. She's been dead now for
many of years now only because of breast cancer had taken her home to be
with the Lord and one day I'll be able to see her. We used to go have
ice cream down at the local cornor drug store, and those where the
days when a child could buy penny candy and a get comic books dirt
cheep,those where the good ole days I remember having in my
rememberence that I loved so much in my life. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

When Jesus Came to Town

When Jesus Came to Town

A mom learns a lesson in living the gospel—from a clown.

Hey, I know what we can do today," exclaimed my best friend, Kristy.

"Go for a hike and enjoy the sunshine?" I suggested hopefully.

"Nope. Let’s go downtown and practice presenting the gospel to people. It will help prepare us for our outreach in Tyonek next weekend." (Tyonek is a small native Alaskan village near Anchorage).

"Yeah!" my three children shouted in unison, scrambling to be the first out the door. Yeah, right, I thought. Just the mention of the word evangelize makes me break out in a sweat. Besides, we weren’t going to have to talk to adults in Tyonek, just do vacation Bible school with a few kids.

"Um, I’ve got . . . stuff to do. You guys have fun," I said.

Kristy glared at me. "What kind of example are you setting for your kids? C’mon, Shawn. It’s not that hard."

"Yeah, Mom," scolded Lindsay, my oldest. "You’ve always taught us that Jesus would give us the right words to say. It will be an adventure!"

But I’m allergic to adventure.

"Okay, I’ll go. Just don’t expect me to say anything. Evangelism is not my gift."

We ended up at a beautifully landscaped park in downtown Anchorage. After a fruitless hour of trying to strike up conversations, I suggested calling it quits and going for an ice cream. The two older girls readily agreed, but Candyce, my youngest, hesitated.

"But we haven’t talked to anyone about Jesus yet, Mom. Didn’t we ask Him to send us someone?"

"Yes we did, Honey, but the people’s hearts don’t seem very open today. The Lord will have to lead us to the right person at the right time," I explained.

That’s when we saw him. Dressed in faded jeans and a yellow sweatshirt and wearing a garish, multicolored afro wig, the slightly built man was passing out balloons and suckers to children playing in the park. Seeing my three girls, he skipped up to them and offered each a treat.

Hmmm, this guy doesn’t seem like he’s in such a rush. Okay, Lord. I feel we are supposed to talk to him, but I’m out of my comfort zone. Help me out here.

Unwrapping her sucker with gusto, 6-year-old Candyce popped it in her mouth, then remembered her manners. "Thanks! Hey, what’s your name? Why are you dressed like that?"

"My name is Rainbow Rambo," he replied with a sweeping bow. Straightening his wig, he asked, "And who might you lovely ladies be?"

The girls hesitated a moment, but when I nodded, they introduced themselves to Rainbow.

"It’s awfully nice of you to spend a Saturday morning making people smile," I told him.

"It’s more like therapy," Rainbow confessed, his smile fading.

His real name was Daniel. He’d been through some hard times lately. He was being treated for depression. "The drugs help some," he said, "but when I’m feeling really down, I put on this wig and come here and try to make people happy. I feel much better when I make others smile."

So, Lord, we’ve got a depressed, unemployed clown here. I suppose he’s a good candidate for the gospel. Just give us Your words.

Before I could respond, Danielle, the middle daughter, announced that she was starving. To death. And only french fries at the McDonald’s across the street could prevent her sudden demise.

Looking at my watch, I realized it was lunchtime, and I was hungry, too. But shouldn’t we witness to Rainbow first?

"Mr. Rainbow, do you want to get some fries with us?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah, come with us!" her sisters agreed.

"Would you like to have lunch with us, Daniel?" I asked, although he clearly had no say in the matter.

"Sure," he grinned, a bit of a sparkle appearing in his sad, brown eyes. "I haven’t eaten yet today."

Kristy caught up with us at McDonald’s. We introduced her to Rainbow Rambo and shared a bit of his story. Without hesitation, she began to talk to him about Jesus. Rainbow put his hamburger down and glared at us.

"Oh, I get it. You guys don’t really care about me. I’m just another notch in your spiritual belts. I know all about your Jesus. I’ve been to church—dozens of them. All I know is that Jesus never did a thing for me. And as for you people who call yourselves Christians—well, when I needed help and friendship most, you Christians have always let me down."

Pain and bitterness punctuated his every word. In Rainbow’s opinion, the only Christians he’d known had used and then abandoned him in his moment of need. He grew agitated as he described his painful experiences to us.

"What difference has Jesus ever made?" he asked, his voice rising. "What would change for me if your Jesus came to town today? Just what would He do?"

Suddenly, inspiration came.

"I think He would buy you a hamburger," I said.

"Excuse me?" Even my kids were looking at me as if I’d lost my mind.

"I think Jesus would buy you a burger," I replied. "He would know you were hungry and lonely. He would sit and listen to you. Best of all, Jesus would simply be your friend." Rainbow looked puzzled, but he was listening. As were my children and Kristy.

I kept going. "Daniel, Jesus couldn’t be here in the flesh today, so He sent us. It was really His idea to invite you to lunch, not ours. He wants to hear your heart’s cry, so He uses our willing hearts to listen."

Rainbow sat back in the booth, his brown eyes moist with tears. "Jesus told you to talk to me? Does He really care about me that much?"

"He cares more than you know, Daniel."

We later left Daniel that golden summer day, alone at his table. Alone, but basking in the presence of his newfound Friend.

We never saw Daniel again, but we never forgot the wonder of seeing God work through our simple step of faith, revealing His loving heart to a hurting man—through a burger and fries.

Copyright © 1999-2006 Focus on the Family

I thought that would encourage someone and love other's the way Jesus taught us by His Sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

When Jesus Came to Town

When Jesus Came to Town

A mom learns a lesson in living the gospel—from a clown.

Hey, I know what we can do today," exclaimed my best friend, Kristy.

"Go for a hike and enjoy the sunshine?" I suggested hopefully.

"Nope. Let’s go downtown and practice presenting the gospel to people. It will help prepare us for our outreach in Tyonek next weekend." (Tyonek is a small native Alaskan village near Anchorage).

"Yeah!" my three children shouted in unison, scrambling to be the first out the door. Yeah, right, I thought. Just the mention of the word evangelize makes me break out in a sweat. Besides, we weren’t going to have to talk to adults in Tyonek, just do vacation Bible school with a few kids.

"Um, I’ve got . . . stuff to do. You guys have fun," I said.

Kristy glared at me. "What kind of example are you setting for your kids? C’mon, Shawn. It’s not that hard."

"Yeah, Mom," scolded Lindsay, my oldest. "You’ve always taught us that Jesus would give us the right words to say. It will be an adventure!"

But I’m allergic to adventure.

"Okay, I’ll go. Just don’t expect me to say anything. Evangelism is not my gift."

We ended up at a beautifully landscaped park in downtown Anchorage. After a fruitless hour of trying to strike up conversations, I suggested calling it quits and going for an ice cream. The two older girls readily agreed, but Candyce, my youngest, hesitated.

"But we haven’t talked to anyone about Jesus yet, Mom. Didn’t we ask Him to send us someone?"

"Yes we did, Honey, but the people’s hearts don’t seem very open today. The Lord will have to lead us to the right person at the right time," I explained.

That’s when we saw him. Dressed in faded jeans and a yellow sweatshirt and wearing a garish, multicolored afro wig, the slightly built man was passing out balloons and suckers to children playing in the park. Seeing my three girls, he skipped up to them and offered each a treat.

Hmmm, this guy doesn’t seem like he’s in such a rush. Okay, Lord. I feel we are supposed to talk to him, but I’m out of my comfort zone. Help me out here.

Unwrapping her sucker with gusto, 6-year-old Candyce popped it in her mouth, then remembered her manners. "Thanks! Hey, what’s your name? Why are you dressed like that?"

"My name is Rainbow Rambo," he replied with a sweeping bow. Straightening his wig, he asked, "And who might you lovely ladies be?"

The girls hesitated a moment, but when I nodded, they introduced themselves to Rainbow.

"It’s awfully nice of you to spend a Saturday morning making people smile," I told him.

"It’s more like therapy," Rainbow confessed, his smile fading.

His real name was Daniel. He’d been through some hard times lately. He was being treated for depression. "The drugs help some," he said, "but when I’m feeling really down, I put on this wig and come here and try to make people happy. I feel much better when I make others smile."

So, Lord, we’ve got a depressed, unemployed clown here. I suppose he’s a good candidate for the gospel. Just give us Your words.

Before I could respond, Danielle, the middle daughter, announced that she was starving. To death. And only french fries at the McDonald’s across the street could prevent her sudden demise.

Looking at my watch, I realized it was lunchtime, and I was hungry, too. But shouldn’t we witness to Rainbow first?

"Mr. Rainbow, do you want to get some fries with us?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah, come with us!" her sisters agreed.

"Would you like to have lunch with us, Daniel?" I asked, although he clearly had no say in the matter.

"Sure," he grinned, a bit of a sparkle appearing in his sad, brown eyes. "I haven’t eaten yet today."

Kristy caught up with us at McDonald’s. We introduced her to Rainbow Rambo and shared a bit of his story. Without hesitation, she began to talk to him about Jesus. Rainbow put his hamburger down and glared at us.

"Oh, I get it. You guys don’t really care about me. I’m just another notch in your spiritual belts. I know all about your Jesus. I’ve been to church—dozens of them. All I know is that Jesus never did a thing for me. And as for you people who call yourselves Christians—well, when I needed help and friendship most, you Christians have always let me down."

Pain and bitterness punctuated his every word. In Rainbow’s opinion, the only Christians he’d known had used and then abandoned him in his moment of need. He grew agitated as he described his painful experiences to us.

"What difference has Jesus ever made?" he asked, his voice rising. "What would change for me if your Jesus came to town today? Just what would He do?"

Suddenly, inspiration came.

"I think He would buy you a hamburger," I said.

"Excuse me?" Even my kids were looking at me as if I’d lost my mind.

"I think Jesus would buy you a burger," I replied. "He would know you were hungry and lonely. He would sit and listen to you. Best of all, Jesus would simply be your friend." Rainbow looked puzzled, but he was listening. As were my children and Kristy.

I kept going. "Daniel, Jesus couldn’t be here in the flesh today, so He sent us. It was really His idea to invite you to lunch, not ours. He wants to hear your heart’s cry, so He uses our willing hearts to listen."

Rainbow sat back in the booth, his brown eyes moist with tears. "Jesus told you to talk to me? Does He really care about me that much?"

"He cares more than you know, Daniel."

We later left Daniel that golden summer day, alone at his table. Alone, but basking in the presence of his newfound Friend.

We never saw Daniel again, but we never forgot the wonder of seeing God work through our simple step of faith, revealing His loving heart to a hurting man—through a burger and fries.

Copyright © 1999-2006 Focus on the Family

I thought that would encourage someone and love other's the way Jesus taught us by His Sword of the spirit which is the Word of God. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

The Angels Announce Jesus to The Shepards

THE ANGELS ANNOUNCES JESUS TO THE SHEPARDS: And it came to pass in those days, that here went out a decree from Ceasar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. ( And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria). And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Narzareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; ( because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was that, while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in a manger; because there was No room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shephereds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them. Fear Not; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is called Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manager. And suddenly there was the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God in the highest, and on earth peace good will toward men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepards said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manager. And when they seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told to them concerning this child. And all they heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepards. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepards returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.