Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The Book of Life – you and everyone else would like their name to appear in this book, because, those not in The Book of Life will burn in The Lake of Fire. A primary question you should ask is what is The Book of Life? Read the surprising answer revealed by Jesus, Himself, in The Book of Revelation.

Every marriage has a registry or written invitational list of who is invited to the wedding. God, also, has a Marriage Registry for His Son, Jesus (Revelation 19:7-9). A great multitude of voices said, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” How does she make herself ready? The Bride has become Righteous, by Repenting and becoming a Saint in one of The Seven Churches or 144,000 Israelites (Verse 8). She has her Bride’s Wedding gown. The Wedding Gown is her Righteousness by coming out of Babylon as Christ said in Revelation 18:4. She is of the five wise virgins who kept growing Spiritually in God’s Holy Spirit. The Bride does not think she alone has The Truth of God. She knew she was to continue coming out of Babylon or false teaching until the very coming of Christ. Elijah also thought only he had The Truth. God had to tell Elijah, in The Old Testament, in addition to him, there were seven thousand others He reserved as His. The Churches of God feel they are the only church, which has The Truth. But the facts are it is not just one group of people who alone have The Truth. That is why God tells all of His people to come out of Babylon (Revelation 18:4). Everyone is in Babylon (false god and teaching). You must continue to have Spiritual Growth!

In John 14:1-2, Jesus tells you He is going to God to prepare a place for you. Revelation is that story.

In Christ’s Will, The Book of Revelation, states what God’s people, Israel and The Christians must do to Inherit God’s Kingdom. It all depends upon Spiritual Growth and not a church’s creed of faith. Entering The Kingdom of God is based upon the degree of Spiritual Growth you are able to achieve while living in this Babylonian System, as long as you repent after sinning. This is the point of The Book of Revelation.

Revelation covers the time period, in prophecy, from Christ’s Birth until God descends and starts The New Heaven and New Earth on this very earth.

The Seven Seals covers the entire prophecy. These Seven Seals start from the birth of The Church on Pentecost until God’s Kingdom comes. Revelation 6 reveals the events up to The Seven Trumpets. The Book covers the last days. The Seven Trumpets covers the three and a half years of The Great Tribulation when Jesus returns at The Seventh Trumpet and commences The Kingdom of God.

Revelation 6:1-11 describes the first five seals. These seals represent the time period of Constantine, when Rome took control of The Christian Church of God. It includes the martyrdom, which took place during the dark ages all the way until 1947.

The well-known Four Horses of The Apocalypse takes place beginning with Constantine, The Emperor of Rome. The First Horse was white, carried out by Constantine with his horse when he took over The Roman Government. The Second Horse was red, and came from the earth. The Third Horse was black during the time of famine and the black plagues. The Fourth Horse was pale and is during a time of war and hunger.

The Fifth Seal was extremely significant to God’s people. Israel and growing Christians – both go through persecution and martyrdom.

Read Foxes Book of Martyrs which brings the persecution of The Jews and Christ up to the end of World War II.

Jesus told His prophecy of these events in Matthew 24:1-8. Christ was asked two questions. First, when would The Temple of Herod be destroyed? This event occurred in 70 A.D. by Titus. Not one stone was left upon another. The second question was when will be The Return of Jesus and the end time events.

The first question was answered with the fall of The Temple in 70 A.D., and then Jesus continued world history from 70 A.D. until the completion of the prophecy of The Four Horses in Revelation 6.

First, Christ said Christianity would be taken over by false teaching, paganism mixed with Christian teaching. Then, there would be a series of wars between kingdoms (large and small wars). Next, there will be pestilence and famine and earthquakes in the world. This, Christ said, is the beginning of sorrow and completes the prophecy up to The Fourth Seal. The Fifth Seal was grievous for Israel and the growing Christians who were coming out of Babylon.

The Lamb opens The Fifth Seal (Revelation 6:9-11). There were people under the altar in The Temple. The altar is the shadow or symbol of martyrdom and fire or sacrifice. What happens?

These are Spiritually Growing Christians and Israelites coming out of Babylon. They are persecuted and killed by The Church. This includes the time of Genghis Kahn up to World War II including the Holocaust.

When this dispensation is concluded, the martyrs are told to rest until their brothers will be martyred in The Great Tribulation (Revelation 6:11 and Matthew 24:9-13). Then in Matthew 24:14-20 Jesus answers the second question about the end times and His Return. Finally, Matthew 24:28 shows The First Resurrection, which states where the carcass is, The Battle of Armageddon, and the eagles will be gathered. Who are the eagles? They are The Christians and The Israelites who are with Christ on Mt. Zion, not far from The Valley of Jehosaphat. How can one know who the eagles are? ‘The Song of Moses’ in Deuteronomy 32 reveals that Christ is The Rock, who is The Eagle who carries the baby eagles on His wings to safety while in The Wilderness (world). Now, those witnessing The Gospel during The Great Tribulation in The Wilderness (in safety), and those Two Witnesses going into The Tribulation, after having been martyred are now mature (spiritually grown) eagles and are in the first, Barley Harvest, as The Bride of Christ, by Mt. Zion, not far from the slaughter at Armageddon.


Where is the world at present in the prophecy of The Seven Seals? Five Seals of Prophecy are now history. The Sixth Seal has not been opened as yet since its prophecy has not occurred. Those living now are in those times. Christians are near the time of The Sixth Seal.

Those martyred during the dark ages through World War II are asked to rest or sleep in death until their brothers also die for Christ (Revelation 6:10-11).

Then Revelation 6:12 states when The Sixth Seal is opened and a great earthquake begins to rumble, which turns the sun black and the moon as blood. This must still come to pass. Then The Sixth Seal will reveal heavenly disturbances such as when MOUNTAINS, ISLANDS and COASTLANDS are moved and literally changed. This earthquake will be the most horrific ever seen by mankind. Perhaps, the recent tsunami is a type of what is to come to pass all over the world. Now you know where you are in prophecy. You are at the beginning of The Sixth Seal since The Fifth Seal has been completed (Matthew 24:9-13). This Sixth Seal is also the prophecy in The Book of Joel. Read it.


Revelation 7. Read all of it as this is the future of those who go through The Great Tribulation – The Seventh Seal (Revelation 7:14). Then, as The Seventh Seal is opened, there will be silence in Heaven. Another angel stood by the altar in The Temple, and he had incense, which are the prayers of The Saints. These are those martyred in The Great Tribulation, and The Faithful Witnesses in safety during this time. It is very important to understand this time period of three and a half years, which is the duration of The Seven Trumpets (as you will see).

Since this is Christ’s Will and Testament, you need to know those coming out of Babylon are God’s people (Revelation 18:4). What is required of those Christians and Israelites to be in The First Resurrection of The Barley Harvest? These are The Bride of Christ. Who are they?


In Revelation 11:1-2, you see The Court of Israel is measured only, but The Gentile Court is not measured. Why?

Revelation 7 denotes only 144,000 Israelites coming out of The Great Tribulation. That is why only The Court of Israel is measured. The Gentiles have an innumerable multitude or are not measured, and therefore, The Gentile Court is not known. To answer this question, you only need to know what Gentiles go through The Great Tribulation. That is why The Book of Revelation is written only to The Seven Churches. The number for The Israelites is already known but not the number of The Seven Churches of God. Most of them are not growing spiritually as they should. Christ informs them what these Seven Churches must do, although the number is not revealed.

(1) Jesus tells The Ephesian Church if they do not return to their first love, The True God and Christ, He will remove their Candlestick. They will not be The Bride or even The Guests at The Wedding. They must be tested in The Great Tribulation, and come out of Babylon or Christ will remove their candlestick when He returns (Revelation 2:1-5).

(2) Smyrna will only need to go through The Tribulation for a short time. They have false apostle teachings as they are not of the original Jewish Apostles but of Satan. Because of this, they will be tried and tested briefly. Those from Smyrna who come out of Babylon will not have to go into The Lake of Fire to repent. No second death (Revelation 2:8-11).

(3) Pergamos has a problem because this Christian Church accepts pagan teaching and doctrine of The Nicolaitanes as well as making a business out of God’s Church like Balaam and Balak (Revelation 2:1-17). Notice, if they repent of this Babylonish system, they will be a stone or part of the wall in Jerusalem. However, they will not be The Bride.

(4) Thyatira followed Jezebel, which held the pagan doctrine of Baal. However, as they are tried, their last works are better than when this Church of God started. There are those in this Christian-pagan Church who do not accept Jezebel’s teachings. Those who come out of Babylon will be in The First Resurrection and rule with Christ with a rod of iron (Revelation 2:18-28). Also, The Spiritually Growing Christians will be Christ’s Bride. Jesus is the bright and morning star as God’s firstborn. He is the first light of the stars in the morning.

(5) Sardis as God’s Church is a social club. Going to church, giving money and fasting and praying is good enough for them. Growing Spiritually from one talent to two, five and ten takes too much work and energy. Physical works can never change human nature. They believe being in The Church, and following its days or doctrines is sufficient. When Christ comes, as a thief in the night, they will not be ready. They are the unwise virgins. A few of them grow Spiritually, and will be in The First Resurrection. Those who remain only satisfied with the milk of The Truth must go into The Lake of Fire (Revelation 3:1-6).

(6) The Philadelphia Church of God has the key of David, A RIGHT HEART AND HAVE CHRIST IN THEM. Because of this, they have a little strength or Christ in them. They are growing Spiritually. They have not denied the real Jesus, and therefore, will not be tried, but will be able to go into a place of safety (The Rock) and will not go through The Great Tribulation. Jesus said to The Philadelphians, “I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Revelation 3:11). This word “crown” in the Greek is not “royalty,” but “having Christ’s banner around their head.” Christ lives in them. Their reward will be a pillar, Jachin and Boaz, and will enter The Marriage Feast as Christ’s Bride. They will share Christ’s Throne as He shares His Father’s Throne (Revelation 3:7-13).

(7) The last of the seven is The Laodicean Church. They have real problems. Pagan teaching is not their sin. It is worse. They are lukewarm. They are barely a witness of The True Christ. They have made Christianity a religion. It has rituals of dos and don’ts. They believe they have to do human works, such as The Letter of The Law. Real change is for you to be as Christ is. Instead, they are self-satisfied with the limited truth they have. They are those with one talent. They, truly, are lukewarm. Jesus will spit them out of His mouth when He comes. Why? They do not grow Spiritually with God’s Word or Logos.

If they were cold, as atheists or agnostics, they wouldn’t know better. They would only need a few stripes to wake up. But, since they are satisfied with their truth as the ONLY truth, Jesus gives them this advice in Revelation 3:18: Christ said, “I counsel thee to buy of me gold.” How? By going into The Lake of Fire. Read Luke 12 about this church. They will burn until they wake up, and Repent and grow in Spiritual Truth (I Corinthians 3).

There you have it – Revelation prophecies in Christ’s Will. Who will Inherit The Kingdom as a Bride, or a Witness, Ushers, Bridesmaids or Guests? These are those who will be written in The Marriage Registry. What is The Marriage Registry?


“Be glad and rejoice.” Why? The Marriage of The Lamb – The Feast, is ready, and The Bride has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7-9).

Verse 9 tells you, “Blessed [happy] are they which are called [Israel and Gentiles] unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Who is called to this marriage supper?

New Jerusalem is The Bride adorned (righteousness) for her husband (Revelation 21:2). Who gets to attend besides The Bride? The Gates to New Jerusalem will always be opened. Who can enter? (Revelation 21:25-27)

Verse 27 states, “there shall in no wise enter into it [New Jerusalem] anything that defiles.” The Marriage Registry allows only those written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. This is Christ’s Marriage Registry – The Book of Life!

Then Revelation 22:14 reveals the garment you must wear to enter through The Gates. You are blessed if you keep the sayings of this prophecy, Christ’s Will in The Book of Revelation. Revelation 22:14 says only those will be blessed who eat of The Tree of Life if they keep God’s Commandments. Those left out or without the city are those thrown into The Lake of Fire. The Book of Life is The Lamb’s Marriage Registry. Now, you must learn what Christ requires of you, so you can enter the city to eat of The Tree of Life!

[DEUT.4:29-331] K.J.V.
  1. But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find [him], if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
  2. When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, [even] in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice;
  3. (For the LORD thy God [is] a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.
Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.