Saturday, December 30, 2006

Jesus Christ Weeps

Jesus Christ Weeps: Scriptures:Deut.32:22,Job.28;6, Job. 28:22,Jer.4:1-27,Ps.6:5,Ps.88:12,Ps.139:8, Matt.26:36, Matt.14:32.

Hi Brother's & Sister in The Lord; I had this in my own spirit and I can't even begin to explain this as I'm trying to give it to each of you as best as I can possibly do right now today or whatever time it is at your home. I know my words gets mixed up at times but this kept nagging me until it was all done inside of my own spirit. Maybe someone out there in the pc world will be able to discern it much better than my own feeble attempts at doing the best I can do before each of you today. All that I do know that our very,very precious Jesus had given it to me today as I kept reading His sword of the spirit which is truths unto us all! As you all seen the picture of our Lord Jesus Christ in the picture aboue this post. Every time that I've tried to use it something else had got in the way til this very moment. To me it represented all of those people whom haven't come unto the Lord as of rejecting him totally being in the worlds view of things. They have ones own mindsets of what they think he is and unto the rest of those all around them in some sort of thinking in one form or another. The closer we get in Jesus coming for us the more I have cried with the Lord in knowing what that final destination and outcome will be for most of the world's population in whom are now in the ways of the world today and possibly times past as well as a persons final place of that destructive destination which will be very horrible but they just don't seem to care though it seems to be that way. As you've already seen the scriptures at the very of this page is where I've been in spending time in Him but that inner feelings just didn't go away from me as it had come to me it literally made me cry for all of the lost ones but in a sense made me happy for us. That in which for the Lost became greater in knowing what they are doing by rejecting him in knowing that end resulttoo. For myself in some sick way I felt ashamed for the feeling of what is coming to the true believers as we have been set free by our judge whom we will be seen in the Lambs Book of Life. Well here is those scriptures but given to me in the spirit. It will not have them as some of you have gotton it by the Spirit of the Lord but it's all I have known because it's what he's done since I came back to life again back a few number of years ago. When it happens to me I take notice and as I listen to it because it so very strong inside of me as He allows me to get it togather the way He bring it to me. From God to the children of My world and to All of those whom are unsaved, backsliders and to those whom don't believe in Me and have taken there stand in thinking that I'm not listening to them and say "there is No God". I'm here to share with you to let you know that I've heard every word that You've shared with one another in that had been spoken by you,rather it been behind closed doors or has been in publicly spoken by you and among those whom are your friends as well.Just know thid one thing for sure "I Will Be Coming back" upon the earth, For I have cried out unto the earth from the time before the earth was formed and after it was formed as I had began to have it All things before You was born I knew ahead of time all about you. But as times of old till in today's time "You people refused Me and have Never listened then and now You stiff-necked people. "When My Kingdom does come down upon You then You will believe in Me. But at that moment it will to late for you and then You will Not be worthy of All of My Love and blessings" that already have been handed out unto My people whom have that devoted love in My love as we are intertwined in each of them and have achieved many things that's beyond them in each of those countless of lives that's in the stars of heaven.But, as for now You still have time to accept, trust, and admit to youself that You believe and have come unto Me, in having been cleansed which brings You to me as You have been baptized out among the disciples to know Your truths as You are witnessing it before Me.For I will know that truth as it is proclaimed and have seen it in Me as it is written in the Book of Life for then it shows Me whom are truly My children of God that has set one's devotions deeply in My love in one's own heart. When that time comes to to divide the world in that great hour only I know when it will be done but the worls will know it's come upon them at that moment in time, and the rest will know it too.YOU MUST BE READY AND PREPARD IN THAT COMING OF ME! ARE YOU READY FOR ME? For I want you to live forever in My kingdom throught out All eternity. My " Father Elohim" ( God of the Fathers) has sent Me upon the earth so I could be upon the earth so I can take away All of Your sins in order for You being cleansed to white as snow, as purity within You living in My kingdom.I've seen YOU playing on Me with Your stubborn stiff-necks people not really wanting what I have for YOU.Do You think there is NOT a place to which I can send YOU other than in the Kingdom,Your sadly mistaken in NOT believing for YOU have trshed My viel and have put it to shame on which I've had to turn away from You crying with My tears as if a bad rocky winds has blownin very badly within that tremendous tremulous storms as a oceanography can muster in life form that floods My soul as a spirit-being upon the earth of which it hurts Me deeply within My self. I knew that YOU have NOT known Me or even taken time out to pray within YOURSELF as well. I've prayed for You in that day long ago place where I had met My disciples and hath prayed for You and the world. I was utterly grieved for My time was very short on the earth of which it was nealy at an end for Me but My soul was crushed in deep agony because of You in turn I've ben able to bring My glory unto You and have truly shared it with everyone , every place around the earth in today's times. Just as times past whom have sat with Me as You do today in listening to My every Word for You knowing My kigdom in have shared with everyone about the eternal home in glory in which has been already prepared for You. Some have gladly wanting more of Me and willing to go through more of what I've said unto You that shows others what is to be expected of it in one anothers life in waiting for the entering in for the new Jerusalem to apprear in that moment in time, others rejected Me but they think they are part of Me as My disciples yet they are NOT they are LIARS of the darken world. I've already done what My Father has asked Me to doand have gien it All to YOU. As many have always kept My prayer in side of Yourself it is known unto My Father for YOU have kept My Word of truths and kept them inside of yourself and believed them went to the world with the great commission which had been given You in My authroity in bringing the loast unto Me, in baptising them by the Father, Son...Jesus and unto the Holy Ghost in teaching it to those people of the earth.In turn You have gien Me the glory as I've given it back upon YOU. In which You had been given gifts in being united in Me for I have kept as I have guardedm protected, from all things that has kept You from distruction in keeping You safeand Not be lost as some of You are in the world, for You have joy that has filled you in troubled times instead of weeping You worshipped Me. But to the some whom hate me as will Never belong to Me.For they love that darkened kingdom and will Not ever join Me.For My world is always pure and holy and No evil can enter in it but only I will see those in that destrction of which they lived on the old earth, evil times will be even greater and as stronger as the time gets stronger. I will keep My people from All harms way as I prepare to come and to get and behold All of those whom are mine, in which You know as I are intertwined as One. Just as I have ALL the love as we do for one another as I love My Father as well. Remember this will be someone whom will have choice in whom will have life in the eternal kingdom or they will have death of the tormented kingdom which is very judgemental of disgrace in confinement for ALL of the eternity. My own love has given YOU which will last forever in My kingdom where that light NEVER darkens in this place. Jesus.

As each of You have read this now, You see why it made me cry and praying unto God to have mercy upon all of those whom are lost in this world to have in what He has to offer them in the life here after ones death. It just broken me into tiny pieces in hearing it ! But yet on the other hands we will have such a beautiful place as our home in His eternal kingdom for our eternity. What a vast difference it has to show for itself as it already been shown unto us in the word of God. In that time of which is coming upon this erth that it can be said in some many words right here, right now! It's going to be just we we've seen on T.V bUT more total complete destruction that ain't going to be pretty!Oh how this nation will be crushed beyond compared in that is going to be incomprehensible beyond anyones imagination beyond that seeing it would be in a state of twilight zone in seeing that total destrustion unless they had been in a war zone that's brought it's destructive powers as they can only know it within themselves at that moment in time. Those that have been there will know what to do in helping others at that time.But be aware that's when our goverment will induce the martical laws unto all people of this nation. What a sad secerino that is but it's the truth. I'm glad to hear what believers whom has been saved will be having during those times and being in the heavens will be a total worship and teaching like we've never heard before coming from our Master and Savior, whom is the King of Kings and Lord of Lord whom is our host at the mater's dinning table at such a feast like we've never had before.

Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

In Need Of Prayer

Hello I would Like to ask everyone to keep in Me in Your Prayers Please. I haven't been feeling very well these past couple of days, it's because of my thryroid being way off balance and it does cause swelling in my body from head to my feet. Plus I can't sleep well at night and often times during the day as well. My sleep patterns are off and way off time than my usal times for rest. My colosteral medicines are being changed as well. I want to thank Each of You whom is praying for me. I do appreacite them as You do in the way as I'm doing in keeping all prayers uplifted as well. This is why I haven't been on so much right now since this is being going on with me. Catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.