Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgivng Blessings


I am thankful I can walk;

there are those who have never taken their first step.

I am thankful I can see the beauty all around me;

there are those whose world is always dark.

I am thankful I can hear music playing;

there are those who entire life has been spent in silence.

I am thankful my heart can be broken;

there are those who are so hardened they cannot be touched.

I am thankful I can move about freely and express my beliefs;

there are those who live in constant fear.

I am thankful I have been loved;

there are those for whom no one has ever cared. I am thankful to wake up in the morning and take a deep breath of fresh air;

there are those who never got that far.

I am thankful for the opportunity to help others;

there are those who have not been so abundantly blessed as I.
I am thankful for a home to rest my head for there are those whom have No home to call their own whom sleep where they find rest for a night to call a home.

To be able to help others in seeing those lives change before us as we have had to do the same simliar things in our life. In helping to see that others may be in need instead of our own needs . Knowing that Jesus Christ had taken all of those blows that had been ment for us and in Thanking Him for what He has done for all mankind upon this earth. That when we do take them that He had too. No matter what kind of blows that we had taken rather spiritual, mental, physcial that we sustain it with forgivness, love, and mercy that only comes from the Lord and He is always my example in my own life. He didn't even threaten to be getting even to those whom deeply hurt him, and speard him, just tearing Him down to the core of His being. He prayed for them through His wounded skin, heart, and from the depths of His soul in asking His father to forgive them. He just left His case in the hands of His father whom always judges fairly in His Son's behalf. We are thankful for what is shown unto us from the Master Himself. That we can share in God's Glory one day in heading Home to always being with Him and all the treasures He will be giving unto us one day soon.
Prayer: My Dear Heavenly Father, as we approach this day set aside to give thanks for all the blessings that You have given to us, help us to remember the most important blessings... The blessings of Family, The strength of Friendship, the joy of Life, and the Peace in You. Help us to remember to give thanks not only on this day, but everyday. Help us, also, to remember that the gifts You have given to us were meant to be shared with others. Lord, I love you and I thank you for my life. Lord Jesus, help me to accept your rule in every corner in my life. May I have in me the same values and outlook as are in you.Let me imitate you in my conduct and love my neighbour as you love them. Make me sensitive to the sorrowful and unfortunate, and generous in helping others where possible.Banish from my life every allegiance which is contrary to your gentlebut truthful rule that you've have laid before us in obedience always unto you in my life. For I am In a covenant unto You which has made me whole, justified, made righteous, just as I've never sinned. I'm sactified, made holy, set apart for always being in being used by the Master's use.I've been redeemed, cleansed and sactified spirit,soul, body because all that He's given me is those gifts that had been given by the master. Thank You Jesus, Amen.

catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.