Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Heaven & Hell

Heaven & Hell
Hello everyone I would like to express my own personal expressions and thoughts,ideas of what those two words means to me to you today. In which it pertains to what has happening in our globe in today's world as well as our nation, in rememberance of some of the things of which I grew-up with going to church and had some of it teaching's as a young child to some extent in hearing some of those fire and brimstone preachers. Back then I must admit that it was very hard to listen to and hard to take back then but today it really makes since to me in those perceptions of what points they were trying to convey unto the believers to have them see what was going to happen in our future and make sure in us at that time and most of all to remember in ones own mind and heart in to what would happening in future generations as I live in today and to discern the times and to stay close to God at all cost that's in our future. I don't think I've been as out spoken to what I'm about to convey to you before! But I had some lengthy time now to try to represent to you all that's been in my own heart and mind as best as I can do before you this day like never before but I have asked the Lord to guide my steps in attempting to say all the things. I must say some things unto your ears in whom will listen. I'm not in this per'say for No kind of arugments, or to stir-up any kind of controversy, or even any kind of a debates, discussions,quarrel, dispute of of any kind at all ! I'm writing this from my heart to yours is all. I 'm consummate this to some kind of a personal fulfillment in myself and doing my utmost to bring it through to God's completeness by His spoken words of truths I've personally haven't done anything like this before in my life and attempting to bring it out before you as it has taken me years to say all of these things to you as a servant of the Lord, I'm not a preacher by No means ! I just love Him with everything that's within my own soul! Be prayerfully as you read all within these pages as a person is setting my heart upon truths in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in whom is Righteous, Holy, Forgives, Blameless, Judges, watches utmost to His words in all of obedience for me to follow in every aspect of my life. Yes, I've been in very deep heavy sins, to the depths of my being, rebellious, not listened, stubborn, wicked, and just at one time didn't care about any thing or anyone in my personal life being in the world. I've hurt people ( past, present) of which I've had to face of which were to many times to count in my life. And I had to re- value what is the most important to me in my own life today. Then to firmly stick to it at all cost ! So here I am sharing this with each of you today. As the things in this world looks very grip for the most part of it by standards of what it' all about in todays times at this very hour from what had been spoken of in those past generations right down to those early first beginning of which our scriptures shares with everyone in the earth whom picks it up and studies it to it's fullest and walks it in ones own life only to bring other's to that saving grace that last forever in all eternity. In today's world there is so much defamng the Gospel in today's world, and it's has brought out before everyone whom sees with one's own spirit those truths. The world just don't see it by the veil that has covered thier eyes and down to the core of ones being. It truly does makes me cry unto Jesus Christ in what he's already spoken about in His living and breathing word. Some of the world is infatuated and blinded by what it bring out upon them and by all of those whom had engaged in semi-secret, anti-Christian organizations.Which works with globalist power brokers provide a glimpse of the ruling network of masterminds behind the curtains of contemporary governments n general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown. Communitarian system is based on partnerships and networks between government (public sector), business (private sector) and churches -- the most useful member of civil society (social sector). But it's never a partnership of equals, since governments wield both financial and standard-setting power. In the global arena, it intends to use the social sector (especially the global network of churches) to meet the needs of its promised welfare system. Most of these mighty elites have chosen to live in the shadow of the mainstream media they control knows how to cloak worldly ambitions in words that resemble Biblical humility. Though many of them hides his emphasis on social collectivism behind Biblical words that promise oneness in Christ. And he promotes the Communitarian agenda.while acknowledging the Kingdom of God. But balancing such opposites leads to problems. Those who try to please influencers in every camp are likely to prove unreliable and dishonest. And in this case, was obviously trapped by his own purpose-driven propaganda. In Syria he spoke words that would please the Muslim, anti-American leadership. In America, he tried to hide the facts in order to please his Americans and abroad as a whole. Those deceptions began years ago, when he first adapted certain metaphors that now became for the most part of our society famous five purposes to a postmodern culture. But the practical expressions of those Biblical terms have been twisted to accommodate the human preferences indicated by surveys and marketing schemes. Worship: Postmodern worship is designed to stir good feelings and collective zeal. It may echo Biblical words, but points to a positive and permissive God who will cheer our self-centered nature and excuse our unholy ways. It clashes with genuine expressions of Spirit-filled hearts that freely praise God without emotion-raising stimuli. Fellowship: Organized purpose-driven "fellowship" follows dialectical guidelines. Small group members are trained in unbiblical tolerance, feeling-based (not fact-based) "sharing," and hostility toward "offensive" Biblical absolutes. In contrast, Biblical fellowship implies a gathering of genuine believers with a common delight in His Word, His will, and His holy ways. Some of those mega churches falls in simliar category as what I have described if they fall under those principles. God has told us in His word that we should be watchful of such things as what is in this world simply they comes as wolves in sheeps clothing{ Matt.7:15-20}. Plus in Job is describes simliar things as well { Job 18:1-21}Colossians 2:4-23} we are to be free of such legalistic ordinances of what those things had presented of apostasy as the lies of what it stands for unto the world today. That also goes with other forms of Non Faith based christian movement not only in this nation but in other parts of the world. One of America’s most prominent pastors has said that although we now have a higher percentage of church members than ever before, with 91 million adults claiming to be “born-again” Christians, never before has the church been less influential in American life. Obviously, the level of commitment by these people is very low.

Paul in Romans 12:1 summons us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God; he calls this our “reasonable service.” The term “body” in this verse stands, by synecdoche, “for the complete man” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, 1940). It means that we can hold nothing back.

I think of this verse often as pastors tell me of parishioners who are rebellious against God’s truth, and whose basic premise is too often, “My will be done.” The Lord requires a total commitment, even to death, and calls it our “reasonable service.” In other words, God’s chief end is not to glorify man and to enjoy him forever! Rather, as the old catechism stated it, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” We can only enjoy God if He comes first in our lives and if we realize that whatever He requires of us is our “reasonable service.” We can only serve and enjoy God on His terms, not on ours.

When the Lord again has priority over and in us, and His law-word truly governs us, then we will have a very different church and country.

Hell in the word descibes it as this : Abode of the dead, especially as a place of eternal punishment for unbelievers. " Hebrew word: Sheol. hades, gehenna and tartaroo. Hades is the greek word: god of the underworld and the under world itself. it indicates to as fates of the righteous and the wicked. As I look in {Matt.8:12;22:13:25:30} describes it best as a Warning to every human being alive today ! . It leads us that one own sins is the most horrible punsihment that humans can describe that's in the Word of God. It also leads me to say that one's own nature to one's own punishment will fit the nature of one's own sins. Gehenna is which is the place of one's final judgement: { Matt.5L22,29: 18:9: Mark [9:43,45,47,48} Only God [Himself] can commit people to "Gehenna and is the only one worthy of human fear {Matt.10:28; Luke 12:5].Sheol: Abode of all the dead [job.30:26], or wicked dead [ Ps.9:17] for thought to be deep within the earth [Ps. 88:6; Ezek. 26:20; 31:14,15 ; Amos 9:2]; entering by crossing the river [Job33:18]; pictured as a city with gates [ Isa.38:10]; place of ruins [ Ezek.26:20, or trap [ 2 Sam.6; Ps.18:5]. Shoel is sometimes personfied as a hungry beast [Prov.27:20; Isa. 5:14; Hab.2:5] with an open mouth and an insatiable appetite. Shoel is described as a place of dust [Ps.30:9; Job.17:16] and of gloom and darkness [ Job.10:21]. The dead experience No rememberance [ Ps,6:5;88:12], No thought [Eccl. 9:10], No speech [ Ps.31:17;94:17], especially No words of praise [Ps.6:5;30:9], Place of pain and distress [Ps. 116:3], weakness [Isa.14:10], Helplessness [Isa.38:10] Destructiion [ Isa.38:17].Shoel continues [Isa.14:9,Ezek.32:18-30].

Heaven is describes as this : Heavenly City fulfillment of hope or God's people or final Salvation representing ordered life; security from enemies and material prosperity,[Heb.11:10,16;12:22]. The promise of a re- creation of the heavens and earth rose because of human sin and God's subsequent curse [ Gen.3:17]. Persons cannot be completely set free from the power of apart from God and the redemption of order - earh as well as the heavens [ Isa.51:16; Matt. 19:28;24:29-31;26:29; Mark 13:24-27,31; Acts 3:20,21; Rom.8:19-23; 2 Cor.5:17,31; Heb.12:26-28;2Peter 10-13]. God is the cause of this new creation [ Isa.65:17;66:22;Rev.21:22; Compare Isa.66:28; Heb.12:28; 2 Peter 3:13]. Purity Rev.21:7], and freedom from the wrath of God [ Rev.22:3], and perfect fellowship of the saints with one another and with God [Rev.21:3], are the marks of the New Heaven and Earth.

I thank Our God for His perceptions of things that are now in this world today and to be keeping in Him and following Him and being in obedience unto Him each and every day knowing that He's said to us that we all sin in our lives. And His scriptures given by the Holy Spirit in showing us all the ways to turn our lives around and in the Word is whom He says that He is among us.

JEHOVAH TSIDKENU-The Lord my Righteousness

JEHOVAH EL GMOLAH-The Lord my Rewarder

JEHOVAH JIREH-The Lord our Provider

JEHOVAH RAPHA-The Lord our Healer

JEHOVAH NISSI-The Lord is my Banner

JEHOVAH SHALOM-The Lord is my Peace



JEHOVAH PERAZIM-The Lord my Breakthrough as a flood EL-Shaddai - God of the Mountain or The Almighty God EL-ELYON -The Most High God or The Exalted One (Melchizadek) EL -Olam - God of Eternity or God's Everlasting One El-Berith - God of the Covenant EL-Roi - God Who Sees Me or God of Vision Elohim - Diety or Isreal's God El - Isreal One Whom Is Ruled By God Adon or Adonai - King or God - Highest Honor Ancient of Days - Living God - Everlasting Kingdom


Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Prayer For Alexis



For Alexis

Father right now we come boldly before your throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. We agree with Your word says in Matt. 18:19, so we are fully persuaded that you will totally fulfill your word in Alexis’s life.

Jesus paid for Alexis's healing, where it says in 1 Peter 2:24b "by whose stripes you were healed." Father, Jesus already has paid the full price for Alexis's healing. So we right now thank you for Alexis’s total healing; as it says in your word in Phil. 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;"

So we thank you Jesus for there is none like you in all the earth! We give You, Jesus ALL of the praise and glory for a complete healing as it says in Isaiah 55:11. "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." And we send Your word, now into Alexis’s need, accessed by the power of the blood of Jesus and faith in the finished price by Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Angel Appeared Unto Joseph

20But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

21And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

28And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

29And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.

30And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.

31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

32He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

33And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

34Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

36And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.

37For with God nothing shall be impossible.

38And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Matthew 1:20; Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:28-38; Luke 2:7-15 (King James Version)

The Bottomline:

An angel appears to Joseph.

Let us look to the circumstances under which the Son of God entered into this lower world, till we learn to despise the vain honours of this world, when compared with piety and holiness. The mystery of Christ's becoming man is to be adored, not curiously inquired into. It was so ordered that Christ should partake of our nature, yet that he should be pure from the defilement of original sin, which has been communicated to all the race of Adam. Observe, it is the thoughtful, not the

unthinking, whom God will guide. God's time to come with instruction to his people, is when they are at a loss. Divine comforts most delight the soul when under the pressure of perplexed thoughts. Joseph is told that Mary should bring forth the Saviour of the world. He was to call his name Jesus, a Saviour. Jesus is the same name with Joshua. And the reason of that name is clear, for those whom Christ saves, he saves from their sins; from the guilt of sin by the merit of his death, and from the

power of sin by the Spirit of his grace. In saving them from sin, he saves them from wrath and the curse, and all misery, here and hereafter. Christ came to save his people, not in their sins, but from their sins; and so to redeem them from among men, to himself, who is separate from sinners. Joseph did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, speedily, without delay, and cheerfully, without dispute. By applying the general rules of the written word, we should in all the steps of our lives,

particularly the great turns of them, take direction from God, and we shall find this safe and comfortable.

Christ's birth announced.

We have here an account of the mother of our Lord; though we are not to pray to her, yet we ought to praise God for her. Christ must be born miraculously. The angel's address means only, Hail, thou that art the especially chosen and favoured of the Most High, to attain the honour Jewish mothers have so long desired. This wondrous salutation and appearance troubled Mary. The angel then assured her that she had found favour with God, and would become the mother of a son whose name she

should call Jesus, the Son of the Highest, one in a nature and perfection with the Lord God. JESUS! the name that refreshes the fainting spirits of humbled sinners; sweet to speak and sweet to hear, Jesus, a Saviour! We know not his riches and our own poverty, therefore we run not to him; we perceive not that we are lost and perishing, therefore a Saviour is a word of little relish. Were we convinced of the huge mass of guilt that lies upon us, and the wrath that hangs over us for it, ready to

fall upon us, it would be our continual thought, Is the Saviour mine? And that we might find him so, we should trample on all that hinders our way to him. Mary's reply to the angel was the language of faith and humble admiration, and she asked no sign for the confirming her faith. Without controversy, great was the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh, 1Ti 3:16. Christ's human nature must be produced so, as it was fit that should be which was

to be taken into union with the Divine nature. And we must, as Mary here, guide our desires by the word of God. In all conflicts, let us remember that with God nothing is impossible; and as we read and hear his promises, let us turn them into prayers, Behold the willing servant of the Lord; let it be unto me according to thy word. (Lu 1:39-56)

catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.