Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Blessing : ( 2Sam.7:18-29)18 King David went into the tent and sat in front of the Lord. “Who am I, Almighty Lord,” he asked, “and why is my house so important that you have brought me this far?
19 And even this you consider to be a small act, Almighty Lord. You've also spoken about the distant future of my house. Almighty Lord, this is the teaching about the man.

20 “What more can I, David, say to you, Almighty Lord, since you know me so well!
21 You've done this great thing because of your promise and your own desire. You made it known to me.

22 “That is why you are great, Lord God. There is no one like you, and there is no other god except you, as we have heard with our own ears.
23 Who is like your people Israel? It is the one nation on earth that God came to free in order to make its people his own, to make his name[21] known, and to do great and wonderful things for them. You forced[22]1 Chronicles 17:21 "Your land." nations and their gods out of the way of your people, whom you freed from Egypt to be your own.
24 You created the people of Israel to be your people forever. And you, Lord, became their God.

25 “Now, Lord God, keep the promise you made to me and my house forever. Do as you promised.
26 Your name will be respected forever when {people} say, ‘The Lord of Armies is God over Israel.' And the house of your servant David will be established in your presence.
27 You, Lord of Armies, God of Israel, have revealed it especially to me, saying, ‘I will build a house for you.' That is why I have found the courage to offer this prayer to you.

28 “Almighty Lord, you are God, and your words are trustworthy. You promised me this good thing.
29 Now, please bless my house so that it may continue in your presence forever. Indeed, you, Almighty Lord, have promised it. With your blessing my house will be blessed forever.”



David's prayer is full of the breathings of devout affection toward God. He had low thoughts of his own merits. All we have, must be looked upon as Divine gifts. He speaks very highly and honourably of the Lord's favours to him. Considering what the character and condition of man is, we may be amazed that God should deal with him as he does. The promise of Christ includes all; if the Lord God be ours, what more can we ask, or think of? Eph 3:20. He knows us better than we know ourselves; therefore let us be satisfied with what he has done for us. What can we say more for ourselves in our prayers, than God has said for us in his promises? David ascribes all to the free grace of God. Both the great things He had done for him, and the great things He had made known to him. All was for his word's sake, that is, for the sake of Christ the eternal Word. Many, when they go to pray, have their hearts to seek, but David's heart was found, that is, it was fixed; gathered in from its wanderings, entirely engaged to the duty, and employed in it. That prayer which is from the tongue only, will not please God; it must be found in the heart; that must be lifted up and poured out before God. He builds his faith, and hopes to speed, upon the sureness of God's promise. David prays for the performance of the promise. With God, saying and doing are not two things, as they often are with men; God will do as he hath said. The promises of God are not made to us by name, as to David, but they belong to all who believe in Jesus Christ, and plead them in his name.

Dear Heavenly Father God,

Coming to You, I open my spiritual eyes, and I see the world as blessed by You. As Your child, as Your image and likeness, I use the power of blessing, praying for all the things around me.

I bless all of my affairs.
I bless my spirit, soul and body.
I bless all the avenues of my supply.
I bless my relationships and all the people around me.

As I bless, I know that I inherit the blessing, and all good things come to me in divine order.

As I bless, I believe that my words will not return to me empty, but they will accomplish their purpose and succeed in the things for which I sent them.

As I bless, I recognize that all blessings come from You, and I am glad to be a channel of Your blessing to the world.

Thank you, Lord!

Let it be so,

____________________________________________________________________ Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory. catcmo2006

Daily Light

Daily Light

In thy name shall they rejoice all the day; and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.

In the Lord have I righteousness and strength: even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed. In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.
The righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe. To declare ... at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

Ps. 89:16. Isa. 45:24,25. Ps. 32:11. Rom. 3:21,22,26. Phil. 4:4. 1 Pet. 1:8.

October 17, Evening

Daily Light

Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty: thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.
The Lord is ... great in power. If God be for us, who can be against us? Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us, and he will deliver us. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory. Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee and praise thy glorious name. But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee.

Matt. 6:13. Ps. 93:1,2. Nah. 1:3. Rom. 8:31. Dan. 3:17. John 10:29. 1 John 4:4. Ps. 115:1. 1 Chr. 29:11,13,14.

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory. catcmo2006

How To Read The Bible

How To Read The Bible:

What is the Bible all about?
Do you have questions about life, friends, family, God, or your future? If so, the Bible is for you! Thousands of people just like you find their lives more meaningful because of the Bible's message. People all over the world turn to it to find answers to questions like:

  • Does God really care about me?
  • What does God expect of me?
  • Can I really make a difference in the world?
  • Is it really possible to live forever?
  • Is there really a hell? Is heaven for real?
  • Does God really listen when we pray?
  • What should I do with my life?

But the Bible is more than an answer book to turn to when the pressures of life are overwhelming. It is really a library of books. It's filled with stories about real people. It has great poetry and beautiful songs. It has prophecies and promises. But most important, it is the true story of God's visiting our earth through his Son, Jesus Christ.

As you read about him, you will discover the most terrific friend you could ever have—someone who's around twenty-four hours a day, any time you need him! So take some time each day to read the Bible. It could be the most important and life-changing step you will ever take.

The Message of the Bible
The Bible begins by telling how the eternal God created the world and everything in it. He gave people a beautiful place to live and supplied everything they needed. Best of all, he was their friend.

That glorious beginning, however, was ruined when people disobeyed God and plunged into rebellion and sin. This broke humanity's relationship with God and brought judgment and death to the earth, its creatures, and humanity itself. Even so, God did not abandon his disobedient creatures. He set out to reclaim fallen people, much as a shepherd sets out to restore lost sheep to the fold.

The Old Testament provides many references to a special individual who would provide salvation for his people. That special individual, the Messiah, was not to be merely a man, however. The Messiah was to be "Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8), which in Hebrew means "God is with us." The Messiah would be both God and man, and those prophecies were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sin, he also removed all guilt produced by that sin and restored the broken relationship between God and humanity. Furthermore, he lives today and speaks continually to God on our behalf. "Therefore he is able, once and for ever, to save everyone who comes to God through him" (Hebrews 7:24-25). He gives eternal life to all who trust in him.

How to Study the Bible
To get the most out of this Bible, you will need to study it on a regular and orderly basis. You may, however, have some questions. You may wonder, Where do I begin reading? Or, What do I need to know before I start? The following paragraphs and features will help you get started and give you some important hints and information to help you begin an effective study of the Bible.

Pray for Wisdom and Understanding
The most often overlooked and undervalued aspect of Bible study is prayer. Yet prayer is essential to gaining wisdom and understanding when you read God's Word. Through prayer, you can approach God and acknowledge your incomplete knowledge of his Word, as well as your need for him to open your heart to his instruction. So determine to begin each time of study with prayer. Only God can give you the wisdom to understand his Word.

Read in an Orderly Manner
If you receive a letter from a friend and read only a few sentences here and there, the letter will not make much sense. But sadly, this is how many approach their study of the Bible. They read a portion of Matthew, a story from Daniel, a verse or two from Exodus, and then a chapter or so from Revelation and wonder why they don't have a clear understanding of God's Word. They often misinterpret the meaning of a passage because they fail to grasp the larger context from which the passage or verse comes.

To avoid such pitfalls, you need to discipline yourself to read the Bible in an orderly manner. One way to do this is to use an established reading plan. A reading plan lists Scripture passages to be read in a certain order. Many of the existing plans were created with a goal in mind. Some plans break the whole Bible down into 365 daily readings. Others help you read through the Bible in the order that the events actually happened. We have included several reading plans to get you started.

One such reading plan is based on fifty-two great Bible stories that all Christians should be familiar with. This plan touches on great accounts of God's work in history, giving you the large sweep of the contents of the Bible. Another reading plan, the one-year New Testament reading plan, will lead you through the entire New Testament in a year. In this plan, you will read through the gospel accounts of Christ's life and study God's wisdom for believers in the letters to early Christians. Some of you may prefer a more topical approach to your Bible study. In the following topical indexes, the truths of the Bible are related to real life issues. You may want to look for topics that are of special concern to you and study the related Scriptures to see what God's Word has to say.

Finish What You Start
In life, the benefits of doing anything are often not realized until the task is completed. The same is true when reading a book from the Bible. Once you choose a book to read, read it from beginning to end. Although you may benefit spiritually by reading a verse from one book or a story from another, you will benefit more by reading the entire book from which the verse or story came. Reading the entire book puts each verse and story in its proper context. Thus, you will have a better understanding of what each verse and story means. In addition, by reading books from beginning to end you will become more familiar with the Bible as a whole. You may even discover passages that will one day become your favorites. To get a quick summary of each Bible book before you begin reading it, look it up in the feature called Overview of the Bible Books.

Meditate on God's Word
Thinking or meditating about what you have read helps you to discover the importance of a given passage. It also helps you to examine your life in light of what God reveals in his Word. One of the best ways to begin meditating on God's Word is to ask questions. Here are a few questions to help you get started: What is the main subject of the passage? To whom is this passage addressed? Who is speaking? About what or whom is the person speaking? What is the key verse? What does this passage teach me about God? To see how the text might apply to you personally, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is there any sin mentioned in the passage that I need to confess or stop doing?
  • Is there a command given that I should obey?
  • Is there a promise made that I can apply to my current circumstances?
  • Is there a prayer given that I could pray?

Invest in a Few Good Resource Books
The Bible alludes to many ancient customs that are unfamiliar to us today. So the subtle meaning behind such allusions can easily be lost to us. To understand the culture in which the Bible was written, you may want to purchase a few good biblical resource books.

There are two types of resource books you should look into purchasing: first, a one- or two-volume commentary on the whole Bible; and second, a Bible dictionary. Most one- or two-volume commentaries are concise. They give you the necessary information on important words, phrases, and verses from the Bible. They will not give you commentary on each verse, and they will not go into detailed explanations on any one verse. But they are good resources to help you begin to understand God's Word in its ancient context. The price for such a commentary can range from fifteen to thirty-five pounds per volume.

Bible dictionaries contain short articles (in alphabetical order) on people, places, and objects found in the Bible. Most Bible dictionaries also contain maps, diagrams, and pictures of biblical cities, regions, and artifacts. Bible dictionaries also cost between fifteen and thirty-five pounds. You can find these resources wherever Christian books are sold.

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory. catcmo2006

Today's Daily Word

Today's Daily Word :
I have faith in God to restore a perfect balance in all and through all.
God is the One Presence, the One Power in the universe. Each time I let the focus of my thoughts be on the power of God to create and to sustain all life and all nature, my faith is renewed.
I have faith that the Power that keeps the movements of the planets and stars in balance also helps me keep the activities of my life in order. I have faith that the Presence that balances nature, works in and through the people I care about to restore stability. I have faith that there is nothing beyond God’s power to heal, comfort, strengthen, soothe, provide, and guide.
With faith in God, I am at peace.
“Happy are those … whose hope is in the Lord their God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps faith forever.” —Psalm 146:5-6 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory. catcmo2006

Morning & Evening Devotionals

Morning Verse

"And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul." 1Samuel 27:1

The thought of David's heart at this time was a false thought, because he certainly had no ground for thinking that God's anointing him by Samuel was intended to be left as an empty unmeaning act. On no one occasion had the Lord deserted His servant; he had been placed in perilous positions very often, but not one instance had occurred in which divine interposition had not delivered him. The trials to which he had been exposed had been varied; they had not assumed one form only, but many--yet in every case He who sent the trial had also graciously ordained a way of escape. David could not put his finger upon any entry in his diary, and say of it, "Here is evidence that the Lord will forsake me," for the entire tenor of his past life proved the very reverse. He should have argued from what God had done for him, that God would be his defender still. But is it not just in the same way that we doubt God's help? Is it not mistrust without a cause? Have we ever had the shadow of a reason to doubt our Father's goodness? Have not His lovingkindnesses been marvellous? Has He once failed to justify our trust? Ah, no! our God has not left us at any time. We have had dark nights, but the star of love has shone forth amid the blackness; we have been in stern conflicts, but over our head He has held aloft the shield of our defence. We have gone through many trials, but never to our detriment, always to our advantage; and the conclusion from our past experience is, that He who has been with us in six troubles, will not forsake us in the seventh. What we have known of our faithful God, proves that He will keep us to the end. Let us not, then, reason contrary to evidence. How can we ever be so ungenerous as to doubt our God? Lord, throw down the Jezebel of our unbelief, and let the dogs devour it.

Evening Verse

"He shall gather the lambs with His arm." Isaiah 40:11

Our good Shepherd has in His flock a variety of experiences, some are strong in the Lord, and others are weak in faith, but He is impartial in His care for all His sheep, and the weakest lamb is as dear to Him as the most advanced of the flock. Lambs are wont to lag behind, prone to wander, and apt to grow weary, but from all the danger of these infirmities the Shepherd protects them with His arm of power. He finds new-born souls, like young lambs, ready to perish--He nourishes them till life becomes vigorous; He finds weak minds ready to faint and die--He consoles them and renews their strength. All the little ones He gathers, for it is not the will of our heavenly Father that one of them should perish. What a quick eye He must have to see them all! What a tender heart to care for them all! What a far- reaching and potent arm, to gather them all! In His lifetime on earth He was a great gatherer of the weaker sort, and now that He dwells in heaven, His loving heart yearns towards the meek and contrite, the timid and feeble, the fearful and fainting here below. How gently did He gather me to Himself, to His truth, to His blood, to His love, to His church! With what effectual grace did He compel me to come to Himself! Since my first conversion, how frequently has He restored me from my wanderings, and once again folded me within the circle of His everlasting arm! The best of all is, that He does it all Himself personally, not delegating the task of love, but condescending Himself to rescue and preserve His most unworthy servant. How shall I love Him enough or serve Him worthily? I would fain make His name great unto the ends of the earth, but what can my feebleness do for Him? Great Shepherd, add to Thy mercies this one other, a heart to love Thee more truly as I ought.

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory. catcmo2006