Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Two Words from the Lord

The Word of the Lord given through His servant
Scott Hofstee
June 2, 2007/Sivan 16, 5767

The Lord of the Earth says this day, the earth moans under the great
strain of My glory that has begun to descend upon the earth.

Unbeknownst to most, My presence has begun to descend upon a people so
wrapped up in the wanton pursuit of their own vanity that they cannot
perceive it. My glory accentuates the darkness and the light that
resides in people. At this time the darkness is far more prevalent in most.

The greed and lust that has been just below the surface is now boiling
over. The murder and destruction has spilled over the dam. The
restrainer has ceased to restrain and now lawless mankind shall have his way.
He shall be given what has wanted for so long. He shall be given over to
his darkest desires in all their fullness.

It has been building like a great storm for many years. The clouds have
been gathering with great darkness in them. Yet few have noticed. The
self-appointed leaders of men have not noticed because they have not
sought to watch over those given to them. They have sought their own place
and power.

It is I the Lord, who has caused this to happen. It is I who has caused
this great blindness to overcome them and cause them to be completely
unaware of what has positioned itself in their very midst.

Mankind, in search for great evil, has walked right by all the little
tares that have accumulated into a great evil that will deal the death
blow to civilization as you know it.

Lawlessness is coming to the great nation called America. Lawless
nations are coming with destruction and in their wake shall come lawlessness
of new kind. People who seemed decent and orderly shall be seen as the
lawless ones they were all along. I shall merely provide the unfettered
opportunity for what has been in them all along. I shall draw out, into
the light, the darkness that has resided in the shadows of their souls.

Who will stand in the day and hours to come? Will anyone be able to
stand in the face of so great a flood of evil? Shall darkness overcome

Only those who have placed their lives in My hands shall pass through
the great flood. Few have sought this path. Many have mouthed their
commitment to Me but few have determined in their hearts to do what I have
required. I have required abandonment of all self-government, of all
vain ideas of earthly gain and glory.

Now a great and ancient dragon has poised himself to begin a last great
campaign for complete rulership of the whole earth.

I, the Lord of Glory have a great surprise hidden in lowly earthen
vessels. The clay has hidden the great light contained in them. These are
those with Me before time began. The ones whom I have foreknown and
predestined to be the sons of God.

Their great designation has long been foretold but little understood.
Long anticipated by those with eyes to see and ears to hear but little
expected by those who are supposed to be My people. A great lightning
strike is coming and a great thunderclap shall follow. I have kept unto
Myself seven thousand who have not bowed their hearts and minds to the
gods of the world. They have refused to indulge their hearts in the
pleasures of sin for a season. Instead they have remained ever searching
for the manna and raven’s meat in the great wilderness I have placed
them in. They have learned to be content even in great lack while the
world has dined in great abundance. These are the sons of My will, sent to
execute My vengeance on the wicked and My reward to the just. They
shall wield a rod of iron sent to break apart the false thresholds of men.
And break apart they will.

Denominations are about to breathe their last breath as the ax is about
to fall against the roots of these non bearing trees.

Seven thousand sons who shall prepare the way for the fullness of My
perfect just government. My government has been placed in one hundred and
forty-four thousand sons of righteousness, whose eyes have been trained
to see right in the midst of chaos. Whose gaze will penetrate the
exterior trappings that the world and the religious use constantly to weigh
and measure people. The eyes I have given these sons shall divide flesh
and bone, soul and spirit. Justice is in these sons. Which means
darkness shall be scattered and light shall rule the day.

Behold this day the coming of the sons of thunder.

Prepare for the falling of darkness.

Prepare for the coming of seven thousand prophets of fire.

Prepare for one hundred and forty-four thousand governors of justice.

Prepare for the great shaking of this earth. For I shall once again
cause this earth to stagger off its moorings. I shall shake this earth
until east becomes west and west becomes east. Not one person shall escape
this last shaking but a few shall stand in the midst of it and dispense
healing to the shattered and broken.

America prepare now, for tomorrow is not promised you. You have been
given years of warning, you have but days and hours before you see the
horrors I have foretold the prophets of old. They have already begun in
subtlety, they shall finish in the sight of all to see.

Many shall faint, many more shall arise. The darkness shall scatter in
the presence of My light. For all darkness is is the absence of My

Light is coming, allow Me to prepare you to stand in it and not be
consumed by it.

So says Immanuel, the Lord of Glory. The beginning of all creation. The
complete expression of the Father’s light. The rightful ruler of the
earth. Amen and amen.

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The Word of the Lord given through His servant
Scott Hofstee
June 2, 2007/Sivan 16, 5767

The Word of the Lord to the Thrones of Men

So says the genuine ruler of the earth, the Lord Immanuel, righteous
ruler of Heaven and Earth to the thrones of men this day.

To the thrones of Washington D.C.

You high and lofty fools who sit in the seat of power and might and
dispense your rulings and laws as though I had set you to speak. Your day
is over. You have held captive My people with law upon law rooted in
your suffocating desire to control people, not help them and now I AM
going to strangle you with the very laws you created. As you choke on the
vomit you call “law” the sons of perdition shall preside over your
destruction with swiftness and precision. In a day I shall turn out the
lights of your city, never more to be seen again. Your city has hosted
the greatest government of men the earth has ever seen and it has
hosted the most evil government the world has known. The government of your
city has drank itself drunk with power on the backs of the poor and
weak and all the while claiming to be their advocate. You liars and devils
are now slated for annihilation at the hands of the sons of your real
father the devil.

You self-important rulers of the “Supreme Court” are destined for
destruction as well. You have fallen in love with ideas and principles
that have long left the wisdom of My Kingdom. In order to dispense
wisdom and true justice a man must know Me. For it is contained only in Me.
My justice is simple and perfect. It is rooted in the law of love. The
principle of preferring your brother and sister over yourself. For in
this principle all wisdom has its origin. But sadly not one of your
order knows Me. Thus the axe is set to the root of your dead tree.

I say to the people of this wicked city, the time has come to flee its
walls and find the cities of refuge I have set for those who love Me.

To the thrones of New York City

The day I have awaited is here. You housed the markets of the great
prince Mammon. He has seated himself in your midst and you have adoringly
paid your homage. Your markets of greed have separated people based on
the amounts of money people have possessed and never once took into
account the content of a man’s heart. You have weighed and measured all
in the light of gold and silver and taken no account of the weak and
poor as they lay at your feet in the streets. You will say, “Look at
our great charitable organizations.” I tell you I have seen your
motives for these supposed great institutions. Your motive has been to
protect your money and create an image of yourself that exists only in your
minds and the corrupted minds of those who adore your ilk. In reality
you have neither the heart to touch the untouchable or the words to heal
them. Your thoughts are constantly toward yourselves and your gold and
silver. Your worldly kingdom.

My kingdom is not built in silver and gold but in the hearts and minds
of those who love mercy and justice. Those who prefer the weak and the
poor. Your city is a city of robbers and thieves and I AM now come to
rob you. You shall in one day fall on your sword, never more to wake.
Your markets are illusions of prosperity rooted in greed and vanity. I AM
coming to pull back the veil of darkness you have built around yourself
and expose the greed of your leaders. The backlash will be horrific.
Men will seek to kill themselves and others when they begin to see the
end. Some will succeed others will not. Many I will let live, so that
they suffer the same fate of those whom they despised every day as they
walked by. Anarchy and chaos is your fate New York. A smoking hulk of
debauchery and greed left to rot in the sight of all men.

I tell you this day people of New York, unless I have sent you to be in
the city, you will suffer the same fate as those who have had the rule
over you. It is no time to wonder about My will in your life, it is
time to know it.

To the thrones of California

So many thrones, so much government, so much power and resources, so
little wisdom. I have given you much California. Great cities, great
natural resources, great beauty and now I give you one last thing…great
destruction. Natural destruction of an unnatural scale. The oceans shall
roar, the earth shall ripple and heave and the mountains shall tremble
at the coming of My Kingdom. I have sent great warnings and messages to
you California but you and your people have ignored them. You were too
busy seeking your own pleasures and gain. You were too busy to see the
sledge hammer of My justice that is headed toward your great towers and
thrones. You will not avoid it, you will not survive it, it will signal
the end what you have known and the beginning of what I AM about to do
to this earth. To the people in this bankrupt throne of men I say,
FLEE! Do not look back.

To the thrones of Nevada

Sin City you are. Sin City you shall be and as with all those who love
sin, there is coming the wages of sin… which are death. Death is
coming to your thrones. Fire is most assuredly coming. Fire unto
destruction not purification. If you live in these places, flee them, for there
is nothing to redeem that has not already been redeemed. The few that I
have there will join Me soon. The remainder shall share the fate of
those who have loved pleasure and debauchery and the pursuit of lust.

To the thrones of Chicago

Long has your corruption gone unchecked. Long has your lust for
violence been unsatiated. No longer shall it be. I will feed your ravenous
appetite for both soon with sights that shall truly cause the world to
wonder. You have longed for what is coming; you did not understand what
you were asking for. Your people will alas see your leaders for what they
are. Despots and beasts. And the people will hold these men accountable
with great fury and swiftness. There is a great rage seething below the
surface of your city and I AM going to unleash it upon the seats of
authority in a day not far away.

These are but a few of the great cities of America that shall feel the
sword of My justice. I have long watched the great greed for power and
control that the leaders of these thrones have used for their own
purposes. Now I AM about to take it away and give it to another but before
that, I shall tear these thrones down.

My thrones shall be established throughout the earth. My twelve thrones
shall be where I bring true government rooted in love and justice to
this world for once and for all.

To the people of the earth I say pay attention to what is about to
happen in the great thrones of America because it is a precursor to what is
going to happen throughout the earth. Watch the swiftness with which I
move. It will trigger events throughout the whole of the earth. For I
AM about to strike a death blow to the great giant called America. But I
AM about to awaken the ancient thrones placed in this country as well.
Thrones placed long ago before men imagined what would become of this

My government is unstoppable, irresistible and a perfect certainty.
Stand in its way and be destroyed. My government begins in the hearts of
My people and soon the whole world will look upon it and wonder from
where it came from. It will seem as though it came from nowhere but be
assured I have been forming it for generations and now it is ready to
appear. The earth will convulse, the heavens will be torn apart and the
glory of the Lord will rule the day. The Lord comes with ten thousands of
His angels to exact vengeance on the wicked and reward the faithful.
Glory to the Lord Immanuel. Bow your hearts before Him and you shall be
given mercy, resist him and suffer the swiftness of His mighty sword.
Amen and amen.

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catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

The 23rd Psalm paraphrased

I am your shepherd. You will never have need of anything that I want for you. If you will trust me, and allow me to be the shepherd of your life, I will give to you such great peace of mind that it will be like lying in the cool green grass of a springtime meadow; And as you learn to deepen your love and trust, a quietness will come over your soul like a serene, calm lake.

It will be a time of great refreshment to your inner man, thus preparing you to do whatever tasks I set before you to do. And do not minimize any task that I give you to do, as it is for my honor and glory, not yours.

There will be times when, because of my great love for you, it will be necessary for me to lead you into great darkness....Darkness that will be so great that you will feel as though you are standing at the very edge of life, with death awaiting you below.

But always remember, I am still your shepherd. In the darkness you may not be able to see me, but you have my eternal promise that I will never leave you or forsake you.

If you will continue to trust me, even after you have been through a time of darkness, I will again flood your heart with such peace that you could even sit down with your enemies.

Your joy will be so great that it will spill over into the lives of others. And as your reward I will give to you all the really important things of life.

When you have completed all that I have planned for you to do on earth. I want you to come and live with me forever and ever and ever.

catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.