Saturday, March 31, 2007

Palm Sunday


This coming of Christ was described by the prophet Zechariah, Zec 9:9. When Christ would appear in his glory, it is in his meekness, not in his majesty, in mercy to work salvation. As meekness and outward poverty were fully seen in Zion's King, and marked his triumphal entrance to Jerusalem, how wrong covetousness, ambition, and the pride of life must be in Zion's citizens! They brought the ass, but Jesus did not use it without the owner's consent. The trappings were such as came to hand. We must not think the clothes on our backs too dear to part with for the service of Christ. The chief priests and the elders afterwards joined with the multitude that abused him upon the cross; but none of them joined the multitude that did him honour. Those that take Christ for their King, must lay their all under his feet. Hosanna signifies, Save now, we beseech thee! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! But of how little value is the applause of the people! The changing multitude join the cry of the day, whether it be Hosanna, or Crucify him. Multitudes often seem to approve the gospel, but few become consistent disciples. When Jesus was come into Jerusalem all the city was moved; some perhaps were moved with joy, who waited for the Consolation of Israel; others, of the Pharisees, were moved with envy. So various are the motions in the minds of men upon the approach of Christ's kingdom.

The King Comes to Jerusalem

12 [2][Passages parallel to John 12:12-19] Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44 On the next day the large crowd that had come to the Passover festival heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem.
13 So they took palm branches and went to meet him. They were shouting,

“Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel!”

14 Jesus obtained a donkey and sat on it, as Scripture says:

15 “Don't be afraid, people of Zion! Your king is coming. He is riding on a donkey's colt.”

16 At first Jesus' disciples didn't know what these prophecies meant. However, when Jesus was glorified, the disciples remembered that these prophecies had been written about him. The disciples remembered that they had taken part in fulfilling the prophecies.
17 The people who had been with Jesus when he called Lazarus from the tomb and brought him back to life reported what they had seen.
18 Because the crowd heard that Jesus had performed this miracle, they came to meet him.

19 The Pharisees said to each other, “This is getting us nowhere. Look! The whole world is following him!”

The Big Picture:


Christ's riding in triumph to Jerusalem is recorded by all the evangelists. Many excellent things, both in the word and providence of God, disciples do not understand at their first acquaintance with the things of God. The right understanding of spiritual nature of Christ's kingdom, prevents our misapplying the Scriptures which speak of it.

The Bottomline:

The prophet breaks forth into a joyful representation of the coming of the Messiah, of whom the ancient Jews explained this prophecy. He took the character of their King, when he entered Jerusalem amidst the hosannas of the multitude. But his kingdom is a spiritual kingdom. It shall not be advanced by outward force or carnal weapons. His gospel shall be preached to the world, and be received among the heathen. A sinful state is a state of bondage; it is a pit, or dungeon, in which there is no water, no comfort; and we are all by nature prisoners in this pit. Through the precious blood of Christ, many prisoners of Satan have been set at liberty from the horrible pit in which they must otherwise have perished, without hope or comfort. While we admire Him, let us seek that his holiness and truth may be shown in our own spirits and conduct. These promises have accomplishment in the spiritual blessings of the gospel which we enjoy by Jesus Christ. As the deliverance of the Jews was typical of redemption by Christ, so this invitation speaks to all the language of the gospel call. Sinners are prisoners, but prisoners of hope; their case is sad, but not desperate; for there is hope in Israel concerning them. Christ is a Strong-hold, a strong Tower, in whom believers are safe from the fear of the wrath of God, the curse of the law, and the assaults of spiritual enemies. To him we must turn with lively faith; to him we must flee, and trust in his name under all trials and sufferings. It is here promised that the Lord would deliver his people. This passage also refers to the apostles, and the preachers of the gospel in the early ages. God was evidently with them; his words from their lips pierced the hearts and consciences of the hearers. They were wondrously defended in persecution, and were filled with the influences of the Holy Spirit. They were saved by the Good Shepherd as his flock, and honoured as jewels of his crown. The gifts, graces, and consolations of the Spirit, poured forth on the day of Pentecost, Acts 2 and in succeeding times, are represented. Sharp have been, and still will be, the conflicts of Zion's sons, but their God will give them success. The more we are employed, and satisfied with his goodness, the more we shall admire the beauty revealed in the Redeemer. Whatever gifts God bestows on us, we must serve him cheerfully with them; and, when refreshed with blessings, we must say, How great is his goodness!

catcmo2006 would like to Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Have A Word Harvest

8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

When God first gave anyone instructions for success, the first thing He said was to always keep His Word on their lips.

Jesus taught that God's Word was a seed (Luke 8:11). Seed produces a harvest — if used properly.

The harvest that God's Word produces in your life is freedom (John 8:31-32). Here are three steps to seeing a harvest of freedom in your life:

1. Plant the seed of the Word by reading it, saying it, and hearing it.
2. Water the seed by reading, speaking, and hearing the Word some more.
3. Gather the harvest by speaking the Word (when you believe it and know it inwardly).

Most people try to skip the first two steps. No wonder they have not had better results! You cannot reap the harvest without planting the seed and watering it.

Feed your faith, in every area you desire to be strong in, by speaking God's Word that covers those subjects.

Remember—if you want to harvest a continuous crop of freedom—you must plant the seed of God's Word continuously.

SAY THIS: I will read, speak, and listen to God's Word Daily.

catcmo2006 would like to Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

The Wisdom Of Solomon

Proverbs 13:2-3(KJV):
2 A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence.
3 He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.

Thoughts for the Day

The book of Proverbs has a lot to say about how the things that we speak will affect our lives. The first part of Verse 2 states that good will come to us by the things that we speak. Gracious words will bring favor to those who speak them, while an evil, filthy mouth will produce the opposite. We all like to be around people who are kind and considerate, while we try to avoid those who speak rudely and crudely. Words are creative. Good words create an atmosphere of love. On the other hand, evil words create the opposite kind of environment; one that is offensive. God Himself, created the world by the words that He spoke. In the beginning He spoke and it was so.

Genesis 1:3: "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

If we speak the things that the Bible declares are true, we will be agreeing with God's Word, and by doing so, and by so doing we will create an atmosphere where faith can rise in our hearts. However, if we speak doubt and unbelief, it will destroy our faith. What comes out of our mouths reveals what is in our hearts. Therefore, if we find things coming out of our mouths that are not edifying, we should repent, and ask God to cleanse our hearts. Things just do not accidentally come out of our mouths. Those things were in our hearts, even though we might not have been aware of them. Words of evil -- such as jealousy, lying, gossip, fear, doubt, hatred, resentment, pride, selfishness, etc. reveal those very things in our own hearts. We all, at times, slip and say things that we wished we had not said. Each time we correct our speech and repent for those kind of things, we will find that soon good things will be coming out more abundantly than evil things.

Matthew 12:34-37:
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Proverbs 13:3 tells us that if we allow the Holy Spirit to control our lives by asking Him to fill our mouths with His Word, we shall live the abundant life. The Bible states that God's Words and commandments are life. When we speak them and live by them, we shall experience that life.

Matthew 19:17: "And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments."

God's Words are eternal and they shall never pass away. If God said it, then we can trust Him that it is true. He cannot lie.

Mark 13:31: "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away."

Luke 4:4: "And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God."

If we align our words with the Word of God we shall be blessed, however if we just allow anything to come out of our mouths, Verse 3 in Proverbs 13 tells us that it will cause us ruin. We must guard our mouths and not allow the devil to use our mouths to speak evil things that bring destruction on ourselves and others. We can be cursing others by speaking wrong things against them or about them. Let us ask God to help us keep our mouths from saying wrong things even as David did in the book of Psalms.

Psalm 141:3: "Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips."

Prayer for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your abundant love and mercy toward us. Thank You for being patient with me as I am learning not to say things that would hurt You or others. I do ask that You help me to guard my lips from saying unkind things. Lord, even as David prayed these words, I ask that they be my prayer also. "Let the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Help us all, as Your children, to say edifying things about one another. Thank You for the abundant life that is ours as we hear, speak, and obey the Words of God. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

catcmo2006 would like to Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

You Are Psalms

1 [1]Psalm 119 is a poem in Hebrew alphabetical order.Blessed are those whose lives have integrity, those who follow the teachings of the Lord.
2 Blessed are those who obey his written instructions. They wholeheartedly search for him.
3 They do nothing wrong. They follow his directions.
4 You have commanded that your guiding principles be carefully followed.
5 I pray that my ways may become firmly established so that I can obey your laws.
6 Then I will never feel ashamed when I study all your commandments.
7 I will give thanks to you as I learn your regulations, which are based on your righteousness.
8 I will obey your laws. Never abandon me.

9 How can a young person keep his life pure? {He can do it} by holding on to your word.
10 I wholeheartedly searched for you. Do not let me wander away from your commandments.
11 I have treasured your promise in my heart so that I may not sin against you.
12 Thanks be to you, O Lord. Teach me your laws.
13 With my lips I have repeated every regulation that {comes} from your mouth.
14 I find joy in the way {shown by} your written instructions more than I find joy in all kinds of riches.
15 I want to reflect on your guiding principles and study your ways.
16 Your laws make me happy. I never forget your word.

17 Be kind to me so that I may live and hold on to your word.
18 Uncover my eyes so that I may see the miraculous things in your teachings.
19 I am a foreigner in this world. Do not hide your commandments from me.
20 My soul is overwhelmed with endless longing for your regulations.
21 You threaten arrogant people, who are condemned and wander away from your commandments.
22 Remove the insults and contempt that have fallen on me because I have obeyed your written instructions.
23 Even though influential people plot against me, I reflect on your laws.
24 Indeed, your written instructions make me happy. They are my best friends.

25 I am close to death. Give me a new life as you promised.
26 I told you what I have done, and you answered me. Teach me your laws.
27 Help me understand your guiding principles so that I may reflect on your miracles.
28 I am drowning in tears. Strengthen me as you promised.
29 Turn me away from a life of lies. Graciously provide me with your teachings.
30 I have chosen a life of faithfulness. I have set your regulations in front of me.
31 I have clung tightly to your written instructions. O Lord, do not let me be put to shame.
32 I will eagerly pursue your commandments because you continue to increase my understanding.

33 Teach me, O Lord, how to live by your laws, and I will obey them to the end.
34 Help me understand so that I can follow your teachings. I will guard them with all my heart.
35 Lead me on the path of your commandments, because I am happy with them.
36 Direct my heart toward your written instructions rather than getting rich in underhanded ways.
37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things. Give me a new life in your ways.
38 Keep your promise to me so that I can fear you.
39 Take away insults, which I dread, because your regulations are good.
40 I long for your guiding principles. Give me a new life in your righteousness.

41 Let your blessings reach me, O Lord. Save me as you promised.
42 Then I will have an answer for the one who insults me since I trust your word.
43 Do not take so much as a single word of truth from my mouth. My hope is based on your regulations.
44 I will follow your teachings forever and ever.
45 I will walk around freely because I sought out your guiding principles.
46 I will speak about your written instructions in the presence of kings and not feel ashamed.
47 Your commandments, which I love, make me happy.
48 I lift my hands {in prayer} because of your commandments, which I love. I will reflect on your laws.

49 Remember the word {you gave} me. Through it you gave me hope.
50 This is my comfort in my misery: Your promise gave me a new life.
51 Arrogant people have mocked me with cruelty, yet I have not turned away from your teachings.
52 I remembered your regulations from long ago, O Lord, and I found comfort {in them}.
53 I am burning with anger because of wicked people, who abandon your teachings.
54 Your laws have become like psalms to me in this place where I am only a foreigner.
55 At night I remember your name, O Lord, and I follow your teachings.
56 This has happened to me because I have obeyed your guiding principles.

57 You are my inheritance, O Lord. I promised to hold on to your words.
58 With all my heart I want to win your favor. Be kind to me as you promised.
59 I have thought about my life, and I have directed my feet back to your written instructions.
60 Without any hesitation I hurry to obey your commandments.
61 {Though} the ropes of wicked people are tied around me, I never forget your teachings.
62 At midnight I wake up to give thanks to you for the regulations, which are based on your righteousness.
63 I am a friend to everyone who fears you and to everyone who follows your guiding principles.
64 Your mercy, O Lord, fills the earth. Teach me your laws.

65 You have treated me well, O Lord, as you promised.
66 Teach me {to use} good judgment and knowledge, because I believe in your commandments.
67 Before you made me suffer, I used to wander off, but now I hold on to your word.
68 You are good, and you do good things. Teach me your laws.
69 Arrogant people have smeared me with lies, {yet} I obey your guiding principles with all my heart.
70 Their hearts are cold and insensitive, {yet} I am happy with your teachings.
71 It was good that I had to suffer in order to learn your laws.
72 The teachings {that come} from your mouth are worth more to me than thousands in gold or silver.

73 Your hands created me and made me what I am. Help me understand so that I may learn your commandments.
74 Those who fear you will see me and rejoice, because my hope is based on your word.
75 I know that your regulations are fair, O Lord, and that you were right to make me suffer.
76 Let your mercy comfort me as you promised.
77 Let your compassion reach me so that I may live, because your teachings make me happy.
78 Let arrogant people be put to shame because they lied about me, {yet} I reflect on your guiding principles.
79 Let those who fear you turn to me so that they can come to know your written instructions.
80 Let my heart be filled with integrity in regard to your laws so that I will not be put to shame.

81 My soul is weak from waiting for you to save me. My hope is based on your word.
82 My eyes have become strained from looking for your promise. I ask, “When will you comfort me?”
83 Although I have become like a shriveled and dried out wineskin, I have not forgotten your laws.
84 What is left of my life? When will you bring those who persecute me to justice?
85 Arrogant people have dug pits to trap me in defiance of your teachings.
86 (All your commandments are reliable.) Those people persecute me with lies. Help me!
87 They almost wiped me off {the face of} the earth. But I did not abandon your guiding principles.
88 Give me a new life through your mercy so that I may obey the written instructions, {which came} from your mouth.

89 O Lord, your word is established in heaven forever.
90 Your faithfulness endures throughout every generation. You set the earth in place, and it continues to stand.
91 All things continue to stand today because of your regulations, since they are all your servants.
92 If your teachings had not made me happy, then I would have died in my misery.
93 I will never forget your guiding principles, because you gave me a new life through them.
94 I am yours. Save me, because I have searched for your guiding principles.
95 The wicked people have waited for me in order to destroy me, {yet} I want to understand your written instructions.
96 I have seen a limit to everything else, {but} your commandments have no limit.

97 Oh, how I love your teachings! They are in my thoughts all day long.
98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, because your commandments are always with me.
99 I have more insight than all my teachers, because your written instructions are in my thoughts.
100 I have more wisdom than those with many years of experience, because I have obeyed your guiding principles.
101 I have kept my feet {from walking} on any evil path in order to obey your word.
102 I have not neglected your regulations, because you have taught me.
103 How sweet the taste of your promise is! It tastes sweeter than honey.
104 From your guiding principles I gain understanding. That is why I hate every path that leads to lying.

105 Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
106 I took an oath, and I will keep it. I took an oath to follow your regulations, which are based on your righteousness.
107 I have suffered so much. Give me a new life, O Lord, as you promised.
108 Please accept the praise I gladly give you, O Lord, and teach me your regulations.
109 I always take my life into my own hands, but I never forget your teachings.
110 Wicked people have set a trap for me, but I have never wandered away from your guiding principles.
111 Your written instructions are mine forever. They are the joy of my heart.
112 I have decided to obey your laws. They offer a reward that never ends.

113 I hate two-faced people, but I love your teachings.
114 You are my hiding place and my shield. My hope is based on your word.
115 Get away from me, you evildoers, so that I can obey the commandments of my God.
116 Help me God, as you promised, so that I may live. Do not turn my hope into disappointment.
117 Hold me, and I will be safe, and I will always respect your laws.
118 You reject all who wander away from your laws, because their lies mislead them.[2]Hebrew meaning of this line uncertain.
119 You get rid of all wicked people on earth as if they were rubbish. That is why I love your written instructions.
120 My body shudders in fear of you, and I am afraid of your regulations.

121 I have done what is fair and right. Do not leave me at the mercy of those who oppress me.
122 Guarantee my well-being. Do not let arrogant people oppress me.
123 My eyes are strained from looking for you to save me and from looking for the fulfillment of your righteous promise.
124 Treat me with kindness, and teach me your laws.
125 I am your servant. Help me understand so that I may come to know your written instructions.
126 It is time for you to act, O Lord.[3]One Hebrew manuscript, Latin; other Hebrew manuscripts "It is time to act for the Lord." Even though people have abolished your teachings,
127 I love your commandments more than gold, more than pure gold.
128 I follow the straight paths of your guiding principles. I hate every pathway that leads to lying.

129 Your written instructions are miraculous. That is why I obey them.
130 Your word is a doorway that lets in light, and it helps gullible people understand.
131 I open my mouth and pant because I long for your commandments.
132 Turn toward me, and have pity on me as you have pledged to do for those who love your name.
133 Make my steps secure through your promise, and do not let any sin control me.
134 Save me from human oppression so that I may obey your guiding principles.
135 Smile on me, and teach me your laws.
136 Streams of tears flow from my eyes because others do not follow your teachings.

137 You are righteous, O Lord, and your regulations are fair.
138 You have issued your written instructions. They are fair and completely dependable.
139 My devotion {for your words} consumes me, because my enemies have forgotten your words.
140 Your promise has been thoroughly tested, and I love it.
141 I am unimportant and despised, {yet} I never forget your guiding principles.
142 Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and your teachings are reliable.
143 Trouble and hardship have found me, but your commandments {still} make me happy.
144 Your written instructions are always right. Help me understand {them} so that I will live.

145 I have called out with all my heart. Answer me, O Lord. I want to obey your laws.
146 I have called out. Save me, so that I can obey your written instructions.
147 I got up before dawn, and I cried out for help. My hope is based on your word.
148 My eyes are wide-open throughout the nighttime hours to reflect on your word.
149 In keeping with your mercy, hear my voice. O Lord, give me a new life guided by your regulations.
150 Those who carry out plots against me are near, {yet} they are far away from your teachings.
151 You are near, O Lord, and all your commandments are reliable.
152 Long ago I learned from your written instructions that you made them to last forever.

153 Look at my misery, and rescue me, because I have never forgotten your teachings.
154 Plead my case {for me}, and save me. Give me a new life as you promised.
155 Wicked people are far from being saved, because they have not searched for your laws.
156 Your acts of compassion are many in number, O Lord. Give me a new life guided by your regulations.
157 I have many persecutors and opponents, {yet} I have not turned away from your written instructions.
158 I have seen traitors, and I am filled with disgust. They have not accepted your promise.
159 See how I have loved your guiding principles! O Lord, in keeping with your mercy, give me a new life.
160 There is nothing but truth in your word, and all of your righteous regulations endure forever.

161 Influential people have persecuted me for no reason, but it is only your words that fill my heart with terror.
162 I find joy in your promise like someone who finds a priceless treasure.
163 I hate lying; I am disgusted with it. I love your teachings.
164 Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous regulations.
165 There is lasting peace for those who love your teachings. Nothing can make those people stumble.
166 I have waited with hope for you to save me, O Lord. I have carried out your commandments.
167 I have obeyed your written instructions. I have loved them very much.
168 I have followed your guiding principles and your written instructions, because my whole life is in front of you.

169 Let my cry for help come into your presence, O Lord. Help me understand as you promised.
170 Let my plea for mercy come into your presence. Rescue me as you promised.
171 Let my lips pour out praise because you teach me your laws.
172 Let my tongue sing about your promise because all your commandments are fair.
173 Let your hand help me because I have chosen {to follow} your guiding principles.
174 I have longed for you to save me, O Lord, and your teachings make me happy.
175 Let my soul have new life so that it can praise you. Let your regulations help me.
176 I have wandered away like a lost lamb. Search for me, because I have never forgotten your commandments.

The Big Picture:


The psalmist desired grace and strength to lift up his prayers, and that the Lord would receive and notice them. He desired to know more of God in Christ; to know more of the doctrines of the word, and the duties of religion. He had a deep sense of unworthiness, and holy fear that his prayer should not come before God; Lord, what I pray for is, what thou hast promised. We have learned nothing to purpose, if we have not learned to praise God. We should always make the word of God the rule of our discourse, so as never to transgress it by sinful speaking, or sinful silence. His own hands are not sufficient, nor can any creature lend him help; therefore he looks up to God, that the hand that had made him may help him. He had made religion his deliberate choice. There is an eternal salvation all the saints long for, and therefore they pray that God would help their way to it. Let thy judgments help me; let all ordinances and all providences, (both are God's judgments,) further me in glorifying God; let them help me for that work. He often looks back with shame and gratitude to his lost estate. He still prays for the tender care of Him who purchased his flock with his own blood, that he may receive from him the gift of eternal life. Seek me, that is, Find me; for God never seeks in vain. Turn me, and I shall be turned. Let this psalm be a touchstone by which to try our hearts, and our lives. Do our hearts, cleansed in Christ's blood, make these prayers, resolutions and confessions our own? Is God's word the standard of our faith, and the law of our practice? Do we use it as pleas with Christ for what we need? Happy those who live in such delightful exercises.

For those whom are proud God is unable to penetrate their lives.Our God is very involved deeply within our lives, we must become beggers before Him to recieve the restoration in our life so we might have grace and strength in God in one's own faith, sometimes God allows us to experience hardships and troubles in order to draw us close to His Word,that He might will have fervency to lift up prayers, that No guilt might impose to shut out prayers and to seperate between Him and God would graciously recieve his prayers and to take notice of them.

catcmo would like to
Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

Morning & Evening Devotionals

Morning Verse

"With His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

Pilate delivered our Lord to the lictors to be scourged. The Roman scourge was a most dreadful instrument of torture. It was made of the sinews of oxen, and sharp bones were inter-twisted every here and there among the sinews; so that every time the lash came down these pieces of bone inflicted fearful laceration, and tore off the flesh from the bone. The Saviour was, no doubt, bound to the column, and thus beaten. He had been beaten before; but this of the Roman lictors was probably the most severe of His flagellations. My soul, stand here and weep over His poor stricken body.

Believer in Jesus, can you gaze upon Him without tears, as He stands before you the mirror of agonizing love? He is at once fair as the lily for innocence, and red as the rose with the crimson of His own blood. As we feel the sure and blessed healing which His stripes have wrought in us, does not our heart melt at once with love and grief? If ever we have loved our Lord Jesus, surely we must feel that affection glowing now within our bosoms.

"See how the patient Jesus stands,
Insulted in His lowest case!
Sinners have bound the Almighty's hands,
And spit in their Creator's face.

With thorns His temples gor'd and gash'd
Send streams of blood from every part;
His back's with knotted scourges lash'd.
But sharper scourges tear His heart."

We would fain go to our chambers and weep; but since our business calls us away, we will first pray our Beloved to print the image of His bleeding self upon the tablets of our hearts all the day, and at nightfall we will return to commune with Him, and sorrow that our sin should have cost Him so dear.

Evening Verse

"And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night." 2Samuel 21:10

If the love of a woman to her slain sons could make her prolong her mournful vigil for so long a period, shall we weary of considering the sufferings of our blessed Lord? She drove away the birds of prey, and shall not we chase from our meditations those worldly and sinful thoughts which defile both our minds and the sacred themes upon which we are occupied? Away, ye birds of evil wing! Leave ye the sacrifice alone! She bore the heats of summer, the night dews and the rains, unsheltered and alone. Sleep was chased from her weeping eyes: her heart was too full for slumber. Behold how she loved her children! Shall Rizpah thus endure, and shall we start at the first little inconvenience or trial? Are we such cowards that we cannot bear to suffer with our Lord? She chased away even the wild beasts, with courage unusual in her sex, and will not we be ready to encounter every foe for Jesus' sake? These her children were slain by other hands than hers, and yet she wept and watched: what ought we to do who have by our sins crucified our Lord? Our obligations are boundless, our love should be fervent and our repentance thorough. To watch with Jesus should be our business, to protect His honour our occupation, to abide by His cross our solace. Those ghastly corpses might well have affrighted Rizpah, especially by night, but in our Lord, at whose cross-foot we are sitting, there is nothing revolting, but everything attractive. Never was living beauty so enchanting as a dying Saviour. Jesus, we will watch with Thee yet awhile, and do Thou graciously unveil Thyself to us; then shall we not sit beneath sackcloth, but in a royal pavilion.

The Big Picture:


In these verses is an account of the sufferings of Christ; also of the design of his sufferings. It was for our sins, and in our stead, that our Lord Jesus suffered. We have all sinned, and have come short of the glory of God. Sinners have their beloved sin, their own evil way, of which they are fond. Our sins deserve all griefs and sorrows, even the most severe. We are saved from the ruin, to which by sin we become liable, by laying our sins on Christ. This atonement was to be made for our sins. And this is the only way of salvation. Our sins were the thorns in Christ's head, the nails in his hands and feet, the spear in his side. He was delivered to death for our offences. By his sufferings he purchased for us the Spirit and grace of God, to mortify our corruptions, which are the distempers of our souls. We may well endure our lighter sufferings, if He has taught us to esteem all things but loss for him, and to love him who has first loved us.


That a guilty land should enjoy many years of plenty, calls for gratitude; and we need not wonder misused abundance should be punished with scarcity; yet how few are disposed to ask of the Lord concerning the sinful cause, while numbers search for the second causes by which he is pleased to work! But the Lord will plead the cause of those who cannot or will not avenge themselves; and the prayers of the poor are of great power. When God sent rain to water the earth, these bodies were buried, for then it appeared that God was entreated for the land. When justice is done on earth, vengeance from heaven ceases. God is pacified, and is entreated for us through Christ, who was hanged on a tree, and so made a curse for us, to do away our guilt, though he was himself guiltless.

The Bottomline: My people are taken away for nought. athe captives are so dispirted that they cannot praise Him. Egyptians of old made them to sigh, [Ex.2:23]. God heard them and came down to deliever them. God's glory suffered by all of injuries that were done to His people.When we have hidden barriers in our life that we have allowed to stay kept in the dark we will all have consequences often times long after what we had done that was done in our life lingers on after we had perpetrated sins in our life. Which become barriers in recieving God's blessings. We need to take the steps in removing it.When it gone is when our God will answer our prayers in behalf of His people and the land too.

catcmo would like to Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

The Cleansing Fountain

1 {The Lord declares,} “On that day a fountain will be opened for David's family and for those who live in Jerusalem to wash away {their} sin and stain.

False Prophets Will Be Judged

2 “On that day,” declares the Lord of Armies, “I will wipe away the names of the idols from the land. They will no longer be remembered. I will also remove the {false} prophets and the unclean[1]"Unclean" refers to anything that Moses' Teachings say is not presentable to God. spirit from the land.
3 “If a man still prophesies, his father and his mother, who gave birth to him, will say, ‘You don't deserve to live because you speak lies in the name of the Lord.' Then his father and his mother, who gave birth to him, will stab him when he prophesies.
4 “On that day every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies. He won't deceive people by dressing {like a prophet} in a coat made of hair.
5 He will say, ‘I am not a prophet. I'm a farmer. I've owned this land since I was a child.'

6 “When someone asks him, ‘What are these scars on your chest?' he will answer, ‘I was hurt at my friend's house.'

The Shepherd Struck, the Sheep Scattered

7 “Arise, sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is my friend,” declares the Lord of Armies. “Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered. Then I will turn my hand against the little ones.”

8 The Lord declares,
“Throughout the land two-thirds will be cut off and die. Yet, one-third will be left in it.
9 I will bring this third {of the people} through the fire. I will refine them as silver is refined. I will test them as gold is tested. They will call on me, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people.' They will reply, ‘The Lord is our God.'”

The Big Picture:


Here is a prophecy of the sufferings of Christ. God the Father gave order to the sword of his justice to awake against his Son, when he freely made his soul an offering for sin. As God, he is called "my Fellow." Christ and the Father are one. He is the Shepherd who was to lay down his life for the sheep. If a Sacrifice, he must be slain, for without shedding of the life-blood there was no remission. This sword must awake against him, yet he had no sin of his own to answer for. It may refer to the whole of Christ's sufferings, especially his agonies in the garden and on the cross, when he endured unspeakable anguish till Divine justice was fully satisfied. Smite the Shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. This passage our Lord Jesus declares was fulfilled, when all his disciples, in the night wherein he was betrayed, forsook him and fled. It has, and shall have its accomplishment, in the destruction of the corrupt and hypocritical part of the professed church. Because of the sin of the Jews in rejecting and crucifying Christ, and in opposing his gospel, the Romans would destroy the greater part. But a remnant would be saved. And if we are his people, we shall be refined as gold; he will be God, and the end of all our trials and sufferings will be praise, and honour, and glory, at the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bottomline: That is, provision made for cleansing of all of those from the pollution of sin whom truly repent. The blood of Jesus Christ, and our God's pardoning mercy in that blood, revealed in the new covenant, are a fountain. For there is in them an inexaustable fullness. There is mercy enough in God and merit enough in Jesus Christ forgiving of the greastest sins and sinners. As He takes away the domination of sins by the power of His grace. Those whom are washed, as they are purified, as they are justified, so they are sanctfied. Simply because God has by His grace awakened their conscience and shown them their eror, or because the event disproves their predictions. Gos would remove those sources of false hope so people could depend on God alone. We have been guilty of bowing to idols or following false prophets. These are the words of God the Father, giving commission to the sword of His justice to awake against the Son, when He had voluntarily made His oul an offering for sin; for "it pleased the Lord to bruise Him" and put Him to grief; and He was " stricken, smitten of God and afficted," [Isa.53:4,10]. And try them as silver and gold are refined and tried. This is being fulfilled in the persecutions of the primative church, the fiery trial, [1Pet.4:12].God is the only one in being able to fulfill the promises of His deliverance.

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.