Thursday, February 22, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning : I would like to take the time before starting out my day in having a time of prayer unto the Lord, in having this be a better place to be in him. I do hope You have a beauitful day today as well. So, grab You some coffee and have some breakfast to set our day of right. Then the rest of the day will just be filled with many things to do throughout our day.
Dear Precious Heavenly Father; Before I start this day I want to speak unto Your ears in sharing with You all that is within me and others that is in need of matters that is in need of your attention today. As we all look upon you we want to first of all to thank you for such a beaauitful good nites rest in You keeping us safe through the night. Thank You for such a beauitful awakening with a peace that overflows just knowing You are with us. We Honor You with all of our praises from deep within our souls for it comes with us giving You the glory for what You've done for us with it is shouts of glory for You to hear from us. For You are the Righteous God whom loves us very deeply as You guide through all things in our life. I Bow before You as My hands are lifted high before You with a heart whom is ready in having You speak to it for I know it's the only way to go as I start this days journey in being in you. Before it gets in futher I cover myself with the bloof of Jesus Christ and I claim that divine protection of the blood for my family, my finances, my home, my spirit, soul and body. I completely surrender myself completely in all areas of my life to you. I, Come in taking my stand against all workings of satan, and all of prince, ora principalities, any strongman, and every spirit of darkness that would try to bring any hinderances, or all of those people that I pray for cause you will not come against them for I say to you and I mean it very strongly. I bind and sever every cord of any of your prince or principalities, any kind of strongman and every spirit of darkness over our homes. I put that very strong line of Jesus Christ blood inbetween each one of you and I cut you off and all of your communications, and we all confuse all of your camps, crush and totally break You into pieces, as we all do render all of you inactive, and we cast you out, in the Name of Jesus. We all address ourselves only to the true and living God whom has all power and control over every single thing tht's in our lives today. For we declare, therefore satan and all of his evil wicked spirits are subject to me in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and futhermore, in my life today. I put on the whole armor of God and Do stand against All plans of the devil. In the Name of Jesus, I resist you Devil, and I stand my ground coming against you, so does, All of my loved ones are standing in with me. I have on the belt of truth buckled around my waist - the truth of God that sets me Free ! I have on the breastplate of God's righteousness and that covers my body, my heart, and all of my vital organs and shows me that we are in right standing with our God! My feet are shod with all of the preparations of the gospel of peace, and we take those feet and tread on ALL serpants and scorpions, for we have been given authority over all of your power. I take the helment of salvation and we cover our head securely, for we have the mind of Jesus Christ. The Only spirit we will follow is the Spirit of the Living God that does live inside of us and whom speaks to us from within. I take the shield of faith and quench every single arrow that You throw at us, Devil! I take that Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and i heavily pierce through Your wicked plans, for it is written all I have o do is submit Myself to God, and to tell You to FLEE, and You have to go... so GO! in the Name of Jesus. I place that blood of Jesus over me, my family, My Home, My friends, My pastors, ,My church, My ministry, My bank account, My debts, My car and All of our possession - all of which belong to God - and We All serve You notice today that All of your powers is broken Devil, over me and mine, in the mighty name' of Jesus we pray in that wonderful matchless Name of Jesus we pray. Father God, I claim that complete and absolute victory over all the forces of darkness in the Name of Jesus and I bind the sevil and coomand him to loose My peace, my joy, properity, and every member of our family for the glory of the God and by our Faith I call it done. We give our body to You Lord Jesus, realizing that We are the Temple of the Holy Ghost ( 1 Cor.3:16, 1 Cor.6:19,20). Precious Lord we are asking for Your Holy Spirit to be with All soldiers that are fighting the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,Indonesia,South Africa, Isreal, border patrol's in the U.S. Be with each one that's mentioned for we are opening our heart Father God in behal of those countles Men & Women whom are the battlefiels before You daily and we ask for them all to in Your hedge of that mighty protection and let ones minds stay on You in guiding them and showing them the ways of which Your directing those in all forms of leadership. Give them discernment to know whom is the closest to them with bombs that explode that would hurt them or kill them while in action. Divert each one before them all in places far away from them during these different battles in each of those countries For You have said in Your word Father that " Foolish shall not stand in Your sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity. that you abhor the bloody and decietful man." For Your crown is come with dignity for we know that You will come in raising your banner as you wait to bring their ruin one day. " For You Lord will bless the rightous with your favor, and surrond them with your shields. Be with all of men & womens families whom are back at home and guide them and comfort them when pain come up against them when it that hour for them in knowing what had taken place with all of those loved one and bring peace and harmony back unto those homes and deeply within them. But let all those whom adore you in put ones faith and abiding love that shine through us that bring us even more in holding on to you with one's contenment in knowing we have our hope in you. For we sing shouts of praise unto your ear my Father blessing and honor as we lift it all up to you in us standing in this prayer so you can show up in that blessed glory in prevailing on ahead of us that bring so much comfort unto us each and every day and it's all because of you. Thank You Precious Lord and we ask all of these in in that precious blood of Jesus whom right there in front of our battles in keeping us ever so close to Him. IN Jesus' Name we pray Amen . catcmo2006 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.