Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Believe and Stand In Faith

Believe and Stand In Faith : Trusting commitment of One Person to another, particulary of a Person to God. It's a concept of one's own Christianity. One may be called "Christian" only if he has faith. What is "Faith?" The one whom has literally "accepted" of Jesus Christ is the Lordship ( His God given, absolute Authority). It is One Removal from sin and from literally abstaining to all forms of all abominations of which a person if been released from all things in a person life. That has been "Set free" by the glory of the Lord, and His powerful anointing. They have begun a deep personal relationship with Him forming a true allegiances that love, devotions that has sat down in having a dependence on Jesus Christ, Father God that we are contented with one's own convictions that God has acted in history of Isreal and that God was in Jesus Christ, reconciling the World unto Himself that love is heavily built in one's own trust in His saving grace of Jesus Christ. Scriptures: [1Thess.1:9; 2Chr.5:19). __________________________________________________________________


Jesus couldn’t have stated it any clearer. He declared: “Verily, verily [absolute Truth], I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).

Without reservation, Christ couldn’t have presented The Truth in a clearer manner. Jesus proclaimed that if you believe – or have complete Faith in God, The Father – then you will not die. That should be comforting to all.

But, there is more. Besides this great claim by Jesus, He goes on to report that you will not even be brought to trial in The Last Judgment. This is because, if you have that special kind of “Faith,” then you already have passed from death to Life.

How can a person who believes in The Word of God, find this formula any simpler? Can anyone understand “Salvation” in more basic terms than these very Words of Christ, The Savior? If you have already done this, and keep absolute Faith in God, then you have obtained Salvation!



Paul warned The First Century Christians to stay away from “philosophy,” or “the traditions of men,” which all come from the rudiments of the world and not from Christ (Colossians 2:8). The word “rudiments” in the Greek language is defined as “anything which comes from human effort.”

Jesus, also, told how a person is to worship God. He said that: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). All human efforts to become righteous – or to worship God by human abilities – are worthless. Paul states this plainly in Philippians 2.

Any Works that are produced by Faith must, therefore, be a Spiritual matter. Since Faith Saves you, then your Faith must be Spiritual – just as God writes His Law in your heart and mind by Spiritual means.

Faith, or belief in God, The Father, and in His Son, Jesus, and everything that God and Christ reveal through God’s Word, is a Spiritual Entity (Romans 2:14-15). Faith is a total state of mind, or Repentance. Faith has nothing to do with what you do in the flesh. The flesh brings you death, whereas, The Spirit gives you Life. Therefore, Faith only concerns the operation of the mind. In the Greek language, the word translated for “mind” is “pneuma” or “Spirit.” This is what gives the Life energy to your mind! It makes you conscious, with the ability to think.

When the mind is left to itself without Faith in God, it is free to create any belief that humans can think up. Consequently, many different kinds of belief systems have been invented. Since God has given you total free choice, just as He, Himself, has total free choice, then, it is up to you to choose Life or death.

Faith is a belief system, which allows you to decide to believe whatever you want. It is an act of free will. In science, it is called The World Paradigm. It is how you choose to see or understand what you have decided to believe. It all comes down to a choice of your heart and mind. This is a mental act, pure and simple.


The Apostle Paul explained how there are three important Gifts, which God gives to humanity – Faith, Hope, and Love (“AgapĂ©” in the Greek). Paul states how these “Three Gifts” are what Christians should seek:

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity” (I Corinthians 13:13).

It should be of interest to you that the three groups of Epistles written by

James, Peter, and John concentrate upon these same Three Gifts – Faith, Hope, and Love. It is even more interesting that these three topics appear in the same order as prescribed by Paul in I Corinthians 13:13. James talks about Faith, Peter explains Hope, and then John’s theme is Love. Just check those Epistles, and you will see how those three identifying words appear quite frequently in each of them.

Now, Faith which comes from God by His Holy Spirit, is a Gift, which God gives to those who are repentant (Acts 2:38). Faith affects your heart, desire, motivation, and mind – to see things God’s Way ONLY. Notice what Christ did



In John 8:15, Jesus told The Pharisees “…Ye judge after the flesh. The Greek word for “judge” in this case, is “krino” or “put on trial.” Christ explained to them how they view various actions by others, only as seen in the flesh. This results in unjust judgment. Their worldly view, or mind, only looks at things from a human standpoint. So, this way of thinking was their only method of judging.

But, Christ continued the discourse, and said that He judged no man. Jesus did not perceive things from His “human” point of view. Then Jesus said that His Witness is from The Father who tells Him how to judge (John 8:14-18). In verse 26, Christ would only report what The Father had told Him to say. Why is this?


The reason Jesus reported what God, The Father, told him was to illustrate how He totally obeyed and honored His Father. Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour My Father, and ye [Pharisees] dishonour me” (John 8:49).

Now, you can understand why Faith Saves. Christ said that He came only to speak God’s Words in order to give honor to His Father. Furthermore, Jesus kept The Fifth Commandment, which promises long Life! Jesus kept the fifth commandment Spritually.

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” (Exodus 20:12).

Since The Ten Commandments were written in stone (or The Letter), they could only promise long Life here on this earth. Israel had a carnal heart, and so they could only keep The Letter of The Law – which was written in stone. This promised them long Life here on earth only. There was no Salvation, or Eternal Life. So, The Letter of The Law could not Save anyone until God wrote The Ten Commandments in their hearts and minds (Deuteronomy 5:29).

With Jesus, it was different. It was a matter of Faith, or Spiritually honoring The Father, because of His belief in His Father. Consequently, Christ manifested total Faith. It was a type of Faith that no human had ever manifested before.


In this context, it is important to see how Christ said that, of Himself, He could do nothing. Twice, in one chapter, Jesus declared:

“…The Son can do nothing of himself,…” (John 5:19). “…I can of mine own self do nothing:…” (John 5:30).

This is a form of double emphasis. Do you understand Christ’s mind-set? In His mind, Jesus believed that He could, of Himself, do nothing. He admitted it outright. However, He had great Faith! He believed every Word of God. He trusted in God – and not in Himself. In His paradigm of “how He saw things,” He sincerely recognized that He had no ability in His human flesh to do anything. Jesus went on to say that He only did what He heard from His Father, or else that which He had “seen” of His Father:

“…I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me” (verse 30).

This same text shows that the judgment of Jesus was only to seek (or to do) His Father’s Will – not His Own. What Faith! What honor He gave The Father! He had a complete and absolute respect for His Dad. Christ had full Faith and Belief in God, The Father, and only did His Father’s Will – according to God’s Word.

That is the next important point. Jesus did all this according to God’s Word. It was God’s Doctrine, as well as, God’s Works. Notice how clear this is made from the words of Jesus Himself:

“Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me” (John 7:16).

What a powerful claim! This concerns the matter of doctrine, in addition to the act of performing the actual Works by and through Jesus. All responsibility is on the shoulders of The Father. And The Son trusted in The Father. Then, Jesus gave the last word. It concerned His doctrine and the source of it. Jesus said:

“If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself” (John 7:17).


Jesus honored His Father, not merely in The Letter, but in The Spirit because He was totally humble like unto a little child (Matthew 18:4). He lived by every Word of God, and only followed God’s Will (Matthew 4:4).

Christ regarded nothing in His human ability, but was totally in subjection to His Father’s Will. This was for Him a state of “Spiritually” keeping The Fifth Commandment in His mind and heart. That is total, absolute, and complete Faith in His Father – His Father, who had given Him Eternal Life. This is the reason this level of “supreme” Faith Saves.

By keeping The Fifth Commandment, Spiritually, in Faith, Christ demonstrated complete belief in His Father. Most human parents desire to receive this from their children. Any loving parent only wants the best for their children. Therefore, it pleases the parents when the children honor their parents by believing they would tell the children only what is good for them. This is the Faith process being developed at an early age.

Many worthy parents receive this kind of faith from their children, and that is The Faith God wants. God is The Supreme Parent, because God has an unlimited supply of good things to give to His children. Isaiah wrote:

“…neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him” (Isaiah 64:4).

This message is so important, that The Apostle Paul repeated this Isaiah text in his instruction to The Corinthian Church (see I Corinthians 2:9). This is extremely good news for mankind. Just think of the implications.

Having this great promise in mind, your desire should be to show absolute respectful honor for God. This is to believe every Word He tells you. That is why Christ is loved by His Father. He was the only One who had complete Faith in His Dad.

Consequently, Jesus sought only to do His Father’s Will – and listened only to His Word. That is the kind of “Faith” that Saves humanity. This is, also, why, at Christ’s baptism, God said: “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). Jesus always believed His Father. That is The Faith that Saves! Nothing else will do.


Please read John 5:19-23. Christ said that, just as He honors God, you, by honoring His Son, will also be honoring God, The Father. God’s Work is to believe on Him whom God has sent (John 6:29).

If you believe all that Christ said, and decide to give Him honor, then along with Jesus, you, too, will have Eternal Life (John 5:24). You will be living every Word of God – just like Him (Matthew 4:4). By doing so, you will demonstrate your Faith by your Works of living every Word of God. This is done, in, and through His Son, Jesus (Hebrews 1:2). Because of this Faith, you have passed from death to Life (John 5:24). You would have Spiritually kept God’s Fifth Commandment. This represents The Spiritual Commandment for Life. God only wants you to believe Him by showing your complete Faith in Your Father, just as Christ did. That is all any loving, honorable parent wants.



Now, you must analyze two opposite beings in order to understand the identity of their individual sin. This analysis provides an interesting perspective. Job was perfect and upright, and one who feared God and hated evil (Job 1:1). But how good can an individual be? What was Job’s sin? That is a reasonable question.

On the other end of the scale, you find Satan was a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). He was the one who: “…abode not in the truth…” (verse 44). Satan did not continue in God’s Word – and neither did Satan’s disciples. Jesus said: “…If ye continue in my word…” (John 8:31).

Based on the perspective above, it would only seem logical that God would Save Job but not Satan. Satan was the absolute sinner, while Job was perfect and upright. Would you believe that both were guilty of the same sin? If that were so, then even if a person may be totally perfect, and upright, he can still be a sinner.

The problem with Job was that he was self-righteous about the good he had been doing through his own efforts. He lacked Faith. Only Faith can Save you through Christ.

Job kept The Letter of The Law by his own human efforts. He did not understand that only God can change a person’s nature from carnal to Spiritual. Only God, by His Son Jesus, can change anyone’s mind and heart to keep His Commandments. Only Christ in you, by His Holy Spirit, can do that. It is Christ’s Righteousness – and not yours. That takes complete Faith in Christ.

Job finally learned that lesson and said: “I know that thou canst do

everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee” (Job 42:2). Job finally gained complete Faith in God and was Saved from his miserable situation. Being righteous didn’t give him Salvation – and yet Faith did. Job believed that he would be Saved, but he finally understood that only God could Save (Job 19:26-27).

Satan wasn’t much different. He was a heinous sinner and liar. But he was even more than that. Satan lacked what it took to be in God’s Kingdom. Also, he didn’t want to believe or follow God. Satan lacked Faith.

However, just like Job, Satan was also “perfect.” In Ezekiel 28:15, God said that when Satan was created, he was perfect “in his ways.” Satan was a cherub, or a high-ranking angel of God, before he sinned. In both cases (Job and Satan), they were self-righteous. Isn’t that amazing? Because Satan was wise and beautiful, he believed in himself – just as Job did. Therefore, he decided not to believe God (verse 17). Satan lacked Faith (Belief) in His Creator – just like Job. However, Job finally repented – and had complete Faith in God – while Satan continued to disobey.


In Romans 14:23, Paul said “…for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” Then, in Hebrews 11:6-7, he also shows that it is impossible to please God, and until one has Faith like Noah, he cannot be righteous. Why is this? It is because God will give Salvation to no one who doesn’t believe God, The Father. In your heart and mind, you must Spiritually keep The Fifth Commandment. In this way, you can be given Life or Salvation.

How righteous or good you are by means of your own human ability is not enough. Keeping The Letter of The Law doesn’t do it. You can only please God in The Spirit (John 4), and therefore, you must believe every word which God, The Father tells you by His Son, Jesus. Only Faith, which is believing everything your Father tells you to do, can Save you. You must honor God – just as Christ believed every Word of God, His Father (Matthew 4:4).


What did James mean when he said: “…shew thee my faith by my works” (James 2:18). What “Works” are these? It isn’t how good or righteous you make yourself feel by your own human effort, but how much you believe every Word that God reveals in His Word (Logos) by His Son, Jesus. Faith in your Father is what God wants. Believe your Dad. He is your Parent who loves you. That is how Faith Saves.



Read Hebrews 11. It is The Faith Chapter, par excellence. Not one example of Faith listed in the chapter has anything to do with how good or perfect God’s chosen people are. King David was a sinner, a murderer, and adulterer. But he totally believed God when he defeated Goliath. That is Faith in God.

Noah had Faith when he built the ark. It Saved him and his family from the flood. Abraham, also, was told to sacrifice his son, Isaac. He believed God in Faith that He would resurrect Isaac in order to keep His Promise to Abraham. This Faith was Abraham’s Righteousness. He did whatever God told him. In like manner, you must, also, believe every Word that Your Father tells you to do by His Son, Jesus.

These are the Works, which prove your Faith – and The Faith of all Christians. In Faith, you believe Christ dwells in you by God’s Holy Spirit. This Faith is Spiritual. Only God can give you that Gift of Faith so that you will be Saved.

The short of it is: “Godly Faith Saves.” It has nothing to do with how righteous you can become on your own. Only Christ’s Righteousness can accomplish that – and this takes Godly Faith (Romans 1:17, Gal. 2:20, Matthew 6:33).

By performing every Word of God you show God’s Works in you. It is the believing and honoring of Your Father that forms The Faith that Saves. You must keep growing in that Faith by listening to every Word that God tells you in His Word. By this means, you grow Spiritually on a continuous basis as long as you draw breath (Romans 10:17).

Prayer: ___________________________________________________________________
"Precious God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may you grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation - of insight into mysteries and secrets – in the deep and intimate knowledge of You, by having the eyes of our heart flooded with light, so that we can know and understand the hope to which you have called us, your set apart one, and by faith we'll comprehend the greatness of Your power that is at work within us, so that I can know and understand what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing, greatness of Your power in and for me because I believe, as demonstrated in the working of Your mighty strength, which You exerted in Christ when you raised Him from the dead and seated Him at Your own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come. You have put all things under His feet and have appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. In Jesus Name, Amen" catcmo2006

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.