Friday, April 20, 2007

Wanna Be Free!

To Our Precious Nikki; Baby Girl It's time to stop this cycle Your on sweetie we are very concerned about You and we want you to get off this spinning wheels that your on with the "Meth" we've been threr just where YOU are right now and it's not your best friend in our life at all. It makes us very nasty and beligerent,very hot headed, numbs our deepest emotions to where we can't see all truths inside of one self, and then we think it's that next fix that will help us but in the long run it's an endless roads that never ever stops and it is alway's shows it's self in ever increacing minds sets that outright tricks people into ones own webs of disguising it's sole existence that it just keeps getting so very dark down to the darkest moments of a persons life but eventually it will bring us right in deaths door then either You die right then and never see anyone that loves you ever again. And being in such a horrbile dark place is where a person is tormented Hell is a reality never-ending reality for those souls who must reside there with Satan and all the other damned forever, because by their own free will and choice they rejected God while on earth and excluded themselves from communion with Him. People will be wanting another fix, water that they can't ever get at all, worms runs in and out of person being ever increasing tormented skins falls while the fires burns and burns that never stops as a person cried out but those whom guard "HELL" just bring it on more and more unto that lost person that down in those horrbile pits. All there is down there is everyone screaming and nothing bring comfort to all of those people at all. When a person knows that it's their final destination while traveling down to that place is when they've then realized it's not good for it's fires are raging hot to them and at a moment eye they knew then they ought to have believed in God and His Son Jesus Christ in ones own life and there isn't a chance of asking Him then to save them unless for some reason somewhere when they had been a child they had asked Jesus into their own life that will stop the person from hitting hell's floor. This is a person own choices in how they themselves decide to live! Before it to late they can choose to be in denial and then to finally see all past failures, afraid to change it,fears of every kind known to man,women, young adults, to adults to in the life of all addictions and where it leads them to every person in this life. Honey , Baby girl we live on "Self-Decptions of all kinds ...Yes, we only fool one self but You can't fool the people that's walk in Your shoes, footsteps because they know it very well. We just cannot bury ourselves into believing otherwise ,You just can't bury itthe consequenses are hard to come out of Your gonna have to face all reality before You find yourself at that I have shared with you in this e-mail baby girl I and dad just don't ant any of this to happen to you nor to have your children wonder why it happened to you, they will be asking all kinds of questions to the people whom loved you in death that the only thing we could say is that she's was heavily addicted and didn't know how to get out of it she was a sick person through the addiction that she had in her own life. she had problems that none of us knew about and it all went with her to the grave. You just have changed for the worst but you know what hon we love you until YOU can love yourself that will never change but it's YOU that has to want to change. You k now very will how to do such things and You know where to find help! You can only do it not only for us but those little men that will always love you if You haven't changed them while watching You go through such changes before them but yet they don't know what's really doing this to mommy . Have you thought of them at least baby girl? I just didn't want to ever say this to you honey but someone needs to before something happens to You in YOUR life before it's to late honey. You can always call us collect at anytime baby girl!!!! We are here and You know this to be true! When You FINALLY SEE YOURSELF THE WAY YOU ARE WHENEVER YOU HIT YOUR FINAL BOTTOM THEN YOU WILL GET HELP BUT NOT UNTIL THEN AND WE KNOW THIS TO BE VERY TRUE! I'm just wanting YOU back to where you oght to be in life with whom you once was and not some fake kid but real PERSON THAT'S NOT HIDNG THEMSELVES. Love MoM & PoP

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.