Thursday, October 12, 2006

Praying For Everyone In This Place

Dear Precious Heavenly Father; You are our "Yahweh - Tisdkenu ( The Lord is our Righteousness ) how we come before You in our praises and thanksgiving before you whom will one day come before in establishing a new kingdom of justice and righteousness and ruler of all the earth. As we bow before you this day in an humble way for we rejoicing in your awesomeness and to great and marvelous for words for this is another day that you have made before us. We cover ourselves by your blood of whom you are as our Jesus Christ whom is our mighty, mighty powerful God. and we claim your divine authority and protection over our minds, body, souls as you wash us by your blood scubbing us through and through for by your heavenly light you have made us and are cleansing us each and everyone whom is in this place in being fruitful as we receive your purification and fellowship in being united in one accord which comes in those many blessings and that flow of your righteousness that has our purifications , boldness, peace, quietness, and above all one's everlasting assurance in our awesome joy in the holy spirit. in this place of holiness that we become spotless and set- apart in your sanctified as a holy people before you this day and forever more as each day passes before us on a continual basis as your blood is applied unto each of us today. Thank You Father in your holy divine covenant which is shed for many in our remission of our sins which comes in redemption only by your blood, forgivness of my sins for I believe in you and in that wonderful cross of calvery in our undeserved gift that you have given me as a believer in your richness that comes in grace and mercy in my life. In us needing your cleansing power in removing our conscience has been forgiven and removed from acting like an accuser is now put into service to strengthen us and sanctify us as your servants before You and the world as we are in the world in being consecrated before you, and through the veil that is your flesh that has been broken down in my life that has been brought down and died so in coming in that has now been cleansed in drawing closer unto you with a true heart in my full assurance of my faith, as I am now cleansed in my own heart as my iniquities is like a wind taking them all away before you precious Father God, in us having such a fantasical Holy blodness that moves us unto all other areas in full faith and assurances in great faith which totally leads us by your Holy Sirit and all inspirations in my christian life today.
In thename of Jesus we rebuke any and all demonic forces that try to
come up against us.
In the name of Jesus we rebuke and cancel any plot,thought, or desire where the enemy may be trying to defeat us becausewe know that the enemy does not have any power and the victory has
already been won. We Bind all forms of sickness and oppression, in that mighty, mighty Name of Jesus, we lift -up each and every single person whom has asked for prayer in this place. Rather it may be emotions, minds, body, sickness, diseases, finaces, poverty,mindconfusion, lack, income, selfishness, anxiety spirit of fear,jealousy, bondage, whoredom, lying spirit, perversion, slumber, and infirmities. I command you satan not to cross that bloodline of Jesus Christ because I bind and sever every cord at all forms of roots and comand them to dry up permenantly and go awayand crush it of any strong man, any prince and principality and every evil spirit that comes against me that is nothing but darkness of this world. I put Jesus Christ bloodline over my home, areas of violence in our neighboorhoods,business,church,family members,children, pastors, missionaries,armed forces,p.c. family,vehicles,schools,colleges,jails, prisions, any companies,people standing against God and between each one of you and I cut- off any communications, and totally confuse your entire camp, render you inactive, and totally cast you out , in Jesus Christ'Name. For we know our Most High Lamb of God sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven. And he's far above any ruler, person in authority or pwer, leader in this world, or world to come because all things have been put under the feet of Jesus Christ, because our Father God had given him those rights as it is His only begotton Son. And the benefit of the church, and the member of the united body they are His body of saints whom are filled in Him in that wonderful everlasting precence which is filled in glory, divine love for all eternity which is to come unto them in the very near future. Foe our precious, precious Father has broken down hostilty that comes between us and has given us peace and have been reconciled by any means of death and seperation in what Jesus Christ has done for us whom are His electd one. We delcare peace, promises, blessings and God special favor, power in each ones privielge in serving Jesus Christ our Lamb of God in spreading His Good New's unto this world. Even though we didn't seserve any of it it's available unto us by Him in His grace and mercy in all provisions that only He provides us with and by His holy angles whom serves the Almighty God in the heavenly realm so we move fearlessly into God's Holy Presence and are asured and not being in any dispear of what we see and hear because it's been spken us by our God in whom we trust and adore in our heart, mind, body, soul in one's suffering we feel hnored and encouraged in reaching our home in glory when He comes for us in that final hour that we know is our home eternally and forever. Amen and Amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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