Thursday, October 12, 2006

Jesus Done For mankind

This is what Jesus Christ has done for ALL mankind "His Blood" is the veil in "Sinew" what it does it gives us power or strength as a wave that supplies us unto Him that has been beaten unto Jesus Christ as a slaughtered person which had deeply taken our place in this world so don't have to bear what he had went through as a person whom had NO! sin whatsoever in His own life ! There's one thing about it. You can go refer to your reasons, and you can confine yourself to reason. Don't try to reason it. You say, "Now, let me see. Maybe I'd do this, and..." Don't reason it. Believe it. God doesn't come by reason. It's all, all unreasonable; no man can figure God out. You never did and they never will. You don't know God by reason.
You know God by simple childlike faith, to accept His Word. You say It's the Truth and believe It. That's how you know God is by faith, not by reason. Your reason power within yourself, but faith comes from God. Faith is something that's born in you, something that God gives you. "And it's the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not reasoned." Hallelujah. That's where it comes from, through there, through the unadulterated power of the Lord Jesus Christ that makes a creature a new person, baptizes him anew in the Holy Spirit; washes him, hangs him up, and seals him into the Kingdom of God. Then he stands knowing where he's at. All the devils in hell couldn't shake him away from it.

They say that religion runs you crazy. It does not. You're not in your right mind till you find Jesus Christ, for He's the only Author of Life, Who can give you your right mind.

Then we have boldness to enter into the holiest by the Blood of Jesus Christ. (Amen).
By a new and living way which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh. What does the flesh do? The flesh only veils the blood. The blood is the way of life unto us all and it's that life stream that keeps our bodies together and it holds our skin and all of our flesh tissues which is called "Skinew" it holds everything in it's own places within our body. Our bodies are our "tabernacle" that we human being's dwell in as mankind of this whole earth. This is the essence of Jesus Christ whom had a veil that shielded God from mankind, was the blood "skinew" and his earthly skin of Jesus Christ The Very Son Of God is whom Jesus Christ. This unadulterated living birth of His, who God the Father whom did overshadow the Virgin Birth and whom did created in her blood, that tinly living cell in His own being the creation. And in there, His skin kept it from man. But one fine day the sin of man crept in his own heart with a spear, and His blood ran out of him and unto the opened ground. It was truly freely given unto all mankind unto all the world. And it's been revealed through His Words today for All the world to behold and soak in for All humankind to behold deeply within themselves. Through it that blood came forth, and His spirit, we are born into the Kingdom of God, New creatures in Jesus Christ. And God takes the dead, still body laying in the grave, and it rises -up for our justification, setting at that right hand of His beloved Father God, whom is truly making intercessions for our behalf tonight, midday, those late evening hours when we pray unto Him. We All deal with one's prayers in those very sins that we each carry deep within us as human beings whom lives upon the earth, that is unconfessed sins. ( Psalms 66:18) And squarely looking in that acknowledgement that We can't pray with the holy spirit ( Romans 8:26) Die to your own imaginations, desires and all of that which is burdened you for how You think that You should pray. ( Proverbs 3:5,6;28:26).Ask God to bear to bear postive witness with You are going to have; His is a remarkable God and will do something that's very consistant with His own character, and then thank Him for doing so. ( Ephesians 5:18). Praise God in faith for the remarkable prayer time you are having in Him as well. Deal agressively with the very enemy ! Come against him with All the powerful name of Jesus Christ, and the Sword of the Spirit ( James 4:7). Wait silently with expectancy ! Then in obedience and Faith utter what God brings unto Your mind, believing in His word, ( John 10:3,5,27),( Johm 18:37). Peace will flood your our soul and you are at rest ( John14:27). Trusting God with All of your heart's results ( Proverbs 3:5,6) . Confidence and assurance follow (Isaiah 30:15). Agreement with God's Word , He just don't violate His scriptures for anyone's convenience, so the message Must be checked out with the Bible ( 2 Peter 1:19). Confirmation: GOD ALWAY'S confirms His words to You, especially in guidance for action ( 2 Cor.13:1). The Lordship of Jesus Christ: Satan may use the word "god" for he is the "god of this world" ( 2 Cor.4:4), but he will Not call Jesus Christ "Lord" ( 1Cor.12:3). Clarity: Jesus Christ speaks clearly and in line with his Word , so that You know it is He ( 2Cor.1:20). Alway's have Your Bible with You in the event God wants to give You His confirmation or direction ( Psalms 119:105). When God ceases to bring things to Your mind for which to pray,praise Him for what He alone is doing. Remind Yourself that " To God" alone is the glory ! ( Romans 11:36). Now what kind of people whould be, cowardly be backing down , afraid to say No to the Boss whom has made us All that You or I being born again, afraid to be testifying unto Him, in that state of drunkedness? " We have boldness ( hallelujah !) to be entering into the Holiest of Holy by the blood of Jesus Christ . So, if your"sick-n- tired" of truly fighting with yourself then why don't you honestly try [Jesus Christ], he will turn your whole life around and it won't be so dull and hardened, mindless of how life is, like your really mad at the world, wanting to kick and scream at anyone whom comes close to you. That's what is called "Dysfunctional" and all that truly pertains to all of those wound-up, that's walled-up in those damned emotions that are bottled up inside of you, everything is running rampet and it's very overwhelming, you can't pay attention, can't pay the bills and it's so overwhelming to where your feel like you have to completely run away from your loved one whom truly cares about you and try to help you in supporting you and cares very deeply about the person in whom you are and often times enough it's the parent whom mourns just as you do right now,and you end-up hiding like a lion chasting you to where You feel that it's prey in today's times. Life just isn't fair! But we have to keep after it in helping [self] to be an overcomer of what those trials, tribulations eventually comes to having that grand prize of being a winner! Yes, it takes time and a whole lot of effort on our part living in the world of which we often times enough call it a [rat race], love, hope, desires in yourslef, trusting in what you believe in a new found life in [Jesus Christ], and lay it all at his cross of what is troubling you until you have found His peace overflowing in you like a river. Pray and read his scriptures for it's a life saving book and adhere to what he's sharing in it and see just what the Lord is speaking unto you at that very moment unto you.Keep a personal diary of what he's share with you as your growing-up in the Lord God. It will pentatrate you and saturate you in moving in him.We often times stumble and fall but he's right beside you helping you to go down that right paths and where to take them in following his directions. Get with a church body of believer's and be a family. Allow them to be your accountability people, they will guide you into much deeper truths in living in the lord and having a very deep relationship with him in your very own life. He'll be with You through all eternity. We just can't loose when we are in the family of God. catcmo2006 Clic here to see the picture (ani-btn-pla-13.gif) Clic here to see the picture (ani-btn-pla-01-1.gif) Clic here to see the picture (ani-btn-pla-17.gif) Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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