Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Why are there so many Christian denominations? Every Christian group claims they, only, are The True Church. Those of The Jewish faith have the same problem. There are the Reformed, Orthodox, Kabalists, along with others. What and where is The True Church of God?

You will discover God has a specific purpose for His people and the answer is God’s Two Witnesses in The Book of Revelation. Discover The Truth of God’s Church and it’s diversified groups.

After God broke the engagement in The Old Testament with Israel, Christ came in The New Testament. Christ became The Groom and contractually was married to The Church by an engagement. But before the consummation of the marriage, The Bride, His Virgin, had to make herself ready. Read Ephesians 5:24-32.

God is preparing for The Wedding Feast, but who will be The Bride?

Those in The Jewish Faith firmly believe they will be The Messiah’s Bride. On the other hand, Christians, as The Church, believe they will be The Bride. Who is right?


Jesus gives a parable about a certain King – God, who prepared to marry off His Son, Jesus (Matthew 22:1-14). Israel and The Church of God, including The Guests, all made some excuse not to attend. What is important for you to know is not all of Israel nor all The Church are chosen. Jesus said, “For MANY ARE CALLED, but few are CHOSEN!” (Matthew 22:14) Wow! Neither the whole of Israel or the whole Church are The Bride. The Bible states only the few are chosen to be at The Wedding.


Jesus, then relates the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-10). Five of them are wise, the other half are unwise. Remember, all of them are virgins – and are acceptable to be brides. Notice the problem. Only half of them are prepared to be a proper bride. Matthew 25:10 states the five wise virgins were ready, and when Christ, The Groom, returned, they were the only ones ready for The Wedding Feast. Some of Israel and some in The Church are not picked. Even The Guests who are invited are not prepared for The Wedding. Five are chosen to be The Bride and the other five who are not chosen are only bridesmaids. “Always a bridesmaid (virgins) but never a bride.” They will be part of The Wedding, but not included as The Bride.

Read The Book of Esther. It took her nearly two years to get ready to be The King’s Bride. Esther was a type of Israel and The Church. What is the distinguishing requirement to be Christ’s Bride? Since only half of The Ten Virgins, are to be The Bride, you need to know.


The Book of Revelation reveals exactly who Christ’s Bride will be.

Revelation 19:7-9 prophecies who will be Christ’s Bride and those who will be allowed to come to The Wedding as Guests. New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, is prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband (Revelation 21:2)! Pretty clear. Jerusalem, coming from Heaven, will be the location ready for The Wedding Feast. Who can come? No one who defiles can come (Revelation 21:27). One must be Perfect (Matthew 5:48), and only those written in The Lamb’s Book of Life. The Book of Life is The Marriage Registry. If you are not written in The Book of Life (Christ Living in you) (Colossians 1:27), you cannot even come to The Wedding Feast. Now, who is The Bride?

Revelation 19:7-8 reveals The Bride. 8And to her was granted that she [bride] should be ARRAYED in FINE LINEN.” The Bride has to wear a particular dress. What is that dress? Going on, “For the FINE LINEN is the RIGHTEOUSNESS of SAINTS.” The Bride will only be those who continue to grow Spiritually to become a Saint, a Righteous One or as the word in Hebrew reveals, a “hassidim.” One must Spiritually grow where they neither offend God or His Creation. They must be one who becomes a Christian, whether Israelite or Gentile, and continue to grow Spiritually to become Holy or perfect (Matthew 5:48). These are the five wise virgins. Should you be an Israelite or of The Church of God doesn’t mean you will be chosen as a Saint or a Righteous One. One can end up being “A Guest” or a Bridesmaid but not a Bride. When you read Chapter 9, ‘What is Sin,’ you will know the difference. Paul told Timothy, “But in GOD’S GREAT HOUSE (Israel or Gentile) there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour” (II Timothy 2:20). Those, ultimately to dishonor, go into The Lake of Fire or hell. First, you know who Israel is, but who, of The Gentiles, is Christ’s Bride? To answer that question, one must understand who is The Church of God?


The Greek word for “Church” in The New Testament is “ecclsia” or “The Called-Out Ones.”

You know that God, The Father, is having A Wedding for His Son. Ephesians 5 proves His Bride is being prepared by Christ, The Husband, through The Gift of Jesus – The Father’s Holy Spirit. Notice what event The Church is called to attend.

The Bride is made ready just before The Return of Christ (Revelation 19:7-9). The Bride is now prepared for The Wedding Feast, but The Guests, right at this moment in time (Christ’s second coming), are only invited to attend The Wedding (Verse 9). The Barley – Spring Harvest of The First Resurrection, is about to take place. What does Revelation 19:9 reveal? “Blessed are they which are CALLED unto the marriage supper of the lamb.” Then the rest of the chapter relates The Return of Christ on The White Horse.

Notice, who is invited to The Marriage Feast – The Called, The Churches of God. Clear as a bell! The Book of Life is a Marriage Registry.


Go to the parable of The Sower and The Seed in Matthew 13:18-30. Each person is called to The Church, but as you have proved, only a few will be chosen to come to The Wedding Feast. Whether one is to be The Bride (Saint or Righteous Ones) or The Guests (The Faithful) – only a few are chosen.

Jesus said some who are called into The Church and accept The Truth in their heart quit when Satan deceives them.

The second group receives The Truth and is so excited, but when they are tested as in the tribulation or persecuted, they give up or are offended.

The third group receives The Truth, but is more interested in the earthly affairs of this life and are too busy to keep growing Spiritually.

Of those who are called in the fourth group are The Christians who are the ones chosen. All the other Christians in The Church who have been called are not listed in The Marriage RegistryThe Book of Life. They cannot come to The Wedding Feast. They are called and invited, but wear the wrong garment to attend. Why?


This is a great mystery according to The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:32. What is it about The Church and Christ’s Bride? The Words of Christ about The Parable of The Sower and The Seed explains it to you.

Jesus adds a new understanding to The Parable of The Sower and The Seed (Matthew 13:24-30). Christ said someone sprinkled tares in between the seeds of the seedlingsthe growing wheat. He asked who did this? It was an enemy of the sower. It was suggested they pull out the tares so the wheat can grow without hindrance or deceit.

Christ continued and states, “Let BOTH (seed and tares) grow TOGETHER UNTIL the HARVEST.” Why? So, that no wheat is pulled out or lost with the tares. Then at the harvest, the tares are removed and burned. The wheat then is harvested and put into the barn. Do you understand what Jesus is telling you? The tares are of Satan and his false teaching, which are mixed with the wheat while The Church is trying to grow Spiritually.


Chapter 1 on ‘The Schoolmaster’ proves The Seven Candlesticks in Revelation 1:20 are The Menorah, or The Seven Candlesticks in The Holy Place in The Temple (Hebrew 9:2). As Christ states these seven candlesticks are The Seven Churches in Revelation 2 and 3. In Revelation 1:12-13 Jesus is the one in the midst of these seven candlesticks, which is a shadow or type of these churches. Since these are seven churches, which define The Menorah in The Temple, these seven churches are The Seven Churches of God. Whatever Jesus defines as these Seven Churches, they are The True and only Churches of God. They are candlesticks because they are to be Christ’s Witness to the world. You will see Revelation is the prophecy of the future witnessing of what Christians are doing in their daily lives.

Jesus relates to John that The Book of Revelation is to be written to The Seven Churches (Revelation 1:11). Why?

The Book of Revelation is The Testimony or Will of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19:10). With His death this Testimony went into force and this Will of Jesus is The Spirit of Prophesy. The Book of Revelation is bequeathed to The Seven Churches as their inheritance from Christ. This inheritance is a prophecy of what The Seven Churches must do to receive their Inheritance! These Seven Churches are The True Churches of God.

What does Jesus demand of His Seven Churches.


In error, some claim these Seven Churches are seven eras. This according to Revelation cannot be. Why? Simply, because you will see each of The Seven Churches existing when Christ Returns. It is, therefore, impossible for The Seven Churches to each be separate periods from the genesis of The Church on Pentecost to The Return of Christ.

These Seven Churches represented by The Seven Candlesticks in The Temple remain until Christ’s second coming to receive their reward or Inheritance. These Seven Churches, therefore, are a type from the genesis of The Church until The Return of Jesus in the clouds. That is the very reason The Book of Revelation is written to them. The Book of Revelation is their prophecy or future until God’s Kingdom comes. Open this testimony of Jesus and see the future of God’s True Church:

EPHESUS: Jesus warns them they have left their first love (Revelation 2:4). Christ warns them if they do not repent He will remove their candlestick when He comes! (Verse 5) The Ephesian Church of God will still be in existence upon Christ’s Return.

SMYRNA: If this Church remains faithful, their reward is they will not be hurt or thrown into The Lake of Fire (Revelation 2:11). They exist at The Return of Jesus.

PERGAMOS: Jesus warns them He will come quickly and will fight against them at His Second Coming (Revelation 2:16). Pergamos exists until the end.

THYATIRA: Christ tells those in Thyatira to hold fast until He Returns (Revelation 2:25). This Church still exists at Christ’s Second Coming.

SARDIS: Jesus tells them to hold fast to what Truth they know until He Returns (Revelation 3:3). Those of The Sardis Church will continue to exist until He Returns.

PHILADELPHIA: Christ tells The Philadelphians to hold fast because He will quickly Return (Revelation 3:11).

LAODICEA: Jesus warns them He stands at the door at His Return (Revelation 3:20). Laodiceans exist when Christ Returns.

These Seven Churches are not eras but seven types of Christian Churches. All exist from their beginnings when Christ first came until Christ’s second coming. These Seven Churches, as The Menorah in The Holy Place, are to be witnesses of Jesus right until God’s Kingdom comes. That is why they receive this Book of Revelation so they can understand prophesy and witness about the real God and True Savior, Jesus, The Christ. These Seven Churches are The True Churches of God throughout human history until God’s Kingdom. This is your Savior, Jesus Christ, telling you who are the real Churches of God. What do these churches believe? What faith or doctrine do they hold?


The Seven Churches of God in Revelation are The True Churches of God. All of them had different beliefs and doctrines. Whether Catholic, Orthodox, Protestants, Evangelicals, Independents, etc. – all are Christians. They are all the Called-Out Ones. They are all invited to The Wedding Feast. Jesus said those originally called to The Wedding Feast were not worthy (Matthew 22:8-13). What did Christ say to do? He told His servants (ministry) to invite everyone, both good and bad. Paul said in His Father’s House are vessels of honor and dishonor – good and bad. That is The Church of God. That is why Jesus said when He Returns many are called but few chosen. Being in The Church of God does not mean you will be invited to The Wedding Feast.

Read Revelation 2 and 3 so you can prove all these Churches had a variety of doctrinal teachings. Some had more truth than others, but all had to hold fast and/or overcome.

Teachings ranged from a false Christ and a false God to belief in pagan days and Baalism through Jezebel. What confusion and what a doctrinal mess of a mixture. The major outstanding sin or missing the mark for most of them is to believe they are the only True Church. In fact, that was the major sin of The Laodiceans. They thought they all had The Truth they needed. That is why they weren’t growing in Spiritual Talents from one to two or five to ten. They are the five unwise virgins, but they are still virgins or God’s Church. What was their penalty? Christ said, “I counsel of you to buy gold” – where? In Fire or The Lake of Fire (Revelation 3:18). All Seven Churches of God had to hold fast or overcome. That is why Jesus said, “Come out of her [Babylon] my people!” (Revelation 18:4) All are in Babylon and Christians are to come out of all the false teachings. How? Paul said if you do not prove, Biblically, what is being preached from God’s Word, you will have to learn The Truth in The Lake of Fire (I Corinthians 3:9-15). Paul said, “Let the prophets [or preachers] speak two or three, and let the other judge” (each one by The Word of God) (I Corinthians 14:29). How is Christ helping you to come to The Truth?


Many believe The Two Witnesses are two men. Some think one will be old and the other young. Others say it is Moses and Elijah. Over the centuries, many have wondered who are these Two Witnesses?

The Truth is they are not two people at all. In fact, The Two Witnesses are a major part of the entire Book of Revelation. It is how God prepares His Bride and Guests for The Wedding Feast. Let The Bible reveal who The Two Witnesses are.


In Revelation 11:3-4 states The Two Candlesticks are Two Witnesses for a period of forty-two months or three and a half years. Later, you will see this covers the period known as The Great Tribulation. These Two Candlesticks, are, also, two olive trees before God (Verse 4). Does The Bible tell you who these two olive trees are? Yes, it does.

One of the olive trees is The Nation of Israel (Jeremiah 11:15-17). Also, it states Israel followed Baal just like The Churches in Revelation.

The Prophet Zechariah even gives you more Biblical proof as to who The Two Witnesses are. In Zechariah 4:3-4, the angel asks who are the two olive trees? The angel tells Zechariah that the candlestick with seven lamps is fed olive oil from these two olive trees. The angel continues and says these two olive trees empty into the seven lamps just as Revelation 1:20 mentions The Seven Candlesticks (Verses 11 to 14). Jesus reveals The Candlesticks are The Seven Churches. Zechariah 4:14 states the two olive trees that feed The Candlestick or Menorah in The Holy Place are God’s Two Anointed Ones. Before the call of The Gentiles, The Anointed Ones were Judah and Israel.

Acts 7:38 states that Israel is The Church in The Wilderness. Who is the other olive tree? The Apostle to The Gentiles tells you:

Romans 11:16-25, The Apostle Paul states one of the olive trees is Israel, The Natural Olive Tree, and the second is The Wild Olive Tree – The Gentiles, who are grafted into the natural (Israel) and both are, The Two Witnesses of God. Israel (The Natural Olive Tree) and The Gentiles (The Wild Grafted-in Olive Tree) are The Two Witnesses. Israel is The Church in The Wilderness, and the other Wild Olive Tree is The Church of God. There, you have The Biblical proof. The Two Candlesticks or Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 are not two people, but God’s Two Churches, Israel and The Gentile Church of God. They are God’s Two Witnesses during The Great Tribulation. Read what Revelation has to say about these Two Churches – God’s Two Witnesses.


Revelation 7 speaks of 144,000 and an innumerable multitude from all nations or The Gentiles. These individuals are all sealed by God as His Servants. God seals them because they are being protected by God from The Seven Trumpets. Who are these 144,000 and innumerable multitude of Gentiles?

Revelation 7:4-8 states the 144,000 are from The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Then Revelation 7:9-10 tells you these are from all The Gentile Nations, and they, with the 144,000 Israelites, are clothed in white robes to attend The Wedding Feast. How did these Israelites and Gentiles become The Righteous Ones with White Robes? Revelation 7:14 reveals these Two Witnesses of Christ received the proper Wedding Garment because they came through The Great Tribulation.

The 144,000 and the innumerable multitude of Gentiles are The Two Witnesses. They aren’t two men, but Two Churches, The Church in The Wilderness (Acts 7:38) and The Church of God in Revelation 2 and 3. Revelation 11:3 states these two Churches, 144,000 of Israel and The Gentiles witness for three and a half years as they go through The Great Tribulation. How does God bring them through The Great Tribulation?


Jesus reveals the history of The True Church from The Birth of Christ (Revelation 12:1-2) until The Great Tribulation (Revelation 12:5-17).

Part of The Church is protected by God in The Wilderness during The Great Tribulation. They are in a place of safety (Revelation 12:14).

Then, in Revelation 12:17, Satan is angry because part of The Church is

protected, and he goes after The Two Witnesses who keep God’s Commandments, and murders them (Revelation 11:7).

The difference between those Christians going to a place of safety and those martyred are those of The Seven Churches who weren’t Faithful, as well as, the 144,000 Israelites. This is Scripturally clear. Revelation 2:18-22 states those of Thyatira who do not Repent have to go into The Great Tribulation. Now you have it. The Two Witnesses are the 144,000 Israelites with The Gentiles who are not faithful and must witness The True Christ in The Tribulation and then are martyred. Then, they are resurrected after three days at The Seventh Trump or The Return of Christ (Revelation 11:11 and Revelation 14:1-5).


What part of The Church is in safety in The Wilderness? Simply, just as in Acts 7:38, Israel – The Church in The Wilderness, is in the world and not in God’s Rest. The Wilderness is the world without God’s Rest, and by the great eagle with its two wings, they will be protected (Revelation 12:14). Christ prayed that Christians are to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:14-18).

The place of safety is not some physical place in the world. The place of safety is in The Wilderness or the world. These Christians are witnessing God’s Truth, and they are protected, but how? They do not go into The Great Tribulation because they are a light or witness to the world (five wise virgins).


Does The Bible tell you who is the eagle with the wings? It certainly does and Revelation tells where to look.

Revelation 14:1-5 states at The Return of Christ, these 144,000 sing a song. No one else was allowed to learn to sing this song. What is this song?

Revelation 15:3 reveals in The Resurrection, the 144,000 and The Gentiles sing two songs. Only the 144,000 can learn to sing the one song. What is it? Verse 3 states it is ‘The Song of Moses.’ Amazingly, ‘The Song of Moses’ is recorded in Deuteronomy 32. Read it.

Deuteronomy 32:4 states The Rock is Israel’s Lord. I Corinthians 10:4 Paul tells you The Rock is Christ. Then, it is this Rock, Christ, who is The Eagle, and that He bears them on His wings (Deuteronomy 32:11-12). The Bible interprets itself. The Eagle is Christ who protects The Church by carrying them on His Wings just as He did with Israel in The Wilderness. Psalms 95 – read it all – The Churches’ place of safety, is not Petra or some other physical place. The Israelites in The Wilderness had no faith. Only the faithful of The Seven Churches rest in Christ, God’s Rest, and therefore, are protected by Jesus, The Rock, while this prophecy is witnessed to the world (or wilderness). Now, you know who The True Church is and those protected in safety and those who must go through The Great Tribulation. The Seven Trumpets protect those in safety, which lasts for three and a half years or The Great Tribulation (Revelation 11:4-6).

To learn the rest of the story on how The Marriage Feast takes place, read Chapter 3, ‘The Marriage Registry.’

May the readings be blessed in the Lord and all other's whom read His Spirit of Truths in the Holy Spirit may rise up inside of each person whom studies it out for oneself and looks deeply within as each one takes it to Jesus whom is the author and the refiners fire of the Lord God. catcmo2006
Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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