Monday, March 05, 2007


Ephesians 2:8 simply says: “For by Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is The Gift of God.” The Apostle Paul declares that you are Saved by Grace by having Faith – and this very Grace that Saves you is a Gift. Grace is a particular kind of Gift that has absolutely nothing to do with you doing anything yourselves. Why does this unearned Gift of Grace Save you?

The reason God gives you this Gift of Grace is so you will not be able to take credit for any of it – lest you would boast (Ephesians 2:9). God doesn’t want you to make the same mistake that Satan made. Satan went against God because he got carried away with his own talents and abilities (Ezekiel 28:17).

When Christians are given The Gift of Salvation, by Grace, they must become like a little child. You must be willing to be taught, to seek and to learn, especially from parents (Mark 10:15). God is reproducing Himself to become “all and in all” (I Corinthians 15:28).

When Israel constructed the golden calf, God was enraged and wanted to kill them. Moses felt so strongly that he tried to intercede on their behalf. The Almighty God, with all His power and greatness, was willing to listen to a mere man and consider what Moses said. What humility and goodness God has. That is why God cannot give immortality unless you become just like God and His Son, Jesus.

There is nothing that humans can do by themselves. Any righteousness, or human attempt to please God, is totally unacceptable (Romans 8:8). Salvation must only come from Grace and Faith in God, The Father, and only as a Gift. The word “Grace,” in the Greek, is “charis.” It means “a benefit which affects your hearts” (Strong’s #5485). It gives “liberty.” The English word, “charisma,” has the same basic definition. A person who has “charisma” has certain Gifts, which others do not possess. Why is this? What is it about Grace that actually has the power to Save?


Paul gives further Spiritual insight into God’s Grace and how it Saves. In Ephesians 1:7, Paul states: “In whom [Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” Grace, as an unmerited Gift, filled with abundant wealth.

The Greek word for “riches” is “plutos.” It is defined in Strong’s #4149 as “wealth or fullness, money, possessions, abundance or valuable bestowment.” The riches of Grace bestow something of great wealth and abundance, which gives you Salvation. The Bible will reveal this mystery of the riches contained within this Grace.


Grace is an Endowment from God. The end result of this Endowment gives Salvation or Immortality. Why is this?

Christians should not believe they have done good works, when life punishes them for the wrong they do, and they take it with a good attitude. Rather, a person should rejoice for doing good and are blamed for it – just as Christ was blamed for His good works (I Peter 2:19-24).

Peter said that Christians are called to suffer just as Jesus did for doing what is good. He left an example to follow (verse 21). Concerning Jesus, you read that: “…when he suffered, he threatened not;…” (verse 22). When Jesus was brought before Pilate to be judged, He said nothing to claim His innocence.

Christ went to trial before Pontius Pilate without any defense. Why? Please read I Peter 2:24: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”

This is astounding. Did you know that Christians are healed by means of the beating (or the stripes) that Christ endured? He suffered for all mankind! Jesus submitted to this beating without a word of complaint. Why do His stripes heal you? Also, what is it that gets healed?

Whatever it is that heals you stems directly from the beatings He took. Those who saw the movie, The Passion, said that Jesus was so badly beaten that you could hardly tell He was human. Read the account in the Old Testament about this beating which Jesus endured. Isaiah 52:14 states: “…As many were astonied at thee; his visage [form] was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:…

As violent as the movie showed the scourgings, “The Passion” was not violent enough. The actual was much worse. No human was ever beaten so badly. You could not tell if He was human. The stripes Jesus took obliterated all evidence that Christ was ever a human being. Yet, because of the stripes, all mankind will be healed.


Isaiah continues with the account, and gives you the answer about why the stripes that Jesus accepted – are so important. The prophecies that Christ would be wounded, chastised, and bruised (beaten) was for Christians to eventually receive peace. But this would go one step further and show that those stripes actually caused personal healing (Isaiah 53:4-6). Peter states the same in I Peter 2:24, where he declares: “…by whose stripes ye were healed.”

The prophecy continues relating how all humanity has gone astray (sinned) by its own choice, and therefore, God has laid upon Christ the iniquity of everyone. There you have it. God caused Jesus to be beaten with stripes instead of you. These stripes really were deserved by all mankind and not Jesus. Christ was without sin. He was totally innocent, and defenseless.

By Jesus allowing Himself to be beaten, He took mankind’s penalty upon Himself. In what sense are these stripes capable of healing you? They were intended for everyone, and accepted by your Savior. For the answer to that question, consult Isaiah 53:5, where it says: “…and with his stripes we are healed.”


The Biblical account of the trial and crucifixion of Christ holds many Spiritual Truths. Everyone is called to learn these great truths. In the movie The Passion, it showed that Jesus died on the cross in order to pay for your sins. But, why did God require Christ to die as payment for the sins of mankind? That is a vital question.

Before Jesus was taken, He prayed and said, “Father, glorify thy name.” In response you read: “Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again” (John 12:28).

Remember that the word “glorify” in the Greek is “doxa,” meaning “all of God’s goodness and riches.” By God allowing His Son to die for you, it revealed all of God’s goodness for you. This is the Salvation of mankind. In I John 4:14 God sent The Son to be The Savior of The World. This was God’s Goodness toward mankind. It was also God’s Glory. Christ came to Save the world. How?

In reference to the voice in John 12:28, Christ said: “…This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes” (John 12:30). In other words, they heard this voice because it was for the good of humankind. Then Jesus made a profound Spiritual statement. He said: “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out” (verse 31).

These are two significant, Spiritual statements by Jesus:

1. Christ’s trial and crucifixion is not the trial of Jesus, but for The Judgment of The World. The trial conducted by Pilate against Jesus was actually putting all of humanity on trial. It was mankind’s trial and crucifixion and not Christ’s.

2. By Christ’s death, Satan, the prince, the leader of this world is cast out. No longer will Satan appear before God with his angels to accuse humanity of their sins.

Jesus had interceded for the whole world and paid for all the world’s sins. It doesn’t do Satan any good to accuse Christians any longer. Now, Satan has been cast out of God’s presence to the earth to fulfill Satan’s wrath on the earth when Jesus won the contest by His death. Why is this?

Remember, there are three different Greek words for “judgment” in The New Testament. There is “krima” meaning “accused;” “krino” meaning “trial;” and the third is “krisis” meaning “turning point.” This judgment in The Bible only refers to The Great White Throne Judgment at the end of this physical world. At that time, Jesus is The Judge (Revelation 20:11-15). Those found guilty by Christ are thrown into The Lake of Fire. The trial for Jesus was really The Trial or The Time of Judgment for The Whole World.

This is Vital Truth for all humanity to fully understand. This trial was not for Christ but for all of mankind.


In Daniel 2:36-45, The Prophet Daniel explained Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The dream described a huge statue of a man. Then, Daniel interpreted the dream by saying that the head of gold on the statue represented Nebuchadnezzar, along with The Babylonian Empire.

Additionally, there were three more Gentile Kingdoms. The fourth was The Roman Empire. Finally, at Christ’s return, God’s Kingdom will be established. At the end of time, this Roman system will be broken into pieces, and the entire Gentile rule in the world will end. Then God’s Kingdom will take its rightful place on earth.

Pontius Pilate represented that Roman government serving as judge over Jesus. But, as was seen, it wasn’t Jesus who was really on trial, but all of humanity. So Christ stepped in on everyone’s behalf, and paid humanity’s full penalty for their sins. Christ took Christians’ place before Pilate by paying the full penalty of all the sins of the world (I John 4:14). As prince of this world, this was Satan’s final attempt to accuse humanity for all their sins. Satan did his best to keep Jesus from being The Savior.

But Christ remained Faithful to glorify and show His Father’s Goodness in order to win over Satan and the final phase of The Roman Empire. Jesus took the full penalty of mankind’s sins by being thrown, in the Spiritual sense, into The Lake of Fire.

When Pontius Pilate tried Christ, and Jesus kept silent, he saw that Jesus would not even defend Himself. Pilate had to decree that Jesus was a just man and totally innocent (Matthew 27:19,24). After that, Pilate allowed The Jews to have their way, and so Christ was crucified. Why? It was because of Isaiah 53:5. This is a prophecy stating that Jesus was tried and why he was beaten as no other human.

5But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement [Hebrew, instruction] of our peace [Rest] was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed [Hebrew, “to mend”].

This prophecy by Isaiah reveals much about Christ’s trial and crucifixion. First, Jesus was wounded and bruised for mankind’s sins. Why did the soldier put a spear into Christ’s side? The Law states: “…the blood is the life…” (Deuteronomy 12:23).

Therefore, by Christ’s blood (which was His Life), all mankind’s sins are forgiven. Why? This is because in John 15:13 Christ said: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Christ had to die for humanity’s sins. This was the ultimate Gift of Sacrificing for all of God’s created beings.

Since the life is in the blood, Jesus had to spill His blood for all of humanity. Why? To show His great love for you. As you have seen there is no greater love. This was Godly love totally self-sacrificing for your sins. That is why your sins are forgiven because Christ proved His love for the world (I John 4:14).

However, once you repent and totally look to God, then you are ready for baptism. Once baptized, your sins are forgiven. But how about future sins?

In Psalm 40:4-7, God said through David that God was not interested in sacrifice, but that God prepared a body, The Promised Seed, to be that Sacrifice. Once and for all.

Hebrews 8:1-13 states Jesus was appointed to a Priesthood, The Order of Melchisedec. Then in Hebrews 9:22-28, Jesus who sits on the right hand of The Father is your High Priest making intercession for your future sins as well. This was all done by Christ’s sacrifice. This sacrifice, since He sits on the right hand of God, The Father, intercedes for all future sins. Christ died for your past sins by baptism, and also, for all future sins of humanity as long as you confess before Jesus as your High Priest after The Order of Melchisedec (Hebrews 7). Christ’s death pays for all past sins, but also, all future sins by His one sacrifice. Jesus, The Christ, is also your High Priest who continually intercedes for the future sins of the world.

Secondly, Jesus was chastised (beaten) to give Christians peace. In Hebrews, the Greek word “chastise” means “to give instruction” or “correction by God.” Later, you will see why this specific beating of Jesus gives peace.

Thirdly, mankind is healed, or “mended” by the stripes that Christ was given. By all Biblical evidence, Christ was not on trial while all humanity was on trial. Jesus took upon Himself all of mankind’s penalty, by being bruised, beaten, whipped, nailed, and speared. It was a beating that no man can envision.


Some Christians believe that Jesus was beaten, and the stripes He took were referring to God healing Christians in a physical sense. It is true that He performed many miraculous healings, and Christ, indeed, came to make mankind whole. But, there is a far greater significance Spiritually to Christ’s stripes – and the healing – than merely the restoration of mankind’s physical well being. Let Jesus tell you about it.

Christians should remain diligent in watching for His Return. They should do this by being wise servants (Luke 12:40-49). In these verses, He gives the outcome of those stewards who are wise; and the penalty for those who are not. He guarantees the wise steward (manager) will be made ruler over all that He has (verses 43, 44). Then in the remaining verses, He warns of the penalty the unwise servants will receive.

Jesus said the servant (Christian), who knew His Lord’s Will and didn’t prepare himself, and didn’t follow His Willwould be beaten with many stripes (verse 47). Those who didn’t know better (Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans) would be beaten with fewer stripes (verse 48). Rebellious humans who didn’t know better would be held responsible only for The Truth about Christ that they learned and understood. If they knew very little, they would receive only a few stripes.

Those who know a great deal about Jesus and God’s Will, shall be beaten with many more stripes. Does this sound familiar? Christ said that He came to bring fire on the earth, and that it already exists. His conclusion is that He had to be baptized with the same fire (verse 49, 50).

Your Savior is telling you that some have to be spanked very hard, because they understand a great deal. On the other hand, those who understand very little, will receive only a small spanking. Christ is telling you that God disciplines with fire – and Jesus Himself was baptized in this fire. How? It was by the stripes resulting from His own beating. Jesus compared this to being in a fire (Hell-Gehenna). That is the painful effect of being beaten with stripes.

The Redeemer and Savior was beaten by stripes so badly that you couldn’t recognize He was a human. The violent beating He accepted was not for what He did, but for all mankind’s sins and transgressions. That is why Christians are healed (mended – made whole) Spiritually by His stripes.

Jesus took His beating and paid everyone’s penalties so you do not need to be thrown into The Lake of Fire. Christ went into hell and was baptized by his stripes, so mankind would be healed. Jesus died for you. He has forgiven you your sins, but He took mankind’s penalty of The Lake of Fire upon Himself. Consequently, True Christians do not have to pay the penalty. That is why the stripes of Christ’s beating heal you. He literally paid the Christian’s penalty so you can avoid being thrown into The Lake of Fire.


Most people believe that God’s reason for The Lake of Fire is God’s penalty upon the wicked or unrepentant. They feel that sinners are either going to burn forever in this fire, or else be totally burned up and destroyed. Using human reason, they think this is God’s Justice – especially since Christians try so hard to be good Christians.

Nowhere in The Bible does God reveal those who go into The Lake of Fire are there for justice, or for revenge upon the wicked. This is totally mankind’s human reasoning. Let The Bible give you The Purpose for The Lake of Fire.

The Apostle Paul explained how The Corinthian Church, was carnal. The brethren were just like babes in Christ, or “very new” Christians. Those who were just starting to understand Christianity, were behaving like unconverted people (I Corinthians 3:1). They were playing Church politics. They divided themselves into groups and said the minister who baptized them was a true minister of God – while the others were not (I Corinthians 3:3-9). So, Paul had to tell them that all ministers of God are true ministers – having been given different Spiritual Gifts for their good.

I Corinthians 3:11 is a key verse. Paul said the foundation of Christianity is Jesus Christ. Afterward, Paul explains that whatever a minister teaches, upon that foundation of Christ, he will be “tried.” This was a grave warning for the entire ministry.

Then, Paul relates how the building materials represent the Christians who were laid upon the foundation of God’s building (I Corinthians 3:12). These building materials are: gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble. The first three, gold, silver and precious stones, are preserved in fire, while some even become better – as with gold. The last three materials, wood, hay and stubble, all burn up in a fire. These six materials add up Biblically to the number of a man, which is six.

Revelation 13:18 explains the final human religious beast system to rule with the last kingdom before Christ returns. Six, six, six (666) is the number, and it equates to a totally human religious system – with false teachings about Christ.

Paul warns that if any preaching is done by anyone, which is not of Christ, will be tried and tested whether it is The True Word of God (I Corinthians 3:13). The Apostle Paul declares how this test will be done in a fire. Therefore, the teachings of man will be tried in that fire, whether or not it was The Truth or a lie.

The Lake of Fire has nothing to do with God’s justice, or any vengeance which you might think Christ has unleashed. It plainly reveals that fire is a purifier, not a punishment for the wicked to be in torment or destroyed. This is God’s punishment to correct wicked beings so they will respond to God’s Way of Life.


Remember, human ideas and teachings will be burned. This includes agnostics, atheists, rebellious Christians, and everyone with their own ideas of right and wrong. It includes any teaching which human logic originated, or the total man, or human flesh which must completely perish. All these things will be utterly destroyed. Nothing can be left that is human – only total death.

Each and every morsel of human nature perishes. Human beings are corruptible and can die. Any human ideas, therefore, burn up because, like wood, hay and stubble, they will burn totally and completely (I Corinthians 3:13-15).

That is why Jesus said: “…if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee:…” He went on to say: “…if thy right hand [work] offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee:…” (Matthew 5:29-20). Why is this? Jesus answers: “…for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell [Gehenna] (Matthew 5:30). Could it be any plainer?

But there is more. Paul makes it very clear and states; “…if any man’s work [teaching] shall be burned [Lake of Fire], he shall suffer loss [torment]: but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire” (I Corinthians 3:15). It cannot be made any clearer.

The wicked, obviously, do not burn forever in torment, nor are they totally destroyed. This is because Paul states that the wicked shall be Saved (Greek - “Salvation”).


Hebrews 12 is God’s Correction Chapter, especially concerning those who will be thrown into The Lake of Fire. Read each verse diligently. Don’t skip over any precious truth contained in this chapter.

After Paul finished The Faith Chapter (Hebrews 11), he admonished you not to miss out on Salvation – after having read about the many holy men and women of old who remained faithful until they died (Hebrews 12:1). The evidence is overwhelming.

He went on to say in verse 4 that none of you had suffered that much in comparison with those people. He compared their light affliction with those who had remained Faithful all the way to the shedding of their blood (martyred).

Paul said that God chastens every Son He loves. Therefore, those who are thrown into The Lake of Fire are always loved by God. God continues saying when He chastens you, He deals with you as Sons (Hebrews 11:5-8). Otherwise, you cannot be legitimate, and Inherit anything from God.

God compares His chastisement to a natural father correcting his child. A

human father corrects his child for only a temporary benefit, but when God disciplines, it is permanent and makes you Holy. Very clearly, The Lake of Fire is to make you Holy, which is just the opposite of being revengeful – or for the sake of justice (Hebrews 11:9-10). This is true love.

Remember, Christ was chastised to give you peace or rest. Here is the reason. Hebrews 12:11 states: “Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous [torment]: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.” God only punishes to bring humans to their senses, so they will recognize and believe The Truth, which will set you free (John 17:17).

Paul said, “For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth” (Hebrews 12:6). The word “scourgeth” in the Greek is “mastigoo” meaning “to flog” or “whip” (Strong’s #3146). How plain can that be? The beating and whipping are the stripes Jesus was beaten with, until no one could recognize Him as a human being.

The stripes represented mankind’s penalty as demonstrated by Christians in The Lake of Fire. That is why those who repent and remain Faithful do not have any penalty, because Jesus took your penalty Himself, for you and all mankind. Therefore, you do not have to go into The Lake of Fire. This is truly one of the Riches of God’s Grace.

In Hebrews 12:12-13, Paul describes The Israelites at Mount Sinai as

being carnal. God wanted to consume them with fire. Why? Hebrews 12:29 states that: “…our God is a consuming fire.” God chastens by fire, since that is what God is. The Lake of Fire is God scourging (stripes: Luke 12:40-49) the unbelievers and the wicked because He loves them, so they can completely repent and can, then, be Saved.

In Matthew 18:11, Jesus said He came To Restore that which was lost (The Tree of Life). Then, in Matthew 13:10-15, Christ’s disciples asked why He always spoke to the people in parables? In verse 15, Jesus continues: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.”

Once a person has repented and is baptized, Christ must heal or Save them. He has no choice because He came into the world for that specific reason (I John 4:14). Jesus said that of all The Father has given Him, He should lose nothing, but should raise it up again (resurrect) to life (John 6:39). When is this? The answer is at The Last Day known as The Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).

Since Christ will lose no one, The Last Day when Jesus resurrects all, it will include those who are thrown into The Lake of Fire. That agrees exactly with I Corinthians 15:21-26 when everyone who Jesus Resurrects will be Saved, including those thrown into The Lake of Fire.

The Old Testament states The Truth about the stripes. Peter also explains

that by His (Christ’s) stripes you are healed. Those stripes represent God’s correction in The Lake of Fire. Once a person has been converted, by being repentant and baptized, then Jesus must Save him. He will not lose anyone.

Once converted, Jesus is obligated to give you Salvation. That is why in John 5:24 Christ explained that The Faithful, converted ones have already passed from death to Life. Jesus Himself has taken on the full penalty of The Lake of Fire by the stripes He took upon Himself. Christians who remain Faithful, will pass from death to Life, with no debt or penalty. They are completely healed and restored to The Tree of Life.


What are God’s Riches of Grace? Christ shed His blood for you because the Life is in the blood. Secondly, He died for you (forgiving your sins), which showed the greatest love of all. Finally, Jesus took upon Himself the full penalty instead of your being on trial or being judged. He was beaten beyond recognition. This was so all would be healed or Saved.

What Great Riches these are in God’s Grace, which is an unmerited Gift. All this is because God’s Son, Jesus Christ, did everything for you and all mankind. His abundant goodness of love for His creation honors and glorifies God, The Father.

May Grace abound in all of us and unto all other's that we pray for daily: catcmo2006
Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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