Monday, February 12, 2007

Praying 4 Our Troops

Dear Precious Heavenly Father; I come before You with praises and Thanksgiving and worship before Your Throne of Grace and Mercy as I bow before You with a very heavy heart simply because there is before You all branches of the Armed Forces that are in such strong battles and knocking down a horrible enemies whom defy you and everything that is not of You as we all know whom You are in us and showing us how to depend in you as your precious Holy Bible has shared with us in troubled times that has marked it way through that Sword of Truths. Oh, Father, there are men and women out there on all battlefields in the air, on the ground, ships, and submarines, p.t. boats, that are fighting for this nations freedom and to uphold You in what they truly believe in themselves and so proudly fight for it, and die for it, knowing that they have wanted those same things for all the families of this United States of America of which thy hold fast unto them as each person all across our land. They have been born and bred with good old fashion moral and Godly principles deep with them as they tarry on daily as they look unto You as One True God in helping them and securing them with You as their protector that never leaves them and comfort them and giving them peace that stand inside of them. Each one of those soliders are of which You had made and you know each one personally and share with them and You hear all of those prayers day and unto those long nights in the battlefields. Father they went off to war in this political arena of which You already new what was coming upon this nation as a whole whom from a long time back had totally forgotton what You really stood for in this nation from it's very beginnings but it those from across the waters that didn't stand with You, if they had done it it would have been so much more of you deepening us by Your Holy Spirit the way You have in knowing such truths of how it all began for a nation for which we live today. Father we ask you to forgive them in days of old in having those beliefs in things that was carried over here as it grew up and have hurt us the way it had. Oh, Sweet Jesus, how my soul does cry and weep so bitterly as it has shown it's ugly head at us whom knows such truths and depends on your every word that's breathed upon us all. Billions of people whom have been killed and families lost because of this tragedy. Shine down on us of us all across this land whom worships and adors You deep within our wretched souls, and for all of those soliders as well as those precious, precious family members whom are at a huge loss because of this war. We ask some things of You today in this prayer unto You precious Father, this is for All of men and women whom are fighting in this war and thier camps, inside those ships, boats, buildings, all of vehicles that they are in right now or perhaps later that You would send out all of your mighty warring angels before each person in those battles where ever they are so that not one will be left in harms ways of those enemies. Father as You have already stated these words for us to share with You in our very strong, stern voices unto You... Satan, you are also bound with chains of iron. Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven (Mt. 18:18,19) and with that authority (we) cast you down. By faith we scatter every heavenly force arrayed against (us) as holy angels smite them on our behalf (II Kings 19:35). Greater is He that is in us and more powerful are those with us than those with you (I Jn.4:4). JESUS CHRIST Himself sends His Word to deliver (us) from your devices. (we) put to flight every demonic power in this Prayer that would hinder the work and word of GOD going forth in this place. Satan, (‘we) have bound your chiefs, therefore all your demons grope in darkness, staggering as we smite them by the resurrection power of JESUS CHRIST. (we) laugh and GOD laughs (Psa. 2:4) as (we) see you brought to derision as you recognize that you must bow at the Name of JESUS CHRIST (Phil.2:10).Satan, (We) have bound and Sever every single cords of any of your prince or all principilities of your chiefs that are very strong mens and over every spirit of darkness that totally covers All of our Soliders men and women, we strongly cut - off All communications, confuse All of your camps, and we say very loudly as we render you inactive, and cast All of YOU out, in Jesus'Name.
JESUS CHRIST is LORD over these homes, families, nation,men and women in wars, countries, Israel. Now by faith (we) loose the peace and grace and truth of CHRIST. Come Holy Spirit and do Your good work here, saving, healing, delivering, as (we) see Your Kingdom established (Rev. 11:15) to the glory of the Father. Oh, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! So Full of His Everlasting Mercy with His devoted Love that cares so much for All, Blessed Be unto God of our Father and unto His (Son) Jesus Christ! Glory, glory, glory unto the Lamb, Praise You Jesus , Praise You Jesus ! We just Shout that Victory for what You do Before us, Thank You , Thank You, Oh,Precious, Precious Jesus ! EL ELYON-Most High, EL ROI-The Strong One who Sees, EL SHADDAI-Almighty GOD,EL OLAM-Everlasting GOD,JEHOVAH (YHWH)-Self Existent One,JEHOVAH NAKEH-The LORD that Smites ,JEHOVAH SHAMMAH-The LORD who is Present, JEHOVAH RAAH-The LORD is my Shepherd, JEHOVAH TSIDKENU-The LORD my Righteousness, JEHOVAH EL GMOLAH-The LORD my Rewarder, JEHOVAH JIREH-The LORD our Provider, JEHOVAH RAPHA-The LORD our Healer ,JEHOVAH NISSI-The LORD is my Banner, JEHOVAH SHALOM-The LORD is my Peace, JEHOVAH SABBAOTH-The LORD of Hosts, JEHOVAH MACCADDESHCEM-The LORD my Sanctifier, JEHOVAH PERAZIM-The LORD my Breakthrough as a flood
ELOHIM-Strong one, ADONAI - LORD I am a blessed child of GOD. I fear the LORD and delight greatly in His commandments. My seed will be mighty in the earth and my generations will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in my house and my righteousness will endure forever. Because I walk uprightly before the LORD, light will arise in the darkness. My confusion will be overcome and I will have guidance from the Holy Spirit. There is no problems which can come against me that I will not have wisdom and the leading of the LORD to overcome. I will also guide my personal, family and business affairs with discretion. I have wisdom beyond my natural ability. Because I am gracious, compassionate, righteous and give to others, favor follows after me. Everywhere I go, blessings find me. Surely I will not be moved forever. I cannot be shaken by circumstances or fear from the enemy, because I keep the LORD forever in my remembrance. I will not be afraid of evil tidings. My heart is fixed. I trust in the LORD. My heart is established, I will never be afraid. Satan desires to see me defeated. I desire to see him defeated and destroyed. His desire will not come to pass over me or any one of us in this prayer. My desire will come to pass over him. With GOD’s power, I will outlast satan every time. I have dispersed and given to the poor. My acts of righteousness are eternal. My horn is lifted up in anticipation of a great outpouring of GOD’s blessing into my life. The wicked will see it and be grieved. Though they gnash their teeth at me, they will melt away and their desires shall perish just as it will for All of our Soliders and within All of thier families for the time when each one can come back home. My desires will be granted by the LORD and my treasuries will be filled. In the powerful and precious Name of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST we pray. Amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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