Monday, February 12, 2007

Prayer For The Nation

Dear Precious Heavenly Father; As We All come bodly before Your Throne Father, We "Thank You" and give our "Praises" unto You as we bow before with each one of our own hearts right now before You in knowing that each one of our hearts are broken before You Lord, Jesus, we holding up this nation unto You as our hearts are so torn apart in seeing and having that inner knowing just what is taking place before us as You have led others in showing us those truths that have been brought out before us to really know all of those truths that had been darkened for so long has been enlightened by You and Your Holy Spirit so all information could be seen and discerned by that had been clouded before us to get our attention and to literally discern what is and has taken place in Your Holy Sights only because You keep Your children safe in You. Oh, Father, those awful things had been so much full of awful lies that they love to hide from it's people all across this land of which is very decitful and so many cover-ups to hide what they do in all of our Goverment officals all across this nation. They hide behind all of those secret societies which is nothing but the Anti-Christ shemes that holds so much degradation and corruptions to the highest degree. They all practice idolatrous worship in all of their midst when in those secret societies and one day You Lord will make them ,each person very accountable for just what they have done before You. You already had done it before in Isreal in the word of God, and each person is over the established age in whom You know whom they are before You in the Lambs book of life. Father, It's like they've eaten that forbidden fruit and have stayed in with there own captivity and have never came out of it. They like Isreal and of other lands have literally has literally come against You in being unfaithful as being incorprated a full scales of wide range of wrong, includes murder and character assassins and assults on one another then down to the people of which is under attack t those whom truly believe in You in our nation, as abroad whether they be a politically or prominent, or general population of every day working class people that they have come against in being in all of those movement of the Anti-Christ in all levels of whom they are of which can be in the occultism, New Age, Secret Societies of : Illuminati,Skull & Bones, Knight's Templar,Vril Society,Freemasons, Thule Society,Reptilians,Knights of Maltia,Cult of Isis,dragons, Grand Orient Lodges, Grand Alpina, Royal Order of Garter, Priory de Sion, Rosicruscians, Religious Groups fall under these list: World Council of Churches, National Council of Churches, World Parliament of Religions, Vatican/SMOM, Phython, Phythoness orders,New Age Cults, Groups, Liberal Prostestant Demonations, Unity Churches, Unitarian Universal Church, Baha'i, Temple of Understanding,Mormans. Oh, Sweet Jesus, You know them all by name and number of whom all of those people are and it's Your judgments that each will stand before on that day as one's Jude and jury at those moments of those lives. Precious Lord, We ask that thy turn from all of thier wicked ways and repent before You so they can live in Your kingdom and to help each family members to do the same so they will be redeemed in conjuction with God's restoration in having such a future in the city of Jerusalem before you as the True King. To turn from All of those eastern practices before You come that they may have a chance to turn from it all. And to learn Your truths in The Word of God as one reliance unto You as they have been changed from it all to see Your beauty that surounds our God and learn it deep inside of all those lost souls. We cry for those whom have been decieved from a child being taught to them as a child to what is expected of them in ones future to hold within them as they become adults. Oh, Father they have truly missed what is truth in those lives that has been imbedded in them far to long. Some of them has choosen those ways to walk not having other choices to go as they had been lead down those paths . We ask for those generational curses, mind-controls, soul-ties,famliar spirits, divinations, slumber, deaf & dumb spirit, perversions, bondages, haughty, fear, whoredom, witchcrafts, satantist, wicca's,lying, heaviness, poverty, infirmities, and all of the Anti-Christ spirits to be broken before you. We Pray that the government will be just and that it will be given discernment of right and wrong that comes from God. We are Praying that the government may have a prosperity that reaches "the people" not just the leadership,that the government defends the just cause of the needy. Pray that it has the moral fortitude to crush the oppressor and stand up to the powerful who are wicked. Pray that it will support programs that bring deliverance to the needy. Pray that the government is refreshing to the people and a source of goodness, blessing and growthfor enduring peace and stability and a well-founded and lasting moral order. That it may be a powerful and well honoured government because it has served God well. Pray that it may not be humiliated by powerful nations but instead may be honoured by all.We all Pray that the government may consider every human life to be precious and have the needy "on their agenda". Pray that it may be the helper of the helpless. That the government may consider itself a servant of the needs of the people and despise no-one. We are deeply Pray for the spiritual protection and blessing of the government - that "prayer may be made for him continually". Pray for the personal salvation and continuing sanctification of those in power. Pray for their protection from the snares of the Devil - especially greed, sexual temptation and pride. For an abundance of basic necessities and food. For people to "blossom" and grow, for the nation to experience God's "shalom" - blessedness and prosperity. Father God, and unto Your (Son) Jesus Christ that all of our Praises to God who alone does wondrous things for the transformation that He can work in your nation. Pray on the basis of God's glory being enhanced through godly governments. Claim the promise that His glory will fill the earth and this includes your nation and every city, state and county within it. Precious, Precious Jesus, I have been reading "Psalms 101 as a list of one's own goals for All of those in Leadership of this nation in knowing we all have accountability unto You so we the people of this nation would only please You and have wisly and efficiently bring this unto Your ears to contiue to bring all of those people to a Salvation in all of those lives and to repent and turn from all wickedness as You have so told us in (2Chron.7:14-16). For then love, mercy, juctice, comes as that evilness will leave all of those lives then have some wholesome integerity not only in the private lives and to come through to the public eyes so those whom knows You personally will see and know that Your Holy presence is with them. Then they won't tolerate compromise in and around those lives and they will keep one's own heart right unto You Father. What a glorious day that will be for all the people to witness before in Spirit and in Truth. That our President woul hold =up all morals petaing to our Nation and maintains blamless and Godly Standards other than being decietful full of hidden lies and agendas that are very unacceptable unto that person whom will fill the oval office. That they would labor with His strengths in knowing You and if anyone would bring deciet of which is to be eradicated of those whom are ungoldy, immoral laws in our nation so that whom go into the oval office will build a true foundation for our nation as being with You. (2 Tim.2:1,2)
Satan, we come against you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ We are armed with the blood (Rev.12:11) and the Word of God, my our Sword (Eph.6:17). Right now we pierce you through with the truth that Jesus Christ came in the flesh to destroy your works (1 Jn. 3:8). Even now, as we lift our praises to the Lord, the chief prince (Dan. 10:13) assigned to rule over this United States has been bound with fetters of iron (Psa. 149:8). Webreak the assignment of the world ruler over this United States Of America in the Name of Jesus satan, you are also bound with chains of iron. Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven (Mt. 18:18) and with that authority we cast you down. By faith we scatter every heavenly force arrayed against us as holy angels smite them on our behalf (II Kings 19:35). Greater is He that is in us and more powerful are those with us than those with you (I Jn.4:4). Jesus Christ Himself sends His Word to deliver us from your devices. we put to flight every demonic power in this United States Of America that would hinder the work and word of God going forth in this place. Satan, we have bound your chiefs, therefore all your demons grope in darkness, staggering as we smite them by the resurrection power of Jesus. we laugh and God laughs (Psa. 2:4) as we see you brought to derision as you recognize that you must bow at the name of Jesus (Phil.2:10). Jesus is Lord over this United States Of America as well as the future president. Now by faith we loose the peace and grace and truth of Jesus Christ. Come Holy Spirit and do Your good work here, saving, healing, delivering, as we see Your Kingdom established (Rev. 11:15) to the glory of the Father. In Jesus'Name we Come in unity as in (Matt.18:18,19) for as we close we ask this In Jesus'Name we pray Amen. Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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