Sunday, December 03, 2006

Real Christians Do not Sin.

Real Christians Do not Sin:
We are living in the midnight hour of the last days. Paul spoke of perilous
times, when men in the Church would be ?lovers of self? . Men of influence in
the church would no longer be under the headship of Christ, but have their own
agenda and lead a multitude astray.

In the book of Revelations Jesus revealed that the last day ?visible Church?
would be as the Church of Laodicians. What began in the book of Acts as the
Church of God, 2000 years later has become the ?Church of the people?

Today much of the preaching in Churches is, void of scripture and when it is
quoted the interpretation is so abstract that most sit in pews close and seal
their Bibles and fall into the trap of following the thoughts and opinion of
men, rather than the doctrines of Christ.

The faithful studiers of God's Word are becoming an endangered species. Most
have given up the Word to become ?cassette tape junkies? followers of men, which
in turn produce the Church of the Laodicians.

God's Church was commissioned with a promise that ?the gates of Hell would not
prevail against it and to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every
creature?. The Church was called to "convert the world" but today "the world has
converted the church".

There is a religion preached today called "the New Thing" A modern Christianity
for a modern world. An enlightened religion for an enlightened people, but it is
false; it's a "Hybrid".

This "Hybrid Christianity" looks the same, it smells the same, but it cannot
produce life.

This new religion preaches the pleasures of this world rather than the pleasures
of the next world. It preaches that you can be a Christian and not give up the
world. It teaches that you can be a Christian but still continue to commit sins.
A hybrid Christianity that cannot produce life. It is false, because real
Christians do not sin.

To be truly "born again" the Bible teaches you must be "born of the Spirit"; you
must squeeze through the strait gate into the narrow way. Jesus said that ?we
must lose our lives to gain eternal life?. Surely this means nothing less than
what it says.

If you want God's blessing in this life and go to Heaven, you must repent and
give your whole life to God, and walk in His narrow way. You must not only give
up all sin, but you must also give up the world. Only on these conditions will
He come into your heart and you will know that He has accepted you. You will
know you have been "born again" from that moment on. He will take control of
your life and make you a new person. You will have the witness of the Spirit
that you are His and have victory over sin. You will have peace in your heart
and power to live a Holy life.

What kind of Church do you fellowship at? Is your Pastor or Elder a messenger of
God or a man with his own agenda ? Why don't you ask your Pastor whether "real
Christians sin" and quote 1John 3:8 and then wait for his response!

"He that commiteth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the
beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy
the works of the devil."

The most likely response you will get will be something like this. The scripture
really says, "He that practices sin is of the devil". Meaning that if you
"habitually sin" you are of the devil.

Let me ask you - How many times did Adam ?practice sin? before he was cast out
of the garden? How many times did Lucifer "practice sin" in Heaven before he was
cast out? Tell me, how many times do you "practice lying" before you am a liar?
How many times do you "practice murder" before you are a murderer? How many
times do you "practice sin" before you am a sinner?

The answer is obvious - ONCE.

We all know that the Bible says that all liars and all murderers shall have
their part in the Lake of Fire.

Adam Clarke comments on 1John 3:8 as follows: ?He that commiteth sin is of the
devil". Hear this also, ye who plead for Baal, and cannot bear the thought of
that doctrine that states believers are to be saved from all sin in this life.
?He who commiteth sin" is a child of the devil and shows that he has still the
nature of the devil in him "for the devil sinneth from the beginning" - he was
the father of sin, brought sin into the world, and maintains sin in the world by
living in the hearts of his own children, and thus leading them to transgression
and persuading others that they cannot be saved from their sins in this life,
that he may secure a continual residence in their heart. He knows that if he has
a place there throughout eternity. ?For this purpose" For this very end, with
this very design, was Jesus manifested in the flesh "that he might destroy",
that he might loose the bonds of sin, and dissolve the power, influence, and
connection of sin.

John in his first epistle assures us that only two entities exist the Church and
the world. The Church of Jesus Christ consists of all believers who have been
taken out of the world and are standing for Christ and His word. The other is
the "world system" which we must live in, but are not to be part of because it
is under the power of Satan? ?And we know that we are of God, and the whole
world lieth in wickedness." (1John 5:19) Satan is the god of this world.
Christians live in the world but do not depend on the world.

Christian, you must die to the world before God can send you into the world.
Before you can go out and preach the Gospel, you must have the "Pentecostal
experience" whereby one is cleansed from all sin and given power to be a "living
epistle?. Obviously any church that teaches that you can sin and partake of this
world and still go to Heaven is a tool of Satan. Satan wants people to believe
that they can sin and go to Heaven. He doesn't care how many Church services you
attend or how many people you preach to, as long as you continue to sin.

Satan knows the truth that if you continue to chose to sin, you will meet him at
the judgment and make your bed with him in an eternal Hell, because sinners do
not enter a Holy Heaven. But I can hear your cry? "If we say that we have no
sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (1John 1:8) It is man's
pride and self-justification that causes him to misrepresent the Scripture!

Is John saying that if we sin the truth is in us? If so then the more sin we
practice, the more truth we would have? Surely this is not the case. If one
would read the preceding verse.. "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the
light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his
Son cleanseth us from all sin"...If the blood cleanses ALL sin, how much sin is
left? The confusion lies in the fact that there are two kinds of sin. One our
personal sins requiring PARDON and the other "inbred sin or carnality that
remains subsequent to regeneration that needs PURGING.

The messengers of Satan are pushing the same old 6000-year lie, "you can disobey
God yet not surely die." Adam and Eve discovered the truth in the Garden of
Eden. They practiced sin once and they were banished. The greatest of all
creation, Lucifer practical sin once and he was banished from heaven.

Any church that teaches you can sin and enjoy the world and still go to heaven
is not the church of Jesus Christ, but the church of Satan.

I receive many comments especially from "professing Christians" maybe even you
are thinking "he thinks he's better than anybody else.?

No, I don't think I'm better ?for all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God" but the Christ I serve must be eminently better for He has not only
pardoned my sins but delivered me from sin and the world.."What shall we say
then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we
that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? But now being made free from sin,
and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end
everlasting life." (Romans 6:1-2,22).

If you have not been delivered from sin and the world, you have not received the
genuine "New Birth? experience. You cannot call yourself a Christian and live
like the world.

Will you be a part of Christ's Holy Bride?

Has Jesus forgiven your sins and delivered you from sin and the world?

Did you squeeze through the strait gate on to the narrow way, the way of
Holiness without sin before the Lord? catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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