Sunday, December 03, 2006


THE LAW OF ADULTERYIn many Churches this seems to be the origin of the devil's second marriage doctrine that sends souls to hellfire .

Preachers allowing second marriage are saying, God's rule for marriage is a joke, and we have the real truth of this subject.

The second marriage doctrine sends souls to hellfire LEV 20:10 The man who commits adultery and stays with another mans wife both that man, and the woman shall be put to death, and go to hell-fire.

God is not a Pimp, or in the Pimping business.

All divorced and remarried people with a living first mate, claim that God gave them their second wife or husband are whores, and whoremongers.

When you divorce your future lack of sexual intercourse is not an interest with God.

He will not give you a new sex partner, so you will go to church, pay Him tithes, and serve Him.

MAT 19:8 Divorce entered the world with Adam, and Eve after they broke God's law.

The divorce law as the menstruation law is valid today, though a large percentage of female church members ignore both.

The New Testament divorce law from the Apostle Paul is for all men, and women regardless of a conversion to Christ Jesus.

The divorce law is a warning from a loving God to save mans eternal soul.

The divorce law when obeyed will keep church social communities free of sin, and sexual diseases.

Those ignoring the divorce law, and remarry are failures, losers, anti-Christ, and socially corrupt.

Common-law marriage known as (shacking up), is rejected by God as a legitimate marriage.

Only common people rebelling against God's laws practice Common-law marriage.

Common people in remarriage have fallen below God's uncommon standard of decency, and integrity.

Leaving a sinful sex partner is the same as circumcising your mind from its filthy lust of the flesh.

LEV 20:10 The man who commits adultery and stays with another mans wife both that man, and the woman shall be put to death, and go to hell-fire.

HEB 13:8 God does not change neighbor, he has just added grace for the penitent sex fiend by telling him to stop.

JER 23:10 The land is full of adulterers.

The sin of second marriage makes God's Holy Prophets, and Preachers shout "Do not divorce, and remarry or go to hell."

DEU 24:1, MAT 19:7 Adulterous sex maniacs harden their minds, and will not obey God.

It was a weak minded man named Moses, not God who said, "Divorce is acceptable".

MAL 2:16 No matter how plausible your reason may seem sinner God still says, "I hate putting away" or divorce.

God still hates divorce so why do you love it?

MAR 7:21 Adulteries, and divorce start first in the minds of lust crazed men, and women listening to Satan.

LUK 16:18 Whosoever puts away his wife, and marries another commits the sin of adultery.

Gods divorce prohibition for man will not get clearer than that.

MAR 10:12 A woman commits adultery when she puts away her husband, and marries another.

Second marriage makes the divorced wife a common whore.

1CO 7:11 For sex, and eternal security she must leave her second, etc. husband, and remain unmarried or be reconciled with her first husband.

If her first husband will not take her back, she must live life free from sexual intercourse until his death.

HEB 13:4 Marriage is honorable but whoremongers, and adulterers God will judge.

Sex sinners remarried hate God because He labels them as evil devils.

PRO 20:20, JOB 24:15 Sex sinners (second married) say, "I have done no wrong".

The eye of the adulterer in unforgiven waits for sunset, they say "No one will see me", wrong God does.

1CO 6:9 Adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Hell is heaven's junk yard for the remarried sex-fiends, and others in unforgiven sin.

DEU 23:2 God also has labeled children from an adulterous second marriage, or unmarried parents as bastards.

ROM 7:3 When an unconverted or converted woman marries a second time with a living mate, she is an adulteress or whore.

If her first husband dies, she is freed from the above labels, and can remarry.

A woman could live forty years with mate number two, but only when her first mate dies does God's grace release her from the curse of the divorced woman.

Not many remarried women thank God for the second mate death, as a blessing.

MAT 19:10, 1CO 7:28 Some say, "to marry is bad."

Listen Pastor, and other Instruction Ministers caught in the second marriage trap.

For you or your flock to return to God, you and they must separate from the second marriage sin in your church.

Preachers in a second marriage have no biblical loop-hole for deliverance. Only by separation from mate number two, etc. can they be saved.

2TH 2:7,10 Christ Jesus shall come in flaming fire, to take vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not his gospel (of remarriage).

MAT 5:32 Whoever shall put away (divorce) his wife saving for fornication, (idol worshipping) causes her to commit adultery.

HOS 4:13 Sexual fornication is when UNMARRIED people engage in sexual intercourse.

1CO 5:1 A married woman having sex with an unmarried man, causes him to commit adultery not fornication.

Do not let the semantics of the divorce law detract you from its truth, and the deadly penalty of sex by divorce.

1CO 7:38 He that gives his daughter in marriage will not be damned, but he that keeps her single is wiser.

1CO 7:9 But if she must play the whore get her a husband, because fornication will damn her soul forever.

ROM 7:4 Unmarried Saints dead to the sin choose to marry Christ Jesus, and remain single.

Not once did Jesus, the Apostles or any other saint in the bible, teach that marrying twice with a living mate was acceptable with God.

1995 Edition of Jerusalem Post.

This man who spent 32 years in prison for refusing to divorce his wife, has gone to his grave without changing his mind.
Yehia Avraham died in 1995 at age 80, obeying Gods marriage law.

Ora frequently declared her hatred for her husband, in the decades she spent trying to divorce him.

Mrs. Avraham filed for divorce in 1955, but her husband, an Orthodox Jew refused.

Yehia Avraham, age 80, died obeying God's law by not divorcing her.

Would you to the same for God?

In today?s lifestyle of free sex, divorce rates are skyrocketing, the death of this GREAT MAN Yehia Avraham is hardly noticed.

Think of the joy our LORD got from the testimony of Yehia's life.

His refusal to obey Satan saved not only him, but his hateful wife from the sin of remarriage.

The tiny land of Israel, where God wanted no divorce, has tens of thousands of divorce yearly.
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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