Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Prayer Request

Prayer Request:
Dearest Family of Prayer Partners and Intercessors I have a mighty request to ask of you today and to keep after it till God's results have been seen by the family whom knows His truths in the word of our Lord to come shinning forth before us in behalf of before God in sharing what He's done in our daughter's own life as she gives witness before everyone whom loves her very much. It's been very difficult to hear this happen to her and have shared the gospel unto her but this time she needs salvation and freedom from all the bonadages that she has held so very tightly to be released and literaly stomped on and crushed before her in recognizing that God has come forth in her own life. Which is total freedom like she's never ever known before in her own life. As a mother I've cried and have hurt for her as she's headed down the same tracks as I've walked some 16 yrs ago. But she's not had an open heart to listen to truths even when I have shown her in her young life being around programs that had pertained to children whom had been around addictions to keep er from climbing on board herself. But to No Advail in her own life. I know that our problems that we have deeply rooted and grounded in us that our precious Jesus has a prescriptions to every single problems that we have in our lives. And I want her to see and feel it with every part of her being that that rings loudly deeply within her that she's cannot reject it in her own life and never ever will either. She needs a reality opened up inside of her and to come out of a witches coven ( Wicca) that she had dove into to without knowing what she has done to herself. She's lost everything in her life today that ment soething close to her own heart, but I know that she has to learn her own lessons in what she's done in being blinded by it all. Which I do admit it hurts me to see all of this happening to here today and it grieves me . Well knowing all what all programs has to offer her she snubs it and knows it all to well and I want those things to sink in her today like this is what she needs to be ables to walk freely and to deeply know it's Jesus Christ whom opens her mind to all of those hidden truths that she has kept closed for so many years and be opned wide enough to change herself unto Jesus Christ alone and not ever look back on all things.This is my honest feelings and truths when it come to our daughter Nicole B. and her children for her to turn those very young men around for living with Jesus in all things that in thier very life. There name are: Micheal, Christian. One is 11 and the other one is 8 yrs old. One is in the blind school right now today learning all that he can in his own life. Those children alway's ask grandma & grandpa if we have prayed for them and when we are at the home with their dad if we can pray over dinner. We sit and share with them the word of God in stories in the word.As you can see in every opportunity we do help them when their mother brings them around or someone loans us a vehicle to get to them. This sure does breaks our hearts today and we've cried many tears over them but we know whom will come through in this tribulations and trials in this whole situations and circumstances and whom wins in it too. This is going to be very hard for our daughter and those little men but it has to be stopped.And our only ansers comes from Jesus Christ that teaches us those very paths that we must take and often times enough they don't feel good to us but if we are opened enough to learn from it all we can have a much better life. This is a mother whom care and love them very much and always want the best for them and Jesus Christ is the best way in our life that anyone could ever know and believe in in reach to be living in freedom in heaven forever and not death with satan. I want to thank each of you whom prays for my daughter and in this awful messes that she has caused not only to herself but in our grandchildren as well. Along with there father we are helping the children to have a safe enviorment to rest in.catcmo2006

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