Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lord Sometimes

Lord Sometimes...

...You allow Breakage's,
so You can Rebuild;

...You allow Wounds,
so You can Heal;

...You allow me to Walk in Darkness,
so that I see Your Light;

...You allow me to be Perplexed,
so I seek Your Truth;

...You allow me to be Empty,
so You can Fill Me;

...You allow me to be Lonely,
so I can see what a Friend - You are;

...You allow me to Learn hard Things,
so I can be a gentle Teacher;

...You allow me to be void of Feelings,
so I learn to walk by Faith;

...You take away my future Plans,
to Teach me to Live one Day at a Time;

...You allow me to suffer Pain,
so I may be Sympathetic to the Hurts of Others;

...You allow me to see the Futility of Life,
so I will see Everything is Loss,
Compared to the Excellency of Knowing Your Son, Jesus.

- Author Unknown

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