Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dedication, Promises,Blessings to All People

Dedication, Promises,Blessings to All PeopleBlueBar
22 In the presence of the entire assembly of Israel, Solomon stood in front of the Lord's altar. He stretched out his hands toward heaven
23 and said,

“Lord God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep your promise[10]Or "covenant." of mercy to your servants, who obey you wholeheartedly.
24 You have kept your promise to my father David, your servant. With your mouth you promised it. With your hand you carried it out as it is today.

25 “Now, Lord God of Israel, keep your promise to my father David, your servant. You said, ‘You will never fail to have an heir sitting in front of me on the throne of Israel if your descendants are faithful to me as you have been faithful to me.'

26 “So now, God of Israel, may the promise you made to my father David, your servant, come true.

27 “Does God really live on earth? If heaven itself, the highest heaven, cannot hold you, then how can this temple that I have built?
28 Nevertheless, my Lord God, please pay attention to my prayer for mercy. Listen to my cry for help as I pray to you today.
29 Night and day may your eyes be on this temple, the place about which you said, ‘My name will be there.' Listen to me as I pray toward this place.
30 Hear the plea for mercy that your people Israel and I pray toward this place. Hear us {when we pray} to heaven, the place where you live. Hear and forgive.

31 “If anyone sins against another person and is required to take an oath and comes to take the oath in front of your altar in this temple,
32 then hear {that person} in heaven, take action, and make a decision. Condemn the guilty person with the proper punishment, but declare the innocent person innocent.

33 “An enemy may defeat your people Israel because they have sinned against you. But when your people turn to you, praise your name, pray, and plead with you in this temple,
34 then hear {them} in heaven, forgive the sins of your people Israel, and bring them back to the land that you gave to their ancestors.

35 “When the sky is shut and there's no rain because they are sinning against you, and they pray toward this place, praise your name, and turn away from their sin because you made them suffer,
36 then hear {them} in heaven. Forgive the sins of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the proper way to live. Then send rain on the land, which you gave to your people as an inheritance.

37 “There may be famine in the land. Plant diseases, heat waves, funguses, locusts, or grasshoppers may destroy crops. Enemies may blockade Israel's city gates. During every plague or sickness
38 {hear} every prayer for mercy, made by one person or by all the people in Israel, whose consciences bother them, who stretch out their hands toward this temple.
39 Hear {them} in heaven, where you live. Forgive {them}, and take action. Give each person the proper reply. (You know what is in their hearts, because you alone know what is in the hearts of all people.)
40 Then, as long as they live in the land that you gave to our ancestors, they will fear you.

41 “People will hear about your great name, mighty hand, and powerful arm.[11]The first sentence of verse 42 (in Hebrew) has been placed in verse 41 to express the complex Hebrew paragraph structure more clearly in English. So when people who are not Israelites come from distant countries because of your name
42 [12]The first sentence of verse 42 (in Hebrew) has been placed in verse 41 to express the complex Hebrew paragraph structure more clearly in pray facing this temple,
43 hear {them} in heaven, the place where you live. Do everything they ask you so that all the people of the world may know your name and fear you like your people Israel and learn also that this temple which I built bears your name.

44 “When your people go to war against their enemies (wherever you may send them) and they pray to you, O Lord, toward the city you have chosen and the temple I built for your name,
45 then hear their prayer for mercy in heaven, and do what is right {for them}.

46 “They may sin against you. (No one is sinless.) You may become angry with them and hand them over to an enemy who takes them to {another} country as captives, {whether it is} far or near.
47 If they come to their senses, are sorry for what they've done, and plead with you in the land where they are captives, saying, ‘We have sinned. We have done wrong. We have been wicked,'
48 if they change their attitude toward you in the land of their enemies where they are captives, if they pray to you toward the land that you gave their ancestors, and the city you have chosen, and the temple I have built for your name,
49 then in heaven, the place where you live, hear their prayer for mercy. Do what is right for them.
50 Forgive your people, who have sinned against you. {Forgive} all their wrongs when they rebelled against you, and cause those who captured them to have mercy on them
51 because they are your own people whom you brought out of Egypt from the middle of an iron smelter.

52 “May your eyes always see my plea and your people Israel's plea so that you will listen to them whenever they call on you.
53 After all, you, Lord God, set them apart from all the people of the world to be your own as you promised through your servant Moses when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt.”
54 When Solomon finished praying this prayer for mercy to the Lord, he stood in front of the Lord's altar, where he had been kneeling with his hands stretched out toward heaven. BlueBar
55 Then he stood and in a loud voice blessed the entire assembly of Israel,
56 “Thanks be to the Lord! He has given his people Israel rest, as he had promised. None of the good promises he made through his servant Moses has failed to come true.
57 May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our ancestors. May he never leave us or abandon us.
58 May he bend our hearts toward him. Then we will follow him and keep his commands, laws, and rules, which he commanded our ancestors {to keep}.
59 May these words which I have prayed to the Lord be near the Lord our God day and night. Then he will give me and his people Israel justice every day as it is needed.
60 In this way all the people of the world will know that the Lord is God and there is no other {god}.
61 May your hearts be committed to the Lord our God. Then you will live by his laws and keep his commands as you have today.”

BlueBar The Big Picture:

Never was a congregation dismissed with what was more likely to affect them, and to abide with them. What Solomon asks for in this prayer, is still granted in the intercession of Christ, of which his supplication was a type. We shall receive grace sufficient, suitable, and seasonable, in every time of need. No human heart is of itself willing to obey the gospel call to repentance, faith, and newness of life, walking in all the commandments of the Lord, yet Solomon exhorts the people to be perfect. This is the scriptural method, it is our duty to obey the command of the law and the call of the gospel, seeing we have broken the law. When our hearts are inclined thereto, feeling our sinfulness and weakness, we pray for Divine assistance; thus are we made able to serve God through Jesus Christ.


Solomon offered a great sacrifice. He kept the feast of tabernacles, as it seems, after the feast of dedication. Thus should we go home, rejoicing, from holy ordinances, thankful for God's goodness BlueBar The Bottomline: Intercessory Prayer is an important part of any relationship with God. Solomon showed ( Himself ) that he understood this when he prayed for ( Himself ) and the people He asked the God to have mercy on them before they made ny mistakes ( 8:40,50). Intercessory prayer is very important for us too. When er feel that we can't resist tempations any longer, we can find strength from the prayers of others. Solomon's prayer provides us with some very good examples to follow. It can be divided into 6 stages: (1) he began praising God ( 8:58);(2) he requested God's presence (8:57); (3) he asked for his help to do God's will (8:58); (4) he pledged to obey God in all things(8:58);(5) he asked God to remember his prayer and fulfill his daily needs (8:59);(6) he prayed that all the people would come to know God (8:60). These are very important truths that reflect God in our lives and how we are to pray unto him daily ! God promised to extend Solomon and his decendants the promise he had given to David. But the those promises came with great amount of total responsibilities. God would not bless his people unless they would choose to serve him and live accordingly to God's plans. If (Isreal) worshipped other kinds of god's beside the one true God in our scriptures that they would for-feit their postion of one's blessing's (9:6); we are given warning signs before we sin. The Bible friends, and our own conscience all warns us of very imapporiate behavior's attitudes, actions that goes on in a person is life. ( But do we listen to those whom gives those warning ! ) Unfortunately like Solomon, and Isreal, we often times totally ignore the warnings and then end results we suffer those hard consequesnces in our very life until we take heed of what other's share with us that totally keeps us from that wrath of God in our lives. I thank The Lord in this readings today and I bless His name of our God in giving us what we are to do in everyday living that counts most effective in what we are to do in praying and turning our lives totaly around so we can have what God has spoken us today. catcmo2006

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