Monday, February 05, 2007

Wise Words

Don't be afraid to admit when you know you are wrong. It's not a sign of weakness, but show character and responsibility. Others will respect you for that. Always do the right things, even when everyone does as they please with No consideration for the feelings of others. Never compromise your values and beliefs, even if it means risking ridicule and rejection. Be true to yourself. Live your own life and don't allow others to deside what is best for you. If you do, you will be unhappy because you're untrue to yourself. Refuse to run away from the things that scare you. Confront these situations and overcome your fears so that you may grow as a person. Don't compare yourself to others. - Unknown INSIGHTS FOR ONESELF: You are unique special human being that God has made you to be and He has a plans for our life, and hopes and His dreams with His unending love. His own thoughts are as the sands that are countless as those seashores. He will Never stop doing good for us, for We are his treasured possessions and His desires are that we would be established unto Him in all of our hearts, down to the depths of ones soul as He shows us all of great and very marvelous things unto one's own life. This is all because of His everlasting love... Because of His Name is Jesus Christ that alway's offers us than any earthly father or mother could every bring or do for us in one's own life time, which last for all eternity. He so does gives so much desires for His children that He lavish His own deep love for us so simply because we are His children and to share this last word with all of the readers to know that we are not ever a mistake unto the Lord for all of our days have been numered and have been written down in His book. He had determined the exact time of everyone's being conceived and that right time of one's birth. For He had chosen all of us as His own planned creations. For Our God delights in us all and does give those desires of one's own heart.He's able to do more than any of us could ever possibly inimagine. When we are so broken that's when he draws so close to us in our lives.As a Shepard carries One lamb He does the same for us ever so close to His own heart. One day He will be wipping every tear drops from our eyes. He is everyones Father, and He loves just as much as His own Son, Jesus Christ. For His Son Jesus Christ is always the exact representation of His Father, for in and through Him God's own love is always revealed unto us. For God just don't count any one of our sins for God brought His ( Only ) Son to take all of our sins that He (Himself) demonstrated before us all on that cross of calvery. By the way reconconciled it for us in being free at last. After all, He gave up that love so that (Only ) could gain our unto Him. If we could recieve Him than He will recieve us unto Him. Nothing absolutely Nothing will take us away from Him. And by the way... When You do.... He and everyone else in Heaven will be throwing the biggest party for You as the Honored guest. All He's waiting for... Is for us to join Him. Don't take to long for We don't know when that party will end nor the hour. He's waiting on You !

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