Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Prayer 4 A Friend

Hello Everyone; My Husband I have a friend whom had stayed with us briefly this past week. He goes by a name of (Heritage Rick), this man has so much poetienal in his own life that he can't even see it when it's right in front of him. I've seen it in him but the ways of this world has got him bound up so very badly to say the least. He does have many demons inside of him as he goes out in this world. He wouldn't allow us to pray over him while he was here with us but he had asked about different topics and we explained it to him. The saddest things in what we saw in this man was horrible lanuage that was down to the depths of his own soul, it came raging out at me one night when he was here in our home. I was so glad it was on a saurday evening because the next day was church and I had already made an appointment with one of our pastors to share that whole event with him and other matters that had been going on in our own family. I cried and poured out my own heart in behalf not only our friend but our children too. It was more than enough to bear during this time. I was so blessed by our own pastor in giving me t ons of scriptures of which I had to review in this whole situation at hand. Our firend needs salvation and we was the planter in this mans life that had churned up all of his fallow ground in his life, and it had to be churned up to lay down seeds in this man's life(Jer.4:3), We pray unto the Lord as His grace may shine on "Heritage Ricks" life and to bless those seeds as it had been poured out before him in sharing the Word of God as the Lord puts His grace upon him today. For we know our precious Jesus will hasten his word to perform it in bringing "Heritage Rick" unto Salvation and to futhermore bring down all of His sickness unto Him which also needs delieverance from generationa; curses to bring him out of it all. This man had me crying over him as I cried out to God in all of those horrible things which has clouded him for many years now. Depression, anger, diabetes,foul - mouthed, lies, degregration of himself and all women in and around this mans life, worldly friends, addicted personality, behaviors, attitudes, blames everyone and everything, not responsible for His own life. We don't know where this man went after he had left our home yet today, but we will hear about him through other people that we know that knows him. Until we hear in what's taken place in this man's life than we will be able to share it with you too. I want to thank You all for lifting him up in your prayers because he truly needs it as you can see. catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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