Saturday, February 24, 2007



Are you shocked reading the title of this chapter? This is a subject that few people have encountered. Yet, there it is in bold capital letters: WHY CHRISTIANITY CAN’T BE A RELIGION. How can this be? It certainly is a radical claim. Surely, most everyone to whom you speak would think that Christianity is indeed a religion. But, here you are now witnessing a reverse claim. It is the exact opposite of what people would naturally think. How could Christianity NOT be a religion? It seems absurd. Are you prepared for the surprising answer to this paradox?


Something stood in the way of New Testament believers who wanted to receive The Gift of Sonship from The Almighty God. It was something quite serious that was getting in the way of progress. Consequently, The Apostle Paul took decisive action, so that these newly Called-Out Ones (Ecclesia or The Church) could become Sons of God. The Apostle Paul knew that he had to reveal The Truth about something that was getting in the way, and preventing a successful outcome.

Paul shows that Christ came to deliver mankind from certain elements that were holding back some of the early disciples from realizing the goal of Sonship. This restraining influence was designated by Paul as: “…the elements of the world:…” (Galatians 4:3). What are the elements of the world?

An overall perspective about these elements can be obtained by reading the full context of Galatians 4:3-7. Paul showed the importance of discerning the difference between: “…in bondage under the elements of the world…” (verse 3), when it is contrasted with the primal objective for The Saints which was to receive: “…the adoption of sons…” (verse 5). This is the vital Sonship in question. In other words, by this process, they would become “…an heir of God through Christ” (verse 7).

So these “Elements of The World” are getting in the way. You may ask, “What are these elements?” Many Bible students and teachers just pass right over these important Scriptures regarding “The Elements of The World.” Some teachers merely dismiss this short phrase as being only a “worldly” matter of some sort but not having much significance. Yet this topic was very important to The Apostle Paul.

Whatever these “Elements of The World” may be, according to Paul, they are something sinister. They are something that can hinder a disciple of Christ’s to such an extent that he or she might even miss out on the

promised Sonship under discussion in these texts.

That is why every disciple of the teachings of Jesus needs to divide The Word of God more cautiously just as Paul told Timothy: “….rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15). This is what the Bereans did, in order to see “…whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11).


Strong’s Concordance, #4747, “stoicheion” for “elements” means, “something orderly in arrangement.” It signifies “a rudiment” or “a human orderly system.” In this case, Paul is discussing these “elements” or “orderly arrangement” as they are based upon “…Law…” (Galatians 3:23, 4:5). Then, this Law becomes the fundamental basis for religious effort. It is religion based on Law.

Of course, this outlook appears logical in one sense. In other words, this created system deals with human nature in a logical fashion. But there is one thing it cannot do. It cannot change human nature. So, whether you might like to admit it or not, this practice led to the formation of a religious system that was based upon human effort (works). You can study any human work-oriented, disciplinary system of religion, and perceive a simple step-by-step sequence of logic in it from the human standpoint. This is “Works.”

But it leaves out one vital thing – Christ. He is The Only One who is able to change human nature. It may begin with teaching, but it also employs supernatural help. This comes through The Holy Spirit.

The Greek language introduces a general perspective about this form of “Works.” But it does something else. It shows the relationship to Christ who delivered you from all efforts that are part of any “human religious systems.” Now, this system served a purpose for a period of time. But it was not to last forever. Something superior would replace it.

Consequently, Paul described the system this way: “…the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24). So the “Schoolmaster” or “The System,” brings you back to the main introductory subject, which is: “…The Elements of The World…”. There were certain elements that were in the world – and of the world – that made up a certain kind of “schoolmaster.” Some wanted to continue with this schoolmaster. They couldn’t seem to function on the new system based on freedom in Christ.

Why does this situation exist? It is because not enough people have come to see that these physical “elements” are “worldly” – and that they require human effort to keep them going. However, you cannot become a Son of God by means of any kind of “Works.” You can only become a Son of God, through Christ, by God having begotten you by His Holy Spirit. Keeping a human religious system that is based on human effort does not, and cannot do this.


Jesus Himself stated: For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). He could not have stated the situation any plainer. It means what it says. Many are called but few are chosen.

In the Greek language, the word for “church” is “ecclesia.” It is the same as saying: “The Called-Out Ones.” The Church is composed of all those who will be part of Christ’s Wedding. The Wedding has The Groom (Christ), The Bride (Church), and The Guests. The Bride and The Guests are all humans who are written in The Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 21:27). Those not found written in The Book of Life will be thrown into The Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15). The point is that only a few are chosen – not the many. Not everyone gets to come or are invited to the wedding.

Since The Church or Ecclesia, refers to The Called-Out Ones, as a group, they will not all be going to The Marriage Feast of The Lamb. Only a few are The Chosen for this. So, if you become part of The Church, it does not automatically mean that you will be the ones who are The Chosen for The Wedding. Why not? You can even get an invitation, but if you are not dressed properly, you are not allowed to attend.


The genesis of all religious systems began with Cain and Able. From Cain, paganism developed into a multitude of heathen systems of religion. Why were they called pagan? It is because God had nothing to do with them (Romans 1:21-25). Paul said that God allowed these people to do these things, because after they had known God, they started to worship “the creation” rather than The Creator. The Bible states:

“…when they knew God; they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Romans 1:21).

This was the beginning of paganism. It was the basis for the concept of religion that developed into thousands of different sects – which were based on human reason without The True God. In other words: “…God gave them over to a reprobate mind…” (Romans 1:28). From this original descent from The Truth, people of the world built their own religious systems. Naturally, the citizens of these societies were required to practice these religions in order to belong.

Now, on the other hand, Cain’s brother, Abel, was different. He started to build a human religious system that was predicated upon what he thought would be acceptable to God.

Genesis 4:1-7 1And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. 2And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. 3And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. 4And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. 6And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

The main point of this story is that God accepted Abel’s offering, which was a firstling from his flock. But God did not accept Cain’s offering of fruit, from his garden. Why not?

The Bible does not give a record of God’s reasons for doing this, but it may have been because Abel’s animal sacrifice pointed to Christ (hinting, also, of the death of the animals that provided clothes for Adam and Eve in The Garden) whereas the fruit of the ground did not. The main point is that Cain started a human religious system. But God was pleased only with Abel’s approach, and attitude.

Around 3,000 years later, David declared that God never required sacrifices or offerings. This would mean that Abel’s sacrifice was not a requirement of God (Psalm 40:6-7) although it is stated the sacrifice pleased God.


Cain was the first in human history to be involved with starting a human-effort-religious-system. Cain was thwarted. He became angry, killed his brother, and then went to The Land of Nod to create his own pagan religion. After the flood, Nimrod, Cain’s descendant (The Tower of Babel), continued this pagan system (Genesis 11).

However, under Abel, men called on The Name of God. After Abel died, Seth was born as his replacement. When Enos, the son of Seth was born: “…then began men to call upon the name of the Lord” (Genesis 4:26). This was the beginning of The Church, or The Called-Out Ones of God (Romans 10:13).

Under Seth, his descendants sought to please God by calling upon His Name. Under Cain, who created a totally pagan system, his descendants did not call upon God. Cain’s human-based religion has continued down to this very day.

King David announced that, in reality, God never intended for any human system of religion to get started – except the one which Christ would come and institute. Christ would put God’s Law in your hearts (Psalms 40:7-8). This is the main objective – not external conformity through “law-keeping.”

In other words, God does not want His future Sons to follow a human religious system requiring human effort on his or her part. What God wants are Sons who have His Laws written in their hearts – or literally – His Laws become part of their very nature (Romans 2:14-15).


From the time of Abel, to Seth and then to his son, Enos, men called upon The Name of God. They were The Called-Out Ones, or The Church, as they were seeking – and were accepted by – God. God’s Church (The Called-Out Ones), continued after the flood, up through the time of Noah’s son, Shem.

Finally, you have the arrival of Abraham from the line of Shem. He became the father of The Abrahamic Covenant, because Abraham believed and trusted in God – to the extent that he was willing to offer up his son, Isaac. This became a major basis for the prophesied Promise of Grace through The Messiah. Abraham was a type of God who offered His own Son.

Now, consider the contrast more carefully. Pagan religions are without the true knowledge of God. Also, they do not call upon God, but rather continue to develop their own human religious systems. This process continued until the arrival of Christ.

Through Isaac, his son Jacob was renamed Israel. This man, Israel, was the father of twelve sons, who later grew into The Nation of Israel. God brought them out of captivity in Egypt – and then the entire host became known as: “…the church in the wilderness…” (Acts 7:38). In other words, Israel was God’s Church in The Wilderness, by being The Called-Out Ones of God. When they sinned a great sin, it was like a great rebellion. God had to give them The Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. They showed that they didn’t want to obey – even though they had promised to do so (Deuteronomy 5).

Instead, Israel constructed a golden calf, and then worshipped it – breaking The First Commandment. God wanted to kill them, but Moses intervened, and God spared them. He gave them The Law (Torah), which would eventually bring them to Christ. This is like “the schoolmaster” that was discussed earlier. After they sinned against The Commandments, God added The Statutes and Judgments (Deuteronomy 5 and Malachi 4:4). Now they could come to The Temple and be judged.

Israel (God’s Church) did not understand how The Works of The Law were intended to bring them to Christ. Neither did they understand how it showed they needed to Repent. Instead, they believed that by keeping the legalism of The Law, they would somehow become righteous – and therefore, be acceptable to God, as His Church. When God’s people sinned, God instituted the Do’s and Don’ts of The Law, The Statutes and Judgments or Works. Much like a schoolmaster making them write a 100 times, they will not do whatever they did which was wrong. (sinned)

Eventually, God hoped they would be sorry for sinning and repent – but they never did. But, all God really wanted was for Israel to keep God’s Ten Commandments IN THEIR HEARTS (Deuteronomy 5:29).

When Jesus came to this earth, the Israelites rejected Him as being their Messiah. This was because they misunderstood The Purpose of The Law. They thought the keeping of The Letter of The Law was an end in itself – to please God – rather than to bring them closer to an attitude of Repentance for their misdeeds. If done properly, this would have brought them to Real Repentance (Romans 5:20).

God wanted Repentant People who had experienced a change of mind and heart. God wanted His Law to be in their hearts – and not by human effort or Works (Romans 2:28-29). To be acceptable to God, one must have a complete change of heart.

Any religious system, whether (1) pagan, or (2) that of following The Letter of The Law, is not enough. No one is acceptable to God until one’s heart is Right with God. Any human effort performed by Works that you do in order to please God, cannot, does not, and never will please God.

When Christ came, and Israel rejected Him (by not repenting), God allowed His Son Jesus, to become A Sacrifice for The World (I John 4:14). This was done by allowing The Gospel (or Promise) that was made to Abraham to accomplish the task of opening “The Door of Salvation” to The Gentiles. This was The Gentiles’ first chance to become Christians.


Always remember the basic underlying Truth that Jesus came to Save The Whole World (I John 4:14). When Judah, the last tribe to remain in the land, rejected their Messiah, the inhabitants of Judaea were scattered throughout the world. This was the beginning of “The Diaspora,” or The Great Dispersion.

Jesus prophesied that The Temple would be destroyed (John 4), and from that point on, the people would worship God only by Spiritual means. It would never be through the Works of The Letter of The Law or any other pagan religious system. God’s Truth is a way to learn a Perfect way of Life, not an organized religious system.

In 70 A.D., when Titus destroyed The Temple, The Old Covenant ended (Hebrews 8:13). Access to God ended with Judah’s unrepentant state (rejecting Christ). Without The Temple, there was no longer “a court” to administer God’s Law. Access to God through the administration of The Letter of The Law was completely finished. There was no longer a religious system to bring Judah to Christ.

God changed the “Called-Out Ones” from “The Letter” to “The Spirit.” No Temple was needed. Now, only Repentance is required for a person to be in God’s Church. It is the acceptable method of pleasing God.


In Ephesians 2:11-15, Paul explained how a basic change took place. At one time, The Gentiles were without God, but by means of Christ removing the veil to The Mercy Seat in The Temple, The Gentiles now had access directly to God. There was no need of a Temple, nor was The Law necessary. Even the priesthood had changed from Levi to Melchizedec.

Now, The Law became a Spiritual matter (II Corinthians 3:6). This New Covenant required no effort, no Works, no religious system to please God (II Corinthians 3:17). From this point on, as Christians, no religious system (human effort) would ever be acceptable to God.


In James 1:27, The Apostle taught that the only religion God would accept would be a pure and undefiled one. Nothing you may accomplish by your “Works” will make you acceptable to God. Christianity is not a religion – rather it is A Way of Life. It is the way that one should follow God’s Son, Jesus.

In John 14:6, Christ said that He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Being a Christian is A Way of Living. It is not a religious system of humanity trying to please God by thinking they are somehow “righteous” by following (1) The Law, or (2) any other religious system of human Works.

The word “pure” in the Greek means “clean” or “undefiled.” Any human effort to become righteous would not be acceptable to God – because you are unclean in your nature and your flesh.

With your human nature, you cannot please God, no matter how hard you try. This is because any human being is too weak to ever keep all of The Law perfectly. No matter how good you may try to be, it is not good enough. One must be truly righteous or perfect. For this reason, you cannot live a pure and undefiled religious Life. God declares that the only human Works He will accept are as follows:

1. Don’t judge others,

2. Help those in need, such as widows and orphans, and

3. Don’t follow what the world does.

These are the only Works or Deeds that humans can do which will please God. No other religious effort is required. One good summary from The Old Testament is: “…what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8).


The Apostle Paul wrote instructions to The Believers at Rome so they could increase their understanding that Christianity was not a religion based on human “Works.” Please read Romans 10:1-6 thoroughly. Paul said that although Israel had a zeal for God, they believed they could please God by keeping The Letter of The Law. By so doing, it was “Israel’s righteousness” and not God’s. Verse 4 clearly states that Christ is The End (or aim) of The Law. The Letter of The Law was a step towards bringing them to Repentance (Romans 5:20).

If Israel had repented, they would have received mercy, and would have been forgiven their sins. But, they refused, and Christ turned to The Gentiles – The Law was a Spiritual matter (John 4, II Corinthians 3:6).

By God writing His Law in your hearts and minds, you will grow in God’s Righteousness – and it will not be by means of any human effort or religious system. I John 3:4, “…sin is the transgression of the law…,” defines what sin is. But, The Apostle John goes on to enlarge upon this definition.


John gives you the complete definition of sin very clearly. John said: “All unrighteousness is sin” (I John 5:17). Jesus explained the definition for sin, and the “Christian Life” that is a must for being Saved. It’s all there in The Sermon On The Mount. Please read Matthew 5, 6 and 7 completely.

Christ said that if a man were to look upon a woman with lust, it is already adultery in his heart. If you covet your neighbor’s goods in your mind, you are already a thief. Any unrighteousness for a Christian is a sin, even if only in your mind (or heart). God’s Righteousness is a matter of The Heart – and not The Letter. The Letter is futile because it changes nothing and it certainly doesn’t change anything in any person wanting to be a Christian.

Only by God’s Holy Spirit in you, can a person experience the renewing

of your heart and mind. This is all that pleases God (Romans 12:2). No religion is acceptable to God, but only those who have Christ working in them by God’s Holy Spirit. Only this will please your Father, God (Colossians 1:27).

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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