Saturday, February 24, 2007


"I will begin breaking open a seal of Heaven that will cause the earth to change drastically. "
Prophetic Word of the Lord
Below is a prophetic word that came forth during one of our recent Tuesday morning prayer meetings and I believe this is a key word for the Body of Christ. This is a time of re-enlistment. This is a season of anointing.
Go Up Again!
"I AM breaking the power of passivity from My people! Go up! Go up again! Go up again! Go up again! Go up again! Though the enemy has stopped you and numbed your spirit in the past season, I AM anointing you to 'Go up again.' I AM lifting you from under the piles of defeats that have caused you to be quiet and passive. Though you have been buried with work, distractions, and circumstances, I AM removing the layers of sod and decay that have held you captive."
"Go up again, go up again, go up again! The wind is blowing in the trees, and I AM sending a sound in the treetops. Get ready to go up again! Come from behind, catch up, and go up again! I have brought you from behind, and you shall hear the sound I give the trees...the breeze will be your sign to go up again...go up again, get hold of your emotions and go up again. Even though the enemy has mounted up again, I AM sending a new wind. Catch the wind and go up again! This new wind will become your new mantle."
"I AM redefining your enemies. You will go up again! You will shout, 'This is my assignment now. This is what I am called to do.'"
"Though the enemy has advanced and made headway with an adverse wind, I AM bringing you up to a new place, to equip you. When you go up again, you will face your enemy with My new wind, and the enemy will not win again."
"Even if you have fallen because of relationships or blocked supply, or have been confused over your purpose and vision...I say, 'YOU WILL GO UP AGAIN.' Catch the wind and go again...reach down, reach down to My power that is within, catch the wind and go again, reach down, reach down, reach down for new strength I've placed within...reach down, rise up and go again."
Do Not Fear the Quaking
"Though My people have been anointed before, the next anointing I AM bringing My people is an anointing that will be known as 'YOUR FEAR WILL LAUGH.' This anointing will cause you to proceed to a new place of breakthrough. This anointing will cause your enemy to become alert against you, to rise up and become alert. I AM allowing your enemy to surround you because I have a strategy for you to go up again against the enemy. Hear the wind, find your path in the midst of the fray, and go up again. Victory is sure!"
"Do not fear the quaking, for it is a sign that I AM getting ready to reach in, pull up, and reach down again. Even though the enemy and legalism have arisen in the land, now I AM causing a people to reach up, grab My hand, and stand up again. This is a nation that will quake. In the middle of the quaking, I will begin breaking open a seal of Heaven that will cause the earth to change drastically. "
Do not fear when the Lord shakes the foundation.. .do not fear when it not fear when the Lord shakes the foundation.. .do not fear when it quakes for you were standing on unsure ground with an unstable future. But the shifting of the plates of the earth and the gifts of the earth for this age, in this season, will create a major shift in administrative systems.
A Revolutionary Sound is Rising
"I AM seating the court of Heaven, and the court of earth will reflect that which is in Heaven."
"The shaking will cause a different sound to arise in the peoples. A revolutionary sound is rising in this land. That sound will be heard and call many into place. Different peoples will align; the ethnos groups are aligning in the House of Prayer. A new sound is arising in the Church and there will be One Man worshipping. Heaven is beginning to respond to the earth's cry. This cry will get louder and louder until the enemy's voice is silenced for a season in the earth."
"There are undercurrents flowing, and there is confusion and 'workings' in the midst of My plan. I say the enemy is working a work to attempt to stop that which I AM sending forth in this hour. But I say that in the midst of an undercurrent, I'm creating a people who can stand. Above the swirl of the enemy's camp, I will ride on the wings of the wind, I will ride on the wings of the wind. Above the swirl of the enemy's camp, I will ride on the wings of the wind, I will ride on the wings of the wind."
"I will execute true justice; I will release mercy and compassion. Brother will rise up again with brother, sister with sister, and we will move out and possess this land. We will ride and possess this land, we will move and possess this land, we will move and possess this land…generation with generation, the old and the young will move as one, old and the young will move as one."

"A new alignment is happening in cities. Do not allow the accuser to accuse you over the past. Do not allow the accuser to stop you from moving forward. Do not allow the accuser to say, 'In the past you tried that and it didn't work.' For I AM bringing a new anointing that will create a new method and a new way for you to go. I AM seating the court of Heaven, and the court of earth will reflect that which is in Heaven. This is a new measure of rule coming to My people."
"I AM breaking the generational fear structure that robbed a generation of boldness. I AM removing a fear base. Fear has been passed from generation to generation. But three generations will arise and catch this new wind to go up again. You will feel as if you have had surgery, for I will remove a root of fear so you can go up again. You will begin to say, 'Again the Word of the Lord has come to me.' Decree that the Word of the Lord will come...again the Word will come. Not the word you've heard in the past, but a Word again; the Word will come and you will say that I AM hearing a God in Heaven who is refreshing and giving me boldness."
"Again, the Word will come. Again, I AM birthing the next dimension of revelation. You have endured and pressed through, so I will now come again! I AM ready to bring My Word. I AM becoming zealous again! My zeal has arisen again! My fervor is rising in you again!"

I Am Re-enlisting My Army
"My Seed will prosper again! I AM RE-ENLISTING MY ARMY AGAIN. From your past faith demonstrations, you have gained the right to be in My army. Because of the cares of the world, you have left your post. I AM calling you again to re-enlist. Old men and old women will dance in the streets and aisles of My places of gathering. A new call is coming and MY people will prosper again!"
"I'm calling forth again those that have gone forth in the past. I AM putting them in My ranks again. I'm calling them in again. I'm fanning their flame again. For this is a day of re-enlistment, for the wind is blowing again. Because the wind is blowing again, I AM re-enlisting My people. I'm putting the staff in My people's hand again. The old men and the old women are now receiving the staff again."
"The old men and old women will begin to dance in the streets with the young men and women and girls and boys. This will create a new rule, and Zion will be established in the earth in a new way. Those who have gone before, stretch out your hands again, for I AM putting a new staff in your hands and will cause you to hear My voice in a new way. I AM redefining your call. The generation that's rising can dance in the streets and exhibit new faith."
"Just like Caleb, who was 80 years old when he really started to rule--reach out your hands and take up that staff again. I AM redefining your gift and sending you out again. The old and new will become dance partners. The old and young will rejoice together. I AM re-enlisting My troops and I will give re-enlistment bonuses in the earth, for the wind is blowing. I AM calling My people again. Rise up and follow Me into victory. Lift up your feet, lift up your feet, lift up your feet, lift up your feet."
"Though unity was thwarted in the last season and the enemy came in like a flood, I AM re-enlisting My troops, and I will bring forth what I had planned. That which I have spoken will not return void to Me. I will stir up My people with a new anointing and a new strength will blend together, and My army will rule the streets of their nations."
"Grab hold of the new staff I AM extending. Let your hands be strong; let your hands be strong. For the words the prophets have spoken, though they've lain dormant and have not blossomed, I say let your hands be strong, for I will be activating Words and accelerating My purposes. This season My Word is coming forth! Don't get left behind. My Word is coming again. Rise up again! A righteous man falls seven times and gets up. So shake off your words and arise again."
A Day of Re-building
"I AM repairing the foundation.. .I AM leveling out that which was crooked."
"I will build My House again. The old and the young will shout together. It will be a sound that has not been heard in this season. This is a day of re-building and completing what was begun in one generation. Though the foundation has been shaky and the people have been divided, and the world has drawn many away, now I will build My house again! For I AM repairing the foundation, and I AM lifting up that which has sagged. I AM leveling out that which was crooked and today I start the process."
"For the wind is blowing again, and even though you have met each other and met Me before, now you will meet Me in a new way and see each other the way that I see you. Let go, let go, the things of the past, let go, let go the things of the past, and catch the new wind blowing forth!"
"I AM re-enlisting; hear My call and receive your bonus as you come forth!"

Possessing Your Inheritance is a key book for this hour (which you can order below), and one of the best chapters on breaking generational iniquity is included in the book.


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
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Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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