Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Love Of The Believer

(1 Cor.13:1-13) For those whom are "Believers" we are to be that living channel in God's love for all other's in our lives, and for those we don't know or perhaps those we care not to be next to simply because they may not like the other persons personnal hygine, vagrant,a migratory workers all across this nation,homeless people. Some of those typical people have little or No Money, often times loss of jobs, having to move to where jobs are all across this globe because big business went to other countries to in with the big brother holding companies in that up- coming Anti- Christ has it's foot-hold on what's going to be taken place not only in our nation but in other overseas countries. For which I dis-like saying things like this but it's all truths. It totally grives my heart just to think things like this but I can't ignore those things or to put them away in my own mind, but to share with You the readers ought to know what to be expecting in our future and lively hood all our lives all across the board. With all the technolgy, NASA,eletronic pubilishing world,Banking, and Those top Corporations in all of those type of interactive comportments that thrive on another in all aspects of our nations industries no matter what field they have that is a compound in continued proportions in all of those empires. But we do have others whom thrive on movies,music industries, occult practices of which is those central facts of the underworld,secrest societies ect. No matter what we see and witness in our lives today which often times are so very hurtful and we all at one time or another had to deal with all kinds of tragdedies that are very tragic all across the board. Some of those things do has it awful effects of it that caused us to be traumatizes our senses for us to deal with by costly professionals to bring healing unto us as a nation as a whole. Then we finally find a place to where our own life that we have turned all of those hurts, habits, hang-up unto our precious Jesus Christ and begin to learn of His natures and just whom He is and what He's truly all about as He share with us His true character in the Bible. Many people have wronged us and we've have done those simliar situations, grieved, often times very unfair in those treatments which has caused our hurts that have been very deeply. We know that some of those has been taught by our elders that ought to have protected us and in those same circles, addictions that has soared in many nations in causes and effects. Situations that are simliar unto us knows such truths in it's natures.When those dark roads have made a clearing in our own lives then we begin to search for God's truths that will and can pre vail us through till the end of time as well of that final resting place in God the Father, and His (Only) begotton Son Jesus Christ. SEARCHING OUR HEARTS:Examine yourselves, whether ye be in faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not yourselvesm how that Jesus Christ is in you,except ye be reprobates? ( 2 Cor.13:5). The questions we have inside of one self is: "As God's children it is very vital that we truly know what motivates us," "What are those reasons why we do in some of all those things we daily in our life?" Is it by or is it by hate?," We ought to look very deeply within our lives to see what that answers are inside everyone of as living human beings.( 1Cor.11:28). Do we guard our hearts from "All" of those very ungoldy things that we witness, hear from others, in work places, family member, old friends,new aquaintances,now matter what walks of the life we each live today, and in one's own past that comes to our minds of what we sek today. Dieases, emotions, health issues,selfishness, jealousy, fears, anxieties, ungodly people in those that often represent an active, and very peaceful life abiding people whom live as believer's in Jesus Christ. when we come to realize and deeply know all truths then we can begin to one self as we have searched out one's own heart, get real with self, and totally admit all ofour wrongs, habits, hang-up that distracted us in our life.To share this with the readers this known fact some people literally run away from this and they stay the same and do those things that just don't change in those kinds of people. But going back to us searching one's heart comes humility and ones realness with God and His (Son) in asking Him to help us search one's heart inside of self simply because we can't see what those truths are inside of self. We, Too, need to be just like "King David" in totally crying out to our God for we are unable to come forth with our own truths that has been locked away inside of us.(Ps.139:23,24), ( Ps.140:1-13). He our very precious Jesus and the Father God brings us through delieverance through the word as we walk in Him daily in our own life, and as seasons of times (Neh.2:6; Eccl.3:1-22). A "Warning" and a "Word" often times we are apt to be in denial of those truths. When that happens someone is to come into our life to show us those truths and we may not like it during those times, if this happens then look in the Bible for the kind of Help which is only ment for our hearts to be "revealed" unto us to one day have a destiny in the Lord Jesus Christ to moving forward in Him. ( 2Sam.12), (1sam.25:25-34). Above all be reeptive in a humbling way inside of "Self" whom God send to us to recieve in the person whom helps us as a people of God.Then we will God's powerful Holy Spirit that enables us to move in His love. That is what give us the timing and purposs as often times give us those divine interuptions as we have waited very patienly on His perfected plans and designs that helps us move in the Lord in the Holy Ghost power in our prayers that we often times act in all others behalf in those countless of lives in our very quiet moments, seconds, that last until we have a release come unto us by Jesus Christ himself. We then learn to have all of those emotions subsides in knowing that one security is being lived together in our life.And for us not to be such a clingly person to those people that is in and around our lives on a daily basis. That kind of devoted love that we have first of to Jesus Christ, then it trickles down to other people that surrounds us, as we value them as another person of which may or may not be a believer but can be by our witness unto them by which we live one's own life daily before them, when the Lord leads us to them on a continual basis as our lives inter- twine by time and seasons for them to become a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ .catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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