Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Prayers For You

Please pray with me.

Lord I see so many hurting people in the news. All these hurting people
need you. You, Oh Lord, are the reason for the season. Help them to
you oh Lord & know you.

My mind cannot even comprehend all the people that need you and need
Your help.

Heal churches that are hurting, heal pastors, heal their families that
need healing, heal missionaries which have been hurt, heal people who
feel they were betrayed or who are wounded & hurting deep inside. So
deep they can't even talk about it. Help them to heal & find relief &

Father there are Homeless & hurting people due to floods, storms,
typhoons, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, lack of
finances or whatever. They all need help they need you Jesus. Touch
them, help them, restore that which is missing or that which has been
stolen from them.

There is the soldiers we want to remember and the families that are
far from home near the holidays and the families that are here in the
States while their loved one is over seas. They need comfort & help.

There are those that have lost loved ones through many different means
weather it be divorce, war, accidents, suicide, disease, heart attacks, warsand being a martyr.
You know why people leave this earth. The loved ones left behind Oh
Lord, they need you, they need your comfort, & your help.

Especially those left alone or feel alone at the holiday times. Missing
their loved ones are especially hard at or around the holidays. Protect
them, help them, be with them, and be their very present help in time
of trouble. Help them find new friends and relations and Help them to find
YOU, find ways to share their grieve and help others.

There are families that have loved ones in prison or into drugs & or
alcohol, which can be worse than prison. They are in their own self
made prison. Release them from the demons that seem to hold them bound.

Yes Lord there are people out there who have bad habits they want to be
rid of. Help them now. Pour warm oil over them, heal their minds, their
hearts, they're very thought life. Cleanse them from all impure
thoughts, and cause they're thinking to be renewed & their minds to be
cleansed by your precious blood. Give them your mind, your hopes for
them, your vision for their future, let them see hope in others, and in
your word. Help them to receive encouragement & hope. Let your word
become real to all that need you so.

Today I ask oh lord that you will heal all my friends and emails, 360
buddies and their loved ones. Heal marriages, & heal families. Restore
renew, and strengthen in the most holy faith. Turn the hearts of the
fathers to the children and the hearts of the children back to their
fathers. Heal emotional, family, and relationship rifts.

Heal all my friends and email buddies from the top of their heads to
the bottom of their feet. Heal them emotionally, physically, financially,
and spiritually. Heal all their hurts even ones they don’t know they
have. Heal them body, soul, & spirit. Help them to forgive others they
have not yet forgiven or don’t think they need to forgive.

Show them where they have held grudges, or held antomocity toward
others. Show them that, that atomicity that is just destroying his or
her lives and not helping anyone. But keeping them bound. Bring people
out of darkness into your wonderful light and understanding.

Yes there are people that have gone down the wrong path and seems
destine to heartache and destruction. Lord I say arrest that person
going headlong down the road to destruction and save them. Speak to
them, minister to them, through whatever means possible.

Lord there are many people suffering sickness, disease, and are
hurting, in pain, both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

There are people who have been in accidents, or have fallen, or
unexpectedly gotten hurt. There are people facing sickness, stress,
bereavement, cancer or a friend or loved one facing a hospital stay or
an operation or other opposing forces of evil might be bombarding their

Lord we cry out to you Help them, be with them, comfort them, and their
loved ones. Give them peace, and courage to face whatever lies ahead
and help them to walk out on the other side with renewed strength courage
and confidence in God.

Help them to see the light at the end of the tunnel and renew their
hope their vigor their health their out look on life. Help them to come out
of depression, or oppression and break all the spiritual and or demonic
or satanic bondage's holding them bound.

I pray that all generational curses would be broken over them and they
would find freedom from demonic influences and or freedom from the
failures of the past or the bad words or influences of the past.

I take them back to the times when others have cursed them verbally
Heal them now and deliver them. Let all bad words or curses said over them
or even in their own minds fall to the ground and be trampled underfoot.

Help only the good words to surface and grow like little flowers in
their garden. Replace all the weeds in their minds and their pasts with
flowers, smiles, hopes, and visions of Godly futures, full of hope and
belief in God. We pray all this in Jesus name. Amen & Amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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