Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Foot Prints & Prayer


One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.

This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,

“You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”

Morning Prayer Dear Precious Heavenly Divine Father; This is the day that you've have made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms 118:24 Today is the day you've made, O God, My heart rejoices in the beauitful things that only You can do for all the earth could see as we look to see it in the eyes of one's own heart in worshipping and knowing what it You have for us this beginning af a brand nwe day with the heavnly birds singing your praises each and every morning like they plaid a tune for us that goes straight to the hearts of human beings to remind us of whom You are that makes that sunshine as glows deeply within us as individuals keeping it safe from harms way. My own heart rejoices in this wonderful opportunities that it holds for me and unto all others to experience more of your loving presence that flows deeply within as radiates so very brightly in knowing that's your arms and hands just holding us every so closely as You speak within us sharing all that you have to say to each person as we are listening being in obedience to move as you direct our steps as we have that morning of prayer, worship and in studying your word that bring us together daily. We as well as myself open our spirit unto you, and we give thanks for your life that is filling us with every cell of our bodies and eternal beings that breaths life unto us as your children,it permeates us throughly moves us with strong compasion, understanding, love, peace with your grace that abounds as move out unto our busy world today. Father God, I open my soul to You, and I give my thanks for that presence coming inside my life and in the peoples lives that we hold so very dear to us and all others that we don't know personally. Thank You, God for all that You are and for the blessing that fill us up every morning that fills every moment of everyday. For You are the Father of Glory that gives unto us all the spirit of wisdom and deep revelations as we walk before You and may it be very pleasing, as it is fruitful in our every good work that always increases in having that knowledge of whom You are in us in every single tiny moment and second that arises unto us today and we don't ever miss an opportunity so it that bless You alway's.Thank You in gives us that understanding in that shines forth in knowing those truths, for it's truths that are deep truths as we are in You simply because You are the Son of God in one's own truths of our eternal God which reigns forever and ever. Oh, Father there is No one like You, knowing therefore in considering each of our hearts that shines up unto You in that heavenly home for You are our Great God beside The that ruls and reigns upon us that is our rock in thee in which You stand accordingly to all that You have said unto our ears for Thou art great and wonderful in those wonderous works of all things is our God alone can ever do before us today. For You hath chosen every single person, that comes before each and every morning seeing that the rising of the sun, as far to the east, west, south, north of this vast world in that inner sanctuary that only You can bring unto us as we always remember You.As we take all that You have totally commanded to so before in having that surerty in us being obedient unto You each and every day in without any showdow of a doubt that Your with us in every way that are paths may only seem like You are not there if we look again we see and touch you as You Hold us up as you carrying us through everything that comes our way so very tenderly, at times we fight those battles and we hold firmly in those truths that's only You give unto us words of wisdom that takes down that enemy and he flees right then and there, he screams away because he knows that You've literally crushed him in front of You in being totally defeated because of Your power, might that he just hates but yet he knows his life is doomed in his future. You, Father God has given us by Your authority in having those stringent weapons that annihilates him from that destructive forces that tries to hurt us that literally destroys him in his paths and all of his princes of darkness or principality, and those strong men that's in those spiritual very deep darkness that tries to hinder us as your children whom cares of all those countless lives that needs You daily in one's own life and billions of families around the world that You have created. I, like many others here today offer you our prayers, works of joy and our suffering this day like many other ones, we come together in unity with that divine Holiness that's in all of our hearts and it goes forth throughout this world as we keep every single person in bring them up before you . Father God, we believe in You and all that You've taught us, because You Oh, Mighty God has showed us all truths by the power of the scriptures that You have given each one of us to behold in our obedience unto You. You have given Your Promises, in one's own acts of charity, mercy, grace, love that abounds in every life that You have breathed into us from the womb of our mothers. You have known our footsteps in all those things in life that You have stirred us in heading us down that path in giving you our praises, even though we aren't there, but You are sitting there waitng for it to burst forth as we peddle that hard journery of life in meeting You at it's end. We glorify You and bless Your Name Jesus for sending us those heavenly provisions in knowing it's you by your guiding hands and in seeing You with our spirits in being kept safe in your everlasting arms. Father, we life up those whom are sick, and are in need of your healing touch that heals every part of those people that need our master before thm in everry shape and form from the top of those heads down to the bottom of those feet. We lift -up Isreal in keep everyone in that nation in being safe out of harms way and for it's leaders to see before hand what's about to tkae place in bring forward in You and how to know and understand , guiding them like never before in holding You up and not being decieved by the wickedness of lies in wait to hurt any of them but Father destroy those foes and crush them before you so they can't touch your anointed which is the apple of your own eyes. We ask for that in people whom are in heavy battles and on the front lines tht it be the same for those men and women that are carrying their own burdens that only You know about that's deep within them direct those steps in keeping them safe and in those vehicles as well. Gather theem all in keeping them in Your wings of an eagle which hides them when needed in bringing them home in being in you. Help those in bringing salvation to all of those whom are not saved into that harvest to be harvested and brough unto you for them to be delievered by those in the harvesters in bringing them home. Be with the mission in sharing the Gospel to are in need of You Father, and open all that needs to glisten in your own spirit and merited favors as they tarry before you daily. Bring all provisions and keep them in your almighty wings of an eagle that shines forth as the dove that represent You. Make those dark places shine forth light unto them as the noon day sun that brings such a peacful rest of all those weary souls in being with You at the close of ones day. Let Your spirit of Your truths shine down on everyone like never before as You open all those doors which is in heaven. Let the river flow as they bask in Your heavily anointing as they rest in You. Take that smell of which is in heaven and showing them Your right there and holding them and loving them as you direct them in one's own future as each day passes before them in holding fast to You and all that is confinded in your words. Thank You so much Father in being everything that's of You in us and shall stand upon it in all of our ways, thoughts, deeds before You as we shout it deep within us in glroifying You from our warm heart that glows just thinking about you this day. In that precious, precious name of Jesus we seek and knock in preparing Your everlasting life with joined in ours as we lift You up before us daily.In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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