Friday, December 08, 2006

Dear Precious Heavenly Father; Father, You have given everyone an determined assignment that all of us are to be Faithful partners and that You will act accordingly to our prayers. You want to use us to stand in the gap for something that's very, very important to You. Yes, I do agree with all of your plans that You have bestowed on us in Your Scriptures. Father, Send in Your mighty warring angels with that Holy Ghost Power in making all ways to where the enemy can be brought down and totally crushed in front of your whole army by bringing spiritual blindness and hinderences. Come Lord Jesus Christ with Your powerful break through for all of Your namesakes. We do accept all burdens that has come unto us in that inner nudgging and our faith, can and will change that entire situationand we totally believe all transfers had taken place in the heavenlies as You Father God releases all of Your provisions. Precious Lord, As we speak unto your ears you well know that our hearts are broken for many ,many reasons for one our country and all the upheavals that we are going through day in and day out of all those situations that keeps rising up because of those people in all branches of our goverment officals that have come totally against Your laws and precepts that keeps us together in You in our nation. For some they up -hold humanism, occultism, new age, false religions, and they are very manipulative in hiding behind those closed doors and in whom are in clubs of secret societies that literally attack all of your biblical views an world views and those truths in your principles and No values of the 10 commandments it has gone as far as it would go down to thoose pits of hell in what they've done they don't up- hold the sanctity of moral life nor the morality of a people in our nation, families, divine order, as well. it seems as if they have No respect of you and they are slowly taking things away from your people not only here but in other nations that You Father detest greatly. The same goes for those folk's with those same values as them Father. We not only hear it but it's totally shown by the way they lives their lives and then detest your people by saying we are in wrong by bashing what we stand for in You Jesus and all biblical truths that you have laid before us all. Father God, we have hurts in our country in knowing what this country is that this country had laid before them in fighting wars in different nations what's suppose to be about freedom that others had brought unto us by force of what those countries believe in so very strong, but we know the only truth is being in You and those most Holy Scriptures that's called " The Bible" that we hold to be very true within us whom believe it from cover to cover with out missing any heart beats of it. Father we have valent men and women whom are very heavily in those wars today. They have families whom have been torn apart by them leaving home to know what they are fighting for not only in one self but as being part of this nation. help them to be up beat as they head for trouble at any given moment knowing all dangers are aound every single situations in You giving them Your protection under the showdows of your wings which is all of them being shielded and covered while in these wars as we unite in praying for every men and woman out in those battle field in every part of this world. Father, there are billions in this world whom have lost those dear loved one and have children that grieve with them and carry each one of through that very hard time to where they know it's you being with them at that time of needs, and help them to know deep within them in knowing you carry all of those heavy loads and deep concerns and to bring them out in deeping self unto you. And as they go through them in taking out all of those whom are under stoney hearts and minds and in return knowing those very deep truths down to the very core of their being in gaining insights of whom you are in each person in taking them with you in a growing natures of those hearts. In turning every single person around to have that depth of salvation that shines before them in all that you have given in your sanctification, grace, mercy, love that's beyond them as a people themselves. rain down on them each and everyone by Your Holy Spirit and allow them to know your with them in that divine care. We pray for the divine unity in behalf of Iraq in all of those there whom love you and are devoted to you in bringing them out of despire in knowing that your there while coming together in having you in the midst of it all in showing -up in your divine interuption in helping them to attain in those intellectual understanding, knowledge, truths in totally experiencing the true God, all realities of whom you are mighty God, in turn in showing respect for our majesty in our God in having such a profond ethical knowledge of all spiritual matters that changes them that brings new insights that changes that nation as a whole that ppour out unto those other nations to see you Jesus Christ in forever changes them in all manner of thinking that bring all changes unto countless of lives and families in this world. Sin only distorts things in all peoples whom are in it and very strongly in the pursuit of it. That's what needs to be bought out and crushed before you in making that differences in which brings about change in such a difference in many, many lives today. Give all of those people Your mind and will unto them to see your truths in them in those nations and to destroy, crush those lies straight out of those pits of hell it will and can be done only by your power and might because you are our God as you finish all jobs that concerns you and your children in whom love you in obedience for your hands can bring fourth as you stand beore us like we are your candle sticks as your eyes moves to and fro in seeing what will take place before us because you uphold your children before you. As you have given us the answers in out- witting and overcoming all those that appose you in all wars for there in helping them to attain freedom so they can livie in harmony and to shut those doors that oppose it and back off from you. Take those whom are in divisions and scatter them back to where they had come from in allowing those people to come to know you and believe in you in countless of lives. Let it be resolved unto You!Father it includes this nation of our in simliar battle with guns, killings, hurting people, breaking in millions of homes, business where people work, schools, and on our streets in every towns, cities, country places. We pray for evival to break out in our nations in kansa city Father in bringing home your powerful anointing that shakes every single part of this city to where it reaches out into kansas city kansas so the anointing can break open all things that are not of you and crush and defeat it right sown to the ground as it crushed to where it's like sand and never to be No More in people lives, and work places, all business, sports arenas, food places, hospitals, hotles, motels, holiday inn, parks, rivers, gambling boats, racing places, morotr cross, fast bikes and cars, anything that has to do with those types of entertainments of our cities, that are not of you. we want your holiness to change us in both cities here in kansas city and change us as a people in our homes, lives, children, grandpas, grandmas, siters, brothers, aunts, uncles, and on through our generational families, and bring up and out of it all to be new in you Father God.we want more of you and totally less of ourselves in being closer to you. In Your Holy Ghost power that totally manifests itself so hundreds or more can come in totall repentence, in your own call to holiness, that astounds people in your healing touch that overflows them, and bring it to an overflowing encounter in our home town. So people can see and feel you and never ever doubt you in those lives. Praise You Jesus ! We thank You Jesus ! Blessed be that wonderful name of Jesus ! Hallelujah ! Glory, glory, glory unto the Lmab of God in All of His righteousness !In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. catcmo2006
Thank You for stopping in this site and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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