Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A World Without The USA & BRITIAN


The world that we have know today is about to change. The coming defeat of America and Britain and their economic collapse will bring about a totally different geopolitical world to what we have previously known?

Over the last 200 years the world has benefited from the global dominance of Britain and the USA . These two nations and their former colonies of South Africa , Canada , Australia and New Zealand have provided a degree of political stability and security for nations around the world to allow the freedom to trade and prosper. America ’s nuclear dominance has provided a deterrent to war between other industrialized nations. It has allowed for the growth of globalization resulting in economic prosperity unrivaled in history. Yet few realise that the coming defeat of Britain and America will also be the end of the global security which we have known for the last 60 years.

The end of the Anglo-Saxon Empire will bring about totally new economic and political global alliances. This article will outline the shape of the new global order that will follow the collapse of the USA .

Even though the USA has been frequently criticized for its foreign policies, the reality is that it is because of the military dominance of the USA that has provided the environment that has allowed the world to have the prosperity and economic growth that exists today. Most of the world’s nations have benefited from the stability that has resulted from the US dominance. Sadly the stability and freedom the world has known under American leadership is about to end.

One of the key reasons for America ’s prosperity is that it has based its value system on Biblical Laws. Sadly, over recent years its people have departed from these Christian traditions, and have evolved into a degenerate and confused society, lost direction, and any claim to moral leadership in the world. As with many empires in the past that accumulate wealth, they over-extend themselves and their people degenerate morally; the Unites States global dominance is about to end.

Ever since President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in the seventies, there have been fears that there would be a run on the dollar. For over 30 years economists have been warning about the ability of the USA to support the value of its currency. Yet this has not happened – the dollar is more widely accepted than ever. The dollar remains stable and widely accepted as the world’s reserve currency. The increase in the supply of dollars has provided the liquidity to finance international trade, benefiting many nations. The demand for the dollar to finance the growth of global trade and the international oil trade is still strong, and is unlikely to weaken until there is a lack of confidence in the currency.

This will be triggered off with the coming defeat in Iraq . American leadership leading up to the invasion of Iraq , and since the occupation has been a dismissal failure. Unlike al-Qaeda, which had a clear goal of sucking the United States into a land war in the Middle East, and wearing it down until defeated, (as it did with the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan) ; the US has never had realistic goals in achieving victory following the invasion of Iraq.

If a nation must go to war, they first need to declare war, setting out the terms and conditions to the enemy. If the enemy does not surrender, then they must be defeated in battle. The USA invaded Iraq with out declaring war, no clearly defined goals except to over-throw Saddam Hussein, and has never been able to force the enemy into surrender. As Napoleon found that by occupying Spain and Russia , occupying a country does not ensure victory. Eventually, the USA and Britain will be forced into a humiliating defeat and have to withdraw from Iraq . This defeat will have a far greater impact on American global influence than the defeat in Vietnam ever did.

The defeat in Iraq will mean the end of the Anglo-American control of the Persian Gulf . Whoever gains control of Iraq will not stop there – they will quickly move on and gain control of the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia . The Middle East oil producing nations will refuse to accept the $US for the payment of oil without American protection. It will bring about the total collapse of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency, along with disintegration of the US economy.

America global influence is rapidly declining, as it desperately tries to find a way out of the quagmire in has got itself into in Iraq . Earlier this year US threats against Iran have evaporated into thin air, and have shown the world that America has become a paper tiger, unwilling to enforce the threats it makes.

For over a year before the invasion of Iraq by the USA and Britain , I wrote extensively about how this invasion would lead to the defeat of the USA , followed by their economic collapse. These events are now unfolding as each day passes.

Following the US defeat there will emerge new alliances, as various nations scramble to fill the power vacuum created with the collapse of the US and Britain . Here is how the world will look without American hegemony.

The Middle East – the defeat is Iraq will lead to a scramble to control the Middle East oil reserves. Iraq will come under the control of Iran or Muslim fundamentalists. Who-ever gains control of Iraq will also gain control of the Persian Gulf, and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States . This new alliance will gain control of Middle East oil would be able to dictate to the rest of the world its terms through the supply of oil. Many Middle East nations Governments have become dependent on the US presence in the Middle East . Without this support, countries like Egypt . Saudi Arabia , the Gulf States , Jordon and Kuwait would become vulnerable to being toppled Muslim fundamentalists such as al-Qaeda.

Israel will become particular vulnerable without United States military and economic support. Israel will turn to Europe to provide their security against an increasing anti-Israeli Middle East angered over the festering Palestinian issue.

Asia – a potential time-bomb. Ancient rivalries between China and Japan could see an arms race between these two powers. However, the collapse of the $US and the American market will hurt both China and Japan more than any other nations. With trillions of investments in US dollars, the collapse of the dollar will have disastrous consequences to their economies, bringing about a severe depression. It will trigger off political upheaval throughout the region. There will be a revival in Asian nationalism, especially in Japan . Other Asian nations will also be affected. Those Asians nations with reserves in US dollars will dump their dollar holding to try and prevent their reserves being totally wiped out. They will try and dispose of other assets in the US to shore up their own economies as the American market disintegrates.

Europe – the defeat of America and Britain will have a profound effect on Europe . Its dependence on Middle East oil, the threat of Muslim fundamentalism, and the collapse of the American market will force the Europeans to unite and accept a single unified government (United States of Europe) with a constitution under a European leader who can provide the leadership to enforce the economic and political restructuring necessary to revive the bureaucratic European economy. Those countries outside the Eurozone which have accumulated large debt levels, such as the UK will see their economies disintegrate. The Euro will replace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, allowing a United Europe to replace the USA as the most influential power block in the world. A revived united Europe will fill the power vacuum created by the collapse of the USA .

Those nations outside the Eurozone will be particularly badly hurt, especially the United Kingdom , which has large investments in the USA and high domestic debt levels. This will make their economy especially vulnerable, but also the Netherlands and Denmark .

North America – the debt-ridden US economy will totally disintegrate, leading to massive corporate bankruptcy, wide-spread unemployment, famine, starvation, disease and massive poverty. Never has a nation with so much will so suddenly have so little. With a worthless currency, the military establishment, government services and infrastructure would collapse, and there would be a total break-down in law and order. Anarchy would reign. The population will suffer wide-spread diseases, famine and starvation. The Canadian economy would suffer a similar fate.

Russia – the Russian economy will continue becoming more centralized and develop closer economic ties with Asia . The State will gain greater control of strategic assets and becoming increasingly assertive as it furthers its nationalist interests overseas. This will provide a degree of stability following the global upheaval as a result of the collapse of the USA . The revival of Russian nationalism will gain momentum.

The collapse of the USA will be time of great global upheaval, economic depression, a revival of nationalism, and a world much more dangerous than we have known. It will be particular difficult time for the debt-ridden Anglo-Saxon peoples, who will descend into fourth world living conditions, and be at the mercy of their former enemies.

These events will coincide with the break-down of the world’s environment, and the ability of the planet to produce sufficient food to support the number of people living on it. There will be a time of greater conflict and suffering than mankind have ever experienced in history.

The world that we have know today is about to change. The coming defeat of America and Britain and their economic collapse will bring about a totally different geopolitical world to what we have previously known?

Over the last 200 years the world has benefited from the global dominance of Britain and the USA . These two nations and their former colonies of South Africa , Canada , Australia and New Zealand have provided a degree of political stability and security for nations around the world to allow the freedom to trade and prosper. America ’s nuclear dominance has provided a deterrent to war between other industrialized nations. It has allowed for the growth of globalization resulting in economic prosperity unrivaled in history. Yet few realise that the coming defeat of Britain and America will also be the end of the global security which we have known for the last 60 years.

The end of the Anglo-Saxon Empire will bring about totally new economic and political global alliances. This article will outline the shape of the new global order that will follow the collapse of the USA .

Even though the USA has been frequently criticized for its foreign policies, the reality is that it is because of the military dominance of the USA that has provided the environment that has allowed the world to have the prosperity and economic growth that exists today. Most of the world’s nations have benefited from the stability that has resulted from the US dominance. Sadly the stability and freedom the world has known under American leadership is about to end.

One of the key reasons for America ’s prosperity is that it has based its value system on Biblical Laws. Sadly, over recent years its people have departed from these Christian traditions, and have evolved into a degenerate and confused society, lost direction, and any claim to moral leadership in the world. As with many empires in the past that accumulate wealth, they over-extend themselves and their people degenerate morally; the Unites States global dominance is about to end.

Ever since President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in the seventies, there have been fears that there would be a run on the dollar. For over 30 years economists have been warning about the ability of the USA to support the value of its currency. Yet this has not happened – the dollar is more widely accepted than ever. The dollar remains stable and widely accepted as the world’s reserve currency. The increase in the supply of dollars has provided the liquidity to finance international trade, benefiting many nations. The demand for the dollar to finance the growth of global trade and the international oil trade is still strong, and is unlikely to weaken until there is a lack of confidence in the currency.

This will be triggered off with the coming defeat in Iraq . American leadership leading up to the invasion of Iraq , and since the occupation has been a dismissal failure. Unlike al-Qaeda, which had a clear goal of sucking the United States into a land war in the Middle East, and wearing it down until defeated, (as it did with the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan) ; the US has never had realistic goals in achieving victory following the invasion of Iraq.

If a nation must go to war, they first need to declare war, setting out the terms and conditions to the enemy. If the enemy does not surrender, then they must be defeated in battle. The USA invaded Iraq with out declaring war, no clearly defined goals except to over-throw Saddam Hussein, and has never been able to force the enemy into surrender. As Napoleon found that by occupying Spain and Russia , occupying a country does not ensure victory. Eventually, the USA and Britain will be forced into a humiliating defeat and have to withdraw from Iraq . This defeat will have a far greater impact on American global influence than the defeat in Vietnam ever did.

The defeat in Iraq will mean the end of the Anglo-American control of the Persian Gulf . Whoever gains control of Iraq will not stop there – they will quickly move on and gain control of the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia . The Middle East oil producing nations will refuse to accept the $US for the payment of oil without American protection. It will bring about the total collapse of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency, along with disintegration of the US economy.

America global influence is rapidly declining, as it desperately tries to find a way out of the quagmire in has got itself into in Iraq . Earlier this year US threats against Iran have evaporated into thin air, and have shown the world that America has become a paper tiger, unwilling to enforce the threats it makes.

For over a year before the invasion of Iraq by the USA and Britain , I wrote extensively about how this invasion would lead to the defeat of the USA , followed by their economic collapse. These events are now unfolding as each day passes.

Following the US defeat there will emerge new alliances, as various nations scramble to fill the power vacuum created with the collapse of the US and Britain . Here is how the world will look without American hegemony.

The Middle East – the defeat is Iraq will lead to a scramble to control the Middle East oil reserves. Iraq will come under the control of Iran or Muslim fundamentalists. Who-ever gains control of Iraq will also gain control of the Persian Gulf, and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States . This new alliance will gain control of Middle East oil would be able to dictate to the rest of the world its terms through the supply of oil. Many Middle East nations Governments have become dependent on the US presence in the Middle East . Without this support, countries like Egypt . Saudi Arabia , the Gulf States , Jordon and Kuwait would become vulnerable to being toppled Muslim fundamentalists such as al-Qaeda.

Israel will become particular vulnerable without United States military and economic support. Israel will turn to Europe to provide their security against an increasing anti-Israeli Middle East angered over the festering Palestinian issue.

Asia – a potential time-bomb. Ancient rivalries between China and Japan could see an arms race between these two powers. However, the collapse of the $US and the American market will hurt both China and Japan more than any other nations. With trillions of investments in US dollars, the collapse of the dollar will have disastrous consequences to their economies, bringing about a severe depression. It will trigger off political upheaval throughout the region. There will be a revival in Asian nationalism, especially in Japan . Other Asian nations will also be affected. Those Asians nations with reserves in US dollars will dump their dollar holding to try and prevent their reserves being totally wiped out. They will try and dispose of other assets in the US to shore up their own economies as the American market disintegrates.

Europe – the defeat of America and Britain will have a profound effect on Europe . Its dependence on Middle East oil, the threat of Muslim fundamentalism, and the collapse of the American market will force the Europeans to unite and accept a single unified government (United States of Europe) with a constitution under a European leader who can provide the leadership to enforce the economic and political restructuring necessary to revive the bureaucratic European economy. Those countries outside the Eurozone which have accumulated large debt levels, such as the UK will see their economies disintegrate. The Euro will replace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, allowing a United Europe to replace the USA as the most influential power block in the world. A revived united Europe will fill the power vacuum created by the collapse of the USA .

Those nations outside the Eurozone will be particularly badly hurt, especially the United Kingdom , which has large investments in the USA and high domestic debt levels. This will make their economy especially vulnerable, but also the Netherlands and Denmark .

North America – the debt-ridden US economy will totally disintegrate, leading to massive corporate bankruptcy, wide-spread unemployment, famine, starvation, disease and massive poverty. Never has a nation with so much will so suddenly have so little. With a worthless currency, the military establishment, government services and infrastructure would collapse, and there would be a total break-down in law and order. Anarchy would reign. The population will suffer wide-spread diseases, famine and starvation. The Canadian economy would suffer a similar fate.

Russia – the Russian economy will continue becoming more centralized and develop closer economic ties with Asia . The State will gain greater control of strategic assets and becoming increasingly assertive as it furthers its nationalist interests overseas. This will provide a degree of stability following the global upheaval as a result of the collapse of the USA . The revival of Russian nationalism will gain momentum.

The collapse of the USA will be time of great global upheaval, economic depression, a revival of nationalism, and a world much more dangerous than we have known. It will be particular difficult time for the debt-ridden Anglo-Saxon peoples, who will descend into fourth world living conditions, and be at the mercy of their former enemies.

These events will coincide with the break-down of the world’s environment, and the ability of the planet to produce sufficient food to support the number of people living on it. There will be a time of greater conflict and suffering than mankind have ever experienced in history.Bruce Porteous

catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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