Sunday, July 01, 2007

Tears are a Language

[Calvary Chapel] 2005-07-14 - Tears are a Language

Ps 56:8 Thou hast taken account of my wanderings; Put my tears in Thy bottle; Are they not in Thy book? (NASB)
There are times when we are sad. We have lost a friend or family member to sickness or disease, or they are moving away. A disagreement, a lack of trust or misunderstanding has caused painful stress in an important relationship. An illness or injury has changed our lives. These are all times are where we have or will experience great sadness. Someone going through this can feel very alone even in a crowded room.
Jesus knows our sorrows. He lost His friend Lazarus to sickness. The shortest verse in all of scripture is found here in John 11:35 "Jesus wept." Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. He was betrayed by one of the twelve who He had personally taught, walked and ate with for three years. When we weep or cry and there are simply no words to describe the pain we are feeling, Jesus knows what we are going through.
There will be very special people God puts into your life. They may only be there for a short while or know you for many many years. A true friend comes reflected in a number of facets. They will stand with you when no one else believes you. They will forgive regardless of the offense. The will have walked the same or similar painful road that you now walk, and share it with you so you are not alone. All of these facets are reflections of the love of Christ for each of us.
I first heard a choral version of the song "Tears are a Language God Understands" on the radio several years ago. I was going through a very difficult personal time, and I was alone at college. The closing line is something that always comes back to me in times of trouble. It is a great assurance that God understands, and we are never alone. The friend that walks with you through a painful time is a great comfort and a type of Christ.
One last thought. A number of these painful things are based in valued relationships. These are the people who are important to us. If someone is not important to us, it is much more difficult for them to hurt us. These are the people who are worth suffering to regain. Paul says in his letter to the Corinthians that love is patient. Jesus has wept for us and suffered death to restore the relationship between mankind and God. Resolve to be patient ,and your tears will be repaid to you in joy.

Tears are a Language God Understands

Often you wonder why tears come into your eyes
And burdens seem to be much more than you can stand.
But God is standing near. He sees your falling tears
And tears are a language God understands.
God sees the tears of a brokenhearted soul.
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall.
God weeps along with man and He takes him by the hand.
Tears are a language God understands.
Then grief has left you low it causes tears to flow
When things have not turned out the way that you had planned.
But God won't forget you His promises are true.
And tears are a language that my God He understands.
God sees the tears of a brokenhearted soul.
He sees your tears and hears them when they fall.
God weeps along with man and He takes him by the hand.
Tears are a language God understands
Tears are a language that my God He understands.
Composed by Gordon Jenson ©1971

catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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