Thursday, May 17, 2007

Stick To The Lord and Do Not Let Go

Hello To All of You This morning I've been studying the word of God and saw in my own time of study and really looked at some things and coming to think about how much today's paper and new's is on killing's, murders, and out right hurting innocent people for other's saying turn away from your God or else this or that will happen to You and your entire family. Oh, how this unjustice is making me cry and hurt for all of those people. And the worst of all is how those very same folk's are influtrating our united states by the schools of those boks that our children are reading today and how some of the people have turned their back on God and what it means to us whom have grown up here for many, many years. Now we see it going on today that just turns our stomachs and it makes us puke because of this going on today, which suppose to be founded on God and His Son Jesus Christ and the Bible. What happened? This nation was blind sighted and took the bait and is still runnuing rampet in the packs of lie's of what the ravishing wolves stolen that was sold to this nation and it so-called bill of goods. One say all truths will come out and many of us will not what happens to us at the end when we alone will be facing God in His judgment seat..." Where we be hading then ..One might say to self" It will be us ..self .. entering heavens Gate and dine with God ... or heading down to the pits of hell.... self really will see it then..... I pray it will be more than I could possibly count to heading to home in glory. I put ALL dreams and hope in the Lord..Yes, I've been saved and baptised in a local church in my hometown and it was witnessed by others. I just hope that in my sever heart attack and several mini stroke that I haven't left nothing out in my confessions of my precious Lord in sterring me home to be with him forever. I pray for the lost daily to find those truths! It's not to late for anyone to come to terms in the Lord and find one's own way home to be with Him. A least that's how I feel about it ! You really don't have to agree or disagree with it. It's what i've felt for a very long time now ..I just never had any courage to speak about it till now. If people would really looked at the message instead of the messenger then you would see such truths that I live for in my own walk with God. My own Heart Runs solely after God!

For I have read in my own study time in Numbers 16: 1-50 and have to come to see such truths one more time within my own spirit in knowing just what "Cain's descendents are doing to today with countless of people in this world today. They are literally threatening people in whom they ought to see in those people to truly believe in that Islamic Militants are doing to people in handing down one's own judgments if they don't choose their way of life! It's so sad to read about on the net, or on the news reports all of the time. It's terrorism by the billions of poeple losing lives by the sake of those hands of the militants hands of some kind of very ugly executions of some sort. And the sad thing about often times with No support of any kind or help to keep those people away either. No, wonder our men and women are fight this batle for us to be sticking by them and always lifting them up in our prayers, and thier families whom son's and daughter whom parents are fight for those lives in keeping the United States safe. My own hat is off to all of those men and women whom are overseas fighting for us at this very moment and they are always in our prayers in our home. After 9/11 it made me come to know what I want for my country and what I don't want for my country today..I stand for what God I have in this nation since I was a baby first born and was raised as a God fearing nation in what Jesus Christ stands for.. I don't care what other's think of me just what our God cares about in His Word and how I ought to be just like He in my own walk in the Lord. If other's whom have inported over here don't like then ..Please, Do me a favor and head right back in the very same direction You came and stay where You came from... becuase I love my america of the united states and I TRULY love All that God has gave us which has been a gift by being in obedience unto His word . That's where I am right now today..doing my very own best in serving my God first, family, this country, then everything else falls where it's suppose to be! I don't want to have to face simliar things in the scripture that I have already shared with you in having that type of consequences come about me or my own family, let alone other's in our nation, or other countries as it had shown me today. I'm not a smart person, I've not a document of any kind of degree of any sort at all! I just believe in Jesus Christ and the father God and the Holy Ghost in what I have been learning throughout my life in what it stands for not only in self but in others to have what has ben given so freely as a gift from God. I don't know if this makes sence at all but I do my best! I don't like the sins of people have but they are people just like me, the just have taken on a sinners life and some show it right out in the public arena's in t.v. and other means that they do it. I pray for them all to hae a face to face meeting in God in Him showing His truths. I'm not thier jusdge or jury... to tell you the truth it's not mine to do's all God's and His own Son Jesus whom will that kind of a judgment on that day.

The friendship of the wicked is more dangerous than their enmity; for none can prevail against God's people if they are not overcome by their inbred lusts; nor can any enchantment hurt them, but the enticements of worldly interests and pleasures. Here is the sin of Israel, to which they are enticed by the daughters of Moab and Midian. Those are our worst enemies who draw us to sin, for that is the greatest mischief any man can do us. Israel's sin did that which all Balaam's

enchantments could not do; it set God against them. Diseases are the fruits of God's anger, and the just punishments of prevailing sins; one infection follows the other. Ringleaders in sin ought to be made examples of justice. (Nu 25:6-15)

If it be our care to act under the guidance and power of the blessed Spirit, though we may not be freed from the stirrings and oppositions of the corrupt nature which remains in us, it shall not have dominion over us. Believers are engaged in a conflict, in which they earnestly desire that grace may obtain full and speedy victory. And those who desire thus to give themselves up to be led by the Holy Spirit, are not under the law as a covenant of works, nor exposed to its awful curse.

Their hatred of sin, and desires after holiness, show that they have a part in the salvation of the gospel. The works of the flesh are many and manifest. And these sins will shut men out of heaven. Yet what numbers, calling themselves Christians, live in these, and say they hope for heaven! The fruits of the Spirit, or of the renewed nature, which we are to do, are named. And as the apostle had chiefly named works of the flesh, not only hurtful to men themselves, but tending to make them so to

one another, so here he chiefly notices the fruits of the Spirit, which tend to make Christians agreeable one to another, as well as to make them happy. The fruits of the Spirit plainly show, that such are led by the Spirit. By describing the works of the flesh and fruits of the Spirit, we are told what to avoid and oppose, and what we are to cherish and cultivate; and this is the sincere care and endeavour of all real Christians. Sin does not now reign in their mortal bodies, so that they obey it, Ro 6:12, for they seek to destroy it. Christ never will own those who yield themselves up to be the servants of sin. And it is not enough that we cease to do evil, but we must learn to do well. Our conversation will always be answerable to the principle which guides and governs us, Ro 8:5. We must set ourselves in earnest to mortify the deeds of the body, and to walk in newness of life. Not being desirous of vain-glory, or unduly wishing for the esteem and applause of men, not provoking or envying one another, but seeking to bring forth more abundantly those good fruits, which are, through Jesus Christ, to the praise and glory of God. Gal.5:16-23
11Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.Jude 1:11

catcmo2006 Would like to "Thank Everyone,"whom either has posted this or had sent posting to me from all of those e-mail address! Some of them I will or have passed on to all readers whom looks at all blog sites that I use. Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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