Monday, April 09, 2007


Dear Precious Jesus Christ whom is the Son of God Whom is listening unto Us this beauitful Day.Father We come unto You by laying down in our lives today. Just as we had celebrated You being risen out of the grave for all mankind, as we have examined our life with all of old things have passed away unto it which we have brought them unto death by the way of the cross of calvery. We hand over every moment of disgrace, every tears that we've have cried, every word that we have wished we could take back, all of those very broken promises, all the loneliness we've felt, all of our shame, all the dreams that have died, dashes of our hopes, all of those broken relationships, all of our success, all of our failures which have all of our yesterdays, all of those battle scars, all of our thorns that has been with us in our lives and have carried them with those deep penetrating burdens of all of those whom have hurt us,all of those whom are sick, all of those are without jobs, all of those whom are without homes, all of those whom are hungry, surgery and needs healings to come unto You this day and lay it at the foot of the cross as YOU open those shut doors that have been closed and move that mountain of all resistance for Your fruitfulness is in the kingdom work is and will ever be by You father God.Father we ask for Thy will to be done over this requests For it's by Your power and authority to be released and as we not doubt what You can do before us each and every day.For Your kingdom is always full of recovery as You guide us in every thought, every work that we do before you as Your children of the Most High God.We believe it, stand on it, for Nothing is impossible for You to do before us as You heal us each and every day for we are helpless in our life and without You we just can't do it at all. Precious Father our life is always in You as those loving hands are wrapped all around us in those very strong arms as You love us, care for us as You daily show us Your ways for mankind to go as we take our steps along with You.
Today Father God open our eyes as You deal with us very strictly as we spend our life in being in service before You for it's true life for everyone whom is Your child in always keeping Your word daily within our lives as we lay ahold all of Your wonderous things of those laws, as You give us more and more understanding of that Preious Words of Life within us for it's that light of Your Holy Spirit as every sanctifiedperson, as our souls hungers and thirsts for more of You and very Less of self today and forever more as that precious Word as our food as we sit at Your tble daily guiding us in all of the path to go before you as we bear one another heavy burdens and lay it at Your cross. For their are those in this world Father, that thrive upon the innocent people as betrayers and hunt them down as savages to harm, kill unto Your people, as some are so pleasent unto others, but yet there are those whom are very bitter unto people that need salvation within all of those souls and to have the hope of eternity. Send Your mighty warring angles to make sure that this happens before them and help them to recover inside of those hearts and guide them as You have guided your people in every way. As whom ever they are surely they will be convinced and convicted with Your comfort that only Your holy spirit will do before them, as they seen all of those sins as they lay at Your fet Father God. as they lay down all faults, folly of those sins, and the fifthy sins that had caused to be very hateful not only upon others but unto You Father God in all of those very corrupt natures that heavily burried deep within them that all is brought before them is death for unto the world You are known as we had been guilty as charged as those whom don't know to understand it will be as each one is finally convinced within them . For it's by Your righteousness that is shown unto those at such a moment in time for those like us to grab a hold of and run the race with You as their guide in leading the way for others. Just as Your Holy Spirit always does good things within us in our hearts as those will begin to see it too. Though we may not fully understand that value of the cross just as they we do fully understand salvation as our eyes have been richer and fuller views of our Redeemer with our affections are only unto You as we pray for all of those lives before You as a certainity of that very dependence for You snatched us all out of the nasty burning pits and handed over Your Divine Mercy which does not give unto those whom have not have literally put - off repentence to be going to the death bed that's eternal or all hope that they will have mercy. No one is sure that those people will have repentance of the time of death only You know that answer Father God, But for those whom have has repentanced does know the truth which we are upon the Lord of our lives daily and forever until You come for us precious Jesus, the Lamb of God, in whom by Your purchased Blood that has been paid in to the Fullest amount that's at times was overchared by those people, but You did it for all mankind and we thank You Father as we bless Your Name and Highly exalt You, and give our prsises before Your Throne as You smell this prayer going up unto You today. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory

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