Friday, March 23, 2007

Heidi Baker Emergency Update: She says bombs are hitting their church and their children's center with children in it--PRAY!

Heidi Baker Emergency Update: She says bombs are hitting their church and their children's center with children in it—PRAY!

The following update was recently sent out by Iris Ministries...

To The Bakers close friends and prayer support,

Heidi asked me to contact you for prayer as bombs have detonated in our capitol city Maputo, Mozambique. Three bombs have already hit our children's center in Zimpeto. As Heidi was talking on the phone with Norberto (her son who was sobbing), a bomb went off as he was speaking in our center. Apparently, he barely moved out of the way to avoid it. Three bombs hit the center. Our church got hit by a bomb, windows were shattered. Our kids just rallied together in our shattered church, just worshipping and worshipping and praying. However, our children are extremely scared. (Photo: Rolland and Heidi Baker)

The government made a mistake and mixed chemicals in our hot 36 degree (C), (96.8 F) weather. This set off one missile, which had a domino effect. It is complete and utter chaos. There is no way, at this point, to reverse that mistake. I don't believe any of our children have been hit.

Recently, The Mozambican Government refused to declare a national emergency for the recent flooding of Zambezi River, despite the fact that tens of thousands of lives have been displaced. People were starving, living like animals. Iris is one of the only relief efforts out there. In fact, a few days ago, the government again refused to acknowledge the situation as a national emergency, and even denied duty free status on our twelve containers of food. The good news is that no one is refusing Jesus. Heidi said that everyone within the sound of a preacher's voice runs to Jesus.

Heidi and I will arrive at the capital, on an emergency flight tomorrow. Please pray. Norberto also has one of the highest ratings of malaria. Pray for him too as he has been leading relief efforts in flood zones for a month.

We are trusting Jesus completely. God recently spoke to Heidi that He was going to shine a global spot light on Mozambique. That as the government refused outside help/attention/relief, God Himself would intervene. That even that which the enemy intended for evil would be used for good. We want our entire nation transformed by the glory of God. Nothing less.

In love with Jesus,

Shara Pradhan (for Rolland & Heidi Baker)

Source: Iris Ministries

Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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