Saturday, February 03, 2007

Self- Perception

Read Psalms 8:1-9
We develop our sense of self- perception by noticing how the important people in our life sees us. If we grew up in a dysfuctional family, their skewed view of us probably warped our ability to see ourself as we truly are in God's eyes. Understanding how God sees us and the value he has placed on us overcome the negative self- perception that many of us have developed. King David was amazed as us he thought about how much God vlued him. He said," What mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us? For You made us a little lower than God and you crowned us with glory and honor. You put us in charge over everything you made giving u authority over all things. ( Psalms 8:4-6). "How precious are your thoughts about me, O God ! They are innumerable! I can't count them; they out number the grains in the sand!And when I wake up in the morning, You are still with me! ( Psalms 139:17,18). God demonstrated how precious we are in his sight by sending Jesus Christ to give us his life for us. God wants us to realize how precious we are to him and to see ourself in the light of his love. Consider this: If God consider us worthy of giving up the very most precious thing he had (His only SON), what does that say about how valuable we are to him? ______________________________________________________________ Many of our problems are rooted and grounded in our low self- esteem. Perhaps we were never listened to as children. Or maybe we were abused by people whom had authority over us. Whatever those roots are of one's own problems, we are now probably overly sensitive to the attacks of others. We see here that God has truly made us fantastic being with great honor and authority. We should never sell ourselves short. Self- esteem should be based on what God thinks about us - not on what others say about us. ______________________________________________________________
Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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