Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pray For The Peace For Isreal

Dear Precious Heavenly Divine Father; As I come unto You In asking and giving You my all of my depths of my soul which deeply is crying out for something that very touching to my heart and
Father, I pray that the people here will be delivered from Satan's kingdom and drawn in to Your kingdom through Jesus.
Kingdom, Power, And Glory
Father, let Your kingdom enter this area, expand with power, and conquer the people here.
Father, let Your life transforming power flood into this area.
Father, let Your glory be revealed and shine mightily in this area.
it's breaking very badly for the people of Isreal and what is taking place in Your own city Father God and all of those whom are literally stirring up more problems so badly in Isreal, so they can continue in rebuilding the temple of old, that once stood in it's splendore of having it be a place of prayer there and in all hopes one day of ushering you in that place of which You already have it and have claimed it in Jerusalem and a place for You to reside with that precious Holy Spirit in pouring it out amongst the people in that far away place that had stood in it's glory for all to come and to worship You . But this time in sacrificing one soul unto You only to imbelish them in Your lovely Holy Spirit as they have rent those hearts when they enter in with You in speaking on those things that they have in those moments of time. Your so lovely in Your divine presence in sharing with Your people as each one had to literally bow before Your Holy Presence of which is so very strong when we are in that Holy Anointing and praising and glorifying, honoring You as we cry aloud, You have entered in Your name out loud and unto Your ears in those precious Holy moments that has been given us all people in the sancturary. You literally captivated us in knowing that You will be speaking as our own anticipation as we await those words. Your Holy, Your beauity, Your love, Your mercy abounds but yet we do know until You speak of Your judgments and pronoucments of them before everyone as we lay and wait to see just what it is that you will say unto our ears in those seconds and times, moments that seem like an eternity. For You are our Lamb of God, and highly reguard you in every way. Only You truly know what is best for us when we often times don't, Father we acknowledge our sins in what we have done and we never want ourselves to do those things ever again in our own lives because You have shed Your blood on that cross and we have been there with you and along side of You in all of those transgression more than we could ever say, but You know what they all are and it's had beaten us down so much in being undone before you than we can barely help ourselves up again without that Holy Spirit in reviving us back unto You in knowing that our journey isn't over that until we will tarry after you in that very strong strengthing of which has come by the precious power of your anointing send that release for us once again. Oh, Father, we know that our only way in life is being dependent on You in every way that is not like another, for you are the one and only that has ever been before anyone else, You are that (Son) of our most high God that will alway's remain in He that had made this world and everything in it from them to this very day and time, which bring times, and seasons to what we are to do walking in you in directing our paths and showing which step we are take in showing our faith, devotions when we come to you in knowing your deovtions it have our souls at peace for our hope has been that we have been born again in being a child that open our arms for you to hold us each day, No matter what we love to say those things right back unto You as You are that leader in sheparding us the flock like No other can do here on the earth.Thank You Father in that forgivness of all that we had done before you in helping make those right turns in directing us along the way. I've lost so much of me and in doing that it just leads me more unto You, that I never ever want all of those things back again in my life as I get to another plateau for us to rise above of whence we came in your solid foundations in where you have wanted us to be in serving that great I Am.Praise You Father in steadily drawing us more and more into You, how we cherrish what You've have done in me. It's only You that we can ever trust that's so strong in everything because your powerful spirit in each step that we do take in you than is never amiss when you've set us in the right ways. Let your anointing flow more and more of You is all I ever want to be with in my life no matter where i'm at to continue to watch over me for with it bring the heavenly warring angles in protecing every where we go and no matter how far you never leave me at all and I thank You for that everlasting provisions that you have bestowed on me and my family that we know it comes from You Abba Father. Now, Is the time Father in asking You to provide Isreal in what You've promised them in a very mighty protections, Father there's more danger for those in that land lord, and it's getting worse by the day and within long hours of waiting as You know the land has been divided and we really don't like it either Father it's not at all what You've ever wanted them to do.I do know that has been some very hard consequences and many people that live there know just what high magnititudes it's been for them and for us whom are with them today.Father it's our leaders in our country whom don't care in what you say or at least it seems like they don't in every way, for they have underlying themselves with the Anti-christ to such magnitute that is very overwheming tous, but we know what the final doom is for those that have joined up with him and ....Yes, we have read the end of that precious book that we read and pray as you leads us more to you.Father it's now the Holy temple and it's extremism that polluting it up more and more that they seem to have a fight for every little thing that gets in the way of thier own debacle. Just as they always do before in saying it's your people whom is destructive in taking all that has been yours,some has come from with in the community of which You've established long ago it's constanly spirial downward Father in knowing this belongs to You and your children in which all of those opponets are hitting them very hard. Only You can turn this around in defending it for yourself and unto your people whom want you back at home where You belong. Father God at least I can be truthful with You in all matter that pertain unto You and Your people whom is only thinking of You. For I truly know how much you love us all and we want your mighty hands in leading us and them in this prayer and not for self at all but for You to come when it's time for you to step out of those clouds in your appointed time for all this world to see and know that it's all YOU. Protect them all in the land that You have promised Abraham and his decendents in giving them that promised land, for those are there that worship you in spirit and truths that would have in faith and your promises that You have given unto us as your children. You want all of us to stand in those gaps for something that's mighty important to You each and every day Father in behalf of those whom are dependant upon You in making all of those ways in those lives and ours in praying for one another in having Your Holy Spirit in breaking and crushing those territories that's in the way of all peoples lives of which You have taught us to do before us in bringing with us Your authority Power in defeating all of those enemies camps. Father God, Thank You for them of which You have bestowed in us by Your word in which all of us hold dearly in our hearts in presenting everything before you this day. Glorious Jesus Christ whom we all know as our "Abba Father" Whom is the destroyer of things in the spiritual world that has provided all of those provisions before us in covering everything that You already know about even before we bring them to Your attention Blessed be the name of the Blood of the Lamb whom bore our sins on that cross of calvery that we have laid everying that's in us in knowing we have done it in combining us us to you in our daily lives today. We are throughly covered by your blood that has already cleansed us in making us white as snow and never being heard of again by whom much has been given unto You whom has laid in it before us. Thank You Jesus ! We praise Your heavenly name like No other can or will ever do before us in each of our lives. It already written down in that Lambs book of life in having the security in being in and with you that can never be taken away from us that if we stay ever so close to you in one's own obedience and have kept you with in us with our life. By saturating us with Your Holy spirit each and every day by always seeking, asking, knocking on Your door in guiding us all along our paths that You have made each and every step that we are taking along with You Abba Father down to the very depths of our souls in being expectantly waiting for that coming glory for us one day. Oh, Father, There is so much out there today as it's getting worse that it just getting to the point in living in this world that those in power of which we live have literally has given us an effect of a large doses of anesthesia that of which causes people to be unsenative and along with it insensibility that has it effects of being paralyzed us to all truths in whats coming before us in our world today. Father God bring healing unto us of that which had torpid us in which remains dormant in our souls that only You can quicken us in your power deep with in us that shatters, breaks and totally crushes us to have an new spiritual oneness with you deeply within us so that all of those sluggishness that was so very dull be fully awakened so then to become being fully alert in those depths of our souls in marching on with those battles that have come our way in serving You best in whom we dearly love down to the depths of our own souls.We seek to have that to re-awakened by Your Holy Ghost revival in us that it become alive within our souls in being alert, vigliant,aroused, that stirs us with us literally coming out of our sleep so that we can become fully aware as each one of us rubs our eyes, like that of us rising up in the morning, stretches us, as we are so very excited in being in and with you in that brand new day before us as those renewal comes forth as we hear the mighty lions roar deep with in us that stirs us in a mighty way like never ever before to be bringing out what You have called your children to do before you. As you are keeping us informed on all paths that You've set down before us each and every day that it bring us closer to You. Right now we just want to 'Thank You Father in what Your about to do before us in all of our lives and letting it be known unto the ends of the earth so they will become fully aware of whom You are in the midst of us and in those whom have refused you in that deep pentrating and as being fully awakened the world to see and to witness before all of those eyes that think they know whom you are, and whom will be brought down before You for all this world to know such truths. But yet will hve already known to behold in those person or persons of what You are about to do but yet knowing times are at hand of which is about to happen before them of which is No stopping for what they have done to all of those people through out this world, and in that Land that You love, that have hurt so many of your own people that has truly hurt you as You have cried before in Us in upholding those in the garden of Gethsemane when You had prayed for us whom are in this world that of which You hath already known of what was coming for this world at hand. You Father already have warned us in all of the coming persecutions, times of the ends,and the hatred of this world, that are sorrows will be turned into joy simply because You are our comforter in all of our ways and in knowing You deep within our lives that You have come to overcome this world that all of us are livng in today. You truly know those whom have truly kept your word in obedience unto You, and had those truths of Your word to speak it forth every single word that You have put before them that are in this world, and " Woe" unto them that have went to which have that word which is in being in contempt, corruption all that You have put unto them for it's the purest form of whom You are for You have laid it all out before them if they have taken away your truths from the peoples ears, hearts amongst us while here on earth that they have been warned by the Word of God in what will become of them when it comes to the Lambs book of life and those very lives.
Father,your warriors prepares for the battle. Today I claim victory over satan by putting on the whole Armor of God. I put on the Girdle! May I stand firm in the truth of your word, so that I will not be a victim of satan's lies. I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness! May I guard my heart from evil,so I will remain pure and holy,protected under the blood of Jesus Christ. I put on the Shoes of Peace! May I stand firm in the good news of the gospel,so your peace will shine through me and be a light to all I encounter. I take my Shield of Faith! May I be ready for satan's firery darts of doubt, denial and deciet, so I will not be edged sword of your words be ready in my hands, so I can expose the tempting words of Satan. By faith,your warrior has put on the Whole Armor of God, I'm prepard to live this day in a mighty Spiritual Victory! Matthew 6:9-13
Our Father
Father, I pray that the people in this area would surrender to Jesus and come to know You as their Father.
Father, reveal to the people in this area Your willingness to save and bless them.
Father, let the people in this area of Isreal experience your abundant grace and goodness.In HeavenFather, I pray that the people in this area would know that You and You alone are the true God.
Father, I plead that the people in this area would know that You are the powerful God of time and eternity.
Father, I pray that the people here would turn away from their idols and sin to You, the living and mighty God.
Hallowed Be Your Name Father, I pray that You will be praised and adored by the people in this area.Father, I ask that the people in this area would reverence and love You with all their being.
Father, I plead that You will be explicitly exalted in this area as the only true God.
Your Kingdom Come
Father, I pray that the people in this area would hear the gospel and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.Father, I plead that Your kingdom would smash and destroy Satan's kingdom in this area.
Father, remove any obstacles to the spread of the gospel in this area.
Your Will Be Done
Father, I pray that the people in this area will know what Your will is.
Father, I ask that the people in this area would be submissive to Your will.
Father, I plead that the people in this area will do Your will as it is done in heaven.
Our Daily Bread
Father, I pray that You would supply the daily needs of the people in this area.
Father, I ask that the people in this area would know that You are the Source of all good and blessing.
Father, I plead that You would teach the people here to depend daily on You.
Forgive Our Debts
Father, I plead that the people in this area would experience the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.
Father, I ask that a spirit of forgiveness would exist and reign in this area.
Father, I pray that there would be genuine reconciliation among the people in this area.
Do Not Lead Us
Father, set the people in this area free from the grip and power of sin.
Father, cause the people here to know and understand the consequences of sin.
Father, grant the people here a hatred of sin and a spirit of repentance toward You.
Deliver Us
Father, I plead that Satan and his demons would be bound and driven from this area of Isreal and there may be peace from within and whom all love this city would prosper and for the sake of the people.
Father, I ask that Your gospel and Your power will destroy Satan's schemes for this area.
Father, I pray that the people here will be delivered from Satan's kingdom and drawn in to Your kingdom through Jesus.
Kingdom, Power, And Glory
Father, let Your kingdom enter this area, expand with power, and conquer the people here.
Father, let Your life transforming power flood into this area.
Father, let Your glory be revealed and shine mightily in this area. Amen and amen. catcmo2006

Thank You for allowing in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer vulnerable to spiritual defeat. I put on the Sword of the Spirit! May the two sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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