Sunday, February 25, 2007



From the very beginning, Satan wanted you to believe there could be more than One God. Satan, being a deceiver, wanted to be like God, and produce sons of his very own. He was never interested in the begotten sons who are actually procreated by God Almighty Himself (Isaiah 14:12-14). Satan wants you to believe that God doesn’t want you to eat of The Tree of Knowledge, because then you will be wise. When you do eat, he says that you will be as a god knowing Good from Evil (Genesis 3:5). Satan told Eve that she should have the option to decide for herself. Then she would be a god.

Why was Satan so intent for you to believe in more than one God? Satan, himself, wasn’t satisfied to be just an angel, or even a very high-ranking angel. He is the one who wanted to be “the begotten Son of God” – instead of Jesus. As a consequence, Satan was opposed to God’s Plan of Salvation for all mankind. He was jealous.

From that time to the present, Satan has been busy deceiving humanity

into making many gods. He instituted the worship of the Creation itself, such as the sun, moon, trees, oceans, and rivers – so that everyone would believe in more than one God. So, as time passed, people would believe in many, many gods by bowing down to animals or nature itself or to statues and idols.

God countered all this with basic instructions. God gave The Second Commandment, which told Israel not to make any likeness of their God. This is because humanity would then begin to worship that image as if it represented God. It is a major transgression to worship an image. This is idolatry. When anyone says that the graven image only makes a person think of God, it really doesn’t, because that image is not God.

Satan, who is the greatest liar of all, has successfully duped the world into believing in many gods. Satan has even convinced the world that The Son of God, Jesus, was God before his human birth. Satan has many believing that The Holy Spirit is also another God – rather than God’s Power, which leads you into The Truth. Satan’s purpose is to keep anyone from becoming the very begotten Sons of God. Satan wants as many people as possible to become his own sons, not God’s Sons who will be “…all in all” (I Corinthians 15:28).

The questions which should be asked: “Who was Christ before His human birth? “What is God’s Holy Spirit?” And then finally, “Is there more than one God?”

If Christ were God before His human birth, then Jesus would be His own

Son. If The Holy Spirit were another God, then Christ would be The Son of The Holy Spirit. Therefore, logically, humans would either be The Sons of Jesus (since He was presumed to be God), or else The Sons of The Holy Spirit (if, indeed, The Holy Spirit is God). That is the type of confusion Satan would want you to believe!

The Apostle Paul said that God is not the author of confusion. The word “confusion” in the Greek language means “tumult” (I Corinthians 14:33). If there were more than one God, then that notion would surely produce “confusion,” just as it has already confused individuals throughout the ages in the realm of religion.

On the other hand, God is extremely logical. In fact, the word “logos” comes from the Greek “to be logical.” The Scriptures alone will tell you who Christ was before He became a human being, called “The Son of Man,” through Old Testament prophecies.

Many claim that Jesus was The Logos God or The Word of God before He was human. They quote John 1:1 as their proof. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” But nothing proves that Christ was that Word, as indeed, being another God before He was human. That text declares that whatever The Word was – it is God and is with God. It plainly and clearly declares that The Word was God Himself, and nothing else.

You only need to know the Greek meaning for the word, “logos” to be certain of this point. In Strong’s Concordance #3056, the Greek tells you that “The Word” or “logos” is nothing more than “The Thoughts,” “the mental faculty” or “The Divine Expression of God.” So The Word is nothing more than God’s Divine Thoughts. It is not a separate deity or being. The Word is only God’s Thoughts, and no more than that.

Then, in John 1:14, you are told that The Word which is God’s Divine Thoughts, eventually became flesh, or Jesus Christ. So Jesus became The Son of God when He became flesh, and received God’s Word in Him. How did this happen? “For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him” (John 3:34). THAT IS YOUR ANSWER.

Christ became The Word by God’s Holy Spirit. This was when He was born as a human. God’s Word (Logos), God’s Divine Thoughts or Word, was put into Christ by The Holy Spirit. Therefore, The Holy Spirit can’t be a separate god in Christ. The Holy Spirit put all of God’s Divine Thoughts into Christ, at birth. The Holy Spirit then, can only be a Power from God (not a separate god) that put God’s Truth or Word into Christ. The Holy Spirit, therefore, is merely God’s Power, and The Word is only God’s Divine Thoughts nothing more. The same process occurs in Christians. When Christians receive God’s Holy Spirit (although not the double portion that Christ received), then this Spirit leads you to understand God’s Words (the Logos).

The important question is this: “Who was Jesus before He became human?” Jesus, Himself, tells you the answer in His last prayer to God before He was arrested. “And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” (John 17:5).

Notice, Jesus did not ask God to give Him “The Glory” that God gave to Him before the world was. Christ then would have been a separate deity or a second God with The Father. Christ plainly states that He, before the world was, was not another God, but that He was in The Father as “The Glory of God.” Ponder that carefully.

It is usually the simple, understandable Scriptures that people often do not generally read thoroughly, but which tell you The Truth. Your Savior tells you that He was not God before He was human. Before the universe was created, Jesus was still in The Father as God’s Glory. Now, the question is posed: “What is God’s Glory?” When you know God’s Glory, then you will, also, know who Christ was before He became human.

The Greek for “glory” is “doxa” (Strong’s #1391). The definition comes from #1330, “dokeo,” which means “to think,” “good reputation,” and then #1391 “doxa,” is defined as “dignity,” “honor” or “goodness.” God’s Glory in the Greek means “God’s Thinking” or “God’s Thoughts” with all of its goodness and morals.

Notice what Paul said: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory [doxa] of God” (Romans 3:23). God’s Glory is all The Goodness of God. It is the sum total of All that God is. Humans, who are sinners, fall short of that Goodness. God’s Glory is everything that God is – and does. This includes, God’s Logos, and Power of His Holy Spirit, which is all of

God’s procreative and creative Power.

In The Epistle of I Peter 5:4, The Apostle Peter said all will receive a “Crown of Glory” (doxa) when you become Spirit. Just as Christ, you will, also, become all of God’s goodness or virtue.

The Apostle Paul said that The Israelites who went through The Red Sea were baptized unto Moses. Moses was The Prophet for The Israelites to find God. Paul, also, said this baptism unto Moses was in “the cloud” and in “the sea.” What was this cloud? Israel drank the same Spiritual Drink and ate the same Spiritual Meat, which was that Spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ (I Corinthians 10:1-4). This is another clear Scripture which tells you what Christ was before He was born.

Notice how this Rock, Christ, didn’t lead Israel, but only followed them. Was The Rock who followed them Christ? That answer is given shortly.


One of the most important Spiritual Lessons about God concerns the historical events that occurred between God (YHVH) and Israel when they came out of Egypt. Many who study The Scriptures have completely missed the real significance of why Israel was selected to become God’s “chosen people.”

When God made The Covenant with Abraham to bless him and his children with The Promised Seed (Christ), the result was that Israel totally misunderstood God’s Promise to Abraham. This calling was so The Nation of Israel could enter into God’s Rest (Paradise).

This Promise continued from the time of Abraham, down to Isaac and then to Jacob. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, and with his twelve sons comprised the structural basis for the new nation of Israel.

When Israel migrated to Egypt, they eventually became slaves in that land. This occurred because after Joseph died, the new pharaoh didn’t know what Joseph had done to Save all of Egypt from starvation. In slavery, the Israelites pleaded for mercy, and prayed to God for deliverance. Since Israel turned to God in this manner, God chose Moses as His Prophet to lead them to The Promised Land so they could enter God’s Rest. Since the time of Adam and Eve, God was always ready to dwell with His people. In this case, Israel declared that they wanted Him. But they would have to prove this by obeying Him.

This Covenant or Agreement, which was made with Israel, was totally different from what God had made with anyone else. To no other nation in the world had God made such a personal Covenant. Since the time of Adam and Eve, God had not been any other nation’s God. This was only the second time in history that a people could have had God, as their own personal God, with His Presence dwelling with them. Notice, in cementing His Covenant, God gave, not just one of His titles, but His very personal name YHVH, otherwise known as the “I am” or “The Existing One.”

God, Himself, was going to dwell with them, not in a tabernacle or temple, but with them personally. After Israel failed, by sinning, they had to wait for their Rest much later in The New Heaven and New Earth. There will be no temple in The New Heaven and New Earth because God Himself will be The Temple, along with Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 5:2-7).


When God called Moses from out of the burning bush, Moses was actually talking to “an angel” (Acts 7:30). Angels are “elohim” just as God is Elohim (Psalms 8:5). The word “angels” in this Psalm is “elohim” in the Hebrew language. Elohim is God’s title of universality, or plurality, that God is “…all” and will be “…in all” (I Corinthians 15:28). That is why God said in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image....”

As God’s messengers, Angels (Elohim) have the job to carry out The Plan of God (Elohim) to make man become like God (Hebrews 1:14). The angel in the burning bush was God’s deputy who was talking in the first person in order to bring God’s people, Israel, out of bondage. Notice who brought Israel out of Egypt. Exodus 12:51 states that The Lord God brought Israel out of Egypt. How was this done?

When God used Moses to lead the children of Israel across The Red Sea, Pharaoh pursued them. The angel of The Lord (God’s angels) went before Israel. The Cloud followed Israel. Then, this Cloud stood between the pursuing Egyptians and Israel, so The Egyptians could not harm The Israelites. Who was in this Cloud? It wasn’t the angel of The Lord because the angel was the first to come between them. (God’s Glory in the Cloud still led Israel. The angel did not begin to lead Israel until Israel sinned at Mt. Horeb.) From then on, the Cloud followed the Israelites and the angel.

Besides the fact of Israel going through The Red Sea, Paul said that The Cloud was also a baptism. This Cloud led Israel to Mt. Sinai. What or who was this Cloud?


In Exodus 23:20, after Israel sinned at the mount, by breaking God’s Commandments, God said to Moses, “Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared” (verse 21). God instructed the nation to obey this angel’s voice because He will not pardon you. God explained that this angel spoke in God’s voice because My Name is in him. This was brought about by the strict adherence to The Law of Moses in The Letter, which caused their death. There was no forgiveness. From this point on, God was not with them, to lead them. Instead the angel was designated to lead Israel.

After God gave Moses The Law (Exodus 33), The Israelites built a Tabernacle, and God restated that the angel would lead Israel to their Rest in The Promised Land (Exodus 23:1-7). This Tabernacle was not in the camp of Israel, but outside. Why was this? The Cloud, that led Israel out of Egypt, was by The Tabernacle, and there The Lord spoke to Moses (Exodus 33:7-9). Then in verse 11, it states that God spoke to Moses as a friend, “face to face.” Who was in The Cloud? God was in The Cloud and spoke to Moses at The Tabernacle. God no longer would speak to, or be with, Israel. The voice was the angel speaking in the first person.

At this point, God had threatened to destroy Israel, and only permit the tribe of Moses, The Levites, to live. God would no longer lead Israel, as His people. The Tabernacle was built outside the camp of Israel since God would no longer be in their midst. If Israel had not sinned, proving they were stiff-necked and unrepentant, there would have been no need for a Tabernacle or Temple. In Deuteronomy 5:29, God said, “O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!”

From here on, God would only allow The Levites to serve Him. Israel could only go into The Court of Israel, but not “the inner courts” of The Temple where God was present in The Holy of Holies. The veil separated God from rebellious, unconverted Israelites – and the rest of the world – until Christ died, and the veil was “rent in two.” By this means, their access to God was Restored.

This frightened Moses. God was going to kill the entire nation and only allow The Levitical Tribe to live (Exodus 33:12-13). So Moses asked God if He would be gracious and reconsider Israel to be His nation. At this point, Moses was Israel’s mediator to God. Moses wanted to know that God was going to be with him, as well as have Israel be His nation.

Moses feared that God would not be with Israel. God was adamant. God would no longer allow Israel to deal with Him “Personally.” God said to Moses that from now on My angel will lead Israel to God’s Rest in The Promised Land. God would no longer lead them in The Cloud (Exodus 33:1-3).

God said that because Israel was unrepentant and stiff-necked, He wanted to burn them up (verse 5). God instructed Moses to pitch The Tabernacle outside of the camp. God did not intend to be with Israel (verse 7).

When Moses entered The Tabernacle, The Cloud stood at the door of The Tabernacle. God spoke (through an Angel) with Moses from The Cloud. Speaking to Moses, face-to-face, as a friend (verse 11). Then Moses besought God to give him grace or forgiveness, which was a promise that God should keep Israel as His nation. This was an extremely serious stand that God took concerning Israel.

Then, God told Moses, that because of Moses’ kind act of interceding on Israel’s behalf, God declared that His Presence would go with them (Exodus 33:14). In the Hebrew language, “God’s presence” was not “God, The Deity, being with them,” but only “God’s Presence would be with them.” In Strong’s, #6440, “paneh,” means “face” or “countenance.” Later you will know what God was really saying to them.

In Exodus 33:17-18, God said that He would let His Presence go with Israel because Moses found grace in His sight. Then Moses said, “I beseech thee, shew me thy glory.” Moses did not want to see God, but only His Glory (God’s Glory). Remember that Christ said, “…glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” (John 17:5). This is the same Glory that Moses wanted to see. God’s Glory was not Christ as a separate deity, but a part of the very Glory of God, The Father, Himself. This was God Almighty, the YHVH. This was The One God and The Only God. Christ was a vital part of that Glory.

In Exodus 33:19, God said, “I will make all my goodness pass before thee....” This is right out of The Bible. God Himself states that God’s Glory is all of God’s Goodness! It is not Christ as a separate deity. In fact, God said that His Glory is not God, the Being, but rather God’s Glory in His Total Goodness!

Strong’s, #3519 (kabow’d), #3519 and #3513 for “glory” is defined as “weight,” “copiousness,” “magnificence,” “wealth” or “all that God is.” God’s Glory is truly all of God’s Goodness. All of God’s procreative and creative power as God, The Logos or God’s Thoughts – is God’s Glory (I Corinthians 3:16-17, 6:19-20). This is by The Power of God’s Holy Spirit.

In God’s Glory, the first prominent aspect is The Spirit of Christ. Through that Spirit, all of God’s creation, along with God’s whole Purpose and Plan, is prepared for God’s future Sons and Daughters. All of God’s complete goodness and love for everything is being worked out in God’s Plan – and it is “God’s Glory.” All that “is” comes from God. God is to be “All and in All.” The “doxa,” Greek for “God’s Glory,” in The New Testament and “kabow’d” in The Old Testament carries the same meaning.

Read Exodus 33:20-23, and you should see clearly that no one has seen God because they would not have lived. They would have been burned up. Hebrews 12:29 states that God is a “Consuming Fire.” Moses, when hiding in the cleft of the rock, and looking at God’s hind parts – really only saw God’s Glory – or the radiance from God’s Being which contains all of God’s Goodness.

Moses’ face would shine brightly after he talked to God. To look at God’s Glory gives one a sunburn. Moses, however, never saw God Himself, but only His Glory. Christ was in that “Glory,” the same “Glory” Jesus had before the world was. Christ, The Firstborn, before the world existed, was with The Father, but only in God’s Glory.

God’s face shines as the sun. When one looks at the sun in its strength, you never see the sun directly. You only see the sun’s radiance or light, but not the very surface of the sun itself. So it is with God. Moses spoke face-to-face with God, but he only saw God’s Glory or radiance, which possesses all of God’s Goodness.

Christ was in God’s Glory. That is what Jesus said in John 17:5. Before Christ was human and became The Word (Logos) by God’s Holy Spirit, He was part of God’s Glory.

In Exodus 34:5, you read that The Lord descended in The Cloud, and stood with Moses, and he proclaimed The Name of The Lord. All that Moses saw through The Cloud was God’s Glory, or radiance, which was all of God’s goodness. Moses never saw God directly.

This Glory of God would follow Israel as the angel of The Lord, which led them through the wilderness (as God had promised Moses). When the angel stopped and Israel made camp, The Tabernacle was set up and The Cloud with God’s Glory would reside in The Tabernacle. Only The Levites could go in and serve. Israel could only be in the court of Israel, but never in The Tabernacle. Only The High Priest could go into The Holy of Holies on The Day of Atonement. God would not deal with Israel directly because they had been unrepentant and rebellious.

Christ was The Rock who followed Israel in God’s Glory, as the angel led them to The Promised Land. The Jews called God’s Glory, “The Shekinah,” from the Hebrew “Chakanh,” where “God dwells with them.”

Jesus was never a separate deity or God. There is only One God, and that is why The Commandment states, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

When you let The Scriptures plainly state who Christ was before He was human, the answer is so simple. The simplicity in Christ is exactly as The Bible states. You are told to watch, lest: “…your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ” (II Corinthians 11:3).

Jesus Christ, before He was born as a human, was God’s Glory. God’s Glory is defined as all of God’s Goodness! You have seen that God’s Goodness is the totality of what God is. His Logos or God’s Divine Thoughts are empowered by God’s own Holy Spirit. This Glory is the totality of God’s riches of procreation and creative powers. This Glory is the act of creating Sons of God who will be formed in the likeness and character of God.

The Apostle Paul clearly stated that, God, in these last days, speaks to you by His Son (Hebrews 1:2). Then in verse 3, the text states that Jesus is the brightness of His Glory. Realize that “brightness” in the Greek language means “radiance” or “light.” Remember also, that God is Light (I John 1:5).

Therefore, Christ, before He was human, was within the radiance – or complete Goodness of God. That Glory which pre-existed in God, became flesh or Christ. Then, Jesus became The Living Word of God by The Power of God’s Spirit (John 3:34).

John said that Jesus became The Logos or Word when The Glory of God begot Christ as The Only Begotten of The Father (John 1:14). The Greek for “only begotten” is “monogenes.” Monogenes translates into the “beginning one.”

When you say that you have your father’s genes, it means you began from your father just as Christ did. God’s genes are God’s Glory by The Power of God’s Holy Spirit. This Glory had The Very Spirit of Christ within it. It was by God’s Glory through Christ that God created all things by His Son.

There is only One God and Father of all, and One Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 8:6). There has never been two gods or three gods, or more. There is only One God, who is The Father with Jesus Christ, His Son. Be sure you believe The Commandments, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).

You must remember The Purpose God required Israel to build a Tabernacle and ultimately The Temple.

The Tabernacle and The Temple are required, as is the true temple in heaven, because God will not dwell with carnal or unconverted beings. Only a High Priest can directly come in God’s Presence whether of Levi or Melchisedec. God does not hear sinners (Isaiah 59:1-2). A mediator is always necessary.

May God's Peace Be With You; catcmo2006
Thank You for allow in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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