Thursday, February 08, 2007

Death Of A Brother

Alfred "Gene" Roeder
Roeder, Alfred "Gene," 58, formerly of Augusta, passed away Feb. 6, 2007. Services pending with Headley Funeral Chapel of Augusta.
Published in the Wichita Eagle on 2/8/2007.
__________________________________________________________________ TRIBUTE To My Brother Gene : This is a man whom was rough in His way but He held to his family morals deep inside of himself. He loved his wife for as long as he was alive they had been married for over 35 years. We both had our children together around the same ages. His wife and I are childhood friends. We went to church camps together as very yong girls and did all the things that a person did there, no matter which one that we decided to go to during the summer months back then, and had our families meet with each other for as far back as I can remember. We all had different mom's, fathers considering which one of you would ask at those moments. My step brother was the one whom I really loved the most in my own life out of all the brothers and sisters, that are in our family of 14 children. My brother "Gene" was always that soft spoken man until someone had made him angry during those moments then he told you about under No uncertain terms. My brother would come home from being on the road in painting those huge water towers that we see traveling on those roads here in the grand ole' America. He loved that job and where it had taken him throughout this country. He really liked the south of the United States. He ment what he had said about that situation at the moment and how things was really are and how not to do those things and how to amend it for one self. He's the one whom was my protecter after some years had gone by along with a older sister whom is deceased. They took thier stand in having the abuses that went on in our family. But the parents didn't adhere to anything that was mentioned to them and at times it grew worse by the day and often times by their weekend benges and racing teams was always high one the agendas. Then one autum day he met my long time childhood girlfriend Pearl then he began to proceed to get a job in the town of "Wichita" were we had grown up in since 1968. Back then it mostly dirt roads and fresh air and country living. That place was alway's called " Cowtown" of the west, and man did it live up to it's reputation back then... I don't know if it still does today as it did back then. Then we all went to the local church called "The Salvation Army" mother had gone with us kids and during mid-week services then on friday evenings was our night back then. Oh, Yes we put on our smiles and had a show of happiness each time we stepped in those doors and at those camp meeting that they had back then. Those long nights was scary back then not knowing which was going to happen... I often times wonder was He coming in tonight and during those times he did come in to get me very quietly during those horrbile nights and often times during weekends too. I just hated living there the only differences it had made that either my sister or brother would come over to see me and they wanted me to live with them but our folk's wouldn't adhere to it at all. Those kind of things are still with me at times to this very day.Especially at times like these when there a death in thr family unit. When nothing happened after that is when all "Hell" broke loose in my life. It was Never the same for years in My own life persay. But the two things that stuck out in my own life was dearest brother " Gene" and our sister "Marta" whom tried to make the differences in my life way back then. We kept very close contack with each other over many, many years with one another. Our geniune respect and consideration grew so much over those precious years we had with each other. And they watched over me as I them. Watching our children grow -up as they have sure put a smile on our faces as we watched them make those mistakes some worse than others. But we all knew one thing that the Love carried us through those rough times.And it still does today. I'm so glad that I had the chance to share the word with My brother"Gene" last year during the winter time about being saved. I do know today that He's with the Lord God waiting to move onward to heaven as the dead will arise first when the Lord comes back for us all. That makes me smile the most in my own personal life in "Thanking " the Lord for what he's done. Knowing that just puts a smile on My face in knowing we will see each other again one day soon. ( I hope) That's the joy it bring me inside of myself as we are about to travle back up to "Wichita" on sunday morning for "Gene's" memorial service at my Nephews home in Augusta which is outside of wichita. Im lokking forward to it but yet seeing some of the other persons in the family unit I'm not excited to see at all, for it brought alot of those bad memeories to be honest with each of you today. I can be honest about it in sharing that truths of which I had already mentioned above. We do have a sick family and at times they don't like to speak about it at all, they to assume to not recognize it at all but yet we can see it on each others faces at times like these. So I'm sticking around My brothers family and my long times friend and our children to get each other through this difficult time with one another as well. Our daughter had a really bad time with loosing her uncle 'gene" yesterday so dad & I went down to be with her yesterday and had a chat with her and gave her our love and support as well, then we came back home to decide to go up this sunday morning. If You would like to keep her in Your prayers.... her name is "Nicole" but we call her "Nikki" she's having a really bad time right now in dealing with all that has come her way in life, and suffers from "Depression" in her own life. I know she would like to have each of You to keep praying for her and our grandsons... Micheal, Christian. Pray that she will see and know just how bad she needs to get her the support she needs and get to it in her own life. And to have someone guide her to that support in helping her get the funding that she needs as well. I know there is something more to say about her but right now this is all I can think of at this moment in time. God Bless each of you and I want to thank You All for up-lifting our family during this time. I will not be on much right now because of what I have explained to all of today. I love You Brother Gene and I will greatly Miss You ! And here is always My Hug's to You until we meet again in that Heaven's Throne Room as You meet me at the gates of heaven. Catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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