Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes:1And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him:

2And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. (Matthew 5:1-12)___________________________________________________________________
The Big Picture: Discourse 1: Sermon on the Mount ( 5:1-12) The Opening sentence of Jesus' Sermon on The Mount ( Matthew 5-7) describing quality of life of a citizen of God's Kingdom. Each Beatitude is to be applied and developed in every disciple and carries a very strong Promise of ultimate good for those whom develop the blessed life.


God has given us 8 Characteristerics of a blessed people. On each of them do present a Present blessing and unto each of them is Promised a future blessing. These do represent to us the principle of grace to All christians. 1. "The Poor in spirit" are "Happy". This is brought before our minds to our conditions, when it is very low unto one's spirit. We become "Humbled" and very "lowly" in one's eyes of emptied of one "Self" in order to be truly filled with Jesus Christ. It's Not, in pride or pretense, to make "ourselves" poor by throwing away what God has given us. It is to be "humbled and lowly"in our own eyes, and to be acknowledged that God is greatand "We are Not; that "He" is always Holy and we are sinful; That "He" is All and "we" are Nothing; and then to be humble ourselves before Him and for us always to acknowledge the straight fact in knowing we are under His mighty hand in everyway constantly under "His" mighty hands. It is to come from "ALL" of our confidence in our "Own" righteousness and "Strength", that we may depend only upon the merit of Jesus Christ for our own as individuals for that glorious Sanctification. [I might add here if you may please]: Allelujah, to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of our "Redeemer" Oh, Thank You Father of glory, "Yahwe-Tsidkenu" ,our righteous one in whom has established the Kingdom which rules in His justice over all the earth. Praise ye the Lord, Praise the Lord Omy soul . While I live I praise the LORD: I Will sing praises unto my God while I have my being. ( Psalm.146:1,2). I praise my Father that never ever fails us in whom puts ones trust in Him. In knowing all of this for it seems to me that all of this world has to offer me is lowly and condemn in all of my own pursuits in every aspect of my own life today. How I worship You and I bless your name Jesus. For there is None other in whom I would follow but only YOU. Thank You Jesus whom is our Father in which we adore in giving Him all of our praises and honor that loves us the same. How our admorations reached Your heavenly Throne in sending us Your preacious Holy Spirit in reviving us everyday until You come for us all. Allelujah, Allelujah , Allelujah to our King. Oh I just can't praise, and thank Him enough today in seeing His very magnificant glory in what He has given us unto those very depths of our souls. Thank You Jesus and unto your people for allowing Me this day inbetween the writing of this word in glorifying You Jesus. Oh how it blessed my soul and having that grand divine interuptions that only You can do precious, precious Jesus. Oh, bless the Lord today. It's very hard to get back unto this word tody in having Him surrounding this message unto all of those whom look upon this word. Thank You, Thank You blessed Lord!!!! He knows us all in whom we are in Him in our hearts and he such a refreshing that beyond anyone of could ever say unto one another during this kind of a moment. He's so lovely and how I adore Him with every fiber that's within me today. Your are our Mighty, mighty mighty God whom power is so strong that only Your children would know it, with every single breath that we can take comes from you living inside of us today and everyday that shields us and protects us in every single step we take unto You Father. Thank You for your blessings, thank you for the shed blood of which you died for us in knowing we our selves have failed when it comes to know and feel all that you have awakened up in us to know and feel you in showing us the way unto you within being in you by knowing that our own self had died in you along with our own crosses that shed with you for you have been with us even when we not know you are there, but as you guide us to that everlasting home. We are always safe from the pestilence and snare of those whom attack us just like they had done to you Father we then are No different that what you hve shared with us that having you settle so far within our reaches that they have been crushed into pieces before us in all that we face and live to be able to stand in with you that the Holy Spirit is within our reaches and guides is all today. For it only comes within that enccentricity of what goes on that our unseen eyes cannot fathom in it's own weights and measures tht goes in those heavenly atmophospheres that beyond the cappacities to behold but only knowing deep within our minds for those angles that are so powerful and very employable in hearing us speak the words that have been spoken unto our ears plus having that inner reaches of our hearts to know such truths deep within us as being a servant of the Most high God ourselves without Him we fail and loose in our own spirits of which he has given unto us all. We can only emulate onto others that very strong emcampment that reaches all over the heavens that our God glories in himself when something have been accomplished before him. He's is all powerful and all knowing that surpasses the human hearts by such accomplishment that's an a payable account to His own children which is felt by that everlasting peace that prevails with us that comes down from heaven through His righteousness unto His wearly people that strengthens in one abmorations of whom the praises goes forth in such an exclusive accomplishment by our God and His Son Jesus Christ Himself. Than we truly have our accolades going forth as our spirits rises to have more of Him and less of oneself unto the magnificant glory of Jesus Christ whom is the "Alpha & Omega the beginning and the end, the first and the last of whom we are in Him that He does all that He commands so in the future His Saints can go onto that long awaited city of Jerusalem and sit down to the long waited fest that our Master has prepard for us at those final moments, then leads us to having those casting crowns ad we lay them at His feet. Happy is He that hath the God for his help, whose all hope is in the Lord. Which made heaven, and earth, the seas, and that therein is: which keepeth us forever. Amen!!!
Oh sweet, sweet Jesus thank You so much in helping us in all of your ways through such a delight in us as a people today!Now as try I come to gather my thoughts in Your help to give to others in You would want me to say before You at this very hour. Is not to say from myself but what goes on in me from You today in guiding me and molding me to be more of you and less of me forever more. Oh, Father, My very precious Lord, You've taken such a wretched soul as mine that has given it all unto You from now to forever more in all of our lives not just mine alone.While we've been so badly defeated in everything that's been struck down, flat broken into You lift us up so high that only been from you as we have cried and cried as we pray them unto You. For You have hearkened those Holy Angles in providing those provsions that goes on before us each and every time a prayer has been spoken unto You. Master, Savior, the KING of Kings and Lord of Lords is whom You are unto us in every way. That by sharing with this darkened world in truyly knowing whom you are within that prayer away. For all of those whom oppose You Precious Lord how much less of which is to be expected when it's time for that judge is literally waiting to see whom is with You and those whom are not with You. Oh how very udly of a seen for them in which those horrbile place they will be and never knowing what's taken in such a place. But You have revelaed in the Word that is a sword of Your truths that those simply flat ignored for what it is worth in one that rejects . How terrible is that kind of judgment for all of those whom will repent when its to late. They ought to have come unto You when in that long times of heavenly years has waitied for them to come home unto You in which there own sentence has come forth in which place it will be for them in a twinkle of a moment. That's where they will be fully disgraced with No knowledge of You will ever be present for them as a people that You have created but those rejected You and wasn't pure inside of one self, but You see through them as ones own darkness has come just in instant it will be gone. Oh Dear Lord Jesus we earnstly pray for all of lost souls in having those warfare of prayers going forth in those lives and people we don't know but You father know them very well. How knowing these things makes me as other's weep very bitterly for all that is facing it as I pray unto You for we or I don't want anyone to fail such as what You said in Your word. We don't want them to have that awful loss of identity, and of silence for all they will have is that place of torment and wrath for those we know and pray for and those we don't know at all. We keep looking unto You as we may keep praying unto ones own death just to see them come unto You will be glory enough for us in whom love YOU so very much within every fiber of our being this is what we want it to be for them. We want them to be in that heavenly home, where that death has NO kind of sting, but a celestrail bodies in being in that truiphantial praises simply because it You that we all adore and singing out all of our praises and glory unto You. Triumphantly we are in You in being one accord with all that makes up our being in one day seeing our own home in glory. This is that only Hope we have in keeping us on such a path that's been laid out by You.
___________________________________________________________________ For he's already given us His glory that He shines down on us, as being His servants but yet in a humbles us in times of which we have so much more growth in getting to be much more like Him. The glory goes away of the kingdom of this earth, but only the humble and mild, and yeilding souls can obtain the glory of the heaven. A very sorrowful person for all those sins with an eyes that looks to Him ....Jesus Christ.. We as God's own mourners live a life of repentence, and has a very lament of thise corruptive world in all natures and totally respect of our God of all of those sin nature of the people in this world of which we live among them each and every day. We sympathizing for those afflicted, often times by others hands, in one's own compassion of which those souls has perished as we have throughly weeped over them one by one, just as Jesus Christ had done in Jerusalem. We do our best to truly comfort those people but some of them run to those worldly people to often times go back the way they were, others runs to Jesus Christ in knowning Heaven is where they want to be. Those whom submit themselves to God and unto His Word, His rod, and especially follows His direction and complys with His design, are gentle toward all people, whom can and does prevail in all of thier own emotions that does not stir themselves allow not ever to allow it to ever to control themselves in which they may have a very soft answer or being silent scorn in return or provokes themselves to turn back to once they came out of in one's own life.It can be silent inside of one self and return to those kinds of people whom has a soft answers and to show that dis-pleasures when such an occasion arises in front of those peoples lives in having some that come with indecencies and to keep in one's own soul yet others are very hot themselves, while yet being cool inside our own spirits and soul as being patient with others that display all of those other emotions. Those are the one's whom are meek living upon the earth. They are rarely provoked, but yet quicky pacified; and would rather forgive those of a hundred than having any kind od revenge on one person so much control of one's own spirit is like having an inherired of the earth of which God had given unto them such a gift. As they as a person know and feel within themselves by the Holy Spirit that has taught them: " But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall deligh themselves in abundance of peace." Psalms 37:11 ... By NOT composing themselves at what we see in this world. A very fretful heart is the most discontented spirit is open to many temptations. For, in all respects, the little which is alloted to the righteous, is more comfortable and more profitable than in nay ill-gotton and abused riches of all of those whom are very ungodly people that lives amongst us. This only comes from Jesus Christ as He hands His dying Love for us which does provides plentiful and well, not only for His working servants, but for His waiting servants. We, then, have that of which is far better than wealth and peace with our blessed God, than of what other people have in this world, by they can't give us at all because they aren't Jesus Christ can give by we know it won't go unrewarded. Our times on earth is only reconded by days which will be numbered; but our heavenly happiness shall be for ever. This is what supports us (Believer's) in these very horrible times. We can rest in Our " Rock of Ages" whom is very permanent and Oh, so strong, durable, sharp-pointed, craggy, hard that has engraved us with His Words of Truths deeply inside of us, whom stand and monuted up by His awesome power that absolutely can't be torn down spiritually, as our own danger emproaches us as we had already abserved it we know where our safety lies with in our lives, and always will be No matter what may come our way in life. For what are in our God be sure in knowing what we all have in our lives and our emotions that are God had given us and they are: The man's industry, hammers for breaking, casting down all punishments, God's power in removing it from us, defense, refuge, safety from all of those evil appreaces that comes in front of us in our daily living with the Lord Jesus Christ it's ours for the taking if we are truly His children, He shows us the way in being prepard for us to follow some simply directions of which He has prepard for us in our life. In all reality we as God's people really have No kind of envy of what they have acquired for themselves anyways, most of what they have is by either ill-gained by all forms of praide, grred, money power brokers that only calim ones way to fame. Excuse me... today, I'm thankful for what God has blessed me with today at this hour and moment of time... He provied this whole earth with those same things... but it's how they done it is what I, personally don't want in my life. NO WAY! The worldly people always support one another in all of those broken needs, but in all seeing this .... they ought to give it to Jesus Christ in showing the right way to get what they have or could ever need in a persons own life... which his truly Him by the way I see it today. I'd rather help those whom lives has been completely devestated and completely lost it all and it seems unto them it's never ever coming back and all of thier hopes and dreams is totally gone from ones own mind and hearts. All they have is the the clothes on one's own feet, and what little information they have to try to find some some way to help themselves in trying to turn it around and knowing it Jesus Christ whom can help them out and NO other way. Thy know whom takes advatage of them which has absolutely nothing but tohers has there own plans and designs in helping them out.... we all know those typical people.... they only torment all of the more... but all they want is a help up... not some hidden emotions or offers that only brings them down all the more.... They want it God's truths and respect, and in all morals that they wan from other people whom lend some kind of help to them that's shameful with degredation that demoralizes them even nore than what they already don't have in one's own life. That's very un-excusable to a person. So they had come to some kind of conclusion in one's own mind when such things tke place. If I do this this way... it's because it has to be this way for in order to achieve something that was inportant to me but doing it ..makes me feel less than.... and it's like saying stuff like .."You scratch My back and that return is even greater than You could ever imagine in your own life time... Maybe it does for a while ... but then You see it's unfounded in what that person has done ... You all know how that story goes on in a person life... That's flat out using them! Only to get some sort of self-satisfaction that only pumps them - up all the more in those types of people in this world. They have so much scoping out all of those they pray on in order in being cunning, lying,sabtage,self-indulgence to get what they want themselves. This is the worlds thinking and doing day in and day out it never shuts-up, it only wants more and more of a person. it's the complete opposite of God!!! No! Thank You ! I'd rather have some peace ofmind knowing it came from Jesus Christ and earned a living at what I do in a particulat Job and pay those tithes and live and see God work in my own life. That other stuff leads to only misery and death! I grew -up with simliar thinking and had taken me all the way down to the very front doors of Hell in my own life, I don't want it to shine it very ugly head at me ever again. It causes so much grief, being guilty, not worth a thing of self, it hides our real idenity,love, compassions,trust and it only darkens us even more than what they have realized.. ..let alone any one else living on this earth. Nope I don't want it at all ! Our God has shown me a wonderful life and I'm never ever going back to it ever again. I'm so very thankful in the Lord Jesus Christ for all that which He's brought me out of that I could never ever repay Him in a lifetime. And all he ask of us is to totally surrender everything unto him! Someone helped me enought to literally shatched out that complete darkness of Hell and showed me how to truly live in those right ways to go in this life which has somuch more to offer that this old world soes for me in my life. So, today, I do my very best I know how to do in Jesus Christ in helping others find the same way out of that solid darkness and for them to have such a light that opens them up so much than they can imagine before that one day it comes on and they see those truths for themselves. And how it changes them from what they used to be into an such encounter that they don't return from wht they had been. what a joyful time that is to witness and see it. Those warning g oes out in each step they take , and they being very careful along the way only to find they have greater rewards by the Lord Himself at it very end. Such puirty come forth and such comliness of what they had been. Such delightful people. They have peace inside of one self that shines forth in all things that they do for others that comes their way of which the Lord sends to them in time. They see whom and what that final outcomes and know that path in helping some one far meet worldly peoples eyes. They all come together in knowing what had been broken and not to fix it for someone else but kindly share with them what helped and didn't help that comes with true dignity and moral values that abounds only because Jesus was amongst them and hearing what they had said unto Him in prayers as they waited and had grown in being with Him . We know how it truly feels in being broeken down and hath fallen so badly unto the gates of hell, but only being led up-ward to that heavenly home while being on earth is what we are so greatful unto Him and whom He had provided for us along our journey in reaching that door that's un-locked in stepping onto heaven. Some of those people that are being more persecuted over in all of those countries most generally have lost their own life in believing in Jesus Christ as one Savior.. Thank You Jesus for allowing this nation to prsent Your Gospel unto the World and at home . catcmo2006

Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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