Sunday, January 07, 2007

Praying For Jerusalam

Praying For Jerusalem _________________________ Dear Precious Heavenly Father; we come to Bless Your Holy Name because there is No other than You and we lift you up in thanksgiving and praises unto Your Holy Name in worship in one accord for Isreal is the apple of Your eye, and this is Your covenant land that You have given to Your people to whom had been given unto Abraham and His descendents.Father it had been given to them that Promised Landas they had conquered the canaanites and it's Your people whom recieved this promise from You. Oh, Father that land had the Romans then dominated that whole region, which was formerly the land of Canaan generally Judea then Isreal had fallen to having divided up into several areas of those districts like Judea, Idumea, Sameria, Galiee, and Perea. But Your people are the only ethnic and religious unity of which You hath given unto them as Isreal, Palestine was Never any kind of Territory of Isreal during this biblical time. Father God this is an insult unto Your People in what You've had given unto them. For they have been such a very long detested enemie in the Land of Palestina for the Romans had it re-named in 70A.D., of Your people upon that whole land unto this day. It's been at a loss ever since this had happened unto Your own people in whom You have chosen to be in the land forever and ever. You had a covenant unto them but today Goverment Officals in other nations has divided it instead and h as brought so many dangers in front of You Father God and went against You as they have come together in todays times. For we know that You've shined down upon them with your mercy and grace in giving your people pleasure in times of trouble when there loved one has been brought down unto their deaths without those whom don't care about your people, in Isreal's in disreguard all the torubles that's before them today and in clinging unto You as they are leading more and more unto our God in strengthing them though they are fatigue as others are lifting the people of Isreal up as they have carried those crosses unto You in them having that crown of glory one day in Your heavenly place called home in the final destination. As we are in unity with Jerusalem the people of Isreal as a people compacted together in communion as our spirits are one in the bond of Peace all around them.In having our advantages in depraving all enemies as You help us all in conquering those enemies that's all around them at this hour as we pray for peace in Jerusalam all around it's borders and in the palace as You re the redeemer as we glorify You Father God, for we seek that every person whom is in you as our brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grand parents whom are standing toe to toe in one accord as fellow- travellers that isn't having any differences because of the peace and love as it dwells among us. Make tempers cease before You that are ever so contentius and be of one mind which it bring everyone unto Your love Father God as You stir us up in our prayers in bringing all salvation into those hearts that changes them in being more like You. That only comes unto them by Your divine glory and power unto all of us and the people of Isreal today. Shield everyone from being targets of killing, and destroying them No matter where they put those feet, or being at home all across the land. Thank You Lord God in all that You do before them, even in their armies and high people in authority that bring truths upon the ears that listen unto our goverment officals in stopping this demise against your people. Oh, Lord God We ask that Satan and all of principalities and prince of the air for we come totally against that entire kingdom and we declare, in the Name of Jesus, that he cannot and will not have any part of Isreal in any way shape or form. He can have nothing to do with those people minds bodies, souls, spirits and all of those lives of the people of Isreal, emotions, wills, marriages, friendships, and aquaintances, fellowships , homes, schools, work places and places of recreation, transportation , vehicles of any kind that would come close to any of Isreal. For in the Name of Jesus and through His living blood, we bind and sever and crush them and all cords of any prince or principality, any strong men or women, every spirit of darkness over all of the homes, business, vehicles, schools. We put Jesus Christ bloodline in between each one of you and we literally cut off all communications, confuse all camps, and we do render you inactive and cast you out, In Jesus'Name. Father God, we ask that You send out Your mighty warring angels in helping Isreal in All of Your provision in a mighty way before them in keeping safe in the shadow of Your wings until You come for them .May they see and witness Your divine glory unto the Apple of Your Eye's in which they are Your people in giving all the praise and glory in all that You have done before them. In Jesus'Name we pray. Amen.


Thank You for stopping in this site,group Sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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