Saturday, December 23, 2006

My Home Is In Heaven spiritually/ and here in the living

As for Myself I stand and truly believe in All allegiance to Our Holy Bible in which those Whole Truths is the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God of which is the Living and breathing God in whom I dearly Love and respect in All of My obedience unto Him in my life today. In His word that states to me is He is always there as My lamp which is depicted in our life in His abundance with His divine Holy presence and takes me unto Him in, Him leading me to Him in a very deep personal relationship so I may follow His leadings for He is the light of this world and unto All of His children . So, in this dark dank cold world in which some of the people whom absolutley defies Him as their God, as they detest him in His Word of truth and His [Only Son] Jesus Christ as their beliefs as they share those horrible thoughts and sayings as never before unto the whole human race. They defile themselves to every single cornors of this earth in thinking that He will Never come unto them. Boy! Do they have it all wrong! They are in complete contempt of Him and are in great err in all of those lives not only in today but in the past as well of this nation. They stand behind falseness of all of those very secret societies, Nights Templers,Jesuits, Jehovah Witnesses, ,Knights of Malta,New World Order, Satanism, NewAge,Illuminati,Masons,Taoism,Jainism,religions,cults,Hinduism,Islam,Baha'i,Zoroastrianism,Buddhism,Shinto,Sikhism, In alot of those beliefs in there own brand of Religious tolerance does not require you:To accept all religions as equally true.Religious freedom means that you can: Without oppression, believe, worship and witness (or practice freedom from belief, worship and witness), as you wish; change your beliefs or religion; and associate with others to express your beliefs.To promote religious tolerance and freedom; to objectively describe religious faiths in all their diversity; and to objectively describe controversial topics from all points of view." What a bunch of garbage ! They defiled God in His Word! That also goes in those groups of people in the homosexual/gay lifestyles / which now argue about Gods people in civil hate crimes these days, as well in which are in alot of those groups which is mentioned! After all it's their lifestyle and behaviors that God condemneds not them as a people, which utterly deviates the Will of God.And for those folk's in this country of ours whom think that they don't like this country saying like "One Nation Under God" then they ought to leave our country on the very same boat, plane that they came here on. They can go back to what brought them over here in the first place in living in conditions of a " Dictatorship and be very happy with it. After all we didn't invite them over here ..they came here on there own accord, and they expect us Americans to live up to those kinds of standards" I don't think so" We are a free country and this nation has fought for us and to keep it for generations after generations to uphold this nation as God has been directed in our forefather had put it inexistence of the constitution of the United States of America. Those people need to do as us whom has grown here and to leave those pack of lies back in their homeland and stand -up for our principles of God in our freedom of which we have today. Besides a long time ago this country ruled over the Indian's nation to where they had No rights and had taken away their beliefs but yet they had became friends with them and sold them out. They as I recall are still fighting back what orginally belongs to them. I don't want to do as some of those wish to do to others at all because God said so!I want to treat all other's as God would have us do in His Word of all truths that's in our own individual life as in living and breathing human beings. I know that I most likey didn't say things very good here but it's how I've felt inside of one self and I've never ever thought of it as being right to those ways that has been laid out in our school books in all generations and the ways of goverment officals have degraded people whether here in this country or abroad. Millions of people has lost lives because of it but this nation carried on under our God in our Prayers so why can't they that have been transported to United States Of America. If they can't handle it then be my guest and Go Back Home ! I first love Jesus Christ and it will always stand that way for my life and countless of others as well. Stop trying to sneak in this country in thinking your gonna change the way WE BELIEVE AND HOW WE BELIEVE because it just won'twork in turningIsre away from Jesus Christ at ALL !!!!! Isreal is our distant homeland and stop quivering about it and leave it alone once and for all ! That's God Apple of His own EYES ! He'll show each of You in not so distant future!

Thank You for stopping in this site,group sites, web sites and other prayer sites as well in holding one another up for prayer's being totally united in everyone around this world, it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers,intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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