Thursday, November 09, 2006

We Prayed!

Last night, as the voting tallies were reported, I knew we were in trouble. This morning when I read the news, my reaction was heart-sickness.

I was so grieved, that I did not think I could do anything today but weep before the Lord.

In my mind, I ran down a list of, "How could something like this possibly happen? Our economy has been showing a new strength--the stock market is reporting all time highs, unemployment is declining, interest rates are at an almost all-time low, and....WE PRAYED!"

So what happened? It looks like the enemy won--OR DID he?

Then I thought, "Oh no!", now we are all in BIG trouble. We failed the Lord; we failed the unborn. We failed...I felt discouragement and despair threatening to drown me.


I started out my heart cry to God with, "Now it's darker then ever--how could this happen?"

Then I clearly heard the Lord chuckle and say, "Get Ready! The Son of Righteousness is arising with healing in His wings!" I knew this Scripture passage comes from Malachi 4:2.

I then saw a huge ball of fire (much larger and more brilliant then the sun). It rose up over a very dark land. Stunning, magnificent light flooded the land with such illumination that there was not even shadows, let alone darkness.

Then the Lord chuckled again and said, "I have a few tricks up My sleeve, too!" A trick implies something not conventional--something not "predictable."

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life."

In a split second, I realized the Lord is fully and completely going to accomplish His purposes here on earth, even through this election.

Concerning this election, this is what really happened--We, His Body, did pray, we did believe, we did vote, and we did cry out for righteousness.

Faith DOES NOT go by sight--and God does hear the cry for righteousness. And He has heard us!

Let us continue to walk in and cry out for righteousness, and let us remember the Bible is filled with numerous stories (Sodom and Gomorrah, Gideon, Abraham, and others) where the Lord clearly moved on behalf of the long as they stood for righteousness.

Although the Lord uses the voting process, He is not confined to it. God does not need a majority or a quorum.

He only needs the righteous to cry out for righteousness!

The Lord is not nervous, and He wants us to rest in the assurance that HE is LORD!

In this time, we must encourage ourselves in the Lord (just like King David did in a very dark hour).

We must not release word curses against people who "won" instead of who we voted for. By doing that, we would only strengthen the enemy of our souls to work evil in this country. There are good and Godly (and SOON to be Godly) people on both sides of the aisle in Washington, D.C. We must therefore bless and pray for each person in office--without regard to how we feel they will rule.

What would actually happen if we really prayed for and blessed those who appear to be in the camp (again, on the left or the right) of the unrighteous? Oh just imagine the glory God would get if we were heard on High, as we cry out for the souls of any and all unrighteous leaders to be turned to the Lord!

Be encouraged dear ones--we have NOT failed--and darkness has NOT prevailed.

God clearly said HE had a "few tricks up His sleeve," and darkness is about to meet head on "the SON of Righteousness!" Oh what a glorious collision this will be! Don't forget about God's laws and Regulations that (He) handed down unto Moses in having Obedience to God's instructions for all of us . In Matthew 8:28-34 we are the redeemed as we follow Jesus Christ in having God's authority of the demons in doing so they have to go and find their own place as Jesus Christ himself told them to do as the person had one's assurance which is calming . Jesus Christ had up surped them because they have No place being in God's children so we have all the rights in one's own delieverance. In Psalms 107:26-29 God will return our Joy even though this election didn't go our way as we had prayed for during this season in waiting on the Lord we keep to ones knees and pray in faith unwavering in patience, trust in him as we await our peace in the delieverance in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now we give our thanks unto God which always causes us to triumph of what is coming in the heavens where he reigns and rules.

Let's Pray On!
Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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