Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Dear Precious Yeshua; You are the Savior of this world that we behold in our lives, for all the people of the world that You have made before us.Father, I bow in worship and praise before you.We cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus Christ and claim the protection of Your blood over myself, family, friends aquaintences, spouses,finances, home, my spirit, soul, body. We surrender self completely in every single area of our lives unto You. For it is that we labor in striving because we have fixed all of our hopes in the True living God, whom is the Savior of all men in the world No matter what genders of which You have made of all human being that don't know you or have walked away or reuse to come into that saving grace and mercy which leads them into that divine reconcilliation in asking, seeking, knocking upon the only door that leads to life of which you have given everyone whom comes unto you with believing, trusting, faith,hope of whom you are in that wonderful harvest in the accesss of obedience in knowing in one's own heart of which is taught by you. In bringing about that new total conversion . For thier are ones out among us whom are in very deep agony , dispare that can't find the way in those lives and are in fullness of torture, humliation which often times brought death upon them either by one's own choice or by others .Father God, you already know that price of which you have paid by the work of crucifixion, all the work of the ressurection,all the work of asension of what you have done before us and are living before us today as our true living God and in my own life today. For all of us are fallable as human being living in this world and we want to thank you and praise for the forgivness of our sins and that precious victory that you have done in our lives. Since the Fall of mankind that You have yearned in your own heart for mankind into that saving faith in being with you, For it only comes by that blessed Holy Spirit's power that truly transform every person in having victory that bring us through our struggles that helps us to grow more in you. And of which is applies to every situation that comes one own way in our lives each and every day.Father God I want this put in your book of records for You Father are my children's teacher in all areas of those lives in my own faith today they each will have an encounter with you in each one being saved, faith believing, with arms raised High before You in worship, praise with such strong inner knowing in whom you are in laying down everything in every single child , teenager, adults and adopted children, familes, spouses,husband, single persons, ministries, missions people in wars, goverment officals, that You have given us as a blessed gift in handing each of them back unto you in keeping securely in you and never ever letting them go.Prepare every heart so the soil is opened in seeding them and that satan won't be able to steal each one of them away but only seeing your truths.Their peace ,wisdom , discernment shall be great within each of them and I thank You Father in fulfilling Your promise and someday I will see them all prasing you . For Your Word in which I speak is quick and powerful and very sharp than any two edged sword with it You Father pierces even dividing asunder of each soul and spirit and marrows of which discerener of all truths in thoughts and all intentions of our hearts as you reveal everything unto each person in moving in you. That they will sow tears in being reconcilled that bring hope with joy in each heart in being a servant in being about the ministry of which you lead them all.Father, I know that You hear my pleas, crys and you will answer me . I will watch expectantly for my very precious Lord for this to come to pass as you deliever each of the person (s) being saved and serving you. Father we ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ that my joy will remain full and our household. For heaven rejoices for every saved sinner whom repents unto you oh Lord. through sanctification comes by the Holy Spirit and may it be in fullness of your glory and revelation power through the faith in you. In which that veil is literally broken and brought down for all of them to see your truths and the light of the gospel to see such a comprehension of your divine revelation that comes only by you, pentetraing them very deeply in understanding, wisdom of the gospel in keeping them in you until you come for us all .That every emotion that they had be crushed, destroyed , intelect in resoning, intellect that only glorifies you in every breath, every word spoken in them all in serving you in each of thier lives before you. in tearing down every stronghold that comes before them .Teach them not to be at war within their evil flesh, mind, body, soul but in depending on you precious Lord. Root out everything that within their very lives in keeping them close to you by that divine kingdom and away from the world in best serving only you. Father give them the way to escape every trapping's of satan in each of those lives and in keeping them far from satan snares but only being captive of your powerful holy spirit and doing your will always. Father take away every person that You don't approve of and bring unto them that only You approve of in each of the children's and every persons lives in serving you as there Lord and Savior. For your divine power is like dynamite that explodes in our very lives in your divine interuption that bring your glory upon us in our praise and worship for whom you are in us and we thank you Father God, with blessing's and assurences of that mighty mighty provsions that only you bestow in our lives in sharing the gospel with others in them having the saving encounter with my trust in you. Thank You Jesus for totaly breaking down the hard foundation with your empowering weapons of old values, humanism, socercy, witchcraft, idols, athesim,addictions , materlism, perversion, unto those lives, that bring them out of this world in coming home of which bring changes unto their lives by that bring saving grace unto you. For I ask to do excedding in your abundence which is totally beyond in my mind, ask which is accrodingly to your power, glory in working within us in being in your glory and your church which stands forever before us this day and every day of our life. We ask for that precious release of your holy spirit to go forth before us of which bring life that flows like a river within us in healing, wholness from it's birthed and released as your church. Hallelujah unto our God whom is alive upon the earth and in me in love and as it all comes to pass in knowing and as my Savior whom does not lie but bring everthing to pass in that saving encounter in our prayers in seeing the results happen before us. Thank You Jesus . We know the harvesters will come forth in all that they do before you in knowing it comes from only you. Bring everything unto every alignment with the atmospher that cleanes in bring home all miracles of sinners, backslidders in which turns from darkness so light can come forth as it openes wide and presses in in your supernatural clearence in moblizing and setting up in such a mighty delieverences, plans, designs that comes before us all. In the Name of Jesus we this in your name we pray. Amen. catcmo2006 Thank You for stopping in this site it's about Jesus Christ first and prayers, intecessory prayer's and at other times about this vast world we live in today which this old world as we all know it is slowly departing to be reaching our home in glory.

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